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#rockbox log for 2013-02-23

00:04:58 Quit kevku (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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00:27:07 Quit stripwax (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
00:32:48 Join eckoit [0] (~ryan@
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00:52:52 Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0/20130212082553])
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03:06:32 Quit Robin0800 (Quit: Leaving)
03:13:20[Saint][12:27:38] <JdGordon> also, the tags will only do (maybe) confusing things if it is in a repeating viewport, so not a big deal
03:13:31[Saint]can't say quite how much I disagree with that.
03:13:41[Saint]There's no reason for them to do confusing things at all.
03:13:47[Saint]these should get new tags.
03:14:10[Saint]%i* tags *only* return data for the current track, and %I* the enxt.
03:15:21[Saint]The language is confusing enough without examples of "This tag does X, except in example X, where it does Z instead"
03:15:47[Saint](or, similarly, but better worded)
03:26:07 Quit Cinos (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
03:30:39 Quit shamus (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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03:38:18[Saint]I seem to also recall reading that this would break skinned lists, which I'm not entirely happy about :-S
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03:40:00[Saint]I still have NFI what's wrong with the current list/menu implementation and skinned lists (which was supposed to be the answer to skinning in the lists and menus) that warrants re-doing it all again.
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03:41:12 Join Cinos [0] (
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03:44:22[Saint]And, the ultimate "WTF" I have going on at the moment, is, unless you're planning on breaking *every* theme...don't you still have to leave the old list system and skinned lists in place anyway?
03:56:44 Quit Prodicus (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 15.0.1/20120905151427])
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05:20:17 Join PurlingNayuki [0] (~PurlingNa@
05:23:54PurlingNayukiIs there any feature in Rockbox like volume limit?
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12:02:46JdGordon[Saint_]: we'll discuss when I have something more complete
12:03:03JdGordonbut yes, current skin lists wont work anymore, but most of the tags hsould stay the same
12:03:27JdGordonlists will go in a new .skin file and a hardcoded fdefault will work and look identical to current code
12:03:57JdGordonthe *reason* for the breaking change is because the code will be much cleaner and alot of code is being deleted
12:04:04JdGordon(both skin code and list drawing code)
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12:25:07 Join mt [0] (~quassel@
12:25:35 Join prof_wolfff [0] (
12:25:43 Join lorenzo92 [0] (~chatzilla@
12:26:26*lorenzo92 just corrected a bug on YP-Z5. lebellium had a different LCD kind. now working for both ;)
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13:03:46 Quit stoffel (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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15:00:39 Nick Xerion_ is now known as Xerion (
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16:42:12funmanAlexP: branch tomorrow?
16:42:48funmanhum doesn't exist
16:43:08AlexPProbably, or tonight, but that's unlikely
16:43:36AlexPRelease notes rarely exist until someone (often me) start them shortly before the release
16:43:46AlexPPlease do them though if you fancy :)
16:43:53 Quit [Saint_] (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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17:01:55olspookishmagushello rockbox ppl!
17:02:34olspookishmagus this is a little something for you
17:04:56 Quit XavierGr (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
17:06:13lorenzo92kugel: this is the "common-code" patch, now I want to do some other changes before entering into the new R1 patch
17:07:17lorenzo92a question to you all: is it better a generic gerrit patch like "Code cleanup for YP-R0" or several patches like "Better LCD power toggling on yp-r platform" and "GPIO interface refactoring"?
17:07:33lorenzo92for sure the second is better I think, just asking :p
17:29:27Viperfanglorenzo92: correct, the second is better. This allows each pach to be reviewed and discussed more easily.
17:29:35Viperfang* patch
17:29:41lorenzo92thanks for confirmation ;)
17:44:42 Join kadoban [0] (
17:54:32 Part amee2woof
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20:33:54JbobCould someone fix the following port-instructions: ? The line SD-based: and rename it to should actually read SD-based: and rename it to
20:35:59 Quit mortalis (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.1 Aria
20:37:45AlexPJbob: It's a wiki
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20:53:07gevaertsAlexP: I'll see if I can find a feature to disable on the recorder
20:53:48AlexPI have no real idea about the archos builds - is the part that is too big just e.g. a flashable image, or is it Rockbox full stop?
20:54:22gevaertsIt's rockbox full stop, because the ROM has a 200K limit for loading images from disk
20:54:25AlexPi.e. can it still e.g. be run from disk?
20:54:29gevaertsAnd there's no separate bootloader
20:54:48gevaertsA separate bootloader shouldn't be very hard to add, but someone has to do it
20:54:54AlexPas always :)
20:56:40 Quit Gallomimia (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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21:00:11 Quit Jbob (Quit: CGI:IRC)
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21:03:13gevaertsAlexP: (for the release, possibly)
21:03:46AlexPSeems as good a choice as any
21:04:16gevaertsBetter than not releasing, I'd say
21:05:00gevaertsIn other news, I just broke the archoses :)
21:05:53 Join Jbob [0] (
21:07:13JbobCan someone add my wiki account, "JosephSchmitt", to the WikiUsersGroup? Pamaury wants me to update his CreativeZenXfi2 port installation procedure.
21:08:36gevaertsJbob: done. Welcome!
21:08:59JbobThank you, I have access to edit the wiki now.
21:10:39 Quit Jbob (Client Quit)
21:12:22gevaertsOK, archoses should build again
21:12:43*gevaerts *may* have slowed down the Player build a tiny bit
21:17:07gevaertsProbably not though
21:17:36gevaertsAll (*) green!
21:17:41gevaerts(*) recorder...
21:18:06gevaertsLet's see if this really fixes those random reds
21:23:18 Quit akaWolf (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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22:54:36 Quit y4n (Quit: We're fucking 3LN!)
23:12:01 Join saratoga [0] (123e1f35@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:12:45saratogapamaury: is the fuze+ going to be made stable in 3.13?
23:18:52saratogafeel free to update
23:18:56saratogaprobably missing a lot of things
23:34:43 Quit Wardo (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
23:40:58AlexPsaratoga: Thanks very much indeed
23:42:20saratogawe might add a "things we're working on" line to that as well mentioning unstable targets and such
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23:50:21 Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
23:55:24 Quit kevku (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)

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