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Click in the nick column to highlight everything a person has said.
00:07:45 | Quit scorche (Disconnected by services) | |
00:07:48 | Join scorche` [0] (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) | |
00:13:13 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:15:12 | Join eckoit [0] (~ryan@ | |
00:23:17 | Quit eckoit (Quit: eckoit) | |
00:26:54 | Quit SuperBrainAK (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | |
00:49:11 | pamaury | |
00:53:12 | Join kerrick [0] ( | |
00:53:12 | Nick kerrick is now known as KerrickLong ( | |
00:53:37 | KerrickLong | |
00:53:58 | Belzebub | |
00:54:23 | KerrickLong | |
00:54:56 | KerrickLong | |
00:55:12 | KerrickLong | |
00:55:29 | KerrickLong | |
00:56:13 | KerrickLong | |
00:57:11 | KerrickLong | |
00:59:35 | Quit Gallomimia (Read error: Operation timed out) | |
01:00 | ||
01:00:09 | Join Gallomimia [0] ( | |
01:01:43 | Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
01:07:40 | KerrickLong | |
01:07:50 | Quit KerrickLong (Quit: CGI:IRC) | |
01:11:36 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
01:12:00 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
01:19:16 | Quit ender` (Quit: Top reason why compilers are like women: Miss a period and they go crazy) | |
01:27:07 | Quit Horscht (Quit: Verlassend) | |
01:27:23 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
01:27:43 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
02:00 | ||
02:11:33 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
02:11:49 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
02:13:14 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:21:40 | Join saratoga [0] (47e22765@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
02:22:28 | Quit saratoga (Client Quit) | |
02:27:00 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
02:27:27 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
02:53:56 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
02:54:14 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
03:00 | ||
03:10:32 | Join SuperBrainAK [0] ( | |
03:14:36 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
03:14:56 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
03:20:23 | Quit ruskie (Excess Flood) | |
03:26:55 | Join ruskie [0] (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie) | |
03:48:26 | Join Diaoer [0] (~Diaoer@ | |
03:49:48 | Quit Rower85 (Quit: Hmmm...) | |
03:51:11 | Quit Diaoer (Quit: Leaving) | |
04:00 | ||
04:11:43 | Join eckoit [0] (~ryan@ | |
04:11:43 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
04:12:20 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
04:13:18 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
04:30:53 | Quit soap (Remote host closed the connection) | |
04:40:02 | Join TheSphinX_ [0] ( | |
04:43:27 | Quit TheSphinX^ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | |
04:49:16 | Join webguest-karmin [0] ( | |
04:49:16 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
04:49:22 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
04:59:09 | Join amiconn_ [0] (amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
04:59:09 | Quit amiconn (Disconnected by services) | |
04:59:14 | Quit pixelma (Disconnected by services) | |
04:59:14 | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
04:59:15 | Join pixelma_ [0] (pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
04:59:17 | Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
05:00 | ||
05:07:30 | Quit [7] (Disconnected by services) | |
05:07:37 | Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
05:09:38 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
05:10:00 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
05:28:03 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
05:28:33 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
05:33:05 | Join TheSphinX^ [0] ( | |
05:34:28 | Quit TheSphinX_ (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | |
05:43:47 | Quit eckoit (Quit: eckoit) | |
06:00 | ||
06:13:20 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
06:35:38 | Part amayer | |
06:47:02 | Quit Gallomimia (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
06:49:37 | Join Gallomimia [0] ( | |
06:53:08 | Quit webguest-karmin (Quit: CGI:IRC) | |
06:57:04 | Quit Gallomimia (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
07:00 | ||
07:00:40 | Quit SuperBrainAK (Quit: pbly going to sleep /_\) | |
07:01:34 | Join Gallomimia [0] ( | |
07:24:36 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
07:24:50 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
07:25:29 | Join mortalis [0] ( | |
07:41:13 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
07:42:03 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
08:00 | ||
08:13:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:22:42 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
08:23:38 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
08:35:31 | Join |akaWolf| [0] (~akaWolf@ | |
08:59:29 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
08:59:51 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
09:00 | ||
09:09:02 | Join stoffel [0] ( | |
09:17:05 | Join pretty_function [0] (~sigBART@ | |
09:23:14 | Quit pretty_function (Remote host closed the connection) | |
09:35:47 | Join melmothX [0] (~melmoth@unaffiliated/melmothx) | |
09:50:12 | Join pretty_function [0] (~sigBART@ | |
10:00 | ||
10:03:38 | Join sentriz [0] (~Senan@ | |
10:09:28 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
10:10:17 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
10:13:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:47:46 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
10:52:44 | Join kevku [0] (x@2001:470:dcc6:0:69:69:69:69) | |
11:00 | ||
11:35:28 | Quit fs-bluebot (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | |
11:35:48 | Quit bluebrother (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | |
11:36:42 | Join fs-bluebot [0] ( | |
11:37:51 | Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) | |
11:38:59 | Quit stoffel (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
11:40:44 | Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) | |
11:57:52 | Join bertrik [0] ( | |
11:57:52 | Quit bertrik (Changing host) | |
11:57:52 | Join bertrik [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/bertrik) | |
12:00 | ||
12:10:03 | Part zaphee | |
12:10:08 | Quit pretty_function (Remote host closed the connection) | |
12:11:11 | Join zaphee [0] (~user@2a01:e35:2e82:4050:c522:8cc1:95e3:8126) | |
12:13:32 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:19:23 | Quit GodEater (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | |
12:36:14 | Join Topy44 [0] ( | |
12:39:22 | Quit sentriz (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
12:39:52 | Quit Topy44|2 (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
12:53:48 | Join thomasjfox [0] (~thomasjfo@rockbox/developer/thomasjfox) | |
13:00 | ||
13:47:37 | Join webguest4222 [0] ( | |
13:49:53 | Quit webguest4222 (Client Quit) | |
14:00 | ||
14:01:11 | Join Rower85 [0] ( | |
14:06:33 | Join TheSphinX_ [0] ( | |
14:07:59 | Quit TheSphinX^ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | |
14:13:36 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:37:37 | Join sentriz [0] (~Senan@ | |
14:55:56 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
14:56:05 | Join zoriowebspace [0] (~zorin@ | |
14:56:39 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
15:00 | ||
15:06:10 | Quit mortalis (Quit: Leaving) | |
15:20:17 | Join CookieJar [0] ( | |
15:21:07 | Quit zoriowebspace (Quit: Leaving) | |
15:26:19 | Quit CookieJar (Quit: Leaving) | |
15:28:09 | Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
15:32:04 | Quit sentriz (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
15:33:41 | Join pamaury [0] ( | |
15:33:41 | Quit pamaury (Changing host) | |
15:33:41 | Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) | |
15:49:03 | Join soap [0] (~soap@ | |
15:49:34 | Join soap_ [0] (~soap@ | |
15:49:45 | Quit soap_ (Client Quit) | |
15:49:51 | Quit soap (Client Quit) | |
15:52:40 | Join soap [0] (~soap@ | |
15:54:32 | Quit soap (Changing host) | |
15:54:32 | Join soap [0] (~soap@rockbox/staff/soap) | |
16:00 | ||
16:13:39 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:30:26 | Join zorinylmf [0] (~zorin@ | |
16:33:18 | Quit bertrik (Remote host closed the connection) | |
16:38:32 | Part soap | |
16:55:49 | Part zorinylmf ("Leaving") | |
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17:13:59 | Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) | |
17:17:54 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
17:18:49 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
17:24:08 | Join y4n [0] (~y4n@unaffiliated/y4ndexx) | |
17:31:13 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
17:31:21 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
17:39:03 | Quit guymann (Quit: exit(EXIT_FAILURE);) | |
17:43:44 | Join guymann [0] (~c@unaffiliated/guymann) | |
18:00 | ||
18:01:30 | Join stoffel [0] ( | |
18:04:13 | Join soap [0] ( | |
18:04:14 | Quit soap (Changing host) | |
18:04:14 | Join soap [0] (~soap@rockbox/staff/soap) | |
18:09:41 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
18:10:22 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
18:10:45 | Join sentriz [0] (~Senan@ | |
18:13:40 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
18:27:11 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
18:28:11 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
18:47:42 | Part sc_ | |
18:51:37 | Join eckoit [0] (~ryan@ | |
18:51:47 | Join pretty_function [0] (~sigBART@ | |
18:52:47 | Quit eckoit (Client Quit) | |
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19:01:28 | Join SuperBrainAK [0] ( | |
19:31:21 | Join bertrik [0] ( | |
19:31:21 | Quit bertrik (Changing host) | |
19:31:21 | Join bertrik [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/bertrik) | |
19:43:23 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
19:43:32 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
19:56:26 | Quit sentriz (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
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20:02:50 | Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | |
20:03:29 | Join Wardo [0] ( | |
20:04:04 | Join bertrik [0] ( | |
20:04:04 | Quit bertrik (Changing host) | |
20:04:04 | Join bertrik [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/bertrik) | |
20:09:24 | Quit nateloaf (Quit: Leaving.) | |
20:11:37 | Quit stoffel (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | |
20:13:43 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:30:52 | Join DonAman [0] (~DocHollid@unaffiliated/phifedoc) | |
20:31:23 | Quit pretty_function (Remote host closed the connection) | |
20:57:40 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
20:58:06 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
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21:02:02 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
21:02:51 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
21:15:01 | Join eckoit [0] (~ryan@ | |
21:21:45 | Quit y4n (Quit: We're fucking 3LN!) | |
21:25:30 | Quit guymann (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | |
21:27:38 | Join guymann [0] (~c@unaffiliated/guymann) | |
21:30:07 | Quit eckoit (Quit: eckoit) | |
21:36:21 | Join nateloaf [0] ( | |
21:44:57 | Quit |akaWolf| (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
22:00 | ||
22:03:59 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
22:04:08 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
22:11:00 | Join BubuAtze [0] ( | |
22:11:30 | BubuAtze | |
22:11:46 | Quit thomasjfox (Read error: Operation timed out) | |
22:13:17 | BubuAtze | |
22:13:27 | Part BubuAtze | |
22:13:44 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:35:10 | Join eckoit [0] (~ryan@ | |
22:44:26 | Quit eckoit (Quit: eckoit) | |
22:44:43 | Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.55=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.) | |
22:49:48 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
22:49:59 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
22:55:29 | Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
22:55:46 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
22:59:02 | [Saint] | |
22:59:11 | [Saint] | |
23:00 | ||
23:34:49 | Quit Belzebub (Changing host) | |
23:34:50 | Join Belzebub [0] (~torrentow@unaffiliated/blown-engine) | |
23:38:57 | Quit TheSphinX_ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
23:44:06 | Join TheSphinX^ [0] (~briehl@ | |
23:50:24 | Join prof_wolfff [0] ( | |
23:57:39 | Join sentriz [0] (~Senan@ |