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#rockbox log for 2012-08-15

00:17:55 Join amayer [0] (
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00:33:16 Quit kevku (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
00:42:59 Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
01:05:56 Quit liar (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
01:06:03 Join missingno [0] (
01:07:25missingnoHey, I'm wondering if I could get some help with a problem I'm having converting fonts
01:08:04missingnoI've tried every method on the wiki, with multiple fonts but they always display either very faint or distorted on the device
01:14:51 Quit jbuk (Quit: jbuk)
01:19:06 Quit missingno (Remote host closed the connection)
01:20:14 Join liar [0] (
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01:53:12 Quit mgottschlag (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
01:59:01 Join Belzebub_ [0] (
02:00:02 Quit Belzebub (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
02:09:17 Join factor [0] (
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02:17:37 Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 15.0/20120808131812])
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02:32:35 Join eckoit [0] (~ryan@
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02:41:24 Quit yakeb (Quit: Leaving)
02:44:53 Quit liar (Quit: huiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)
03:35:03 Join nosa [0] (
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04:14:10 Join pixelma [0] (pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma)
04:14:13 Join amiconn_ [0] (amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn)
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04:18:28 Quit pixelma_ (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
04:22:00 Join TheSphin_ [0] (
04:23:00 Quit zz_TheSphinX^ (Read error: Operation timed out)
05:01:12 Join Rower85 [0] (
05:27:35 Quit XavierGr ()
05:34:10 Quit ps-auxw (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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05:34:29 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
05:36:00 Join ps-auxw [0] (~arneb@2001:470:c807:0:1532:4e5f:2ad3:4123)
05:39:19 Part amayer
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05:59:20 Quit saratoga (Quit: Page closed)
06:06:27 Quit Wardo (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
06:10:08 Quit eckoit (Quit: eckoit)
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06:30:36 Quit gmaxwell (Quit: leaving)
06:51:15 Join r0b_- [0] (
06:51:42r0b_-anyone use rockbox on the sansa clip +?
06:52:49JdGordon_a *few* people
06:53:43r0b_-i think i answered my question now...
06:53:58r0b_-i need an armband but my clip doesnt have the clip part...
06:58:09r0b_-i have spent all day searching and am about to stop
07:21:32 Join kevku [0] (
07:23:42 Quit r0b_- (Quit: Lost terminal)
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08:07:36 Join Zagor [0] (
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08:07:36 Join Zagor [242] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor)
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08:17:10 Quit eckoit (Quit: eckoit)
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08:33:40 Join LinusN [0] (
08:38:47 Join bertrik [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/bertrik)
09:02:06 Join Keripo [0] (
09:19:17 Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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09:21:43 Join XavierGr [0] (~xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr)
09:48:07 Join mgottschlag [0] (~quassel@reactos/tester/phoenix64)
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10:48:54amiconnLinusN: ping
10:51:26 Join einhirn [0] (
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11:20:21LinusNamiconn: pong
11:21:33 Join mortalis [0] (~mortalis@
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14:46:18 Join t0rc [0] (~t0rc@unaffiliated/t0rc/x-5233201)
14:49:12amayerwho hosts/runs
14:49:14amayerall the themes display an extra image that doesnt exist when you hover and they cycle through.
14:55:24[Saint]I take it that "all the themes" doesn't really mean "all the themes".
14:55:30[Saint]where should I be looking?
14:57:02[Saint]Oh...I see.
14:57:34[Saint]It seems its jsut themes that don't use the full five slots for screenshots available.
14:58:49[Saint]actually...hmmm, nope. I'm not sure what the patetrn is.
15:00:19 Quit kugel (Quit: leaving)
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15:04:19 Quit mortalis (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
15:05:20amayeris there a way we can edit the website? or is that up to whoever hosts it?
15:06:35Zagorthe site is in git.
15:07:13ZagorI do pulls manually but it's free to commit and/or submit patches
15:08:01Zagoroh, you're discussing the theme site. that's not hosted on the same server.
15:08:23Zagorbut it's still in git:
15:16:21 Quit lebellium (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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15:36:03 Join WalkGood [0] (~4@unaffiliated/walkgood)
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15:51:26amayer[Saint]: did you look at the themsite.git?
15:53:46 Join sinthetek [0] (~sinthetek@unaffiliated/sinthetek)
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16:32:24 Join JimmyJ_ [0] (
16:34:59amayerdoes anyone have git access to that can commit?
16:35:01amayeri dont have git on my work machine
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16:58:58 Part t0rc ("WeeChat 0.3.8")
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17:05:33 Join y4n [0] (~y4n@unaffiliated/y4ndexx)
17:05:42 Quit Zagor (Quit: Clint excited)
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18:14:03amayerif i want to publish the changes i made to themesite.git what HEAD do i use?
18:14:05amayer(git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master) <−− thats what is says for the master rockbox branch
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18:27:55amayerok so i got this far
18:27:59amayernow im confused
18:28:08 Quit nosa-j (Quit: lol)
18:28:52Torneconfused about what?
18:29:29Tornethat looks like you did it just fine
18:29:42Tornefrom a very vrief glance here on my phone.
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18:37:05amayerTorne: the wiki says i have to have people review it.
18:37:07amayerbut after its reviewed how do i publish it to the live website?
18:37:08 Join megal0maniac [0] (~megal0man@
18:39:28Torneyou dont.
18:39:33Tornethe server admin does
18:39:54Torneyou need to get it reviewed and xcommittwd by a committer first
18:40:10Tornethen someone can ping the admin of the themesite server to get them to update
18:43:03amayerso how do i get people to review it?
18:44:24amayersorry if i seem to have a lack of knowledge. this is my first time commiting with git.
18:44:26amayeri used git to get the simulator but never commited before
18:46:17amayercan someone please review this for me:
18:46:21amayerthanks ahead of time
18:48:30 Quit mirak (Quit: Ex-Chat)
18:53:44bertriklooks like a straightforward fix for something that was probably a copy-paste error
18:53:51bertrikunfortunately I don't know php
18:53:56bertrikamayer: have you been able to test it?
18:54:54amayeri can try and throw it on one of my servers quick if you really need me too.
18:55:11amayerthere is a 99% chance it was a copy paste error tho.
18:55:34Esmilbertrik: Hey, in case you missed my message, your opus build for my Sensa Zip works very well. I've been listening to opus-encoded music ever since :)
18:55:43EsmilThank you very much
18:56:44amayerbertrik: do you know perl?
18:56:56bertrikthis opus build might be less efficient on the battery because it runs the stack of the decoding task in DRAM (high access time) instead of IRAM (low access time)
18:57:06bertrikamayer: hardly
18:58:56EsmilAhh well. I've been using it for two days on one charge. That's good enough for now
19:00:57megal0maniacFrom what I do know of PHP, it looks right.
19:01:02 Join saratoga [0] (980329b4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:01:35saratogaBagder, Zagor, would one of you take a look at g#309? i suspect it can be committed
19:01:50megal0maniacI've reviewed
19:03:44Torneyeah, that's definitely fine
19:03:49CIA-7Commit 8146f35 in themesite by Torne Wuff: (Author: Alex Mayer) Fixed error with theme generator
19:04:02Tornesomeone will still need to pull onto the themesite server though, i don't have shell
19:04:11Tornethanks amayer
19:04:17Torne(i would've done it earlier but was on my phone)
19:04:37amayerTorne: how do you pull onto the themesite server?
19:04:48Tornesomeone with shell access to the machine has to do it manually
19:04:56amayeroh ok
19:05:10amayerso you ssh to the server and just git pull
19:05:36Tornewe don't change this stuff often enough for it to be worth having an automated deployment system
19:06:25amayeroh ok. well i specialize in php. now that i know how to use git maybe i will look a little more into the site.
19:19:37saratogathat would great
19:19:45saratogawe're always interested in trying to improve the website
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19:53:31CIA-7Commit 3c00265 in rockbox by Magnus Holmgren: Swedish language update.
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19:55:57CIA-73c00265 build result: 2 errors, 0 warnings (Magnus Holmgren committed)
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23:11:32CIA-7Commit 54e6baf in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Fix missed buttons in action.c if action_wait_for_release() was called
23:11:33CIA-7Commit 5d9b26f in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: folder_select: fix problem when selecting / as folder.
23:11:34CIA-7Commit 85a6715 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: yesno/touchscreen: Only accept on touch release.
23:13:58 Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:14:14CIA-785a6715 build result: 2 errors, 0 warnings (Thomas Martitz committed)
23:14:24 Part amayer
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23:58:45 Nick amee2woof is now known as amee2pen (

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