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#rockbox log for 2013-02-08

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00:38:50 Quit bertrik (Read error: Operation timed out)
00:45:42 Quit ender` (Quit: Today's BOFH excuse: broadcast packets on wrong frequency)
01:01:59 Quit Rower (Quit: Hmmm...)
01:28:18 Quit bluebrother (Disconnected by services)
01:28:23 Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother)
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03:51:49 Quit foolsh (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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10:22:41*lorenzo92 adapted R0's si4079 module to R1, still unable to hear the audio output but RDS works! Let's see why...
10:23:57LinusNnow at least you know which station you're not hearing :-P
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11:47:53[Saint]JdGordon: 10 is plenty ;)
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11:57:50lorenzo92kugel: I'm reviewing all the plugins. Some are very usable with gridmode (some also adding hardware buttons), for others I will try to fix them (in primis Jewels :D )
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11:59:09*[Saint] awards lorenzo92 one cool point for the use of 'in primis'.
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12:15:37lorenzo92is there a trick to quit debug battery menu on touchscreen targets? xD
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12:23:27[Saint]lorenzo92: possibly (probably) not.
12:24:01[Saint]There are quite a few plugins that are hard/impossible to use in grid-mode, or not set up for grid mode at all.
12:24:15[Saint]Feel free to work on the keymaps ;)
12:24:34[Saint]...y'know, since you're already poking in that area and all. ;)
12:31:26gevaertsThat's not a plugin though :)
12:32:24 Quit melmothX (Quit: bau)
12:36:07[Saint]Oh, derp.
12:36:19[Saint]For some reason I read 'battery bench'
12:48:47lorenzo92[Saint]: yeah indeed I'll poke with that, and yes I meant the battery debug screen, not the bench ;)
12:48:54lorenzo92bench perfectly works
12:49:15lorenzo92by the way, how many touch targets are there? I guess few :D
12:54:23lorenzo92oh well, Android ... hundrets ^^
12:57:47*lorenzo92 thinks that logf could be also sent to stdout for fast and coherent debug ("deprecating" usage of printf on hosted stuff). Another TODO in my list ^^
12:59:37*[Saint] prods a Zagor
12:59:50[Saint]How does one change their password on the wiki?
13:04:26[Saint]Aha, nevermind. Found it.
13:04:45*Zagor neverminds
13:05:01[Saint]Sorry ;)
13:05:08[Saint]Terrible timing.
13:05:17[Saint]And, terrible google-fu
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15:10:42DexterLBhello.. is there a simple way to view lyrics embedded in tags? All I want is to view the contents of the "lyrics" tag (be it id3, vorbis or whatever); I don't want fancy synchronisation etc
15:13:40pixelmathe Lrcplayer plugin should be able to do that - not sure if it supports all kinds of tags. You can read more about it in your player's manual (under Plugins > Applications)
15:14:40pixelmaonly embedded for ID3v2 it seems
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16:16:32DexterLBpixelma: hmm, will I be better off creating .txt files?
16:16:45DexterLBand using the text viewer to view them
16:17:19DmLthat's probably a good easy way to do it
16:17:32DmLthat's how I do it
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16:55:47gelraenit's only me annoyed by need to press 'down' 2 times and 'select' to actually resume playback after turning player on?
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17:06:46amayer_gelraen: you can just press play(if your target has a play button)
17:06:48amayer_or go into the setting and change General Settings -> Start up/Shutdown ->Start screen to "Resume Playback"
17:09:09gelraenamayer_, play/pause on clip+ is used as 'up' button in menus
17:09:23gelraenbut playback starts if I just press 'home' button
17:09:37gelraenthanks for hint about settings, I'll try that
17:11:37gelraenyeah, with 'start screen' set to 'resume playback' it works great
17:12:04gelraenplayback starts less in about second after pressing power button \o/
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22:48:17fmlbluebrother: Shouldn't the copyright note also be updated in the manual (intro/main.tex)?
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22:58:09lorenzo92urgh I forgot to do a git add -a :(
22:58:34lorenzo92and missed a −−amend, too long that I did not take care of git :D
23:12:35 Quit petur (Quit: Leaving)
23:14:54lorenzo92yeah, done, check it out ;)
23:17:23lorenzo92kugel: ^^
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