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00:17:20 | amayer | [Saint]: ping |
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08:30:02 | * | [Saint] wonders how hard it'd be to do file view settings on a per-folder basis in the file explorer. |
08:33:28 | [Saint] | all files in /bar, music only in /foo, supported files in /baz, etc. |
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08:33:50 | [Saint] | that'd be kinda cool. |
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13:22:25 | pamaury | wodz (logs): I'm updated the atjboottool on my repo, it now successfully extracts the FWIMAGE.BIN file. All the drivers in it use the ELF format and I suspect the WELCOME.BIN file is the main binary but I don't have a mips toolchain to check that. Do you think I should integrate this tool to the rockbox repo ? |
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14:11:07 | wodz | pamaury: We have a tool for rknano so I don't see why not to commit ATJ tools to our repo |
14:11:26 | pamaury | ok, I'll do that then |
14:11:50 | wodz | all in all this is impressive reverse engineer work done by rb dev :-) |
14:12:00 | pamaury | :) |
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14:12:47 | pamaury | if you want me to write the correspoding scrambling tool, please tell me, I don't know if you really plan to develop for this platform |
14:14:14 | wodz | I plan to develop for this platform, but I don't need scrambling now. Studying OF will take some time considering I'll have to learn MIPS asm |
14:14:37 | wodz | And first I would like to finish elf loader stuff |
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14:14:54 | pamaury | sure |
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14:30:22 | pamaury | wodz: done |
14:30:38 | pamaury | feel free to edit/fix/improve it |
14:31:18 | pamaury | if I have the time, I'll try to rewrite it in C++ with a big number class and some more structures to better understand what it really does |
14:32:59 | pamaury | I don't know if it's really atj2137 specific or atj213x as the tool says |
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14:37:18 | wodz | It is easy to find out. Iriver E100 is based on ATJ2135n and firmware update image is available. But I guess this will work for 213x family |
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15:39:22 | amayer_ | why is lang/ under apps/ ? |
15:39:24 | amayer_ | i was looking for lang and apps/ seems like a confusing place to find it |
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15:48:25 | gevaerts | amayer_: apps/ stands for "the application layer", which basically means everything that implements user functionality, i.e. not drivers |
15:48:51 | amayer_ | oh ok. that makes a little more sense |
15:49:41 | amayer_ | i was thinking apps like functionality wise |
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16:30:10 | the-kyle | I'm currently playing a 64kb/s opus file in realtime on the clipv1. It sounds great! Something in the last 2 or 3 commits did it. Before that it wouldn't play at all and froze on the WPS. Only problem now is that stopping playback freezes the player. If I pause first, it reboots. If it's playing when I stop, it hard freezes. |
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17:04:07 | the-kyle | 128k is also playing in realtime on the clip v1. But now I get a reboot instead of a hard freeze when I stop the track, whether it's playing or not. Trach switch works perfectly however. It's almost usable on this device. |
17:04:39 | saratoga | theres almost certainly not enough memory on the clipv1, so you're probably overwriting things in memory as you play |
17:06:17 | the-kyle | Sounds logical, but then it shouldn't play at all I would think. I should be having the same problems I had 2 days ago, e.g. a hard freeze without playing anything. |
17:06:19 | funman | derf: said it should be ok |
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17:08:29 | saratoga | i don't see why it shouldn't play |
17:08:45 | saratoga | funman: is there someway i can see what i'm about to push to rockbox git before I do it? |
17:09:51 | * | the-kyle got it to play 3 tracks in a row, at 64k and 128k. They play gaplessly, and I can skip to previous and next tracks. Pause/resume also work perfectly, and I am able to return to the main menu while playing, although it is just a bit sluggish, and voice clips tend to chop. Only stop seems to crash and reboot now. |
17:09:59 | saratoga | ugh i cannot use git at all |
17:10:52 | funman | saratoga: git push −−dry-run |
17:11:28 | the-kyle | Ah, it's hard freezing at the file browser. |
17:11:37 | the-kyle | while a track is playing. |
17:13:03 | saratoga | do i need to setup the gerrit thing on each computer i want to push from? |
17:13:55 | the-kyle | Oh weird. I can switch to recording while an opus file plays without freezing the device. |
17:14:15 | the-kyle | It stops successfully and switches to recording mode. |
17:14:43 | the-kyle | But then it freezes at the file browser the next time I try to open it. |
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17:15:39 | Torne | saratoga: you need to do the local setup steps in every repo, yes |
17:15:49 | Torne | if you use the same ssh key on every machine you don't need to touch anything on the server |
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17:15:58 | Torne | but if they ahve different keys you need to add all the keys on the web too |
17:16:42 | the-kyle | Buffer size: 3.99GB. This looks funky. |
17:16:51 | saratoga | ah yes i got it |
17:17:01 | saratoga | funman: dry run doesn't tell me what its actually committing though |
17:17:10 | gevaerts | the-kyle: that's slightly less than zero, probably :) |
17:17:24 | saratoga | i just want to check what will actually get pushed |
17:17:26 | Torne | saratoga: git log origin/master.. will show you all the commits you have locally that are not already there |
17:17:49 | Torne | (the .. means "difference between" and the missing second argument defaults to "the HEAD of the current local branch") |
17:17:59 | the-kyle | Wow! Looks like it will work nearly perfectly very soon then. Great work! |
17:18:03 | saratoga | is there some way to see the code though? |
17:18:13 | saratoga | i basically want to do svn diff |
17:18:19 | saratoga | so i can see what i'm about to change |
17:18:44 | Torne | git log -p will show the patch for each commit. |
17:18:49 | Torne | or you can just git diff origin/master |
17:19:01 | Torne | to see a single diff that is the difference from the master branch to your local branch |
17:19:25 | saratoga | I thought i had to commit stuff before git would push them? |
17:19:37 | saratoga | isn't git diff just showing me all differences, not the ones i've committed? |
17:19:42 | the-kyle | Upon turning on the device, the buffer size is shown as 133KB. |
17:20:08 | Torne | git diff can compare anything to anything |
17:20:24 | saratoga | so how do i get it to show me just what i'm about to change on the main repo |
17:20:38 | Torne | it depends what command you are about to run to push :) |
17:20:44 | the-kyle | Buffer size is showing 3.99GB when I play a Vorbis file also. |
17:20:46 | Torne | possibly you want git diff origin/master HEAD |
17:20:57 | Torne | which is the difference between the server's master and your latest commit |
17:21:13 | Torne | this will be the same as just `git diff origin/master` unless you have local changes you haven't committed |
17:21:16 | saratoga | that shows a bunch of stuff i didn't think i committed |
17:21:21 | saratoga | although maybe i did by accident |
17:21:25 | saratoga | i admit i have no idea what any of this means |
17:21:37 | Torne | saratoga: your local branch is probably out of date with respect to master |
17:21:47 | Torne | so you are also seeing the *reverse* diff for everything that' sbeen committed since you updated |
17:21:50 | Torne | if that makes sense |
17:21:58 | saratoga | no its all stuff i changed |
17:21:58 | Torne | do `git pull −−rebase` first |
17:22:07 | saratoga | like adding the test codecs to SOURCES |
17:22:24 | Torne | well, if they show up when you do `git diff origin/master HEAD` then you committed them |
17:22:33 | saratoga | crap |
17:22:39 | Torne | is there only one commit in the log command i suggested? |
17:23:36 | saratoga | two, but one is the commit i just sent in through gerrit |
17:23:42 | saratoga | so i guess that needs to be rebased |
17:23:55 | saratoga | but i don't see the stuff i do on diff |
17:24:20 | Torne | does git status say you have any local changes at all? |
17:24:36 | | Quit funman (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) |
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17:25:01 | saratoga | yes it shows the two commits |
17:25:11 | saratoga | the one from gerrit and the one i want to add |
17:25:14 | Torne | i mean, local changes to files |
17:25:47 | saratoga | ah yes it shows two files modified |
17:25:58 | saratoga | plugins/SOURCES and somethign in firmware |
17:26:00 | Torne | so you have a bunch of different things :) |
17:26:14 | Torne | anyway. |
17:26:17 | Torne | rebase, first |
17:26:27 | Torne | so it will stop thinking you have two local commits taht aren't submitted. |
17:26:34 | saratoga | git pull −−rebase? |
17:26:34 | Torne | then look at git log -p origin/master.. |
17:26:37 | Torne | yes |
17:26:44 | Torne | the log should just have one commit in, then |
17:26:52 | saratoga | it complains that i have changes |
17:26:53 | Torne | and the diff attached to it is hopefully the diff you meant to commit |
17:27:02 | Torne | yeah, it will. :) |
17:27:14 | Torne | stash them first |
17:28:04 | saratoga | huh pull says i'm up to date |
17:28:06 | saratoga | which can't be right |
17:28:14 | | Join linuxstb [0] (~linuxstb@94-195-193-195.zone9.bethere.co.uk) |
17:28:30 | Torne | Yes it can :) |
17:28:42 | Torne | in fact, it almost certainly is, and you are mistaken |
17:28:44 | Torne | :p |
17:29:17 | saratoga | git diff still shows other peoples commits though |
17:29:17 | derf | What did I say should be okay? |
17:29:22 | saratoga | shouldn't rebase fix that? |
17:31:52 | saratoga | i just want to add one line of code, is there someway i can delete my git repo and check it out again without having to redo the gerrit setup? |
17:31:59 | Torne | you never need to delete the repo |
17:32:06 | Torne | no matter what you do, prettymuch |
17:32:35 | Torne | if you really want to get rid of the stuff you have done locally, git reset −−hard origin/master will blow away the current branch and make it identical to the server again, including destroying local uncommitted changes |
17:33:01 | Torne | i wouldn't suggest you do that because whatever state you are in you probably should work it out so you don't do it again :p |
17:33:06 | Torne | but if you really can't be bothered that will work |
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17:44:55 | | Join funman [0] (~fun@rockbox/developer/funman) |
17:45:05 | funman | derf: you said opus decoder should fit in clipv1 ram no ? |
17:45:38 | | Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@pD9E4208A.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:45:57 | derf | I might have. How much does it have? |
17:47:39 | funman | 384kB for the codec iirc |
17:47:40 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
17:47:58 | derf | Yeah, I agree that should be plenty. |
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17:53:12 | the-kyle | funman: derf: As far as I can tell, it's very, very close. Only place I have trouble is when I try to stop playback and return to the main menu or when I try to open the file browser while an Opus file is playing. |
17:53:45 | derf | the-kyle: I don't know enough about Rockbox to know why that in particular would be a problem. |
17:54:16 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:54:18 | the-kyle | And there's still a little sluggishness when voice clips are played at the same time as an Opus file. |
17:54:54 | the-kyle | But I expect both problems will be worked out very shortly. It's already progressed faster than I had imagined on this device. |
17:55:43 | the-kyle | Both 64k and 128k play in realtime now. I haven't tested 256, but I think that's overkill on a 2GB player. |
17:55:49 | | Join linuxstb [0] (~linuxstb@46-65-38-42.zone16.bethere.co.uk) |
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17:57:03 | * | the-kyle most likely will use 64k on this device, but may use 128k at times also. |
17:57:58 | the-kyle | Neither bitrate is causing more or less problems in memory than the other. |
17:58:12 | | Quit amayer_ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
17:58:57 | the-kyle | If it makes a difference, I've been setting the framesize to 60ms when encoding. I could run some tests with default framesize settings. |
18:00 |
18:00:50 | | Join Buschel [0] (~chatzilla@p57905630.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:02:13 | n1s | funman: the clipv1 config #defines CODEC_SIZE 0x48000 which is 288k, is it bigger than that? |
18:03:25 | n1s | the-kyle: do you have a clipv1 and is your build unmodified? |
18:05:15 | the-kyle | n1s: I do have a clipv1, but it's currently running a modified build with hotkey and WPS announcement patches. I can run an unmodified build on it, as I do keep a clean unmodified git tree available for testing. |
18:06:45 | | Join Epicanis [0] (~Epicanis@static-72-95-113-7.port.east.myfairpoint.net) |
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18:10:41 | n1s | the-kyle: those modifications shouldn't matter, i meant if the opus codec was unmodified. So it's working now? i remember it crashing for you, any idea when that stopped? |
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18:12:21 | saratoga | the clipv1 has 288KB of codec memory |
18:13:20 | the-kyle | It crashed when I built it on Monday, but I tested it after rebuilding today and it works. |
18:14:12 | the-kyle | Let me look at my opus codec. I may have cept the -Os flag. |
18:14:17 | the-kyle | kept |
18:14:44 | the-kyle | So the Makefile may be modified still. |
18:16:10 | the-kyle | I do still have the -Os optimization set. Let me change it back to the default -O2 and see what happens. |
18:16:56 | Buschel | n1s: did you have time to test / measure the updated patch? |
18:18:15 | saratoga | i would check the map file and then log mallocs so that you can see how much (if any) extra memory is needed |
18:19:28 | | Join n1s_web [0] (~82f3a81e@www.haxx.se) |
18:19:39 | Buschel | there he is :) |
18:19:49 | Buschel | n1s: did you have time to test / measure the updated patch? |
18:20:28 | n1s_web | Buschel: nope but i can do it soonish |
18:21:04 | Buschel | fije, i am still curious ;) |
18:21:11 | Buschel | ahem, "fine" |
18:21:15 | n1s_web | saratoga: i did check out how much memory it needs and i'ts something like 320k iirc, definitely more than 288k atm at least |
18:21:54 | n1s_web | that global stack is 100k and afaict that's fairly arbitrary |
18:22:01 | derf | It is. |
18:22:09 | derf | Still need to sit down and compute what the real limit is. |
18:22:10 | saratoga | theres 320KB of total IRAM, but about 30KB is allocated for core features |
18:22:34 | saratoga | does opus use the normal codec malloc? |
18:22:39 | | Quit crwl (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) |
18:22:44 | the-kyle | It's playing with -O2, but it has lots of warbles and blips. |
18:23:01 | the-kyle | It plays perfectly using -Os instead of -O2. |
18:23:10 | the-kyle | but crashes on stop |
18:23:10 | n1s_web | saratoga: yeah it allocs a few large buffers with it but then does it's own stack thing |
18:23:33 | saratoga | i'd be surprised if the codec alloc think didn't check for overflow |
18:23:39 | the-kyle | I also get the same crash on stop with -O2. |
18:23:42 | saratoga | AFAIK its handled gracefully on things like AAC |
18:24:10 | the-kyle | This is the 64k test. Trying 128. |
18:24:19 | saratoga | might be neat to print out the malloc pointers and see where exactly they end up in relation to the map file |
18:24:38 | | Join crwl [0] (~crwlll@a91-156-110-12.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
18:24:40 | the-kyle | 128k plays a very small part of the file and stops. |
18:24:58 | the-kyle | It plays about 0.1 to 0.2 seconds. |
18:25:34 | the-kyle | followed by a hard freeze. All this is fixed by using -Os optimization instead of -O2. |
18:28:51 | saratoga | wait, which malloc does Opus use? |
18:29:35 | n1s_web | the codec_malloc |
18:29:50 | n1s_web | but the return isn't checked in opus in a lot of places |
18:30:12 | n1s_web | so a nullpointer deref bug is quite likley imo |
18:30:29 | derf | "A lot of places"? |
18:30:36 | derf | AFAIK only the global stack alloc isn't checked. |
18:30:55 | derf | What others have you found? |
18:31:34 | saratoga | ah ok i thought it was using the more complicated malloc |
18:31:46 | derf | The libogg stuff does. |
18:31:55 | derf | But all of that should be checked. |
18:32:29 | saratoga | g#292 might be useful here |
18:32:32 | fs-bluebot | Gerrit review #292 at http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/292 : Introduce new logging system to codeclib. by Michael Giacomelli (changes/92/292/7) |
18:32:34 | derf | libopus itself only mallocs when you create the decoder context and for the global stack. |
18:32:37 | saratoga | could log malloc fails |
18:32:48 | n1s_web | derf: i just grepped for opus_alloc, the three places in rate.c aren't checked but i'm not sure that's even run |
18:32:56 | derf | n1s_web: It's not. |
18:33:54 | derf | compute_pulse_cache() should only be used if you've enabled custom modes. |
18:34:09 | derf | Which I hope you haven't (for code size reasons if nothing else) |
18:34:25 | n1s_web | no we haven't i wasn't checking thoroughly enough |
18:39:44 | n1s_web | the allocation of the output buffer (which is quite pointless since it's statically sized but w/e) is not checked, that's not libopus code though but our codec |
18:40:58 | saratoga | can you just get rid of the dynamic allocation? |
18:41:34 | n1s_web | yeah should be trivial |
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18:43:22 | saratoga | can the global stack also be done at link time? or does it somehow change size? |
18:43:42 | n1s | no, i't sstatically sized too |
18:44:36 | saratoga | ah nice |
18:44:47 | saratoga | what must be dynamically sized? |
18:44:50 | n1s | only the libogg stuff is truly dynamic |
18:45:01 | n1s | (AFAIK) |
18:45:12 | n1s | and as long as we don't use custom modes |
18:45:28 | saratoga | does the libogg stuff use free? |
18:45:50 | | Join WalkGood [0] (~4@unaffiliated/walkgood) |
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18:47:51 | n1s | some functions call free but i'm not sure if they are ever run, the code_free function is umm, pointless :) |
18:48:54 | saratoga | yeah |
18:53:06 | n1s | in a quick straignt test_codec run it doesn't ever call codec_free |
18:59:07 | derf | The libogg stuff uses realloc. |
18:59:15 | derf | I don't know if that's a problem for your codec_alloc. |
19:00 |
19:00:06 | n1s | decoding the 64kbps test file on the sim codec_mallocs a total of 212kb |
19:00:34 | derf | I'm guessing there's more than 76 kB of code on top of that. |
19:04:20 | n1s | yeah, the codec binary is currently 100k on the clip |
19:04:45 | n1s | so some alloc has to be failing silently |
19:07:36 | n1s | afaict the global stack alloc is not checked |
19:08:17 | derf | 12:30:37 < derf> AFAIK only the global stack alloc isn't checked. |
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19:11:25 | n1s | derf: ah missed that, well it's the last alloc done and the biggest so if that isn't checked, well mystery solved |
19:11:47 | | Join Buschel [0] (~chatzilla@p57905630.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:29:56 | funman | derf: btw that 384kB includes the code (.text .rodata .data .bss) |
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19:32:49 | | Nick funman_ is now known as funman (~fun@rockbox/developer/funman) |
19:34:39 | n1s | funman: so it *is* using some other ram than just the iram? |
19:34:47 | n1s | or what? |
19:37:44 | funman | no |
19:38:28 | funman | #define CODEC_SIZE 0x48000 /* in IRAM */ |
19:38:54 | n1s | that's 288kB |
19:39:14 | funman | yeah, we keep 64kB for memcpy/memset etc |
19:39:23 | funman | so 320kB - 64kB = 288kB left only for codec |
19:41:22 | n1s | anyway, that's less than the codec needs atm |
19:41:33 | n1s | any idea what's at adress 0 on the clipv1 |
19:41:36 | n1s | ? |
19:43:24 | n1s | if the global stack alloc fails as i think it would write to a null pointer |
19:44:30 | funman | reset vectors |
19:44:55 | funman | firmware/target/arm/as3525/app.lds should help |
19:45:51 | | Join prof_wolfff [0] (~prof_wolf@ |
19:46:29 | n1s | right, if those were overwritten it would be very unlikely that it would keep running, no? |
19:46:53 | n1s | unless there's some unused allocation from this stack pointer at the start |
19:52:03 | derf | I don't think there is. |
19:52:44 | derf | If you're calling opus_multistream_decode(), the first thing it does is allocate a buffer to store the decoded audio for a single channel pair. |
19:53:40 | n1s | an easy test would be to increase the global stack size so the alloc fails on the sim and see if it segfaults and check it out with gdb if it does |
19:54:18 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
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20:52:12 | | Quit n1s_web (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)) |
20:53:44 | n1s | first global stack alloc is in opus_decode_frame and that's a pcm_transition buffer (960b for stereo 48kHz) that is only used sometimes (not for my test file) |
20:53:50 | | Join TomecekGD [0] (~2eafec2a@www.haxx.se) |
20:53:52 | n1s | so yeah this could work |
20:56:38 | | Quit TomecekGD (Client Quit) |
20:58:21 | derf | n1s: Are you not using the multistream API? |
20:59:11 | n1s | doesn't look like it but i'm not familiar with the api's availible, there's no opus_multistream_decode() function at least |
21:00 |
21:00:00 | derf | If you tried to get rid of unused code, you might have deleted opus_multistream.c. |
21:01:10 | n1s | i haven't deleted any files so it wasn't in the initial commit |
21:01:19 | derf | Huh. |
21:01:31 | derf | Well, it's in the upstream repository :). |
21:02:09 | | Quit Thra11_ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
21:02:29 | derf | That's not going to help speed or memory usage, though. |
21:02:38 | n1s | http://git.rockbox.org/?p=rockbox.git;a=commit;h=1b8e380 no such file, but a note that multi stream files may not be parsed correctly |
21:02:57 | n1s | just wha'ts a multi stream file inopus anyway |
21:02:58 | derf | But it _will_ let you play files like that from the guy in here who was complaining his file encoded with -uncoupled didn't work. |
21:02:59 | n1s | ? |
21:03:33 | * | the-kyle had the uncoupled problem. |
21:03:44 | derf | n1s: You can stuff data from multiple streams into a single Ogg packet, and then when it decodes them, map them to different output channels. |
21:03:53 | derf | It's how Opus scales beyond just stereo coupling. |
21:04:26 | Buschel | uncoupled problem: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12754 |
21:05:00 | the-kyle | Buschel: Thanks. Saved me having to try to find the fs# again. |
21:05:07 | Epicanis | (Random butt-in question: when would you WANT to use uncoupled stereo?) |
21:05:41 | saratoga | i guess if you had multiple channels that were not spatially related |
21:05:56 | the-kyle | See fs#12754. There are a couple of example files that link from there. |
21:05:57 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12754 Opus decoder fails to play stereo tracks encoded with the "−−uncoupled" option (bugs, unconfirmed) |
21:05:58 | n1s | btw my sim experiment went as expected, with a 2MB global stack the sim segfaults when writing to a var allocated from it |
21:06:15 | derf | Great. |
21:06:57 | the-kyle | The example files include a binaural beat that consists of two tones, the difference in frequency generates a sympathetic brainwave. |
21:07:17 | the-kyle | These tones by nature cannot be spatially related. |
21:07:32 | n1s | derf: well, we don't support more than stereo output even if there's a device we run on that can do it so decoding multichannel stuff is not of much interest to most rb developers :) |
21:08:03 | saratoga | coupled should probably work fine anyway as long as the bitrate isn't very low |
21:08:10 | n1s | the uncopuled stereo is an edge case imo but perhaps that should be fixed by someone |
21:08:15 | saratoga | usually you want an option to not combine the channels to improve compression |
21:09:20 | the-kyle | If the example files have been encoded with no coupling effects, meaning that each channel still plays separately and independently, then uncoupled is not a problem. |
21:09:30 | n1s | at least it's a secondary concern to getting the codec to work well for regular files |
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21:11:25 | the-kyle | At 128k, I didn't notice any coupling when playing a split track that had music on one side and background vocals on the other. Not sure about 64k though. This is different from the examples in fs#12754, but is another case where two channels will need to be encoded independently. |
21:11:25 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12754 Opus decoder fails to play stereo tracks encoded with the "−−uncoupled" option (bugs, unconfirmed) |
21:11:40 | derf | n1s: Well, ideally you should accept more channels (if the CPU is powerful enough) and downmix to stereo. |
21:12:01 | derf | This is, e.g., what Firefox does. |
21:12:18 | n1s | derf: yeah we can't even decode in realtime on several targets for the high bitrates yet :) |
21:13:22 | n1s | so multiplying the cpu time needed as well as requiring a lot more memory which would mean using slow ran for hot buffers just to decode, and then doing a good job downsampling, not likely i think |
21:13:30 | n1s | slow ram |
21:13:56 | n1s | at least not on the slower targets, on the very fast ones, perhaps if anyone cares enough |
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21:17:00 | Buschel | btw, nobody added opus to our manual yet... i thought this would be mandatory for new codecs :) |
21:17:53 | derf | n1s: I understand it's not a priority, I'm just saying in an ideal world... |
21:18:13 | | Join LinusN [0] (~linus@giant.haxx.se) |
21:18:47 | n1s | derf: yeah, but the downmixing is really unlikely i think |
21:19:30 | n1s | i guess supporting the uncopuled stereo files shouldn't be too hard |
21:30:39 | n1s | anyway, disabling most of the unused code, the new static iram stuff, the arm asm, perhaps reducing the globl stack size and building with -Os the codec should fit on the clipv1 |
21:31:43 | n1s | Buschel: your patch saves 9.5MHz on the 64kbps file on h300 |
21:32:03 | Prodicus | Just out of curiosity, if you encountered a multichannel opus recording and wanted to play it on a device which only supported stereo opus files, what kinds of processing (presumably on the pc) could you do other than decode->downmix->re-encode which has generation loss? |
21:32:06 | Prodicus | e.g. I'm guessing it'd be entirely possible to write something that would simply discard all but one channel pair; that'd have limited usefulness, but... |
21:33:08 | Buschel | n1s: more than expected! it saved ~9 Mhz on pp as far as i remember... |
21:34:13 | derf | I'm working on global stack measurements. |
21:34:48 | derf | So far I'm over 64 kB for fixed and I haven't even gotten out of celt_decode_with_ec() yet. |
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21:47:53 | n1s | Buschel: the comb filter could probably be done a lot better in asm for both cf and arm |
21:48:35 | Buschel | definately. it shouts for load multiple and multiply-adds :) |
21:49:47 | Buschel | but comb_filter only needs few CPU power when the patch is applied. |
21:51:03 | | Join sakax [0] (~sakax@d8D862498.access.telenet.be) |
21:51:19 | n1s | exactly, if you havent' set up the gerrit stuff i'll try to push more of your patch tomorrow, i'm too tired to trust myself now |
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21:52:47 | Buschel | yes, that would be perfect. gerrit is still not set up for me. and before i am more into git i should not try to push anything... thanks for testing and pushing |
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21:59:25 | n1s | indeed, more than two thirds of the time both g0 and g1 are 0 when decoding the 64kbps file |
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22:00 |
22:01:13 | saratoga | where is the comb filter? |
22:01:29 | | Join Bagder_ [0] (~daniel@ |
22:01:34 | Buschel | celt.c |
22:02:50 | saratoga | could the atrac one you wrote a while back be adapted for that? |
22:04:01 | Buschel | i did not check this, but the remaining cpu time is only ~2 MHz on pp. it will be more effective to focus on the ifft |
22:04:41 | saratoga | oh |
22:05:18 | n1s | Buschel: i think they'd be rahter interested in this patch for upstream |
22:05:44 | Buschel | well, derf is reading this :) |
22:06:09 | derf | Just a word of advice, relying on me to pay attention is a bad plan. |
22:06:14 | derf | I have too many things to pay attention to. |
22:06:46 | wodz | pamaury: Regarding e150 firmware - it looks like SYSCFG.EXE or SYSCFG.SYS is starting code. .SYS seems to be plain binary objcopy of .EXE. There is cache initialization very near the entry point which is one of the earliest things made on MIPSes |
22:06:53 | Buschel | i will point you to the change as soon as it has been comitted |
22:06:58 | derf | Great. |
22:08:41 | n1s | i tested doing three loops one gor g0 == 0, one for g1 == 0 and one for neither 0 and it saved another 0.15MHz or so but makes the code a lot less nice |
22:09:19 | Buschel | that was my thought as well. this way readability is much better |
22:10:34 | Buschel | n1s: did you my comment from yesterday about decode_pulses()? |
22:11:21 | n1s | yeah, but i forgot about it again |
22:11:35 | Buschel | -> n1s: the profiling results i know show that decode_pulses() uses a reasonable amount of cpu time. what could be interesting on cf is to move the following variables to iram: u[] in decode_pulses(), iy[] in alg_unquant() and maybe also INV_TABLE[] in cwrs.c. on PP this has only few impact (~0.4 MHz faster), but on cf this might scale much better. those arrays are quite small and often used... |
22:12:19 | Buschel | on pp RAM access is cheap, maybe on cf this could be of more interest |
22:12:45 | n1s | yeah, i think it was derf or someone else in #opus that said the whole thing could be replaced by a small function and a LUT |
22:13:04 | n1s | so i was kind of hoping that would happen :) |
22:13:58 | Buschel | sounds good, the code now looks quite.... complicated |
22:14:21 | derf | If you look at http://people.xiph.org/~tterribe/celt/opusdec-0.006-float.tar.gz you'll find an implementation of that in celtdec.c |
22:14:38 | derf | It requires about 5 kB of table data (in celtdata.c). |
22:14:52 | Buschel | cheap |
22:14:58 | Buschel | :) |
22:15:03 | derf | You can save some cycles by doubling that. |
22:15:15 | derf | (right now it takes advantage of the fact that the table is symmetric) |
22:15:35 | n1s | i guess it's not just copying some code over? |
22:16:52 | derf | celt_decode_pvq() should be basically waht you want. |
22:16:57 | derf | *what |
22:16:59 | n1s | Buschel: anyway, i did thry putting INV_TABLE in iram earlier but didn't see any difference |
22:17:17 | | Quit perrikwp (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
22:17:34 | Buschel | n1s: the other arrays look more interesting. they're accessed a lot in the current implementation |
22:19:35 | n1s | Buschel: we don't define SMALL_FOOTPRINT so the u array is not used |
22:20:53 | n1s | iy might be interesting though |
22:21:05 | Buschel | n1s: why is u[] not used? |
22:21:22 | derf | u[] gets used extensively, regardless of SMALL_FOOTPRINT. |
22:21:42 | | Quit mc2739 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
22:21:54 | n1s | heh i totally misread the #endif as #else |
22:22:38 | n1s | wow |
22:23:20 | | Join mc2739 [0] (~mc2739@rockbox/developer/mc2739) |
22:26:19 | Buschel | wow = you already tested it? |
22:26:31 | n1s | no, wow = i can't read |
22:27:37 | n1s | i've no idea what K can be but lets' see if it fits on the real stack |
22:28:11 | derf | IIRC, K is at most 128. |
22:28:28 | Buschel | just wanted to write the same ;) |
22:28:28 | derf | Earlier we allowed up to 32767, but I think we eventually got rid of that. |
22:28:34 | n1s | should be good then |
22:28:57 | n1s | it comes from some bitwise magic i'm too tired to figure out |
22:29:30 | derf | rate.h says MAX_PULSES is 128. |
22:29:51 | Buschel | i was stumbling over that bit-magic as well and decided to simply measure it for the test files |
22:31:27 | | Join scorche [0] (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
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22:34:45 | n1s | ah, it saved 12.7MHz so yeah wow, i can't believe i just ignored the part after the #endif :) |
22:35:08 | Buschel | cool, that's rather impressive :) |
22:36:23 | Buschel | you moved both arrays (iy and u) to iram? or just one of them? |
22:36:34 | n1s | jus u |
22:36:38 | n1s | just |
22:36:53 | n1s | it doesn't even increase the peak stack usage |
22:37:05 | Buschel | well, then let's see what happens when iy is moved to iram as well :) |
22:39:37 | derf | Generally there's one write to each element of iy[] in decode_pulses(). |
22:39:47 | derf | Whereas u[] is accessed O(NK) times. |
22:40:07 | derf | Both reading and writing, and the constant out front is bigger than 1. |
22:41:24 | n1s | iy gives another 2.7 |
22:41:47 | Buschel | quite reasonable |
22:42:24 | Buschel | how many MHz does the 64kbps file need on h300 now? |
22:43:02 | n1s | these changes on top of your patch (and my extra change to comb_filter) needs 80.45 now |
22:44:49 | n1s | maybe even higher bitrates are realtime or close to it now |
22:45:19 | n1s | still no increase in stack usage |
22:46:11 | Buschel | i would expect 128 kbps to work now, but not 256 kbps still should require too much cpu for realtime |
22:50:47 | n1s | any idea what N can be? |
22:52:42 | Buschel | no, i tested quick-and-dirty with 1000. maybe derf can give some details |
22:52:50 | derf | n1s: 176, I believe. |
22:53:09 | Buschel | is there a define that can be used? |
22:53:16 | derf | No. |
22:53:53 | | Join perrikwp [0] (~quassel@cpe-075-177-082-185.triad.res.rr.com) |
22:54:25 | Buschel | so, we should add our good old if-statement to keep the dynamic allocation if the static is too small |
22:54:29 | derf | It's the difference between the last two values of eband5ms shifted by maxLM. |
22:56:03 | | Join lebellium_ [0] (~chatzilla@g231189151.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
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22:57:42 | | Nick lebellium_ is now known as lebellium (~chatzilla@g231189151.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
22:58:35 | | Quit perrikwp (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
22:58:37 | n1s | ah yes, i wish there were more comments or some more descriptive var names in this code |
23:00 |
23:00:13 | | Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving) |
23:00:21 | Buschel | i am curios what a profiling would look like after all those changes. |
23:01:59 | derf | n1s: I blame all those problems on jmspeex :). |
23:03:21 | n1s | Buschel: yeah, i'll try to redo them on cf when i find time, might not be before the weekend, have you tried running a profile on arm? |
23:06:06 | Buschel | no, i only commented some functions to get an educated guess. what do i need to do to run a real profiling? just building woith profiling enabled and letting it run? |
23:06:26 | | Join Galois [0] (djao@efnet-math.org) |
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23:22:15 | | Join perrikwp [0] (~quassel@cpe-075-177-082-185.triad.res.rr.com) |
23:26:44 | Buschel | n1s: hmm, i tried to build like desribed here: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SourceProfiling. but it does not work for me. can you provide me a small patch as example how to change the code to get profiling enabled for opus? |
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23:31:27 | | Join ser [0] (~ser@host1.tldp.ibiblio.org) |
23:31:32 | Buschel | however, need to get some sleep now. see you tomorrow |
23:31:36 | | Quit Buschel (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 15.0.1/20120905151427]) |
23:32:57 | n1s | Buschel: i think i've lost the patch but it's fairly simple, 1) enable profiling when configuring 2) add -finstrument-functions to the codec CFLAGS (either by figuring out how to use the Make var PROFILE_OPTS or just hardcoding for now) 3) add ci->profile_thread at the beginning of codec_run and ci->profstop right before the return in codec_run |
23:34:17 | n1s | run a regular benchmark with test_codec (will take a lot longer than usual) the profile_reader script has user help that should be all you need |
23:34:46 | | Quit freqmod (Remote host closed the connection) |
23:35:14 | | Quit n1s (Quit: Ex-Chat) |
23:39:07 | | Quit ender` (Quit: With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly overhead. -- RFC1925) |
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