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#rockbox log for 2012-08-22

00:00:14 Quit ender` (Quit: Sin is an imaginary disease invented to sell you an imaginary cure.)
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00:19:08 Quit XavierGr ()
00:24:38 Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8)
00:25:52 Quit linuxstb (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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00:45:51 Quit Belzebub (Remote host closed the connection)
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01:20:44webguest696I am having trouble getting my old head around the function of the buttons with clip zip and rockbox, and the manual has no illustrations, is there somewhere that simply explains things?
01:34:23alexbobpI'm not sure what documentation is better than the manual...
01:34:34alexbobpI use clip zip though, if you as a specific question I can probably help
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01:53:46 Quit linuxstb (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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03:49:33 Join katetv [0] (
03:52:33katetvHello. I'm on a sansa clip zip, and getting a *PANIC* audio buffer error. I can paste this full message if needed. I tried entirely replacing rockbox, as well as updating with the unmodified firmware, then repatching and and reinstalling, but still the same error. Any advice?
03:53:58katetvaudio reset buffer*
03:57:03JdGordonyeah, paste the whole error
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03:57:09JdGordondid this just start happening?
03:57:40katetvwell, not recently, but it did come out of nowhere
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03:59:37katetv*panic* audio_reset_buffer_noalloc [] : EOM [65536 > 0] bt pc:
03:59:54katetvthen a list of the 6 addresses that fit on the screen
04:00:40katetvI guess next step would be to just back up all music and reformat the drive
04:06:00 Quit katetv (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
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04:37:35katetvProbably a stupid question, but I should be able to format my sansa clip zip and still load the OF right?
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09:16:07pkugHi there, I just broke apple earplugs of my iPod and only have incompatible earplugs (standart jack, from nokia), would switching to rockbox help ?
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09:18:40pkugapple's plug ins not compatible with standart jack, when i plug non-apple earplugs i hear very atmospherical sound with almost no bass.
09:20:21crwlare you sure you are plugging them all the way down?
09:20:52pkugthat is the thing.. if i plug them all the way down i have this problem, if i leave a bit the sound is normal
09:21:58JdGordondoes either of the headphones plugs have 4 rings?
09:25:34pkugboth of them have 3 rings (with mic)
09:25:49pkugbut i've read somewhere online that the placement of apple's is different
09:28:48pkugjust wondering if rockbox could somehow adjust this
09:28:51JdGordonmuch more liekly is that the apple heapdohones are SHIT and you've become accustomed to the terrible sound they produce
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09:38:47megal0maniacIf you can't really hear things like vocals, then it sounds like phase cancellation
09:39:24megal0maniacWhich is usually caused by the plug not being in all the way
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14:28:02abckb__hi i'm gonna buy a new pmp. I like to know which one is best supported by rockbox? I don't mind buying an older one, if avialable
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16:17:08amayerhas making 1 login for the entire website ever been discussed?
16:17:10amayerlike on login works for forums and wiki
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16:18:49Tornethe various things are not currently on the same machine
16:18:53Torneso, SSO would be nontrivial
16:19:13Tornei imagine it's of fairly low priority
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16:21:44ZagorI don't think I've actually heard anyone request it before
16:22:21Tornemost people use only the forums
16:22:54amayerok thanks. i was just wondering. im doing some work on the theme site and was wondering if there were any other improvments i could make
16:24:37baptisteclHi everybody, is there somebody could help me to mount my rockbox device? I've installed debian and my rockbox isn't recognize by Amarok. Thanks!!
16:26:44amayerisnt rockbox just mounted as a disk drive? not a device?
16:27:09amayerim not that familiar with Amarok(some use 5 years ago)
16:28:35vladkaoalso, is it mounted automatically?
16:28:53baptisteclamayer, my problem is that rockbox isn't recognize by debian itself (whereas rockbox is connected by usb: it shows on its screen "USB keypad mode: multimedia)
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16:30:45baptisteclviadkao, i don't think it is mounted automatically, that is why i would need your help
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16:31:43baptisteclviadkao, I precise that my informatic's level is not high at all (my english too ; )
16:32:03amayerin my experience with debian it mounts rockbox automaticaly and puts an icon on the desktop.
16:32:05amayeris your DAP on?
16:33:05vladkaowhat kind of desktop environmen are you using? GNOME or KDE?
16:33:30baptisteclamayer, I don't have any icon anywhere (on my desktop..). DAP means what?
16:33:52baptisteclviadkao, I use GNOME desktop
16:38:02vladkaocan you open a terminal?
16:39:51baptisteclviadkao, of course. I am here, in front of a terminal
16:40:25amayerDAP means Digital Audio Player
16:40:45amayerrockbox has to be on to mount to a computer
16:41:53baptisteclamayer, thank you. My DAP has Rockox installed on
16:42:39amayerbaptistecl: i figured. what i was asking is: is your DAP/Rockbox powered on?
16:43:49baptisteclamayer, yes. My DAP is powered on and connected by USB on my computer. I shoudl try the following command? ls usb
16:46:12baptisteclMy DAP is recognized by debian: Bus 002 Device 006: ID 05ac:1209 Apple, Inc. iPod Video
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16:48:16vladkaobaptistecl: paste the last 5 lines of dmesg on private
16:49:32baptisteclviakao: [ 17.230939] lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven).
16:49:34baptistecl[ 17.253200] ppdev: user-space parallel port driver
16:49:35baptistecl[ 19.574521] usb 1-4: usbfs: interface 1 claimed by usblp while 'usb' sets config #1
16:49:37baptistecl[ 22.624030] eth0: no IPv6 routers present
16:49:38baptistecl[ 23.668486] powernow-k8: Power state transitions not supported
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16:59:23vladkaowell, i am having the whole dmesg on private
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17:08:10vladkaousb 2-2.3: rejected 1 configuration due to insufficient available bus power
17:08:17vladkaothere's the problem
17:12:18vladkaobaptistecl: ^
17:12:38baptisteclviadkao, what does mean "bus power"?
17:13:29gevaertsIt means the USB port it's plugged into can only supply 100mA, which isn't enough
17:13:32baptisteclviadkao, ah oh. it means that the USB connection on my PC isn't enough
17:14:19baptisteclIf I change the USB port? (i've got many on the PC...)
17:14:29baptisteclI am trying
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17:16:13baptistecl... thanks god i am totally idiot (it is recognized)
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17:21:30baptisteclbut it is not finished yet: when I try to open the folder, nothing happens
17:22:01baptistecland I can't open Amarok neither
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17:24:51vladkaobaptistecl: is this a laptop? if so - is it on mains power or battery?
17:26:15baptisteclviadkao: no it is not a laptop : (
17:28:57baptisteclvladkao: did you see the last dmesg on private?
17:30:55vladkaodisconnect all possible usb devices from the system
17:31:00vladkaoand connect the rockbox
17:32:13*gevaerts thinks putting that dmesg output on a public pastebin would be more helpful
17:32:58vladkaoi'll paste the relevant
17:34:52vladkaobut i've done so already - rejected 1 configuration due to insufficient available bus power
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18:46:12saratogaban CrurfMava for spam
18:48:32*gevaerts isn't fond of spammers
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21:23:23AlexPdoes the clip+ also do the crashing with the screen off thing?
21:28:15AlexPAlso, are the forums being really slow for anyone else?
21:28:40AlexPOn some page loads, not all
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21:32:15pamauryAlexP: forum is fast here
21:32:41AlexPIt is mostly OK here, just the odd page was being slow
21:32:50AlexPBut yeah, seems better now, thanks
21:34:12gevaertsI think there are some locking issues and things are slow if people are spamming or posting at the same time
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21:52:30scorche|shstill world's better than back when it was on Jeff's servers ;)
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21:53:23saratogai think the hardware bug that causes the hard lock thing is present on all AMS devices, although it should be worked around in current builds
21:53:38AlexPsaratoga: thanks
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21:57:57saratogaregarding the current ugliness using playlists on external media, would it be reasonable to have the playlist code check to see if one or both paths actually exists?
21:58:16saratogathe disk should be spun up if you've just clicked on a playlist file
21:59:51AlexPsaratoga: I can't think of any spinning disk target with an sd card slot anyway
22:00:07saratogadoesn't one of the Archos players have that?
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22:00:34AlexPreally? Well if so, that'd explain why I couldn't think of it :)
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22:01:08saratogaIIRC there is one with an MMC slot, although maybe its not a hard disk player
22:01:26saratogaall the more reason to fork HWCODEC ;)
22:02:28gevaertsThe only one is the Elio
22:02:41gevaertsThe Ondio is all flash
22:02:49gevaertsThe Elio of course has no functional port yet
22:02:51saratogaah ok
22:03:19gevaertsWell, amiconn is working on it :)
22:03:23gevaerts(and it's not HWCODEC!)
22:04:17pamaurywhat is elio ?
22:04:32gevaertsTatung Elio TPJ-1022
22:05:14pamaurymais is the soc in this ?
22:05:47gevaertsCan't remember if it's the 5020 or the 5022
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22:06:24pamaurydo I read correctly the wiki: it has flash + hdd ?
22:06:32gevaertsYes. HDD and an SD slot IIRC
22:06:50gevaertsAt least one of them exists :)
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22:46:52truuI made font.fnt but when I put it on box the characters are all blank like there is nothing there?
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22:57:33truuIs this thing working.
22:57:53marazhow exactly did you make your font.fnt
22:59:49truuack: I downloaded link on wiki for convbdf.exe then hit "convbdf.exe -f font.bdf"
23:01:21marazand font.bdf is...?
23:02:39marazdid you try converting from otf/ttf?
23:03:06truuI downloaded bdf from
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23:04:09marazwhich .bdf did you use?
23:05:23truuI tried misaki_gothic and misaki_mincho.
23:05:37truuiso what?
23:06:18truuNo, the 8x8 ones.
23:06:44marazno wonder then
23:06:55marazthose fonts are encoded in JIS X 0208-1990
23:07:15marazi'm not sure whether the converter handles them correctly
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23:08:27truuWhat encoding does it need.
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23:10:54maraztruu: it would have to be shift-jis
23:11:02maraznot 100% sure though
23:11:22marazsjis is JIS X 0201-1997 so it's a newer standard
23:11:42maraz(actually, it's that _and_ JIS X 0208-1997)
23:12:26marazthen again, it should be backwards compatible...
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23:18:05truubackwards compatible..
23:19:54marazas in a SJIS decoder should be able to decode a JIS X 0208-1990 string
23:23:26truuSomething else wrong with the bdf?
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23:47:02truumaraz, what should I do.
23:47:53marazno idea.
23:48:23maraztest if the iso8859 font works ok?
23:54:02truumm.. Ill try something else then.
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