00:00:04 | pamaury | I've played with it, really you can't go anywhere with it |
00:00:11 | saratoga | ah ok |
00:00:23 | Raptors | o... |
00:00:52 | saratoga | so realistically, we'd probably want to implement mouse based gestures in the sim, and then once that works, hook it into the touchpad driver |
00:00:56 | pamaury | it's highly unreliable, you don't know what is going on |
00:00:57 | AlexP | Raptors: Everything is either done from datasheets (but we don't have those for most things), or by reverse engineering |
00:01:56 | pamaury | saratoga: yeah, that's why I want to make touchpad something really handled by rockbox, and also make the gesture handling device independent |
00:02:16 | pamaury | as much as possible at least |
00:02:28 | saratoga | GSOC project |
00:03:30 | pamaury | appart from that the touchpad is pretty good: you get 60 reports per second, that's more than enough to get all the information you need |
00:04:06 | Raptors | So wait, the touchpad is actually really good but Sandisk botched their firmware? |
00:04:18 | Raptors | That's pretty sad for a big company |
00:04:18 | saratoga | does USB HID work on the Fuze+? |
00:04:24 | AlexP | Raptors: Also common |
00:04:33 | saratoga | sandisk always screws up their firmware |
00:04:47 | pamaury | Raptors: it's good in the sense that it gives you a lot of information, if they had spent some time on it, they surely could have done much better |
00:05:05 | pamaury | saratoga: yes, I wanted to implement touchpad support over HID also |
00:05:19 | saratoga | that would certainly make improving it easier |
00:05:37 | | Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
00:06:03 | pamaury | sure, I begun some work but I'm not very familiar with USB HID and touchpads in particular |
00:06:14 | saratoga | yeah |
00:06:32 | saratoga | and maybe not necessary since debugging with a mouse would be possible too |
00:06:42 | pamaury | if someones feels like working on this I could try to finish this HID thing to make it easier |
00:07:10 | pamaury | but a mouse is not that bad ^^ |
00:19:20 | | Quit ender` (Quit: I went to a general store. They wouldn't let me buy anything specifically.) |
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01:30:56 | | Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
01:35:40 | [Saint] | Can some PHP whiz with the correct access amend http://themes.rockbox.org/upload.php to include a statement that makes it clear that if a theme is re-submitted with the original details that it will replace the original? |
01:36:34 | [Saint] | Theme name - Real name - email address |
01:37:09 | [Saint] | If those values are the same as the original upload, if will replace the original (apparently this isn't terribly widely known) |
01:38:09 | [Saint] | Oh, hum...target should also match too, iirc. |
01:38:40 | funman | saratoga: pamaury: i had closed that bug because of confusing title iirc |
01:38:54 | [Saint] | closed as "fixed" |
01:40:06 | funman | maybe one aspect of it was fixed |
01:41:05 | funman | e.g. when g#235 was superseded |
01:41:08 | fs-bluebot | Gerrit review #235 at http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/235 : FS #12639: remove skinparser_set_buffer by Rafaël Carré (changes/35/235/1) |
01:41:39 | [Saint] | I don't blame you, it is a nightmare of a bug. Both yourself and wodz have spent some time looking into this mess and turned up other bugs...but, apparently, not *the* bug. |
01:41:51 | [Saint] | It reappeared for another user today. |
01:46:38 | | Quit sakax (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
01:48:36 | JdGordon | someone should just rewrite the damn thing! |
01:48:44 | JdGordon | :p |
01:50:11 | * | [Saint] designates JdGordon as Chief Damn Thing Rewriter |
01:50:23 | [Saint] | ....nowwwwwwwwwww, GO! |
01:53:07 | funman | or we need heap corruption detection |
01:53:26 | funman | did someone test these themes in the simulator? |
01:54:04 | [Saint] | I recall testing lebelliums's theme in the sim without issue. |
01:54:22 | [Saint] | One cannot tell if USB gets hosed in the sim, though. |
01:56:38 | funman | running in valgrind |
01:56:44 | funman | that's how i made the first fix |
01:57:27 | funman | you need to use sdl-threads though iirc |
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02:42:47 | funman | JdGordon: FS #12639 still shows the exact same backtrace |
02:42:48 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12639 Certain themes cause the WPS to not load properly and USB to not work (bugs, unconfirmed) |
02:59:17 | JdGordon | funman: can you try with g#382 please? |
02:59:18 | fs-bluebot | Gerrit review #382 at http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/382 : Use the skin engine to draw the usb screen via the SBS by Jonathan Gordon (changes/82/382/2) |
03:00 |
03:07:41 | | Quit sakax (Remote host closed the connection) |
03:32:11 | * | [Saint] doesn't see how that would fix the problem |
03:32:21 | [Saint] | or, is it not supposed to? |
03:32:41 | [Saint] | JdGordon: ^ |
03:33:04 | JdGordon | it may...] |
03:33:23 | [Saint] | Only one aspect thereof. |
03:33:47 | [Saint] | There's still the "theme fails to apply correctly until reboot" part of it. |
03:34:14 | JdGordon | does his theme use fonts? |
03:35:47 | [Saint] | No. |
03:35:54 | | Quit krabador (Remote host closed the connection) |
03:36:15 | [Saint] | It uses userfont from the looks. |
03:36:37 | [Saint] | Yeah, it uses userfont. |
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07:01:42 | JdGordon | [Saint]: whats the RAM delta with the extra eq bands? |
07:09:03 | | Join TheSphinX_ [0] (~briehl@p5B3222E5.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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07:35:19 | [Saint] | JdGordon: NFI, how would one compare the two? |
07:36:46 | JdGordon | do a build, save the boot file, then do utils/analysis/bloat-o-meter.py |
07:37:23 | JdGordon | if it adds alot of bloat then the extra bands should be compile time confiurable |
07:39:40 | [Saint] | does bloat-o-meter.py just take the boot file as its argument...or? |
07:41:43 | JdGordon | two boot files |
07:41:50 | JdGordon | or maybe the elfs, i cant remmber :p |
07:48:34 | [Saint] | if my local checkout is behind master, how do I diff against the current revision? |
07:49:07 | [Saint] | git diff HEAD^ > diff.diff? |
07:49:30 | [Saint] | hum...no, that wouldn't be it. |
07:52:00 | | Quit TheSphinX^ (Read error: Operation timed out) |
07:52:30 | | Quit stoffel (Remote host closed the connection) |
07:54:08 | kugel | [Saint]: rockbox-info.txt shows both binsize and ram usage |
07:54:18 | kugel | no need for bloat-o-meter |
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08:00:02 | | Join TheSphinX^ [0] (~briehl@p579CCE85.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:00:09 | [Saint] | Ahhh...derp. |
08:00:34 | [Saint] | I wanted 'git diff <current_branch> origin/master |
08:00:38 | [Saint] | ' |
08:01:34 | [Saint] | Another git-esque/gerrity kinda question: |
08:02:36 | | Join melmothX [0] (~melmoth@unaffiliated/melmothx) |
08:03:02 | [Saint] | I haven't done so, but, if in theory...if I wiped out my local repo/branch/whatever, or nuked the last change somehow or accidentally committed so that 'git -amend' no longer works for adding to a gerrit task, is there a way I can pick that task back up again? |
08:04:08 | [Saint] | If I added the change id manually to the commit description, would that "Just Work" assuming the author details were the same? |
08:04:36 | kugel | yes. I believe the author information need not be the same |
08:04:54 | [Saint] | Ah, so I can even pick up others abandoned tasks that way? |
08:05:02 | kugel | iiuc the change-id line is the only significant one for gerrit |
08:05:12 | [Saint] | Excellent. |
08:05:20 | [Saint] | Good to know. |
08:05:21 | kugel | i don't know, worth a try in the sandbox |
08:05:42 | [Saint] | Is that still up? Hum. I didn't know. |
08:05:50 | kugel | yea |
08:06:01 | [Saint] | Thanks. |
08:06:26 | kugel | I guess it'll be open forever since it doesnt harm and there will always be gerrit newcomers |
08:07:23 | * | [Saint] thinks it is a shame that so many contributers have still not adopted the git/gerrit workflow |
08:07:56 | [Saint] | (and that a few are adament that they will not do so) |
08:09:02 | | Join TheSphin- [0] (~briehl@p5B322C7C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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08:18:14 | | Quit DonAman (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
08:19:18 | [Saint] | hum... |
08:19:46 | [Saint] | for android, do I need to advertise 'android15' or 'android16' in -archlist? |
08:19:50 | [Saint] | wrt: build client |
08:22:26 | [Saint] | http://git.rockbox.org/?p=www.git;a=blob_plain;f=buildserver/runclient.sh;hb=HEAD still lists 'android15', but http://git.rockbox.org/?p=rockbox.git;a=commit;h=d798c72 updated to API16, so I'm unsure. |
08:24:20 | | Join DonAman [0] (~DocHollid@unaffiliated/phifedoc) |
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08:34:35 | JdGordon | [Saint]: Once those magic numbers are gone i'm happy to push the patch |
08:35:03 | JdGordon | I just tihnk its a bad idea to use 10 arbitrarily without making it easier for anyone to change the number |
08:35:26 | JdGordon | i dont tink its against the realm of possibility that some HA forum guy would want a 150 band eq :) |
08:35:32 | | Quit ender` (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
08:37:13 | | Join ender` [0] (~ender@foo.eternallybored.org) |
08:37:35 | JdGordon | especially if the ram hit for the extra 5 is problematic on the lowmem targets |
08:37:54 | [Saint] | Feel free to take it over. |
08:39:33 | [Saint] | I don't really see how it makes it any easier, though. |
08:39:41 | * | JdGordon would also love it if the menu entries wernt done like that, but it isnt really possible any other way |
08:39:57 | [Saint] | They're still going to have to go through and set the frequency ranges iiuc. |
08:40:13 | JdGordon | isnt that all just setting? |
08:40:28 | [Saint] | You still need to set the defaults. |
08:41:40 | | Quit ender` (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
08:42:06 | kugel | the number of bands could be a runtime setting |
08:43:33 | JdGordon | [Saint]: have you got other patches in? |
08:43:58 | [Saint] | Yes, but I could just as easily not. |
08:44:18 | JdGordon | i mean on the gerrit task |
08:44:30 | JdGordon | the bloat output looks like there are ata changes also |
08:45:10 | JdGordon | ah, not rebased on master |
08:45:16 | [Saint] | errr...I don't believe I do. |
08:45:55 | [Saint] | gerrit task says no. |
08:46:22 | JdGordon | +1800 bytes, not huuge, and could be shrunk if we broke the settings i tinhk |
08:46:49 | [Saint] | nope, no additional changes. |
08:46:55 | [Saint] | you made me check, bastard :) |
08:47:04 | [Saint] | I knew I pushed that from a clean branch. |
08:47:25 | JdGordon | you didnt rebase before pushing |
08:47:31 | [Saint] | I arsed it up several times, but the alst patch set should be kosher |
08:47:46 | JdGordon | function old new delta |
08:47:47 | JdGordon | static.__compound_literal 4864 5284 +420 |
08:47:47 | JdGordon | settings 6048 6468 +420 |
08:47:47 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK JdGordon |
08:47:47 | JdGordon | eq_data 292 576 +284 |
08:47:47 | [Saint] | and no, I didn't. |
08:48:00 | JdGordon | those are the only sizeable increases |
08:48:05 | JdGordon | i.e mostly strings |
08:48:06 | kugel | [Saint]: good question, forgot about the build farm |
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08:48:26 | JdGordon | [Saint]: there is no problem rebasing before pushing to gerrit... i think you're even supposed to |
08:48:29 | [Saint] | kugel: not a problem, I was just curious. If I helped catch something, I'm glad I did. |
08:48:44 | | Join ben007 [0] (~smartben@nc-76-0-173-90.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) |
08:49:19 | [Saint] | JdGordon: I still had a lot of uncommited stuff in the tree at the time, I only just cleaned up house now. |
08:49:35 | [Saint] | I knew it would still merge, so I wasn;t too bothered. |
08:49:49 | JdGordon | ok |
08:51:21 | [Saint] | The original patch from ~09 still merged fairly cleanly, with only a minimal offset. Apparently that area rarely changes. |
08:51:27 | JdGordon | could we change the eq band config value format to "eq band: <number>, <cutoff>, <q>, <gain>"? |
08:52:25 | [Saint] | I'm sure that could be done. But it isn't as verbose. |
08:52:50 | JdGordon | does it need to be? |
08:53:28 | [Saint] | I guess not, I suppose people don't usually edit them bu hand... |
08:53:33 | [Saint] | *by |
08:54:20 | JdGordon | I'll have a little play, it will also make adding/removing bands easier |
08:54:25 | kugel | it would be nice to not break peoples eq setups |
08:54:38 | JdGordon | so provide a script |
08:54:45 | JdGordon | its not like its hard to translate them |
08:55:18 | kugel | how hard would it be to be able to read the old style? |
08:55:54 | | Quit ben007 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
08:56:14 | JdGordon | well, we could acutally support both easily, and deprecate the old style, but that probably means the change is pointless |
08:56:18 | JdGordon | it would make the code nicer |
08:56:56 | JdGordon | we can add it so the old and new are readable but always write in the new style |
08:57:05 | | Join bertrik [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/bertrik) |
08:58:17 | kugel | yea |
08:59:34 | | Join ender` [0] (~ender@foo.eternallybored.org) |
09:00 |
09:00:20 | JdGordon | which part was the "yea" too? |
09:00:50 | kugel | the sentence just above |
09:02:53 | JdGordon | do we have sscanf or atoi? |
09:03:00 | kugel | yes |
09:03:24 | kugel | both, also sscanf is currently not linked into the core (no user) but that can be easily changed |
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09:12:00 | JdGordon | bah, screw it... |
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09:44:32 | Zagor | I got a report from someone who got a page in swedish when clicking on our paypal donation link. Does it happen for anyone else? I get an english page when I try. |
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10:26:29 | mortalis | Zagor: swedish for me |
10:29:35 | pamaury | Zagor: english here (and I'm in portugal right now if that matters) |
10:34:33 | | Join wo [0] (~5f303f8a@www.haxx.se) |
10:35:04 | wo | swedish here (Poland) |
10:35:09 | | Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) |
10:39:56 | kugel | swedish here |
10:41:00 | Zagor | weird. I wonder what the difference is. |
10:45:04 | | Join LinusN [0] (~linus@giant.haxx.se) |
10:49:52 | Zagor | kugel: please reload the page and try again now |
10:51:05 | wo | still swedish |
10:52:15 | wo | the link is https://www.paypal.com/se/cgi-bin/... |
10:53:00 | Zagor | wo: no, it's redirecting you there. |
10:53:14 | wo | I know |
10:53:24 | | Join lebellium [0] (~chatzilla@lns-c10k-ld-02-m-212-194-176-149.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr) |
10:57:50 | mortalis | Zagor: <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US"> |
10:58:24 | Zagor | mortalis: yeah, that's what I just added to try and force it. doesn't work. |
10:59:41 | mortalis | Zagor: i don't see this code in front page |
11:00 |
11:00:20 | Zagor | mortalis: then you are looking at an old version |
11:01:03 | | Join redhot [0] (~kvirc@ |
11:01:06 | mortalis | i disabled cache and updated the page |
11:01:10 | redhot | Hi folks! |
11:01:13 | mortalis | still old version |
11:01:30 | redhot | Have wiki registration issue been solved? |
11:04:37 | | Quit wo (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) |
11:08:47 | | Join wodz [0] (~wodz@iwl138.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) |
11:12:21 | Zagor | redhot: added your email now. try resetting your password. |
11:13:56 | redhot | Zagor: souns good, thanks :) So I'll be able to upload by battery_bench comparison FLAC vs MP3 |
11:15:02 | | Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) |
11:15:59 | redhot | Cool 8) |
11:15:59 | kugel | Zagor: still sweidish |
11:16:50 | Zagor | the paypal "developer" site is a sick joke |
11:18:16 | mortalis | Zagor: those line works for me, I added it in chrome's "firebug" |
11:19:45 | Zagor | mortalis: then you have an aggressive proxy or something. the line *is* on the rockbox.org front page. # curl -s www.rockbox.org | grep 'name="lc"' |
11:20:37 | mortalis | Zagor: found it, it's in wrong form |
11:21:43 | mortalis | may be not |
11:21:57 | mortalis | i'm looking to the button in bottom |
11:22:28 | mortalis | button on left side works |
11:22:43 | kugel | hehe |
11:22:49 | Zagor | ah!' |
11:22:53 | kugel | yea, I was trying the bottom one as well |
11:23:07 | wodz | heh me too |
11:23:27 | Zagor | haha |
11:23:56 | Zagor | ok, try that now |
11:24:25 | wodz | now better |
11:25:08 | Zagor | great. thanks. |
11:25:37 | Zagor | what about now? (bottom button) |
11:25:47 | kugel | english now. it also looks vastly different |
11:31:02 | mortalis | bottom button redirects me to japanese paypal (https://www.paypal.com/jp/), but it's in english. |
11:31:10 | mortalis | left to us version |
11:31:19 | | Join lorenzo92 [0] (~chatzilla@host10-104-dynamic.41-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
11:31:49 | wodz | hahah |
11:32:14 | pamaury | same here, it's in english but I get the /jp/ page ^^ I used the left button |
11:33:19 | JdGordon | I got the us page |
11:33:43 | mortalis | btw, when in forums left button give me swedish page |
11:33:51 | wodz | so maybe this some form of random seed |
11:33:56 | JdGordon | the forums one gives me se also |
11:33:57 | wodz | :P |
11:34:24 | JdGordon | wiki gives jp/ |
11:34:33 | JdGordon | time to fix some links :) |
11:35:03 | JdGordon | themes is jp also |
11:35:07 | JdGordon | scorche|sh: fix it! |
11:35:30 | kugel | main page (both): us; wiki: jp (in english); forum: se |
11:35:49 | JdGordon | [Saint]: do you tinhk anyone cares if the eq band settings (q,cutoff,etc) cant be on the quickscreen? |
11:36:04 | | Quit mt (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
11:36:17 | | Join mt [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/mt) |
11:36:55 | lorenzo92 | kugel: can you give me some hints to implement touchscreen? I'm a little lost with the various things to implement... |
11:37:26 | pamaury | lorenzo92: you need to enable #define have_button_data in config/target.h |
11:37:36 | lorenzo92 | yes, done |
11:37:51 | pamaury | then your button_read_device (don't remember the exact name) has to fill its data pointer with the touch position |
11:37:59 | kugel | did you look at the android code? it's pretty simple |
11:38:07 | pamaury | and return buttons | BUTTON_TOUCH (or whatever) |
11:38:24 | lorenzo92 | ok, yes I've looked at it, I just don't understand how a "press" is detected hum |
11:38:28 | kugel | the java layer just tells the C code the position (x, y) and state (up, down) of the last press |
11:38:29 | JdGordon | pamaury: did you get anywhere with the touchpad thing? |
11:38:32 | pamaury | look at the zenxfi2 code too |
11:38:55 | kugel | the C code calls some generic touchscreen functions to translate to rockbox functions |
11:38:56 | pamaury | JdGordon: no, didn't have time, got distracted by some many things |
11:39:18 | lorenzo92 | ok, in fact I'm using this right now key |= touchscreen_to_pixels(someData.xLow, someData.yLow, data); |
11:39:55 | pamaury | JdGordon: I begun some work but did not finish |
11:40:02 | lorenzo92 | and something is moving on the screen, indeed, but I need then to get up/down state by myself I guess, or? |
11:40:16 | kugel | lorenzo92: android handles the state detection. if the R1 doesn't have this feature you should use some (small timeout) after which unpressing is assumed |
11:40:40 | lorenzo92 | kugel: okay I need to figure out if the driver supplies this data, thanks ;) |
11:41:26 | pamaury | lorenzo92: it's a i2c touchscreen controller right ? it probably gives you all the information you need and more |
11:42:00 | lorenzo92 | pamaury: yes indeed it is, it give the Z axis as well as width and gesture, the worst thing is that I cannot find a datasheet :( |
11:42:01 | JdGordon | why do we have 3 different ways of fiddling with the eq settings in the ui? |
11:42:25 | pamaury | lorenzo92: there is a linux driver right ? |
11:42:37 | lorenzo92 | yes yes |
11:42:44 | lorenzo92 | I'm studying it indeed |
11:43:00 | redhot | Zagor: Thanks! It has sent me password, Reset has worked |
11:43:03 | kugel | you should be able to receive events through /dev/input/X, no? |
11:43:09 | Zagor | redhot: excellent |
11:43:21 | lorenzo92 | kugel: nope, as usually samsung did not use standard things |
11:43:32 | redhot | Zagor: yup, I'm very glad! Thanks a lot! |
11:43:35 | lorenzo92 | I need to read the device and grab its content using a struct |
11:43:42 | lorenzo92 | kugel: I'm already done with this |
11:43:57 | kugel | okay |
11:43:57 | redhot | Who now can allow me to upload FM Presets and battery_bench results? :) |
11:44:10 | kugel | I'm not sure there is a standard for touchscreens on (embedded) linux |
11:45:10 | redhot | Zagor: If you recently registered here, have you asked to be added to the WikiUsersGroup yet? I kindly ask you to add me to this group :) |
11:45:11 | lorenzo92 | kugel: wait! I'll seek for a generic linux driver (who knows ^^) I need just to have some hints without the need of reversing code :D |
11:45:18 | redhot | http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/WikiGroups |
11:46:01 | lorenzo92 | kugel: yes there is (in the net I mean) |
11:46:13 | lorenzo92 | kugel: http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/drivers/input/touchscreen/mcs5000_ts.c |
11:46:15 | lorenzo92 | :D |
11:47:18 | Zagor | redhot: added! |
11:47:32 | lorenzo92 | hahah pretty fun, Samsung did the same code twice (fortunately a different programmer ^^) |
11:47:52 | pamaury | what ? |
11:49:34 | lorenzo92 | pamaury: if you are asking me, simply that samsung wrote twice (and different) code for the same touchscreen controller |
11:49:53 | pamaury | that's good for you, two references :) |
11:50:15 | kugel | where is the other one? |
11:50:56 | redhot | Zagor: Excellent! :) |
11:50:57 | lorenzo92 | kugel: in the R1 open source package, under devdrv folder |
11:51:07 | kugel | I think writing things twice or even more is not that uncommon in linux business when trying to mainline stuff, due to the rigid review process |
11:51:30 | lorenzo92 | hey but looking at "inputInfo" (btw I have this information in my struct) I guess from here I can grab touch state |
11:52:09 | lorenzo92 | btw would be cool to add multitouch to rockbox :D |
11:52:30 | wodz | feel free to code |
11:52:39 | kugel | not sure, we can't even do single touch properly :p |
11:52:51 | lorenzo92 | haha |
11:53:03 | lorenzo92 | there is always space to improve ;) |
11:54:05 | redhot | Guys, where is the correct place to put comparison for battery running time for FLAC vs MP3 |
11:54:08 | redhot | ? |
11:54:49 | Zagor | redhot: I'd say http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/CodecPerformanceComparison |
11:55:12 | Zagor | or, hmm, that's more about cpu performance |
11:55:45 | redhot | Hm.. Probably about device running time too |
11:56:01 | redhot | It was suprisingly to me find about ~10% difference |
11:56:31 | Zagor | redhot: which device? |
11:56:42 | redhot | SanDisk Sansa Clip+ |
11:56:47 | redhot | RockBox 3.12 |
11:57:15 | redhot | "SanDisk Sansa Clip+ 4GB Red "to be exact |
11:57:56 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:59:04 | Zagor | the numbers on that page suggest flac is far more efficient than mp3 |
11:59:12 | kugel | http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SansaRuntime ? |
11:59:35 | Zagor | kugel: that looks like a better place. thanks. |
11:59:47 | wodz | cpu wise yes but data stream is bigger so storage access occures more often |
11:59:57 | redhot | FLAC is better, yes |
11:59:59 | lorenzo92 | kugel: hum still not very clear, looking at android code I see that you send touch events only when the touch is still "down". that sounds logic, but then how telling rockbox that user has indeed done a press? |
12:00 |
12:00:05 | redhot | wodz: I have benchmarked them ;) |
12:00:14 | lorenzo92 | kugel: or is it automatically guessed? |
12:00:29 | kugel | lorenzo92: android also sends event for unpressing |
12:00:59 | lorenzo92 | kugel: okay but i cannot see this hum, I mean, it simply stops giving rockbox touch events, right? |
12:01:50 | kugel | lorenzo92: Java_org_rockbox_RockboxFramebuffer_touchHandler() has a down parameter |
12:01:58 | lorenzo92 | yes |
12:02:16 | kugel | it's false (== up) when the finger leaves the screen |
12:02:27 | lorenzo92 | okay that's clear |
12:02:37 | kugel | I don't know how android collects that information, though |
12:02:48 | kugel | it comes from the framework |
12:03:12 | lorenzo92 | yes that's not the problem, my problems is to understand how touchscreen is managed by rb |
12:03:15 | lorenzo92 | but okay |
12:03:46 | lorenzo92 | I see now that you always call touchscreen_to_pixels |
12:03:47 | kugel | the state variabile is set |
12:03:51 | lorenzo92 | even if the button is UP |
12:04:06 | lorenzo92 | but only send button action when the button is down |
12:05:19 | kugel | see button_read_device(). "touch" is only or'd into the return value if the last state is STATE_DOWN |
12:05:45 | kugel | if it's STATE_UP then it's not, and button_read_device() will return BUTTON_NONE (assuming no other button is pressed) |
12:06:14 | kugel | by returning BUTTON_NONE you tell the core that the user stopped pressing the screen |
12:06:42 | lorenzo92 | kugel: ok |
12:07:51 | lorenzo92 | kugel: nice! something's movin ;) |
12:09:46 | | Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) |
12:10:16 | lorenzo92 | lower right corner means "back" to previous menu, right?if so it's really working (badly atm) |
12:17:23 | lorenzo92 | kugel: ahh pff now I understand why, X and Y are swapped because for now I'm still sticky to portrait but I will rotate the screen |
12:19:33 | lorenzo92 | nice, now's better ;) |
12:24:44 | copper | Zagor: there's a compromise: lossyFLAC http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=LossyWAV |
12:24:56 | copper | codec is FLAC and they're half the size |
12:25:43 | soap | or less if you're willing to endure audible noise. |
12:26:22 | | Join pandrew [0] (~andrew@ |
13:00 |
13:03:02 | copper | soap: no point there in using a quality setting that's not transparent, you might as well use a regular lossy codec |
13:03:42 | | Join stryaponoff_ [0] (~ubuntu@host-46-50-149-227.bbcustomer.zsttk.net) |
13:05:29 | copper | Zagor: I got 32 hours with my iPod Classic and LossyFLAC |
13:05:37 | copper | (of playback time) |
13:06:09 | | Quit petur (Quit: *plop*) |
13:06:37 | copper | Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the Classic is very sensitive to what codec is used, as far as decoding efficiency goes. |
13:07:03 | copper | er, where you guys even talking about the Classic? |
13:07:49 | copper | eh, no |
13:11:50 | copper | But just as the Classic is sensitive to HDD use, conversely, I doubt the Clip+ is very sensitive to flash memory use. |
13:18:02 | redhot | copper: it should be benchmarked - that will be an answer |
13:18:18 | redhot | benchamrk same files on internal memory then on Flash |
13:18:21 | copper | yeah, I benched my Classic but no my Clip+ |
13:18:28 | copper | wait, what? |
13:18:39 | copper | "on internal memory then on Flash"? |
13:18:50 | copper | the Clip's internal memory IS flash |
13:19:02 | redhot | I've meant microSD |
13:19:06 | redhot | you know it well |
13:19:22 | gevaerts | redhot: that's *much* less relevant than flash vs disk |
13:22:35 | copper | I wonder if there's a significant difference in power usage between fast and slow-ass microsdhc cards though? |
13:22:53 | copper | er |
13:22:55 | copper | that's stupid |
13:23:38 | redhot | gevaerts: absolutely, but copper mentioned Clip+ here. I thought it was concerning different type of storages but I see he mentioned file types |
13:25:10 | redhot | So sorry for my note, just ignore it |
13:25:26 | redhot | BTW, is it possible to connect external HDD to Clip+? |
13:25:40 | redhot | Hust for fun |
13:28:05 | copper | not that I know of |
13:28:46 | copper | it does work with 64 GB microsdxc cards formatted as FAT32, though, from what I've read |
13:28:59 | copper | I'm tempted to buy one. |
13:29:27 | copper | My 32 GB microsdhc card is almost full, and it's really slow |
13:30:18 | redhot | be careful with buying these cards on ebay. last my item received was fake :( |
13:30:33 | redhot | there's a lot of fake microSD's there. |
13:31:09 | copper | I'd buy one off Amazon |
13:31:34 | | Quit lorenzo92 (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0.1/20130117041235]) |
13:31:44 | redhot | you're lucky, probably living in U.S.A, right? |
13:31:51 | redhot | So no delivery problems |
13:32:35 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
13:32:35 | * | gevaerts thinks that that's a strange assumption |
13:32:44 | copper | France |
13:33:06 | copper | Amazon.fr, so yeah, no delivery problems |
13:33:28 | redhot | Yep! Anyway you have better delivery option then me, here, in Ukraine :D |
13:33:46 | | Join TheSphinX^ [0] (~briehl@p579CCAC0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:37:01 | copper | damn internet, it's so easy to buy stuff on impulse! |
13:37:26 | | Quit TheSphinX_ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
13:38:24 | redhot | Oh, yes, an then so fun to argue with seller trying to resolv the conflict :D |
13:38:50 | copper | I actually got fully refunded for my defective Clip+, without having to argue |
13:39:13 | copper | amazon warranty |
13:40:26 | copper | I've always been very satisfied with Amazon's customer service. They've shipped my item a second time after the first one failed to reach my doors, on several occasions. |
13:40:38 | copper | They'd rather take the hit than lose a customer, apparently. |
13:40:53 | wodz | move to -community please |
13:40:58 | copper | sorry |
13:44:51 | redhot | sorry :( |
13:50:33 | redhot | btw, anyine can tell me how to calibrate battery? |
13:50:36 | redhot | on Clip+ |
13:54:32 | | Join Slowbreh [0] (~Slowbreh@adsl-75-37-21-94.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) |
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13:56:46 | [Saint] | redhot: unless you added an aftermarket battery with a higher/lower capacity, no. |
13:57:28 | redhot | [Saint]: ok, thanks |
13:57:58 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:58:15 | [Saint] | [23:35:49] <JdGordon> [Saint]: do you tinhk anyone cares if the eq band settings (q,cutoff,etc) cant be on the quickscreen? <−− if the reason is essentially arbitrary to them, then, yes. |
13:58:40 | [Saint] | Users won't care if the config and internal code is cleaner if they are denied a feature they're using. |
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15:39:47 | funman | JdGordon: no complaint from valgrind with g#382 indeed |
15:39:49 | fs-bluebot | Gerrit review #382 at http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/382 : Use the skin engine to draw the usb screen via the SBS by Jonathan Gordon (changes/82/382/2) |
15:41:50 | [Saint] | It disturbs me greatly that that fixes the issue. |
15:42:06 | [Saint] | Pity it won't get committed as-is. |
15:42:32 | [Saint] | well...not really. I'll rephrase that. |
15:43:35 | [Saint] | "Pity it uses the sbs instead of its own custom extension like other screens do, which is a source of contention blocking it" |
15:45:25 | funman | i didn't say that fixes the issue |
15:45:42 | [Saint] | Ah. :) |
15:45:46 | funman | just that after one plug/unplug cycle in valgrind there's no read from uninitialized data |
15:45:51 | funman | might be 100% unrelated |
15:46:01 | funman | since it appears only on unplug anyway |
15:46:33 | funman | worth putting that bug out of our way, still. at least we would be certain it is not related |
15:48:47 | | Join stryaponoff [0] (~stryapono@host-46-50-149-227.bbcustomer.zsttk.net) |
15:57:36 | | Nick stryaponoff is now known as stryaponov (~stryapono@host-46-50-149-227.bbcustomer.zsttk.net) |
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16:00 |
16:07:56 | funman | what would be cool is if we could make a full RAM dump after a data abort |
16:08:10 | | Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) |
16:19:56 | wodz | funman: thats easy :-) Its only a matter of fixing postmortem stub on n2g |
16:20:08 | funman | ah the bug happens also on n2g? |
16:20:36 | wodz | don't know I am speaking about dumping mem on data abort |
16:24:17 | [Saint] | would N2G need USB for that to be relevant? :) |
16:25:19 | funman | we could work out something |
16:25:42 | funman | hum btw since this happens on fuze+ and amsv2, it has nothing to do with usb driver, right? |
16:26:03 | [Saint] | One assumes so. |
16:36:15 | | Quit kevku (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
16:42:17 | pamaury | does it happen on plug or unplug ? |
16:55:14 | pamaury | On the fuze+ (usb-drv-arc) On unplug I could image one way to corrupt some buffers if the usb controller is not stopped in time (perhaps there is a race condition here) and some remaining dma transfers corrupt some memory. Appart from this I see no way to corrupt some memory, the driver seems pretty robust |
16:56:19 | | Quit Zagor (Quit: Clint excited) |
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17:23:01 | redhot | ok, guys, thanks! |
17:23:03 | redhot | bye! |
17:25:49 | | Quit redhot (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.3 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/) |
17:29:09 | | Quit [Saint] (Remote host closed the connection) |
17:31:25 | | Join [Saint] [0] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) |
17:38:33 | funman | pamaury: the valgrind trace i pasted on the bug happens on unplug |
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17:41:19 | [Saint] | Who wants the joyous opportunity to tell me what I'm doing wrong? |
17:42:18 | copper | If you're eating cocaine, you're doing it wrong. |
17:43:41 | [Saint] | error: http://pastebin.com/UvzmY64H |
17:43:41 | [Saint] | relevant section of ~/.bashrc (slightly convoluted, but afaik fine): http://pastebin.com/Fiz637L4 |
17:43:41 | [Saint] | proof exporting the env vars "works": http://pastebin.com/cta9PJr6 |
17:45:01 | pamaury | funman: can you point me to the bug report ? |
17:45:17 | copper | [Saint]: export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_NDK_PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_PATH |
17:45:40 | copper | if those indeed contain the binary that you want |
17:46:09 | lebellium | pamaury: I'm done with gathering service manuals. http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=71554 |
17:46:13 | [Saint] | copper: shit, I missed that paste...yes, they're in my $PATH |
17:47:19 | [Saint] | saint@saint-desktop:~/Development/Rockbox/development/rockbox/build$ echo $PATH |
17:47:19 | [Saint] | /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/home/saint/Development/Android/android-ndk-r8d:/home/saint/Development/Android/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64/sdk |
17:47:23 | [Saint] | blargh! |
17:47:32 | [Saint] | that != what I wanted to do... |
17:48:41 | | Join pretty_function [0] (~sigBART@ |
17:49:52 | pamaury | lebellium: ok, thanks for letting me know |
17:50:22 | copper | [Saint]: does this return an included path? $ which arm-linux-androideabi-cpp |
17:50:37 | [Saint] | copper: yeppers |
17:50:40 | copper | and also, maybe "echo $PATH" in ./configure just to see if it matches what you expect |
17:50:42 | * | [Saint] is stumped |
17:51:11 | copper | and add "which arm-linux-androideabi-cpp" in ./configure too while you're at it |
17:51:41 | * | [Saint] is considering picking up the binaries and dumping them in ~/bin |
17:51:56 | [Saint] | very ugly kludge, but it seems to "just work". |
17:52:54 | [Saint] | Oh, hum...configure works, compilation fails. |
17:52:58 | [Saint] | uuugh. |
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17:55:24 | copper | [Saint]: maybe a prayer to Saint Stallman would help |
17:55:44 | copper | I'm agnostic, so I'm with the "you never know" camp. |
17:56:20 | pamaury | funman: so if you got the bug in the simulator, this seems to indicate that it is not related to the usb driver |
17:56:42 | funman | pamaury: i didn't got *the* bug |
17:56:50 | [Saint] | *Saint* Stallman?!? |
17:56:54 | funman | pamaury: fs#12639 |
17:56:56 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12639 Certain themes cause the WPS to not load properly and USB to not work (bugs, unconfirmed) |
17:56:56 | [Saint] | ...wow, that's a new apporach :) |
17:57:08 | copper | He knows not sin. |
17:57:27 | pamaury | funman: yeah but you got something suspicious however |
17:57:49 | funman | true, no idea if it's related yet |
17:58:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:58:10 | pamaury | there might be two bugs of course ^^ |
17:58:41 | funman | or more ;) |
17:58:58 | pamaury | my ultimate project would be to be able to emulate the code on the pc (in qemu) while doing all the actual hardware access on the real hardware. This would be damn slow but very useful |
18:00 |
18:00:39 | funman | yeah skyeye or qemu like would be useful |
18:01:59 | pamaury | I abandonned the idea of emulating the entire imx233 in qemu or skyeye, too much work and useless, we need the actual hardware. I recall the coreboot guys did something similar on some motherboards |
18:02:16 | | Quit Wardo (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) |
18:03:41 | pamaury | On the imx233 I think such a scheme would be possible by a running a small stub on the device and doing transfers over usb (if usb is not needed) or over debug uart (but then I only have one device where I know where debug uart pins are and the data bandwidth is really limited) |
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18:15:38 | wodz | isnt it easier to write gdb stub then? |
18:17:45 | pamaury | wodz: that's another possibility, I never wrote any code anyway ^^ |
18:17:53 | pamaury | that might be simpler yeah |
18:18:55 | wodz | truly complicated part would be usb |
18:24:18 | pamaury | why ? |
18:25:35 | wodz | ok, for me :P |
18:26:34 | wodz | anyway this could not debug usb problems in our code. We will need different debug channel |
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18:40:20 | lebellium | SI4709 is RDS-compatible right? |
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18:59:05 | lebellium | Hum why is YP-R0 in both unstable and unusable ports? |
19:00 |
19:00:05 | | Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) |
19:01:04 | funman | if we take 1 for unusable, 2 for unstable and 3 for stable; that makes it stable. thus i think it's an evil plan of pamaury |
19:01:36 | lebellium | ahaha |
19:01:39 | funman | or maybe it made it to unstable but website was not updated ? |
19:02:25 | lebellium | it has been unstable for 1 year, I don't see why it would be unusable now while nothing has become worse on it |
19:02:35 | funman | btw, I can take saratoga's nano2g at fosdem if one of you want it |
19:02:45 | funman | i also have another one |
19:04:54 | * | pamaury didn't make any evil plan for the r0 |
19:08:21 | | Quit melmothX (Quit: #) |
19:14:17 | | Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection) |
19:19:03 | | Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) |
19:28:44 | [Saint] | Is anyone sucessfully compiling RaaA on Ubuntu 64 bit? |
19:28:55 | [Saint] | RaaAoA, rather |
19:34:11 | | Part LinusN |
19:36:24 | [Saint] | this makes no sense! |
19:36:26 | [Saint] | http://pastebin.com/PVKxPECs |
19:36:50 | [Saint] | configure is bitching about something missing that clearly isn't... |
19:37:02 | [Saint] | Any suggestions? |
19:37:24 | * | [Saint] also likes: |
19:37:36 | [Saint] | ./../tools/configure: 1: ./../tools/configure: arm-linux-androideabi-ld: not found |
19:37:41 | [Saint] | ... |
19:37:42 | [Saint] | >>> |
19:37:49 | [Saint] | whoops. |
19:37:59 | [Saint] | Using arm-linux-androideabi-ld |
19:38:17 | [Saint] | So, you didn't find it...but, you're using it? Good to know. |
19:43:09 | n1s | [Saint]: can you run arm-linux-androideabi-cpp, like arm-linux-androideabi-cpp -v ? |
19:44:12 | [Saint] | Ohhhh...what the smurf? |
19:44:14 | [Saint] | Humm. |
19:44:23 | | Join zamboni [0] (~bottledwa@unaffiliated/zamboni) |
19:44:26 | [Saint] | saint@saint-desktop:~/Development/Rockbox/development/rockbox/build$ arm-linux-androideabi-cpp -v |
19:44:26 | [Saint] | bash: /home/saint/android-ndk-r8d/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-cpp: No such file or directory |
19:45:02 | [Saint] | but, its there, dammit! :) |
19:49:52 | | Part amayer_ |
19:56:39 | | Quit Strife89 (Quit: Heading out.) |
19:57:01 | | Quit pretty_function (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) |
19:58:00 | | Quit bebna (Quit: Leaving.) |
19:58:09 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:58:13 | | Join pretty_function [0] (~sigBART@ |
20:00 |
20:08:18 | | Join [Saint_] [0] (~quassel@ |
20:08:26 | | Quit pretty_function (Remote host closed the connection) |
20:08:43 | | Nick [Saint_] is now known as Guest88639 (~quassel@ |
20:15:24 | | Quit alexbobp (Remote host closed the connection) |
20:16:16 | | Join alexbobp [0] (~alex@capitalthree.pwnz.org) |
20:23:38 | pamaury | bertrik: ping |
20:24:30 | | Join amayer_ [0] (~amayer@mail.weberadvertising.com) |
20:28:15 | bertrik | hi pamaury |
20:30:05 | pamaury | hi, could you do something for me ? I would like upload a built bootloader for the zenxfi2 and zenxfi3 but the internet connection is way too slow here, could you build and upload them ? |
20:30:19 | pamaury | by bootloader Imean the complete sb file |
20:30:21 | amayer_ | is tagcache just for the database? |
20:30:32 | pamaury | amayer_: yes |
20:31:30 | amayer_ | so why is it using 7%(System->Debug Menu->View OS Stack) if i dont use the database as all? |
20:32:03 | n1s | amayer_: the thread still exists i guess |
20:32:19 | [Saint] | amayer_: the thread still exists if you use it or not. |
20:32:24 | [Saint] | ohhh...too late. |
20:32:30 | bertrik | pamaury: ok, I'll have a go at that |
20:32:38 | [Saint] | and, disturbingly close to n1s |
20:33:14 | pamaury | bertrik: for the zenxfi3, you know how to do it I guess, other follow the instruction from the wiki ^^ |
20:33:44 | pamaury | thanks |
20:34:19 | [Saint] | amayer_: it's the same as "why does "scroll" use N% if nothing is currently scrolling?" |
20:34:27 | amayer_ | [Saint]: n1s: can we make threads on demand? or do they have to exists all the time? |
20:34:29 | amayer_ | what im asking is this something that can be improved(thread is dead/not initalized until needed)? |
20:34:31 | [Saint] | and various other examples. |
20:34:54 | pamaury | they are ondemand |
20:35:39 | pamaury | in theory we could create the thread only if needed |
20:35:55 | n1s | amayer_: the stack for each thread is statically allocated so not creating the thread won't save any memory and just perhaps an unnoticable amount of cpu cycles in the kernel |
20:35:56 | amayer_ | pamaury: wouldnt that help with battery life? |
20:36:01 | pamaury | but it won't change anything: the stack is preallocated, same thing for the thread structure |
20:36:10 | pamaury | no, the thread is never run |
20:36:37 | bertrik | pamaury: I don't have to do any special, do I? just ../tools/configure for Boot && make, right? |
20:36:55 | pamaury | then mkimxboot |
20:37:11 | pamaury | I would like to build the complete firmware.sb files |
20:38:42 | pamaury | amayer_: afair, the tagcache blocks on queue which contains tagcache events and systems events. If you don't use tagcache, there are no former events, and system events only include thing like usb plug and unplug. So I expect it to be blocked 99.9% of the time |
20:39:32 | amayer_ | [Saint]:when i go under Debug->database info it says Initalized: yes. but i dont have any databases on my hard drive. it this info wrong or does it pull from somewhere else? |
20:39:48 | n1s | amayer_: looks like the tagcache stack is 20kB, which is less than 0.1% of the total ram on a 32 MB target |
20:40:21 | amayer_ | n1s: i think the iclassic is 64mb(but i get your point) |
20:42:05 | pamaury | amayer_: if you enabled database, I *think* it will scan the disk, even if you don't use it |
20:43:26 | pamaury | bertrik: ^ that's why I don't have the bandwidth, the sb file includes the OF which 40MB for the zenxfi2 and 20MB for the zenxfi3 iirc |
20:43:27 | bertrik | pamaury: sorry, but I don't really know how to use imxboot, or what extra files I need |
20:43:59 | bertrik | I need the original .sb files then? |
20:44:08 | amayer_ | pamaury: under settings->database everything is set to off/no |
20:44:25 | [Saint] | If the db claims it is initialized, there definitely should be database (.tcd) files present on the device. |
20:44:29 | pamaury | it's all explained http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/CreativeZENXFi2Port, so yeah you need the OF. If don't want to spend time that's no problem, I'll upload then at my work tomorrow |
20:44:51 | [Saint] | (afaik) |
20:45:05 | pamaury | amayer_: I don't know then, perhaps this is always set to true when database is off, only the code can tell |
20:46:01 | amayer_ | [Saint]: there are no .tcd files on my disk(i just checked to make sure) |
20:46:13 | [Saint] | It seems its a bug. |
20:46:23 | [Saint] | I can reproduce this behaviour. |
20:46:48 | | Quit |akaWolf| (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
20:46:58 | [Saint] | Initialized: Yes - after wiping out the db and rebooting |
20:47:18 | amayer_ | [Saint]: while we are talking about the debug menu. do you have your iclassic around? |
20:47:20 | amayer_ | what does yours say under partion data? |
20:47:29 | [Saint] | I don't, no. |
20:47:37 | [Saint] | Ms [Saint]left it at work. |
20:48:15 | [Saint] | amayer_: where are/were you going with that? |
20:48:36 | amayer_ | mine just has all 0(zero) for everything |
20:49:03 | amayer_ | P:0 S:0 |
20:49:05 | amayer_ | T:0 0MB |
20:49:07 | amayer_ | P:1 S:0 |
20:49:09 | amayer_ | T:0 0MB |
20:49:22 | amayer_ | P:3 S:0 |
20:49:24 | amayer_ | T:0 0MB |
20:49:26 | amayer_ | P:3 S:0 |
20:49:28 | amayer_ | T:0 0MB |
20:50:03 | [Saint] | p0 should be non-zero...but, I'm not too surprised. |
20:50:09 | [Saint] | It is still marked unusable. |
20:50:51 | [Saint] | Other iPods would display p0 as the OF firmware partition, but on the Classic, that doesn't exist so p0 would be storage. |
20:51:23 | amayer_ | well what im getting at is they all say 0Mb. is that correct? |
20:51:35 | pamaury | bertrik: warning, if you are following the zenxfi2 instruction, I just fixed an error in the commands: the mkimxboot needs "-v zenxfi2-nand" and not "-v zenxfi2-sd" |
20:51:47 | [Saint] | No. But it isn't anything to worry about. It says keep out for a reason ;) |
20:52:37 | pamaury | The database is a complex piece of software, and its debug menu has been known to be ...confusing |
20:52:44 | bertrik | pamaury: looking for the .exe right now |
20:52:55 | amayer_ | [Saint]: ok. thats just one place i havent poked around in so i figured i would peek in. |
20:53:18 | amayer_ | just trying to get to know as much of the project as i can |
20:53:34 | pamaury | cool ! For the zenxfi2, mkimxboot is happy with the exe file directly, for the zenxfi3 you'll need to cabextract, but it is all written on the wiki, that should be a good test for the wiki instruction :D |
20:53:39 | [Saint] | You'll find various wrong information scattered around the debug menu. |
20:54:09 | [Saint] | it isn;t really entirely useful, and should probably be a compile-time switch. |
20:56:29 | * | pamaury finds it very useful ;) |
20:56:56 | * | [Saint] forgot to add "for end users" |
20:57:29 | [Saint] | s/for end users/for end users - after a port is stable/ |
20:59:37 | amayer_ | [Saint]: i roll my own(with some test code) |
21:00 |
21:00:00 | [Saint] | and, have you added anything to the debug screen? :) |
21:00:45 | [Saint] | My point with the Classic is, you shouldn;t expect any of it to work. There's no officially supported way to install it...so, it technically doesn't exist. |
21:01:09 | [Saint] | We could (rightly) deny support to all Classic users. |
21:01:20 | [Saint] | We don't. But we could. |
21:03:26 | amayer_ | i get what your saying. and im not complaining about the debug menu. i just wanted to know if i didnt understand it(probably dont) or if it isnt behaving how it is intended to |
21:03:51 | [Saint] | It isn't behaving as intended, but, this isn;t entirely surprising. |
21:04:16 | [Saint] | For young ports, developers tend to get the main features working and then clean up the rest afterwards. |
21:04:54 | pamaury | the debug menu has always been confusing for the database, like the 110% for progress and so on |
21:05:11 | [Saint] | we're onto the partition menu now ;) |
21:05:17 | [Saint] | keep up man! |
21:05:36 | pamaury | sorry ;) the partition menu is also a nice unreadable one |
21:05:45 | [Saint] | It is, yes. |
21:06:25 | n1s | most of it is just quickly hacked up for whatever was needed and sometimes improved a bit, like the buffering thread screen |
21:07:45 | bertrik | pamaury: http://pastie.org/5915267 is what I get, no success |
21:08:20 | bertrik | cabextract -d temp ZEN_X-Fi2_PCFW_L22_1_23_01.exe claims "no valid cabinets found" |
21:08:43 | pamaury | for the xfi2 you don't need to cabextract |
21:08:47 | bertrik | and file says ZEN_X-Fi2_PCFW_L22_1_23_01.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows |
21:08:49 | pamaury | because there is no cab in it ^^ |
21:09:16 | pamaury | however I'm surprised by the mkximboot message |
21:09:38 | pamaury | make sure your are at git HEAD and recompile dualboot and mkimxboot |
21:10:56 | pamaury | oh wait, you have the non-european installer, I didn't write the offsets in mkimxboot !! |
21:10:59 | | Join sakax [0] (~sakax@d8D862D2D.access.telenet.be) |
21:11:31 | bertrik | I got a .zip from some chinese website, couldn't actually understand anything but the .zip filename |
21:12:09 | pamaury | you have two options: either get the european version or find the sb files in the installer, there are in plain binary form |
21:12:15 | pamaury | there should be three of them |
21:12:35 | bluebrother | wtf? |
21:12:35 | pamaury | I'm really asking you too much :( |
21:13:00 | pamaury | bluebrother: what ? |
21:13:04 | | Join lebellium_ [0] (~chatzilla@lns-c10k-ld-02-m-212-194-176-149.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr) |
21:13:06 | bluebrother | QNetworkDiskCache seems to be fragile :o |
21:13:34 | bluebrother | new HttpGet implementation works. Trying with Qt5. Back to Qt4. Crashes on startup. Remove cache folder, works again. |
21:13:58 | * | bluebrother did expect something more from such a class :/ |
21:14:30 | | Quit lebellium (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
21:14:43 | | Nick lebellium_ is now known as lebellium (~chatzilla@lns-c10k-ld-02-m-212-194-176-149.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr) |
21:15:52 | bluebrother | I was hoping to get things stable and Qt5 compatible ... |
21:16:02 | bluebrother | I guess I have to do something about this caching thing then :( |
21:18:07 | bluebrother | pamaury: btw, any news on the libmspack issue? Should this go into mkimxboot or rather Rockbox Utility? |
21:18:58 | pamaury | I was wondering, perhaps it's better in Rockbox Utility: the installer class would unpack it and give the firmware.sb file to mkimxboot |
21:19:07 | pamaury | I'll try to make that work tonight |
21:19:10 | bluebrother | yeah, would do |
21:19:24 | bluebrother | ok. Otherwise I can try to give it a look the next couple of days |
21:19:50 | pamaury | let's see, if I fail tonight, you'll do the job ! |
21:20:07 | pamaury | I know nearly nothing about rbutil but I'll learn |
21:20:47 | bluebrother | on a first thought it might be a good idea to have that in BootloaderInstallBase::setOfFile() |
21:21:05 | bluebrother | it already handles zip files, so handling cab doesn't sound like a bad idea :) |
21:21:30 | bluebrother | (and put firmware.sb as filename in rbutil.ini so it tries to find that file) |
21:22:25 | pamaury | how does that work ? how does RbUtil knows when to unpack files ? |
21:22:34 | | Quit lebellium (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
21:22:40 | pamaury | for zip files that's the extension perhaps but here it's an .exe file |
21:23:03 | | Join lebellium [0] (~chatzilla@lns-c10k-ld-02-m-212-194-176-149.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr) |
21:23:14 | bluebrother | no, for zip file we simply try to open the file as zip and check the result :) |
21:23:36 | pamaury | ah ok, do you have a reference bootloader installer which does that so I can look and copy ? |
21:24:05 | bluebrother | this function prepares the bootloader |
21:24:38 | bluebrother | since we detect zip files in this function pretty much every bootloader that needs an OF file will do |
21:25:12 | | Join SuperBrainAK [0] (~Andy@71-36-165-101.phnx.qwest.net) |
21:25:37 | pamaury | Ok, i'll have a look and cry for help |
21:26:00 | bluebrother | in rbutil.ini bootloaderfile names the filename. setOfFile() checks if the file provided by the user is a zip file and includes that file. If it does it extracts the named file and passes that along |
21:26:56 | bluebrother | so you should be able to simply extend the if(z.open(of)) with an else if(some_check_for_cab()) { ... } |
21:30:43 | | Quit y4n (Quit: only amiga makes it possible) |
21:34:55 | bertrik | pamaury: no luck yet, downloaded another file now from http://support.creative.com/scripts/getprod.aspx?id=18965 |
21:35:38 | pamaury | then, could you try to find the correct offsets into the file ? Otherwise just drop it |
21:35:56 | funman | [Saint]: you probably didn't install ia32-liba |
21:36:17 | [Saint] | which is? |
21:36:23 | funman | [Saint]: ia32-libs* (gcc is a 32bit binary, and "file not found" means "32 bits libc not found" |
21:36:47 | funman | try ldd `which arm-...-ld` |
21:37:35 | [Saint] | I wiped the setup out to start clean in case I messed up. |
21:37:47 | [Saint] | I shall install said package and try again. |
21:38:29 | [Saint] | holy CRAP! That is a LOT of dependencies/additional packages. |
21:39:00 | [Saint] | 277 new packages |
21:39:18 | funman | maybe you can install a few les |
21:39:28 | funman | in any case the list of needed packages is in ndk doc |
21:40:09 | funman | hmm or 'was' |
21:41:11 | funman | http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/index.html#troubleshooting -> see 'Ubuntu' |
21:41:43 | funman | they moved it far away from the download page :/ |
21:42:06 | pamaury | bertrik: ok, by chance I should have the same file on my hard-drive, I'll find the offsets and commit then |
21:42:08 | pamaury | *them |
21:42:29 | [Saint] | grrrr....sun-java6-jdk |
21:42:37 | [Saint] | yep, I'll be ignoring /that/ one. |
21:44:12 | [Saint] | funman: thank you so much, I looked for something similar, but I did not expect to find it located in "setting up an IDE". The fact that an IDE is required, or they should think so, is hilarious. |
21:44:31 | [Saint] | This quite literally drove me nuts for about 2 hours. |
21:46:30 | funman | i don't know if openjdk works |
21:46:31 | [Saint] | Teehee...installtoolchain.sh is /quite/ out of date. |
21:46:40 | [Saint] | funman: It does, yes. |
21:56:33 | | Join ben007 [0] (~smartben@nc-76-0-169-20.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) |
21:57:18 | | Join olspookishmagus [0] (~pookie@ |
21:58:08 | olspookishmagus | hello... the 80GB HDD limitation of a 5th generation iPod (iPod Video) is a hardware or a software limitation? |
21:58:12 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:58:29 | olspookishmagus | or let me put this better, wouck rockbox support a HDD larger than 80GB for that device? |
21:58:43 | [Saint] | neither, it just happens to be the size of the HDD. |
21:58:53 | [Saint] | Aha, right, yes...yes it would. |
21:59:21 | olspookishmagus | for example: http://www.ebay.com/itm/200879756285 |
21:59:40 | olspookishmagus | ok cool, the it's Rockbox with an 240GB HDD |
22:00 |
22:00:01 | [Saint] | you're looking for a MK2431GAH |
22:00:28 | olspookishmagus | one more... does Rockbox support losslell audio formats? |
22:00:41 | [Saint] | lossless? Yes. |
22:00:49 | olspookishmagus | yeah, as in: .flac/.ape? |
22:00:55 | [Saint] | Flac, ALAC, et al |
22:01:01 | olspookishmagus | :D |
22:01:22 | AlexP | wavpack, wav, ape, flac, alac |
22:01:25 | olspookishmagus | I can't recall with I removed rockbox sometime after putting it in my iPod some time ago |
22:01:30 | AlexP | probably others I can't remember |
22:01:43 | olspookishmagus | you got me covered |
22:02:00 | [Saint] | a MK2431GAH should be pretty easy to find. |
22:02:15 | [Saint] | It is a 240GB drive in the same form factor. |
22:02:40 | olspookishmagus | http://skinflint.co.uk/eu/?fs=MK2431GAH |
22:02:56 | [Saint] | there 'ya go :) |
22:03:29 | [Saint] | holy hell that's expensive, though... |
22:03:29 | pamaury | bertrik: I'm committed the offsets, can you retry on that file please ? |
22:03:33 | olspookishmagus | tru |
22:03:46 | olspookishmagus | [Saint]: true, check that eBay link I gave earlier ;D |
22:03:57 | [Saint] | Keep looking, you'll almost certainly find one cheaper. |
22:04:22 | olspookishmagus | already did, now I'll have to prioritize this month's expenses |
22:05:09 | olspookishmagus | and what's the suggestion for managing the files? gtkpod? |
22:05:28 | [Saint] | drag and drop. |
22:06:14 | [Saint] | Unless you have other devices that rely on the iPod Database, in which case, yes...gtkpod. |
22:06:39 | olspookishmagus | sounds like, rsync might do the job as well |
22:06:55 | [Saint] | Rockbox doesn't need any fancy syncing, drag & drop is fine for it. |
22:07:18 | [Saint] | It can, however, play audio that has already been synced to the iPod via iTunes et al. |
22:07:42 | [Saint] | But only via the Database, not via the File Browser |
22:08:02 | [Saint] | If you drag & drop, both the database and the file browser will "just work". |
22:08:05 | | Quit XavierGr (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
22:08:14 | olspookishmagus | as I recall, if you do something *NOT* within iTunes you render it's db useless and then it asks for... re-format |
22:09:15 | [Saint] | Nope. |
22:09:42 | [Saint] | the iPod OF will let you treat the device as removable storage. |
22:09:52 | [Saint] | ...it just won't be able to play any media you put there that way. |
22:10:34 | olspookishmagus | would you please define: 'OF'? |
22:10:43 | [Saint] | Original Firmware |
22:11:18 | [Saint] | ie. Apple's firmware. |
22:11:24 | olspookishmagus | rockbox on the other hand, will let you play anything |
22:11:31 | olspookishmagus | got that too |
22:12:00 | olspookishmagus | if you put a .flac along with it's .cue would you be able to select individual tracks? |
22:12:07 | [Saint] | yes. |
22:12:16 | olspookishmagus | ok now [Saint] one final question |
22:12:22 | olspookishmagus | how can I buy you a beer? ^^ |
22:12:23 | [Saint] | we have .cue support (disabled by default) |
22:13:25 | [Saint] | https://www.paypal.com/jp/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=gsiQ6ZMnjrt9_11E26URYuOIhLPCdn4wWWqIi3NdyeNAsLQEvd1GdbDJqku&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d0b7e678a25d883d0fa72c947f193f8fd |
22:13:30 | [Saint] | whoah... |
22:13:49 | [Saint] | that monster, is the project's paypay donation link. |
22:13:56 | | Join psilonux [0] (~psilonux@2001:470:1f15:10f6:d95e:dad8:d40f:ed92) |
22:16:32 | [Saint] | (ironically often referred to as The Beer Fund) |
22:17:13 | | Join TheSphinX_ [0] (~briehl@p5B322BD4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:17:39 | | Quit Guest88639 (Remote host closed the connection) |
22:17:41 | olspookishmagus | [Saint]: don't go posting your SESSION IDs |
22:18:43 | [Saint] | Yeah...my auto-shorten-long-links widget didn't work there. :-S |
22:18:48 | [Saint] | Apologies. |
22:19:16 | [Saint] | There are two donate links on the main page (both go to the same project) at www.rockbox.org |
22:19:23 | olspookishmagus | OK, got it |
22:19:42 | olspookishmagus | I'd hit the right one |
22:20:19 | bertrik | pamaury: ok, it runs now |
22:20:21 | olspookishmagus | fine, when I'm bying that HDD I will donate you some |
22:20:28 | pamaury | bertrik: cool :) |
22:20:38 | bertrik | pamaury: now I upload the firmware.sb, right? |
22:20:39 | | Quit TheSphinX^ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
22:20:41 | [Saint] | olspookishmagus: don't feel obligated to, but, thanks. |
22:20:52 | [Saint] | It will surely be appreciated. |
22:20:54 | pamaury | bertrik: just wait a minute, I'll check on mine, we never know ^^ |
22:24:08 | pamaury | bertrik: you gave the "-v zenxfi2-nand" option to mkimxboot right ? |
22:24:15 | pamaury | ok it works on mine, go ahead :) |
22:24:26 | bertrik | yes |
22:25:13 | olspookishmagus | is there a SMART utility for rockbox? |
22:25:29 | pamaury | it might be that some guy with a sb-based zenxfi2 use it and it doesn't work, but I don't know if such devices exist |
22:25:43 | | Join pandrew [0] (~andrew@ |
22:25:52 | dfkt | olspookishmagus, SMART doesn't work over USB |
22:26:32 | bertrik | pamaury: the md5sum on mine is fc00211a4854b6258d7002aa237008db |
22:26:58 | olspookishmagus | dfkt: the HDD is connected via a USB controller? |
22:27:13 | AlexP | olspookishmagus: There isn't a SMART plugin, no |
22:27:16 | pamaury | bertrik: we can't compare the sums, the encryption key is randomly generated! |
22:27:23 | dfkt | olspookishmagus, sorry, had a brainfart... internally it might work, but there's no plugin |
22:27:27 | bertrik | oh ok |
22:27:33 | olspookishmagus | dfkt: a brainfart? |
22:27:38 | AlexP | There has been some talk by some poeple at some point, but nobody has done it as of yet |
22:27:46 | * | olspookishmagus opens the dfkt's brain-windows |
22:27:59 | dfkt | olspookishmagus, i was thinking about reading out SMART data over USB on the computer... :) |
22:28:12 | olspookishmagus | dfkt, AlexP: thanks both of you |
22:28:21 | AlexP | olspookishmagus: g#385 |
22:28:23 | fs-bluebot | Gerrit review #385 at http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/385 : iPod Classic/6G: reads HDD S.M.A.R.T. data by Cástor Muñoz (changes/85/385/1) |
22:28:40 | AlexP | Nothing in the repos as of yet though |
22:37:01 | pamaury | bluebrother: did you investiaget which files in libmspack were really needed or not ? |
22:37:35 | pamaury | should I include the entire library or just the necessary part ? |
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22:44:43 | | Nick lebellium_ is now known as lebellium (~chatzilla@lns-c10k-ld-02-m-212-194-176-149.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr) |
22:48:13 | pamaury | bluebrother: do I need to abstract the CAB with a ZipUtil like class ? |
22:54:34 | | Quit ben007 (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) |
22:59:17 | pamaury | bluebrother: what happen in the (unlikely) case of, say, an installer which contains an CAB but in which the actual firmware is not in the CAB ?! |
22:59:40 | pamaury | setOfFile will see it's a cab, extract it and fail because the file is not in it |
23:00 |
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23:00:51 | | Part amayer_ |
23:07:33 | | Join ben007 [0] (~smartben@nc-76-0-169-20.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) |
23:19:26 | olspookishmagus | is there an iPod back case/cover that features the rockbox logo? ^^ http://www.ebay.com/itm/261140879186 |
23:19:26 | | Quit ender` (Quit: Never put off til tomorow what you can skip altogether.) |
23:21:29 | | Quit n1s (Quit: Ex-Chat) |
23:36:53 | olspookishmagus | does anyone recognise this skin/theme? http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox_interface/images/ss-playlist-menu-320x240x16.png |
23:37:48 | dfkt | since it's in the manual, i guess it is plain cabbie v2? |
23:42:43 | olspookishmagus | looks like it, only that the font's thinner |
23:44:26 | | Quit ben007 (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) |
23:44:28 | dfkt | you can always set the font independently of the theme :) |
23:45:18 | olspookishmagus | can you also hot-swap themes? |
23:45:40 | olspookishmagus | and are there any UTF enabled fonts? |
23:46:15 | gevaerts | All fonts do unicode |
23:46:16 | dfkt | sure, no need to reboot... you can also mix&match different parts of different themes |
23:46:57 | dfkt | all included ones, or the ones from the fontpack too? |
23:48:30 | gevaerts | Sure |
23:48:46 | gevaerts | They don't all have an extremely wide coverage, but they all do unicode :) |
23:48:54 | dfkt | aah :) |
23:49:17 | * | dfkt only has one song that uses runes in the title |
23:53:02 | | Quit nateloaf (Quit: Leaving.) |
23:55:09 | | Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.55=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.) |
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