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#rockbox log for 2013-04-24

00:02:25kugelJdGordon: ping
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00:18:16 Join SuperBrainAK [0] (
00:21:18 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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00:30:52 Quit Wardo (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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01:05:28 Quit Strife89 (Quit: Laptop battery low.)
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01:23:04 Nick synergst` is now known as Synergist (
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01:31:58 Quit Raptors_ (Quit: Leaving)
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01:36:00JdGordonkugel: pong
02:06:08 Join rodd [0] (~rodd@unaffiliated/rodd)
02:07:23roddanyone using emcore on an ipod classic 3g?
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02:10:23zanopholmight anyone know if rockbox can handle passthrough video via the usb cable?
02:11:09zanopholor video out
02:11:54soapit can not. that case is is possible to disable the USB HID in apple firmware?
02:12:57zanopholI can get either usb vid out or usb hid disable but not both depending in the FW i choose
02:13:01gevaertsWell, there is FS #9787, but that's not finished
02:13:03fs-bluebot iPod 5G TV out (patches, unconfirmed)
02:13:18 Nick [Saint_] is now known as [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint)
02:13:25gevaertsThe Apple firmware doesn't do HID
02:14:38zanopholnot sure I want to fool with that
02:14:53roddSo, this is the classic 3g right? I see everywhere people referring to them as 6th or 7th generation
02:15:43gevaertsrodd: it's a classic. I don't think anyone can tell you exactly which one from that photi
02:15:46soapthat is a 6th or 7th.
02:15:59soapIs there an 8th? (aka Classic 3G?)
02:16:31zanopholthanks all
02:16:36gevaertsI don't think so, but these things are confusing
02:16:38zanopholback to the drawing board
02:16:44 Quit zanophol (Quit: Leaving)
02:16:50roddhm i have a classic 160gb
02:16:58roddbut im not sure which generation it is
02:17:05gevaertsrodd: do you care?
02:17:36roddnot really, as long as I find a way to install rockbox on it
02:17:46gevaertsThe classics are all very similar, apart from disk size and thickness, and rockbox works equally well on all of them
02:17:55roddgreat then
02:18:32roddill give it a try with emcore
02:19:17[7]"classic 3g" is typically used to refer to the thin 160GB classic with headphone remote support
02:19:22gevaertsThe only weird one is either the 6G 80GB or 160GB (I can't remember which one) which uses a CE-ATA drive instead of a regular ATA one, but both work, and unless you want to replace the disk, you don't care
02:19:34[7]the ce-ata one is the thick 160gb one
02:20:02[7]oh, and there's another difference between them: battery life
02:20:07roddgot the thin 160
02:20:14[7]the newer ones are usually a bit better, except for the old thick 160GB, which has a huge battery
02:20:36roddanyway thanks
02:23:12 Quit Torne (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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02:36:03soapreading what zanophol was asking earlier in the forums I'm thinking he is chasing the wrong problem.
02:36:17soapwas I guess.
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03:05:40DEBUGEOF from server (Connection reset by peer) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 545)
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03:41:51fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 21b62bd, 214 builds, 39 clients.
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03:49:03fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 432 seconds.
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04:31:42JdGordonbluebrother: hey, if fs-bot has the revision number, can it dump the git shortlog for it instead of what it says? not entirely usefui
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05:08:35[Saint]I know *I* find it useful - but, do you think it worthwhile me putting up a patch on gerrit that resets the volume to a configyrable level on headphone unplug?
05:09:47 Quit TheSphinX^ (Read error: Operation timed out)
05:10:25[Saint]I created this in order to stop myself from blowing out my own ear drums by accidentally just poiining in my IEMs and pressing play when I had previously been using it at line level in the car.
05:10:58[Saint]poiining? Hmmm...bit off there: "putting", rather.
05:12:08JdGordonit would be really nice if we could know if it is headphones or car level :p
05:15:34[Saint]well - I tried figuring out how to tell if it was using the dock or the headphone jack ...but I was in a rush and knocked it out in a few minutes.
05:15:50[Saint]seperate volumes for the dock and the headphone may be nice.
05:16:23[Saint]or headphone and <whatever other output(s) <device> has>
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05:17:38[Saint]JdGordon: its ugly as almighty hell - but we could assume we were in a car if we had power at the dock?
05:18:17[Saint]hmmm...nah, that's way too failure prone.
05:21:10JdGordonyeah, that wouldnt work too well
05:22:16JdGordonand of course, the way to do this would be via a event scripting mechanism -which we would need to implement- :)
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08:45:20bluebrotherJdGordon: yes it could. But that's additional work −− right now it simply displays the line the build client gets. I have a couple of things I want to change with the bot eventually :)
08:47:10[Saint]I think Zagor was planning on adding the state of the round to the output as well so it would be more functional without modifying the bot directly.
08:47:33[Saint]So you got more info that "build completed in X" which isn't really very useful at all.
08:50:32GodEaterwhat's a MIPS target I can build to test my toolchain is installed ok?
08:51:48[Saint]isn't there a or so?
08:51:59GodEaterI don't want to build everything ;)
08:52:06GodEaterjust one mips target will do
08:52:12GodEaterI know arm/coldfire/sh are all ok
08:52:48amiconnThe Ondas are mips based
08:53:02amiconn(not to confuse with Ondios)
08:55:34GodEaterchrist, the speed different between 'make' and 'make -j' is just not even funny
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08:58:49[Saint]Its weird, though. "-j" works fine here, but "-j <several_thousands>" fucks up.
08:59:08[Saint]If the latter barfed, I would expect the former to.
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10:17:45GodEaterwhat NDK version do we need now to build RaaAoA?
10:18:14[Saint]API 16
10:18:28GodEaterthe NDK is that high already?
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10:18:43[Saint]Ohhh, whoops. I misread.
10:18:59GodEaterI can see 8e
10:19:11[Saint]I'm not sure there's any reason to not use the latest.
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10:19:28[Saint]I'm using r8e, yes.
10:21:02GodEaterwhilst we're on the subject though, was does API 16 translate into in the SDK downloader? ;)
10:22:02[Saint]errr...4.1.2, it should list the API version right nest to it.
10:22:31GodEaterhmm - must have missed that
10:22:37[Saint]and you only need the SDK platform, all the rest is superfluous.
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10:23:25[Saint]well...along with SDK/Platform Tools.
10:24:10GodEaterthat one is missing from my install
10:24:14GodEaterI have the versions either side of it
10:24:53GodEaterI wish I could figure out what's broken with my NX install
10:24:58[Saint]The newest one, and the one we used to use, one assumes. You've not been building Android for a while then? :)
10:25:01GodEaterdoing this over tunneled X is horrible
10:25:18GodEater[Saint]: no - no theme suitable to my device as far as I know still
10:25:32GodEateralso - no local music :)
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10:45:32GodEater[Saint]: and which gcc in the NDK are you using?
10:46:46GodEaterthere are three versions in the r8e ndk
10:46:57[Saint]I have no idea. I just make sure the env vars point at the right place and shit just works :)
10:46:57GodEater4.4.3, 4.6 and 4.7
10:49:21GodEaterthat doesn't appear to work here =/
10:49:45[Saint]With what error?
10:50:11GodEater[WARNING] The compiler you must use (arm-linux-androideabi-gcc) is not in your path!
10:50:29[Saint]you're missing JDK/JRE?
10:50:56GodEaterit complains about a missing C compiler if the JDK is missing?!
10:51:15[Saint]it'll spit that error (iirc) if you're missing the JDK?JRE, yeah.
10:51:41[Saint]apt-get instal openjdk-7-jre
10:51:43GodEatergood lord
10:52:18*GodEater checks to see if JDK is indeed missing
10:52:35[Saint]If you're on Ubuntu - I assume you're not - you'll also need all the ia32libs crap
10:52:43GodEaterI have jdk installed
10:53:10GodEaterisn't ia32 massively deprecated now?
10:53:24GodEaterso why would I need it on ubuntu?
10:53:33[Saint]Ask Google.
10:53:48GodEaterI've not needed it for anything in about 2 years
10:54:40 Quit pystar89 (Read error: Operation timed out)
10:56:01GodEaterthat's *only* needed to build android targets?
10:56:54[Saint]Hmmmm...maybe they did finally move to multiarch stuffs. They seem to have removed the ubuntu specific section stating its requirement.
10:57:42GodEateryou say finally - they did it at least to years ago iirc
10:58:13[Saint]Well - ok, then the docs have only very recently been updated, then :)
10:58:58*GodEater gives up
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11:07:42 Quit einhirn (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11:09:34GodEaterI have a build speed already =/
11:09:39*GodEater wonders how this is possible
11:11:26[Saint]doesn't a client that has done nothing get assigned a speed? I thought that was standard?
11:11:54GodEaterit's been so long since I've run a client, I don't know
11:12:04*GodEater imagines gevaerts rolling a dice somewhere
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12:00:13gevaertsGodEater: have you re-used a name?
12:01:15gevaertsI know you get a cheap build first for benchmark purposes, but I don't remember if you get that on first connect or in your first build round
12:01:25*gevaerts suspects Zagor knows
12:02:37funmanGodEater: [Saint]: there is a x86_64 NDK available these days, thus no need for ia-32 if you run on x86_64
12:03:45GodEaterfunman: I have that
12:03:59GodEatergevaerts: ah - yes probably I have resused the name
12:04:06GodEaterthe hostname is still the same, despite all the shiny new components.
12:04:08 Quit jhMikeS (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
12:04:17*GodEater just wants someone to commit something now :)
12:04:21gevaertsThen it's the same client as far as the system is concerned :)
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12:12:44fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 354c989, 214 builds, 41 clients.
12:13:18*GodEater cheats and updates something trivial
12:14:11 Quit mt` (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
12:18:28fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 344 seconds.
12:20:17GodEaterha - after all that, I acheived no builds
12:21:47GodEaterand apparently my score is now 0
12:27:03gevaertsScore is a round thing
12:27:15gevaertsSo yes, no builds means 0 score :)
12:27:55GodEaterand yet, click on some of the builds in the build chart shows they were built by me
12:27:58*gevaerts taunts GodEater by mentioning that speedy-gevaerts *did* finish a build :)
12:27:59GodEaterI'm confused
12:28:18gevaertsTime to talk to Zagor then
12:28:52GodEaterI managed to get a bunch of the bootloaders
12:29:20GodEaterand some of the actual rockbox builds too
12:29:24GodEatersomeone's math is broken :D
12:30:32*GodEater pokes Zagor with something pointy.
12:34:18GodEaterthat didn't appear to work. Perhaps I should find something rusty too.
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13:47:24Pazuzu^Hi, its possible to use rockbox with Hifiman 601 and fw 0.12 not 0.11 which is on rockbox website?
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13:48:48mortalisPazuzu^: yes
13:49:16Pazuzu^thank you
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14:58:53*Zagor wakes up with a rusty stab wound
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15:12:24ZagorI don't know why you didn't get a score. the log looks fine, showing speed 751 for your creativezenxfi2 build.
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15:21:40gevaertsZagor: it's not just that he got no score, doesn't show any builds for the thing
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15:38:27GodEaterand I definitely built stuff ;)
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15:52:39GodEaterlooks like Zagor succumbed to the sucking chest wound I left him with my rusty chain saw.
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15:57:34ZagorGodEater: I'll look at it tonight
15:58:49GodEaterZagor: cool.
15:59:07GodEaterI don't wanna find out I've blown a load of cash for shitty RB Client build record
15:59:13GodEaterthat was the whole point after all
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17:05:24Dilipanybody around?
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17:08:24copperDilip: ask your question
17:08:45DilipI have an 5.5 gen ipod
17:09:39Dilipmy hold key has stopped it possible to reverse the mapping of my hold button so that I boot into Rockbox firmware in unlocked mode
17:10:26coppernot unless you modify the source code, I think
17:10:36gevaertsAs in it always indicates hold?
17:10:48Dilipalways on hold
17:11:04DilipI want to override that in a way
17:11:12gevaertsIf so, you're stuck I think. On those ipods, I believe we can't actually read buttons if hold is on
17:11:15Torneif i remember correctly on ipodvideo the buttons are actually disasbled
17:11:19Torneyou can't even power it on when hold is on
17:11:23Torneand i think that's done in hardware
17:11:40Tornewell, you can power it on by usb cable insert, i guess :)
17:11:53Dilipyup thats what I have been doing?
17:12:20Torneright, but you can't use it at all once you power it on, either
17:12:39Dilipcorrect....hence this seemed like my last resort
17:12:41Tornei don't think it matters whether you boot rockbox or the apple firmware, either way the buttons are still disabled
17:14:34Dilipoh ok its a hardware thing then...I thougt we could override the hold and get into rockbox....but yes buttons would be disabled there too
17:15:02Tornei'm pretty sure it's disabled in hardware on ipodvideo, yes
17:15:11Tornesome players it's handled in software
17:15:14Tornebut not that one
17:15:59Torneyou can probably fix the button :)
17:16:09TorneOr at least, get it to register as always having hold *off*
17:16:16Torneif you open it up and poke around.
17:16:30Tornejust open it pretty carefully. )
17:16:30Dilipdid didnt work
17:16:35Dilipbeen poking it all day
17:16:44Tornewell, i mean, work out whether the pins are connected or disconnected when hold is off
17:16:47Dilipyes I have replaced my battery once
17:16:53Torneand then short/cut the wire to get it into that state permanently
17:17:02Torneor just order a replacement switch from a parts site
17:17:29Dilipyes...would probably do that I guess
17:17:59Dilipthanks for all your help.....let me know if there's anything else to try
17:25:53bassgeishaheh now that ive got my settings right my vol is at like -10
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19:42:37pamauryyeah, lcd working on ZEN X-Fi \o/ This is a hack but at least it aids debugging
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