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#rockbox log for 2012-12-10

00:01:26darkook thanks Bagder
00:01:40darkoit will have to wait untill tommorow
00:02:03darkoits midnight here
00:02:31darkoand I'll just have to see how it goes
00:02:55darkosee you and take care!
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00:07:06 Quit darko (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
00:09:45 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
00:14:30 Quit ender1 (Quit: Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.)
00:21:14JdGordonbertrik: Ryan Hitchamn (g370) isnt in CREDITS
00:21:16fs-bluebotGerrit review #370 at : si4700: fix typo by Ryan Hitchman (changes/70/370/1)
00:30:11 Quit anewuser ()
00:32:33 Quit yuriks (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
00:41:30 Quit Rower85 (Quit: Hmmm...)
00:52:28 Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
01:04:47 Join yuriks [0] (~yuriks@opentyrian/developer/yuriks)
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01:33:28 Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20121205060959])
01:46:31 Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.55=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.)
01:47:45 Join Marex [0] (~Marex@2a01:430:d:0:2cc:6ff:fefc:db16)
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08:38:05kugelJdGordon: what are the segment sizes?
08:38:36JdGordon1/3 of the width/height
08:39:03kugeloh, that large?
08:39:26JdGordon1/3 of the source image
08:39:52kugelnormally you want small borders (1-2px), and the rest for the center image
08:40:28JdGordonmy test image was 75x75 which worked nicely
08:40:54kugelmaybe, but that's not a normal use case
08:41:05JdGordonsays who?
08:41:12kugelI don't see it being used with large borders like this
08:41:26 Quit kiwicam (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
08:41:40JdGordonso use a 16x16 image if you want
08:42:32kugel(that's not 685cf59: 9 segment bitmap drawing:
08:42:32kugelUse %x9(id) to draw an image in the whole current viewport using the 9 segment drawer (which draws the corners as normal and *tiles* the middle segments to the needed width/height).
08:43:05kugel(that's not divisible by 3 which is another problem)
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08:43:44kugelif I want a 100x100 viewport with small borders (for, e.g. a button), then I can't use 16x16 image just to get a smaller border
08:43:51kugelor did I misunderstand=
08:47:20*kugel probably did
08:52:10 Join ender1 [0] (
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08:52:49kugelJdGordon: ^
08:57:21kugelah, i see it now
09:10:03 Nick radio12 is now known as radio23 (
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09:54:57wodzpamaury: ping
09:55:25pamaurywodz: pong
09:57:17wodzhave you seen my current achievements?
09:58:29wodzDo I assume correctly that logs indicate problems with bulk transfers?
09:58:50pamauryI've seen your gerrit code but wasn't able to test it. Can you point me to the log again ?
10:00:27 Join stoffel [0] (
10:01:38pamaurywodz: I must leave, I'll read the log and try to help you
10:03:05wodzpamaury:, the 'bulk endpoint xxx has invalid maxpacket 64' is fixed already
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10:49:56pixelmaTorne: very late to the party but - the Ondio doesn't have dircache
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18:05:39amayer_if i got a usb error message "Undefined instruction at 0810E2DC" is that something that can be used to fix what ever the error was?
18:05:41amayer_or is it just a general "an error occured" message?
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18:13:47pamaurywodz (log): the rk27xx ui freezes on my device when plugged. If I unplug and replug it still enumerate but the ui is frozen so I can't dump the log. It seems to choke on the very first bluk transfer
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18:32:13amayer_is this correct?
18:32:17amayer_would that display title for 5 seconds then scroll throught the title then display title for 5 seconds, continue?
18:32:19amayer_I tested it and it seems to work but im not sure if i found some bug that "just works" or if this is an intended behavior
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18:33:13amayer_nvm when i try it with a longer title it cycles too soon
18:34:26amayer_is there a way to get the behavior i described?
18:34:28amayer_show title(5 seconds)
18:34:30amayer_scroll title until end
18:34:32amayer_[back to show title(5 seconds)]
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18:46:35LjLi've just noticed there is a patch for RDS support on the Clip+, and compiled it... am i actually supposed to see any RDS information anywhere by doing something?
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18:49:56pixelmaamayer_: I don't think there is theme syntax for you to do that but if I remember correctly, you can set the scroll delay somewhere to achieve a similar effect
18:50:37pixelmaa setting
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19:09:37amayer_pixelma: i found scroll delay under config in the manual.
19:09:39amayer_it says it takes a range from 0 to 2500 ms
19:09:41amayer_in my config file i put 5000. it works on my ipod classic. but if i got into the settings menu it says "0 ms" which isnt a huge deal for me.
19:09:43amayer_is there a reason that it is a range form 0 to 2500? will setting it at 5000 break something else?
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20:19:22wodzpamaury: I don't know if this is the case but I first entered debug menu (hw info to be precise), then connected usb, disconnected usb and then it was possible to leave hw info menu
20:19:42pamauryah right, you prevented the UI from appearing
20:20:03ManoloMtnezHi, I'd like to find out which of my files I've listened to in its entirety (and then have a script to delete them). Is this information hanging around in a way I can use? Thanks
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21:26:30ManoloMtnezHi, I'd like to find out which of my files I've listened to in its entirety (and then have a script to delete them). Is this information hanging around in a way I can use? Thanks
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23:01:33 Nick B4gd3r is now known as Bagder (~daniel@
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23:12:56lorenzo92pamaury: I now have a working 4gb Z5 and a no-lcd-uart-pcb-naked Z5 1 gb :D
23:13:38lorenzo92what I wanted to do first is trying understand how the .sb is sent to ram and executed
23:13:56lorenzo92pamaury: could it be similar to sbelf?
23:14:37 Quit ManoloMtnez (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
23:15:13pamaurylorenzo92: probably, but without an actual problem doing it or a dump of the rom we won't be able to figure it out. Do you know if there is a recovery program for the z5 for example ? Or are you able to dump the rom ?
23:15:45lorenzo92indeed there is the recovery program (i also needed to use it btw)
23:16:02lorenzo92I have virtualbox + wireshark on linux host
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23:17:14pamaurycan you send it to me ? you can try to monitor the usb traffic so that we have two sources of information
23:17:22pamaurylorenzo92: ^
23:17:50lorenzo92pamaury: it sends to device a .sb with a: linux kernel compressed, cramfs and a little loader; yes of course; the wipes nand, recreates logical partitions on it and then does the magics
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23:23:31pamaurylorenzo92: which executable is sending the sb file ?
23:24:20pamaurysetup.exe ?
23:25:01lorenzo92nono ah right sorry, I'll upload the realy content, but it is z5update.exe can you find it?
23:25:41lorenzo92okay I'll send you what I find in the program directory
23:27:13pamauryif that's just a matter of installing it I can do it
23:28:44lorenzo92pamaury: yes, it is ;)
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23:34:25pamaurylorenzo92: I've got stupdaterappr.exe
23:34:28pamauryis that it ?
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23:36:40ManoloMtnezHi, I'd like to find out which of my files I've listened to in its entirety (and then have a script to delete them). Is this information hanging around in a way I can use? Thanks
23:36:49lorenzo92pamaury: yeah! sorry it was correct ...
23:37:04lorenzo92pff my memory ^^
23:37:47lorenzo92in the meanwhile I sniffed while sending a sigmatel bootloader to it, now I try to understand something (I never did such things :D)
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23:43:54lorenzo92pamaury: seems like 64kb of "header", then 4160 bytes of "data"
23:44:04lorenzo92*64 byte
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23:44:41pamauryfunny, I just noticed that when in UMS mode is has the same classes that the Zen X-Fi 2 updater so perhaps there is something which is supported by all stmp's SDKs. Nothing to do with recovery mode though
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23:51:04lorenzo92pamaury: so, what do you think about these "packets", am I correct, you think?
23:56:00 Quit Rower85 (Quit: Hmmm...)
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23:58:30lorenzo92I don't see the BLTC signature anywhere, so I guess not compatible with sbloader

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