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#rockbox log for 2013-04-12

00:01:35***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
00:02:57gevaertsI'll check one of these days if they still apply properly and then just push I guess
00:04:29AndyPIs there somewhere I can post the ones I currently use that apply cleanly against git?
00:05:27gevaertsWell, gerrit :)
00:05:42gevaertsOf course we need to be careful to maintain proper credits on these things
00:07:05bertrikIdeally, we'd have a maintainer that not just accepts patches to make various IAP stuff work, but also keeps an eye on clean design, modularity and consistency
00:07:37*gevaerts volunteers bertrik :)
00:08:22bertrikI don't have enough IAP remotes, so I can't really test stuff
00:08:54bertrikI have one knock-off IAP remote, and decided that it can't work with rockbox
00:10:53AndyPI'll catch up with this tomorrow as I need sleep before work.
00:22:23 Quit bertrik (Remote host closed the connection)
00:23:51 Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving)
00:26:35 Quit Wardo (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:02:36 Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
01:03:53fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 2dd1f37, 214 builds, 37 clients.
01:06:40 Quit Strife89 (Quit: Vamoose!)
01:10:47fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 414 seconds.
01:35:45 Quit ender| (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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08:13:18fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 6be8097, 214 builds, 37 clients.
08:19:58fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 400 seconds.
08:25:24 Quit froggyman (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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09:27:50fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 3c802a9, 214 builds, 36 clients.
09:28:45wodzmortalis: ping
09:29:33wodzmortalis: You have some contact with ru distributor of ma9. Is it possible to get some documentation about ftl this way?
09:29:53mortaliswodz: I'll ask
09:35:05fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 436 seconds.
09:36:25wodzdeepthought-ender client have some problems apparently
09:37:51kugelwodz: the if-else was probably to avoid gcc generating a division
09:38:01wodzmortalis: Do I understand correctly that df1704 is configured through some port expander connected through i2c
09:38:16mortaliswodz: yes
09:38:17kugelthe division would make udelay *less* acurate
09:38:27mortalisthrough pca9555
09:38:53wodzkugel: last time I checked division was emitted.
09:39:00*wodz checking
09:39:13kugelright, it should be avoided
09:40:23 Quit mc2739 (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
09:42:08wodzkugel: BUT main problem which this commit fixed was that delay variable is not div by 4 on rk27xx but is div by 5
09:44:29kugelit's (now and before) divided by the cycles for each loop iteration
09:44:48kugelanyway, I'm refering to the division for the cpu_frequency variable
09:45:30wodzit looks ok to me
09:45:43wodzkugel: i know
09:47:49wodzold version:
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09:48:42kugel3 vs 1 muls
09:50:33wodzold version but with 5 cycle busy loop:
09:52:44wodzso yeah probably slightly better
09:53:34wodzits smull vs cmp actually
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10:11:06fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 490db74, 214 builds, 36 clients.
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10:18:05fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 419 seconds.
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15:28:45ikeboyOn imageviewer and mpegplayer , when you change to a different picture or movie and then quit , the file browser is on the first file. Why
15:29:08Tornethey're just plugins, and there's no communicatoin back to the core system
15:29:35ikeboyHow complex would it be to change that
15:29:53Torneprobably not that difficult, but it would have to be a fairly weird special case
15:30:03Tornei'm not sure it's really worth the cost
15:30:03ikeboyCan you have a writable variable that stores the file to return to
15:30:50Torneit's not that simple
15:32:31ikeboyCan this be called a bug?
15:32:46Tornenot really.
15:33:44 Quit ikeboy (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
15:34:32gevaertsikeboy: it's similar to double-clicking on a picture in windows explorer, which launches an image viewer, and then that picture still being selected in the explorer window even though you looked at other pictures in the image viewer
15:35:09gevaertswell, not so much similar as almost exactly the same :)
15:35:35 Quit kevku (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
15:38:34 Part Rondom ("Pars pro toto.")
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17:27:55cereal_killerThe naming scheme for the firmware files in the manual for the Cowon D2 is wrong
17:29:12cereal_killerThe wiki needs an update too regarding this issue
17:29:45cereal_killer1.xx and 4.xx have no N in their names, but 2.xx and 3.xx do have
17:31:03cereal_killerthis was already mentioned in the forums:,10164.msg161047.html#msg161047
17:32:12cereal_killerwhat do I need to beinga allowed to edit the wiki to correct this?
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17:53:21AlexPRegister with your real name, then ask in here for write permissions
17:59:31 Quit XavierGr ()
18:00:03cereal_killermy wiki name is WilfriedWinkler, please add me to the usersgroup
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18:09:40bluebrothercereal_killer: done. You should be able to edit wiki pages now
18:16:50cereal_killerThank you!
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21:43:53fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision fd6ab02, 214 builds, 38 clients.
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21:51:25fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 453 seconds.
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