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#rockbox log for 2012-08-26

00:07:47 Quit bertrik (Remote host closed the connection)
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00:43:25 Quit Rower85 (Quit: Hmmm...)
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01:32:20 Quit mgottschlag (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
01:38:30 Quit Horscht (Quit: Verlassend)
01:40:18 Quit ender` (Quit: There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats. -- David Gemmel, The King Beyond the Gate)
01:45:04 Join eckoit [0] (~ryan@
01:52:40 Quit perrikwp (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
02:12:05 Quit mystica555 (Quit: Ekkusu Chatto)
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02:25:11 Part amayer
02:26:23 Quit Rower85 (Quit: Hmmm...)
02:26:55 Quit megal0maniac (Remote host closed the connection)
02:36:11 Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.55=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.)
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04:08:53 Quit liar (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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12:36:58AlexP_feature freeze today chaps
12:37:24gevaertsAh, yes. I was noticing it being colder today :)
12:58:17 Join T44 [0] (
13:01:36 Join Torne [0] (~torne@rockbox/developer/Torne)
13:02:17 Quit Topy (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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13:22:37 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
13:35:33AlexP_gevaerts/bluebrother/others: Is the build system/rbutil ready for use for release candidates? I didn't follow exactly where we are with that
13:38:41 Join liar [0] (
13:40:39gevaertsThe build system is ready. You have to hardcode VERSION though, possibly in the tools/release/* scripts, if you want it to show up right in the build
13:43:36AlexP_OK, so if we wanted them at this stage we'd have to change trunk, do the builds, then change trun back?
13:45:57gevaertsI'd say if you want an RC build *now*, settle for the version display not showing "3.12RC" :)
13:46:12AlexP_yes, I was thinking the same thing
13:46:26AlexP_I think it'd be nice to get them out as early as possible
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13:58:37*gevaerts nods
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16:58:31AlexP_gevaerts: So how does it work?
16:59:06gevaertsYou're asking annoying questions!
17:00:55AlexP_hehe :)
17:01:03AlexP_I'm going to send the freeze email in a minute
17:01:23AlexP_And then after that it'd be handy to play with some RCs :)
17:01:27gevaertsMaybe also do a translation request one
17:01:32AlexP_Good idea
17:01:34AlexP_will do
17:03:34Topic"In feature freeze for 3.12 | Please read before speaking: | Please direct offtopic/social chat to #rockbox-community | This channel is logged at" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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17:23:02*AlexP_ summons Zagor
17:23:06 Nick AlexP_ is now known as AlexP (~alex@rockbox/staff/AlexP)
17:27:32AlexPbluebrother: yo
17:30:01 Join benedikt93 [0] (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93)
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18:26:24 Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt)
19:02:53 Quit benedikt93 (Quit: Bye ;))
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22:39:39bluebrotherAlexP: yeah :)
22:40:35bluebrotheras for your question: Rockbox Utility 1.3 can handle RC builds. But that hasn't been released yet
22:40:53bluebrotherunfortunately I'm unlikely to get a new release done until next weekend
22:41:42AlexPThat's a shame - I've done RC builds and wanted to get them out there, but it isn't the nicest to have to do it manually
22:42:02bluebrotherwell, you can always point people to Rockbox Utility dev builds :)
22:42:02AlexPI think I'll send an email pointing at them, then people can use rbutil as and when
22:42:13AlexPThat'd work too
22:42:26AlexPDo you have a link please? :)
22:42:35bluebrotherwhich means we also get a bit more testin of Rockbox Utility. Not a bad thing either :)
22:42:43AlexPNo indeed
22:43:31AlexPWindows and OSX there?
22:44:01AlexPAnd I should point people at the latest zip for windows and latest dmg for OSX?
22:44:13bluebrotherI just deleted the older Windows zip :)
22:44:22AlexPah, great :)
22:44:35bluebrotherso I guess pointing to the folder should be sufficient
22:48:58AlexPNow, there was talk of making something stable
22:49:02AlexPclip zip?
22:51:04AlexPbluebrother: It seems to offer RC builds for non-stable targets
22:51:15AlexPShould it not filter along the same lines as releases?
22:52:14AlexPOr is it because builds exist for all targets on the server in the RC directory?
22:52:28bluebrotherthe latter
22:52:45bluebrotherit simply offers RC builds for all targets that get announced by the build server
22:53:02AlexPAnd the build server announces depnding on what builds are present?
22:53:11bluebrotherso to remove those the build server simply needs to stop announcing them :)
22:53:12AlexPSo just deleting them from the server should suffice
22:53:29bluebrothernot sure about that −− it's somewhere in the build server magic :)
22:54:18bluebrother(see the data in
22:54:20*AlexP needs a Zagor
22:54:41AlexPI'll hold off on the email until we can remove the builds that shouldn't be there from the server
22:54:48bluebrotherby adjusting that data we can also offer 3.10 for e.g. the nano2g as stable build
22:55:48bluebrotherwould be nice to have RC builds being announced as something more human readable than the git hash
22:56:18AlexPIt would, but this time round it would have meant hardcoding scripts in master then changing them back
22:59:03gevaertsAlexP: not entirely. That's about twhat the build itself thinks it is
22:59:22AlexPOh, I assumed it was picked up from that
22:59:24gevaertsWe probably want that RC cgi to also ask for a human readable string
22:59:37AlexPthat'd be very useful
22:59:39bluebrotherAlexP: I guess we can try to get that fixed for 3.13 :)
23:00:02AlexPyeah :)
23:00:09bluebrotherwe could use tags for the RCs and have that cgi use that tag name
23:00:14gevaerts3.13 will be awesome :)
23:00:19AlexPAlthough what's the betting we are having this conversation in 4 months :)
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23:11:05bluebrotherwe need to have some DevCon in between. At least quite a lot of stuff got fixed then!
23:25:51 Quit Belzebub (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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