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#rockbox log for 2012-11-03

00:01:45pamauryhaha, nothing more delightful than disassembling an OF and discovering new vendor specific scsi commands
00:05:12user890104pamaury: which device?
00:05:30pamaurysony nwz e463 but I think it applies to most sony nwz
00:06:04user890104apple also use these for reformatting/repartitioning/firmware upload
00:20:23 Nick kugel_ is now known as kugel (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel)
00:21:01 Quit ender1 (Quit: It's bad luck to be superstititious. -- Law of Superstition)
00:42:30 Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.55=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.)
00:59:12 Join amayer [0] (~alex@
00:59:53 Quit n1s (Quit: Ex-Chat)
01:02:27 Quit factor (Quit: Leaving)
01:03:27amayerDoes anyone in here know php?
01:03:36amayer(for code review)
01:03:51 Quit TheSphinX_ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
01:06:20pamauryamayer: a bit but not really the code our website
01:07:06amayerim just looking for someone with commit access.
01:07:08amayerTorne: not sure what time zone you live in but ping anyway
01:07:46amayerpamaury: g344 if you want to check it out
01:08:14amayerhow come bluebot never works for me?
01:08:53amayeror is fs-bluebot not for gerrit?
01:08:55AlexPamayer: you need a #
01:09:07AlexP g#344
01:09:07amayer g#344
01:09:12AlexPor maybe not :)
01:09:25***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
01:09:30amayerits because we are named Alex... fs-bluebot hates us
01:09:34the-kyle g#344
01:09:50the-kyleIt hates me too.
01:10:03AlexPlooking in the logs, you don't need the hash it seems
01:10:13AlexPIt might just not be working properly :)
01:10:32fs-bluebotGerrit review #347 at : skin_engine: User selectable track data display by Jonathan Gordon (changes/47/347/4)
01:10:57amayeris it only set up to work for the rockbox project?
01:10:58AlexPIs g344 closed?
01:11:00amayermine is in the themesite project
01:11:07amayerno. im looking at it right now
01:11:13AlexPmaybe it is that
01:11:15AlexPask bluebrother
01:11:34amayerbluebrother: why your bot no like me?
01:12:09 Quit fs-bluebot (Quit: timeout?)
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01:12:47amayerg344 *crosses fingers*
01:13:34amayer*slumps shoulders* feels let down
01:16:09amayerfs-bluebot: g344 please
01:16:22amayerwell asking nicely is out of the question
01:19:48amayerwell im going to watch a movie... ttyl
01:19:53 Part amayer
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01:38:04 Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
01:45:40 Quit Guest44874 (Quit: Hmmm...)
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02:10:09hmmhmmquick question: how far in terms of development is the Sansa Clip Zip port?
02:10:36hmmhmmi failed to find any information or any kind of roadmap on that specific port
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03:43:45pamauryhmmhmm: I think it is stable except for usb
03:44:17hmmhmmright, i read something about the USB not always working, right?
03:44:31hmmhmmin the forums IIRC
03:46:02hmmhmmapparently some games and applications aren't working that well either
03:46:39 Quit sentriz (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
03:47:13hmmhmmbut is there any sort of milestone for fixing the usb at least? or is the clip zip simply not a priority ATM?
04:26:31pamauryusb on the clip plus/zip is a mystery, no one knows how to solve it, so there is no estimated deadline
04:27:24hmmhmmhum that's bad
04:28:03hmmhmmi wanted to get one, but if that's the case i think i'll get a clip+ instead
04:29:03hmmhmmthat or i can wait for a USB fix, though it will likely not get one soon
04:31:25 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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07:24:37bluebrotherAlexP, amayer: the bot only checks the rockbox repository. Haven't gotten arount to make it checks others.
08:04:42 Join pretty_function [0] (~sigBART@
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09:47:38stripwaxmorning all
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12:22:26pamauryanyone here has a sony nwz player ?
12:31:11bertrikno, but I have a minidisc player :)
12:31:33bertrikperhaps the command codes to do the secure stuff are similar
12:32:37pamaurybertrik: does it show up as a mass storage ?
12:33:18pamaurybertrik: by the way, about the zen-xi 3, still playing or could you send it back to me so I can player ? :)
12:33:48pamauryanyway if you want to try, it's the git repo, utils/nwztools/scsitools/
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12:35:02pamaurydo you know what is the soc inside this minidisc ?
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16:39:55copperWhy isn't it possible to dual boot the iPod Classic exactly?
16:40:12copperWhat's the diffference with the iPod Video?
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17:22:11AlexPcompletely different
17:23:03AlexPFor the reasons, it has been explained in the logs before, or wait around until someone (probably TheSeven) feels like explaining it again :)
17:23:12AlexPI won't, as I'd get it wrong
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21:42:07TheSevencopper: it's completely different hardware
21:42:28TheSevenmuch more similar to an early iphone generation than to the ipod video
21:43:20TheSeveneven though apply tried to prevent rockboxing that ipod really hard, we got past that, and this kind of protection stuff isn't even hindering dualboot much
21:43:54TheSevenbut there is a bug somewhere that we just haven't found yet, that makes apple's firmware lock up early during boot, if it's booted through our bootloader
21:44:03 Quit pretty_f_ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
21:44:26TheSeventhis is some kind of stuff that's really hard to debug, and nobody has had the time and patience to do it yet
21:44:47TheSevenso there are no real technical roadblocks, just a nasty bug hiding somewhere
21:55:02copperwhy does Apple care?
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22:30:12AlexPBecause they are Apple
22:30:16AlexPIt's what they do
22:30:56copperit doesn't impact them
22:31:07AlexPThat doesn't matter :)
22:31:18AlexPAnd it might, in an albeit miniscule way
22:31:28gevaertsWhat doesn't impact them?
22:31:33AlexPAdditional returns
22:31:40coppercustomers rockboxing their iPod on their own
22:31:47AlexPOr any custom code
22:32:02gevaertsRockbox isn't what they're trying to prevent
22:32:11copperthen what?
22:32:30gevaertsBypassing DRM on audio
22:32:38amayerif someone installs 3rd party software then they dont need itunes which is where apple makes alot of their money
22:32:50gevaertsAlso, apparently, prototyping iphone DRM
22:33:11AlexPamayer: That doesn't make sense
22:33:20copperI was gonna say, "makes sense"
22:33:27AlexPYou can use itunes to load your own CDs/MP3s anyway
22:33:38AlexPSo people don't need to buy through it now
22:33:43copperyeah but with iTunes you get iTMS adverts
22:34:59amayerif you have to use itunes to sync your ipod then you are more likly to buy music.
22:35:01amayeryou dont have to buy the music through itunes but you are more likly too if you use it all the time.
22:35:03amayer(i know there are other programs that you can sync your ipod with.. just saying to avoid arguing about the other programs)
22:35:13AlexPI don't buy that
22:35:26AlexPBut hey, maybe some people are that impressionable
22:35:26gevaertsIt doesn't really matter anyway
22:35:39copperAlexP: not impressionable, it's more an impulse purchase thing
22:35:44copperit's easy, just a few clicks
22:35:58AlexPAnyway, doesn't matter
22:36:05copperif you stop using iTunes altogether, you don't even think about trying the iTMS
22:36:15AlexPWhat is that?
22:36:19copperiTunes Music Store
22:36:23AlexPAll I know TMS as is Test Match Special
22:38:08 Quit perrikwp_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
22:42:08amayerwow... 100% of the threads in my "new topics" is spam
22:44:24amayer(in the forums)
22:44:29 Quit y4n (Quit: Today is the perfect day for a perfect day.)
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23:20:56 Quit benedikt93 (Quit: Bye ;))
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23:31:31JdGordonAlexP: gevaerts: any thoughts on g#347 ?
23:31:33fs-bluebotGerrit review #347 at : skin_engine: User selectable track data display by Jonathan Gordon (changes/47/347/4)
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