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01:36:42 | blarge | hello |
01:36:47 | blarge | hello |
01:37:04 | dunpeal | Hi. I'm using a Sansa Clip+. Can I make it go to the WPS *but not start playing* on startup? |
01:38:10 | blarge | I'm considering starting to develop a port for the ipod nano 4g and i was wondering if anyone could help me get started |
01:38:31 | gevaerts | dunpeal: no |
01:39:37 | gevaerts | blarge: newer ipod development has been handled by the freemyipod people. They have some documentation on www.freemyipod.org and hang out in #freemyipod |
01:39:58 | gevaerts | You're welcome to discuss it here, but that's going to be where the knowledge is |
01:40:20 | blarge | ok thank you |
01:40:31 | blarge | i'll be back if i have any questions |
01:40:38 | | Quit blarge (Client Quit) |
01:41:45 | [Saint] | I think the N4G is a no go. |
01:45:00 | dunpeal | Can I set a timer that will play some simple sound after X minutes? |
01:45:20 | [Saint] | no. |
01:46:00 | dunpeal | :( |
01:46:16 | dunpeal | Is there a way to make the sleep timer much more accessible? |
01:46:53 | dunpeal | [Saint]: Actually, looks like it's possible through the Shortcuts menu. |
01:47:48 | dunpeal | time data needs to be either “talk” to talk the time, or “sleep X” where X is the |
01:47:51 | dunpeal | number of minutes to run the sleep timer for (0 to disable). name is required for |
01:47:54 | dunpeal | this shortcut type. |
01:48:55 | [Saint] | that's nothing close to what you want. |
01:49:31 | [Saint] | unless what you want changed or is different to that described. |
01:51:40 | dunpeal | I want the player to tell me when I've been running for X minutes. It would be nice if it could tell me by playing a sound, but suddenly stopping to play is also a form of alert. |
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01:56:41 | dunpeal | Where can I see the current sleep timer? |
01:57:23 | dunpeal | nvm, found it in settings. |
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02:16:02 | saratoga | i think theres code execution on the Nano 4G so it would be possible to do a port |
02:16:42 | saratoga | ah yeah EMCore is on it |
02:18:26 | [Saint] | doesn't that involve some hardware futzery? |
02:21:36 | saratoga | i don't think so |
02:30:06 | TheSeven | next step on nano4g is figuring out how to access the flash memory |
02:30:26 | TheSeven | we have SDRAM, LCD (on some models at least) and USB up and running |
02:31:20 | TheSeven | you might want to check if there has been any progress at idroid or other related projects for the ipod touch 2g during the last years |
02:31:27 | TheSeven | that one has the same SoC as the nano4g |
02:33:25 | saratoga | " hacked up kernel booting, didn’t go much further than that " |
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11:29:20 | jlbiasini | pamaury: ping |
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12:41:57 | jlbiasini | pamaury: ping |
12:43:02 | [Saint] | the idea of pinging, is to wait for the pong :) |
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12:43:11 | jlbiasini | ah ok |
12:43:49 | jlbiasini | I have problem to configure the keymaps in radio mode |
12:43:58 | jlbiasini | is there a bug or a trick about it |
12:44:00 | jlbiasini | ? |
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13:30:42 | copper | can I have a single rockbox git clone and several different "build" directories, in order to compile different targets? |
13:31:32 | bertrik | yes |
13:31:43 | bertrik | I have build-clipzip build-clipplus, etc |
13:32:05 | bertrik | but that's not really related to git actually, did that with svn too |
13:32:41 | bertrik | hope I understood you correctly |
13:33:02 | [Saint] | indeed. |
13:33:15 | [Saint] | build or build* is nice, as git ignores it. |
13:33:24 | * | bertrik didn't know that |
13:33:39 | [Saint] | "my_cool_rockbox_build" however will futz your git status. |
13:35:54 | copper | yup, that was my question, thank you |
13:38:48 | copper | er, it's on the wiki |
13:39:09 | copper | though the bit about different source trees right before the "build" dir part is somewhat confusing |
13:39:18 | copper | http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/HowToCompile#A_7._Multiple_Versions |
13:40:21 | [Saint] | multiple trees is different to compiling for multiple devices. |
13:40:25 | [Saint] | just so that's clear. |
13:41:16 | bertrik | I don't really see the point of having multiple source trees anymore, if you already can have git branches |
13:41:17 | [Saint] | I can see how the wiki confuses that, though. |
13:41:41 | [Saint] | bertrik: the wiki is just confusingly worded. |
13:41:51 | [Saint] | its actually talking about branches. |
13:41:56 | bertrik | sure, someone has a use case for that, but we don't need to mention it in a wiki for people checking out rockbox for the first time |
13:42:36 | [Saint] | usinggit covers all this anyway. |
13:43:18 | copper | gaaah |
13:43:27 | copper | someone should really remove the <base href="http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/Main/HowToCompile" /> bit on the wiki |
13:43:39 | [Saint] | maybe that page should be s/Multiple Versions/Multiple Targets/ and the confusing bit about git branches can be thrown away. |
13:43:42 | copper | it makes clicking on local anchors reload the entire page |
13:44:52 | copper | the /Main/ bit looks obsolete, because /Main/ URLs redirect to URLs without it |
13:45:50 | copper | actually when browsing the Wiki, you go through a 302 redirect with every single page |
13:45:56 | copper | and every single local link |
13:46:53 | [Saint] | ..Then mend it dear copper, dear copper, dear copper. Then mend it dear copper, dear copper, mend it. |
13:46:54 | [Saint] | :) |
13:47:04 | copper | ? |
13:47:20 | copper | this isn't something I can edit |
13:48:28 | [Saint] | I was making fun of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There's_a_Hole_in_My_Bucket |
13:49:37 | [Saint] | In hindsight, it wouldn't surprise me if that rhyme wasn't too well known for non-Englishians. |
13:49:49 | copper | it's probably a matter of changing one line in the Wiki configuration |
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14:00 |
14:01:39 | copper | should I report it here? http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/WikiIssues |
14:02:06 | [Saint] | Probably not if you'd like it looke dat. |
14:02:20 | [Saint] | rather, yes, but...don't make that *all* you do. |
14:02:49 | copper | I assumed someone in charge had update notifications for that page, maybe |
14:11:05 | copper | uh |
14:11:07 | copper | http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?themeid=1875&target=sansafuzeplus |
14:11:30 | copper | submitted TODAY, *5* downloads, *6* five star votes? |
14:11:52 | [Saint] | It is trivial to abuse. |
14:12:19 | [Saint] | A determined author can easily skew the results. |
14:12:20 | [Saint] | its sad. |
14:12:38 | lebellium | is it trivial to add a system that remove the theme if rating count > download count? :D |
14:13:04 | [Saint] | I would like to see it impossible to rate a theme unless the rater has in fact actually downloaded it. |
14:13:21 | [Saint] | but then, just as they do now, they can clear cookies and fuck the system over to their will. |
14:13:23 | lebellium | based on IP? |
14:13:42 | [Saint] | I think its cookie based. |
14:13:46 | [Saint] | lets check. |
14:13:56 | lebellium | I guess people have other things to do that clearing cookies for a simple theme |
14:14:35 | [Saint] | Yep. Sad. |
14:14:46 | [Saint] | Rate; clear data; rate; clear data; rate... |
14:14:51 | [Saint] | that's how its being done. |
14:15:23 | * | [Saint] adds two votes of 0 to counter his two votes of 10 |
14:15:44 | lebellium | Ok let's dot that \o/ |
14:16:23 | [Saint] | I wonder how it deals with incognito mode... |
14:16:55 | [Saint] | Actually. No. I'll stop playing with this. Its clearly quite broken, abused, and not to be taken too seriously :) |
14:17:28 | lebellium | I also add vote of 0 because he took the vinyle picture (no album art) from my themes |
14:17:30 | lebellium | :D |
14:17:35 | [Saint] | If an author wants to waste their time on a largely meaningless rating, let 'em. |
14:17:38 | [Saint] | :) |
14:17:45 | copper | congrats, you made that theme even more important by increasing its number of votes |
14:18:22 | [Saint] | The vote count increased, but, the rating didn't. A small victory, I guess. |
14:18:55 | [Saint] | Anyhoo, perhaps it should be rate-limited to "1 vote per IP, per theme, per day" |
14:19:13 | [Saint] | I have no idea how to achieve that..but, if it happened, it'd be nice. |
14:19:52 | [Saint] | sorry: "1 vote per IP, per theme, per day - and you need to have actually downloaded the bloody thing" |
14:19:53 | copper | per theme and per revision |
14:20:04 | copper | i.e. per themeID |
14:20:13 | [Saint] | Ah, indeed. Good catch. |
14:22:37 | copper | eh, with the font I use, the iPod Classic can only display 14 lines, vs. 21 for the Fuze+ |
14:23:03 | copper | yay for portrait mode displays |
14:23:44 | [Saint] | turn the Classic sideways, same dimensions ;) |
14:24:08 | copper | that would make using the touchwheel rather awkward ;) |
14:25:53 | lebellium | ahaha and he can't crop and resize a pic properly. He took 1 pixel line from the picture above in orange http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/546/lhnp.png |
14:27:31 | [Saint] | says the person who has made no mistakes, ever. :) |
14:27:57 | lebellium | I don't cheat |
14:28:14 | [Saint] | ...cheat? |
14:28:21 | lebellium | voting count |
14:29:10 | copper | also, what's up with the bottom status bar on the second screenshot? |
14:29:14 | copper | the text is all mangled |
14:29:52 | copper | and why is the metadata text cropped on the first screenshot, when there's still a lot of whitespace on the sides? |
14:29:54 | [Saint] | scrolling lines. |
14:30:10 | copper | it doesn't matter that they're scrolling |
14:30:14 | [Saint] | and weird viewport dimensions. |
14:30:19 | [Saint] | it does, yes. |
14:30:32 | [Saint] | scrolling lines sometimes tear during a screenshot. |
14:30:54 | [Saint] | this is visible in quite a few places on the themesite, though I don't have specific examples. |
14:31:13 | lebellium | copper: it's not because there is some whitespace that you shoud use it. You usually want a theme to be ergonomic AND nice |
14:31:23 | copper | someone should screw with his head and set a negative download count in the database :) |
14:32:21 | copper | lebellium: it's obvious aligned with the cover artwork, yet the progress bar is larger |
14:32:34 | copper | obviously* |
14:32:57 | [Saint] | Oh. Indeed. That looks terrible, IMO. |
14:33:31 | [Saint] | If there's a chance the text will scroll offscreen, it just looks odd if it starts at some arbitrary distance that isn't marked or outlined by anything. |
14:33:41 | copper | btw |
14:33:50 | copper | there's an annoying artifact from the scrolling code |
14:34:13 | copper | when the text is larger by, like, one or two pixels only, the text doesn't really scroll; rather, it blinks |
14:34:32 | copper | in a fashion that makes it hard to read |
14:34:39 | [Saint] | Not here. |
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14:34:54 | [Saint] | it rocks back and forth in its bounds here. |
14:36:17 | [Saint] | are your speed and step settings quite low? |
14:36:22 | [Saint] | I imagine that might cause it. |
14:36:39 | copper | defaults |
14:36:41 | [Saint] | I use setp == 1px, speed == 17, all smooth and nice here. |
14:36:46 | [Saint] | *step |
14:37:53 | | Quit JdGordon (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
14:38:50 | * | [Saint] has a fond spot in his heart for this theme: |
14:38:51 | [Saint] | http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?themeid=16&target=sansafuzeplus |
14:39:12 | [Saint] | Its one of the very few themes that requires no image assets that actually does something. |
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14:39:26 | lebellium | [Saint]: I'm wondering if I shouldn't replace "%?mp<|blabla|blabla|blabla|||>" by "%?if(%mp, =, %and(2,3,4)<blabla>" in my themes. Is it better for the skin engine? |
14:39:54 | [Saint] | No better, no. |
14:40:05 | copper | I'm uploading a video |
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14:40:38 | [Saint] | copper: before doing so, did you test with other scroll settings? |
14:40:43 | copper | no |
14:40:49 | [Saint] | It might pay to. |
14:41:26 | [Saint] | the scroll step is likely higher than the "overlap", meaning it couldn;t ever display, meaning you see it "blink". |
14:41:43 | copper | the problem is that I'm using the default scrolling settings here |
14:41:57 | [Saint] | scroll step is probably the factor at play here, rather than speed. |
14:42:09 | [Saint] | why is that a problem? |
14:42:20 | copper | https://www.dropbox.com/s/cv7kbp1nmje45fc/VID_20130714_143459.mp4 |
14:42:21 | [Saint] | the defaults can't ever account for every use case. |
14:42:31 | copper | it's reproducible in the sim |
14:42:38 | [Saint] | I would expect it to be. |
14:42:46 | [Saint] | I would be mortified if it wasn't. |
14:43:00 | lebellium | [Saint]: as the line would be much shorter, and as it avoids some repetition (of course "blabla" is just an example, the reality is a more complex code) I thought it would be easier for the sking engine to decode that |
14:43:08 | copper | uuuugh |
14:43:14 | [Saint] | if the overlapping section of text is smaller than the scroll step...you could never see it properly. |
14:43:36 | copper | [Saint]: still blinks |
14:43:43 | copper | with your scrolling settings |
14:44:05 | jlbiasini | I have a question: why are the keymaps for radio conditionally activated depending of target at the beggining of the radio.c file? |
14:44:09 | copper | the text appears only for a fraction of a second |
14:44:17 | copper | and remains blank for most of the time |
14:44:22 | [Saint] | ...did that used to be iLike? |
14:44:30 | copper | no |
14:44:46 | jlbiasini | I mean i took me 2 hours to find out why the radio specific keymaps don't work on the fuze+ |
14:44:51 | copper | it's a modification of iClassic Square |
14:44:59 | [Saint] | ...which used to be iLike :) |
14:45:22 | [Saint] | Anyhoo. I can't reproduce it here. |
14:45:27 | | Quit JdGordon (Remote host closed the connection) |
14:45:30 | jlbiasini | wouldn't it be more consistent to have all unavaillable keymaps set to BUTTON_NONE in the target keymaps file? |
14:46:06 | copper | [Saint]: you can with http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?themeid=1871&target=ipodvideo and the iPod Video sim |
14:46:30 | copper | with the font and a file with the album title "Random Access Memories" |
14:46:44 | [Saint] | IFF I have a track with exactly N chars, or equal to N pixels? |
14:47:12 | [Saint] | that's a fair bit of hassle to test, presently. But its noted. |
14:48:27 | copper | adding exactly 2 pixels in available width solved the problem |
14:48:43 | jlbiasini | this will solve abug where been having for long... |
14:48:58 | jlbiasini | *we have been having |
14:49:10 | [Saint] | jlbiasini: it will? which? |
14:49:37 | jlbiasini | FS #12733 |
14:49:39 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12733 Fuze+ Bottom-left button not allowing FM settings access (bugs, assigned) |
14:50:15 | jlbiasini | actually all fuzeplus radio specific keymaps |
14:50:26 | jlbiasini | are unfunctional on fuze+ |
14:50:54 | | Join JdGordon_ [0] (~jonno@CPE-58-168-28-140.lns5.cht.bigpond.net.au) |
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14:50:57 | | Join JdGordon_ [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
14:51:01 | [Saint] | that's likely only the case because the keymap was recycled from another target and no one spotted the conflict. |
14:51:25 | jlbiasini | because the fact you have to activate the keymaps your target handle at the beginning of the radio.c file is not really obvious |
14:51:28 | [Saint] | if that didn't happen, there wouldn;t be a problem. |
14:51:34 | jlbiasini | no it has nothing to do with that |
14:51:50 | | Quit froggyman (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
14:52:13 | jlbiasini | have a look at the begining of the apps/radio/radio.c file |
14:52:16 | | Join froggyman [0] (~froggyman@unaffiliated/froggyman) |
14:52:53 | jlbiasini | you have to activate radio functionnality for your target to have its keymaps working |
14:53:05 | jlbiasini | one by one!!! |
14:54:24 | jlbiasini | I suppose there must be a reason for that... But this is really a nasty trap... |
14:56:30 | | Quit jhMikeS (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) |
14:57:37 | lebellium | [Saint]: why on some themes the menus list is on the same level http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?themeid=1541&target=samsungypr0 |
14:57:56 | lebellium | I mean why is the Rockbox line not on left and the other lines a bit on the rifht |
14:57:59 | lebellium | right* |
14:58:15 | jlbiasini | well no one has any idea about that? :( |
14:58:20 | [Saint] | scrollbar. |
14:58:59 | lebellium | it's because of the "-" in %Vi(-,0,28,-,236,1) |
14:59:01 | lebellium | ? |
14:59:02 | [Saint] | this theme (apparently) either disabled the scrollbar, or has it set to the right. |
14:59:07 | [Saint] | no. |
14:59:44 | lebellium | aaah |
14:59:46 | lebellium | indeed |
14:59:53 | lebellium | never paid attention to that before |
14:59:55 | lebellium | thanks |
15:00 |
15:02:18 | [Saint] | The "-" in %Vi(-, *, *, *...) is just "Use this UI viewport by default" |
15:02:58 | | Join JdGordon [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
15:03:05 | [Saint] | usually not needed, as if you're specifying a custom UI viewport, you almost certainly have a conditional case that sets it as well, so a label would be used. |
15:03:16 | lebellium | [Saint]: no, I thought maybe it was due to the width set to "-". |
15:04:32 | [Saint] | it is only used like that for the positional tuples. |
15:04:52 | [Saint] | for the font tuple, for instance, it means "use whatever font is currently set as userfont" |
15:05:53 | * | [Saint] is aware that this is not an easy langauage to learn. :) |
15:06:08 | | Quit JdGordon_ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) |
15:06:38 | [Saint] | *I* don't even fully understand some of it, and I've had a hand in shaping a lot of it myself. |
15:06:41 | lebellium | :D |
15:06:46 | lebellium | [Saint], bug spotted |
15:06:48 | lebellium | "In the WPS of the "cabbiev2" theme, the Shuffle icon is always grey, even if i turn Shuffle on in the QuickScreen. Is this a known bug of the theme? In another theme (e.g. Pen & Paper) the Shuffle icon is displayed correctly." |
15:06:54 | lebellium | 240x320 |
15:08:34 | [Saint] | cabbiev2.240x320x16.wps ? |
15:08:39 | lebellium | yes |
15:08:43 | lebellium | I confirm the bug on my YP-R0 |
15:08:48 | lebellium | but haven't looked at the WPS code yet |
15:09:32 | | Quit JdGordon (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) |
15:09:34 | [Saint] | change line 15 to "%xl(D,shuffle-240x320x16.bmp,0,0)" |
15:09:45 | [Saint] | test, and I'll push later unless you beat me to it. |
15:10:18 | lebellium | Ok I try on-device change with text editor, too lazy to connect my R0 to PC \o/ |
15:10:18 | [Saint] | somewhat surprising that went unnoticed for so long. |
15:12:39 | lebellium | [Saint]: ok that fixed it :) |
15:12:48 | [Saint] | Noted. Thanks. |
15:13:32 | [Saint] | It *was* displaying the image, it was just displaying it in a location that was technically outside of the screen :) |
15:13:47 | lebellium | yes I saw |
15:13:48 | lebellium | 139 |
15:13:50 | lebellium | lol |
15:14:07 | [Saint] | The sad thing is, I broke it :) |
15:14:11 | lebellium | does that mean nobody uses shuffle mode with cabbiev2? \o/ |
15:14:18 | [Saint] | Apparently :) |
15:14:30 | * | [Saint] goes off to sit in his corner of shame |
15:18:11 | | Join JdGordon [0] (~jonno@CPE-121-217-116-243.lnse2.cht.bigpond.net.au) |
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16:09:06 | | Join Avish35 [0] (~d4194f82@www.haxx.se) |
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16:24:52 | | Join Bagder [241] (~daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
16:29:36 | copper | I wonder why Rockbox doesn't attract (more?) graphics artists |
16:29:51 | copper | Winamp had some really great skins |
16:30:31 | copper | and skinning Rockbox is easy enough |
16:31:12 | lebellium | because artists no longer use mp3 players. They became famous and got the money to buy a smartphone \o/ |
16:31:37 | [Saint] | mp3 players are dead for users, largely, and developers aren't artists. |
16:32:04 | [Saint] | s/aren't/usually aren't/ |
16:32:56 | copper | Meh. |
16:32:57 | [Saint] | A lot of users also couldn't care what it looks like as long as it works and doesn't make their eyes bleed. |
16:33:04 | copper | really? |
16:33:05 | soap | ^ |
16:33:06 | [Saint] | cabbiev2 performs nicely for this bunch. |
16:33:10 | soap | right |
16:33:43 | copper | and I guess few graphics artists are audio geeks |
16:33:45 | lebellium | I know people thinking the failsafe mode is a theme and looks nice... |
16:34:07 | [Saint] | lebellium: I have encountered that before myself as well. |
16:34:54 | copper | strangely though, there is lots of high quality icon artwork for Linux systems |
16:34:54 | [Saint] | copper: audio geek and DAP geek aren't quite the same thing. |
16:35:36 | copper | I think they're largely related |
16:35:54 | soap | I don't think it is due to the overlap between graphic artists and audio geeks being small, but rather the fact that there are only so many hours in a life and the actual time I interface with my MP3 player is _minuscule_. I'd rather skin something I actually interact with. |
16:35:57 | copper | if you're an audio geek, maybe you want stuff like FLAC / Vorbis support, Replaygain, EQ, etc |
16:36:00 | [Saint] | Ok, I'll rephrase. |
16:36:12 | [Saint] | copper: audio geek and rockboxed-DAP geek aren't quite the same thing. |
16:36:27 | copper | and if you want those things, there aren't many offerings |
16:38:04 | [Saint] | soap: that's it, really. "Its a DAP, its in my pocket ~90% of the time, who cares what it looks like - its functional" |
16:39:09 | [Saint] | If anything is going to turn users away, I doubt it is our crap UI, it'd be the labyrinthine menu structure ;) |
16:39:23 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:40:29 | soap | As soon as album art was added (folder.bmp era) I was happy. |
16:41:41 | copper | Apple seems to think it's important though :P |
16:41:44 | soap | That added "quick glance" information and IMHO from that point forward there was nothing to be added except aesthetics, and as I stated earlier I feel that the aesthetics aren't worth the time. I use my DAP 10+ hours a day but see it <5 min a day. |
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17:02:25 | | Join maffe [0] (~Miranda@77-21-33-246-dynip.superkabel.de) |
17:30:53 | pamaury | jlbiasini: yes ? |
17:31:28 | jlbiasini | I finally resolve the issue where specific radio keymaps were not fired |
17:32:34 | jlbiasini | the radio.c file seems very old and each key mapped has to be define again in radio.c to be activated |
17:33:12 | jlbiasini | I have a patch for that which also correct some errors and update manual |
17:33:42 | | Join ZincAlloy [0] (~d9ee9b50@www.haxx.se) |
17:34:05 | jlbiasini | still there is a proplem with the ACION_FM_RECORD that doesn't give any effect, I don't know why |
17:35:13 | jlbiasini | Also what is with touchpad sensitivity setting patch? I don't know if you just keep forgetting about those to commit or if you are waiting for some planned moment to commit them all |
17:35:37 | jlbiasini | which is why I'm keeping on telling you to commit it all the time :) |
17:36:18 | [Saint] | waiting for non-user review, I'm guessing. |
17:36:20 | | Join asker [0] (~539508aa@www.haxx.se) |
17:36:25 | asker | hello |
17:36:32 | asker | i have a question |
17:36:37 | | Join melmothX [0] (~melmoth@unaffiliated/melmothx) |
17:36:55 | [Saint] | asker: assuming its about Rockbox, ask it. |
17:37:04 | asker | yes |
17:37:21 | jlbiasini | pamaury: and now that I remenber the new volume value seems to be wrong on my device even on zero i still hear sound |
17:38:16 | asker | i have a old tom-tec mp3 player with coular display i bought it in the netherlands and i dont know if its possible to put it on my mp3 player |
17:38:43 | [Saint] | not without a lot of work, no. |
17:38:59 | [Saint] | supported devices are listed on the main page. |
17:39:29 | asker | idont see mine is supported so i wanna try it at my own. |
17:39:37 | asker | so i have a few questions |
17:39:52 | asker | could i compile it on windows ? |
17:40:05 | [Saint] | natively? No. |
17:40:15 | asker | and how many files or make it even work requered |
17:40:24 | [Saint] | read this: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/NewPort |
17:40:34 | asker | so i need ubuntu? |
17:40:45 | [Saint] | pay attention to "AM I up for the task?" and "Who will help me?" |
17:41:23 | pamaury | jlbiasini: at 0dB it's normal to hear something, that's very loud ! |
17:41:45 | jlbiasini | no I mean at minimal ;) |
17:41:56 | [Saint] | I would be very surprised if you didn't hear anything at line level :) |
17:42:06 | asker | ah okay tnx i will look i just heard about this project today so i was really excited |
17:42:38 | [Saint] | without knowing the hardware, there's no guarantee the device will even *run* Rockbox. |
17:42:47 | asker | ah okay |
17:43:05 | [Saint] | the link above details steps you'll need to take to verify this. |
17:43:10 | asker | if i have any questions would i need to ask it here or on the forum? |
17:43:30 | [Saint] | here is fine. so are the forums. whatever is convenient for you. |
17:44:22 | pamaury | jlbiasini: ok let me check |
17:44:41 | asker | :) |
17:45:11 | | Quit asker (Quit: CGI:IRC) |
17:47:22 | pamaury | jlbiasini: indeed there is a problem, minimal volume is -58dB instead of -100dB, no surprise you can hear something ! |
17:47:35 | jlbiasini | pamaury: regarding FS #12880 if you use lebellium Samsung-like skin it display the volume value over 500 different level which is clearly the reason why it's so slow wouldn't a division somewhere solve this issue |
17:47:36 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12880 [fuze+] Volume keys are very slow (bugs, assigned) |
17:48:06 | pamaury | jlbiasini: no no, the problem comes from apps/ code which doesn't increment volume properly |
17:49:03 | jlbiasini | yes that right I saw your comment but does it really make sense to have a volume value over 500 different levels? |
17:49:35 | pamaury | what do you mean over 500 ? |
17:49:49 | jlbiasini | shouldn't the driver convert the hardware value into some default 0 to -100 |
17:50:05 | pamaury | no, that would not be dB anymore ! |
17:50:09 | jlbiasini | I don't know if this is a skin problem |
17:50:23 | * | [Saint] is lost |
17:50:30 | jlbiasini | but I usually use lebellium Samsung-like |
17:50:57 | jlbiasini | theme that used to display me a volume value between -100 and 6 |
17:51:26 | [Saint] | yes, that's dB...you can't just make that up. It isn't an arbitrary value. |
17:51:31 | [Saint] | even if it may seem so. |
17:51:34 | pamaury | the issue is the following: the DAC has half-dB precision, with use tenth-dB internally so I map -100dB..12dB to -1000ddB..12ddB and use a step of 5. So the range is huge but actual number of meaningfull values is small |
17:51:42 | jlbiasini | and since the last commit changing those value it give me a volume value between -580 |
17:51:48 | pamaury | *s/with/we |
17:52:10 | pamaury | some broken theme (or theme engine), don't understand that 500 is actuall 50.0dB :) |
17:52:45 | jlbiasini | ah ok so nothing to do with the core problem then |
17:52:55 | [Saint] | I don't understand how either a theme or the theme engine could break that. |
17:53:12 | pamaury | recent changes from jhMikes I guess |
17:53:42 | pamaury | volume settings were handled differently before |
17:55:28 | | Join dewlap [0] (~dewlap@2001:5c0:1000:a::5a1) |
17:55:30 | lebellium | my theme uses the appropriate tag for dB display so the problem is not here |
17:57:04 | jlbiasini | pamaury: and what is the situation regarding touchpad sensitivity patch? |
17:57:12 | [Saint] | there's no way to display a non-dB value (without going to some effort), so I would hope so. |
17:57:48 | pamaury | for example in apps/gui/skin_engine/skin_token.c: if I understand correctly, it doesn't care about number of digits and steps, likely a bug |
17:57:58 | pamaury | jlbiasini: I will commit it today |
17:58:13 | jlbiasini | ok thanks |
17:58:29 | jlbiasini | my touchpad patch will be ready in 1 hours top |
17:59:16 | jlbiasini | but this radio.c file is really strange to me I wonder if Mr someone shouldn't rewrite it |
17:59:55 | pamaury | I think bertrik wanted someone to rewrite radio.c but it's quite a task |
18:00 |
18:00:25 | [Saint] | jlbiasini: you're approaching the time where you can become Mr. Someone yourself :) |
18:00:53 | [Saint] | Oh...sorry...no. Silly dislike of real name policy. I forgot. |
18:01:00 | [Saint] | Nevermind. |
18:01:23 | lebellium | Don't you mix up him with me? |
18:01:37 | jlbiasini | yes but actually I don't understand why the file was written like that |
18:01:42 | lebellium | or are we 2 to hate the real name policy? |
18:01:44 | jlbiasini | yes he is |
18:02:02 | jlbiasini | no I'm already commiting stuff now and then |
18:02:23 | [Saint] | Eeek. Ok. Apparently its bed time here. I'm mixing people up. :) |
18:02:51 | pamaury | another issue: apps/gui/wps.c: "global_settings.volume++;" => plain wrong |
18:03:19 | jlbiasini | [Saint]: I cannot also use the simulator to check if the change are breaking other target because it doens't handle fm keymaps well for what I know |
18:04:25 | jlbiasini | pamaury: apps/radio/radio.c: global_settings.volume++; |
18:06:00 | pamaury | from my discussion with jhMikes, it sound be global_settings.volume += steps, where steps is the volume step |
18:06:07 | pamaury | *should be |
18:07:24 | [Saint] | jlbiasini: that's what gerrit is for |
18:07:31 | pamaury | the reason for this breakage is the following: old code used to ranges: dB range (firmware) and physical range (driver). The conversion was done using a function. It was changed to a unique representation. This breaks old code because previously all values were physically plausible ones, so the ++/−− made sense, now it's not the case anymore. That means a lot of places to fix !! |
18:07:32 | [Saint] | well...one of the reasons. |
18:09:40 | pamaury | jlbiasini: apparently alarm wake up doesn't work for everyone, can you try it again ? |
18:11:02 | jlbiasini | I tried like 5 or 6 days ago after having compiled the new BL and it didn't I retried yesterday with a new recompilation and then it worked |
18:20:45 | | Quit maffe (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
18:20:46 | jlbiasini | LOL: the key hint for the alarm menu are hard coded in every single Lang file. So in each of them there is a line for all different mapping kind!! |
18:21:20 | | Join maffe [0] (~Miranda@77-21-33-246-dynip.superkabel.de) |
18:21:34 | jlbiasini | pamaury: so retested and it woke up |
18:22:01 | pamaury | jlbiasini: hum, ugly |
18:22:18 | jlbiasini | common guys are you aware that not everybody is a regex expert :D |
18:23:48 | [Saint] | ...you calling us common? |
18:23:49 | [Saint] | :P |
18:24:11 | jlbiasini | arf my french english... ;) |
18:25:00 | lebellium | we are many in this case, don't worry :P |
18:25:22 | jlbiasini | and growing! :D |
18:25:52 | lebellium | Yes, France will take over Rockbox hehe |
18:25:56 | pamaury | there is a real issue with the volume settings: we can handle the radio volume right :( |
18:26:01 | pamaury | *cannot |
18:26:56 | jlbiasini | that code is really old the header says 2002 |
18:27:44 | pamaury | bertrik: ping |
18:39:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
18:44:40 | jlbiasini | so I think I need some regex helps here... |
18:45:01 | jlbiasini | I have to replace ipod*: "SELECT=Valider MENU=Annuler" |
18:46:07 | jlbiasini | by the same + newline + 4 space + fuzeplus: "SELECT=Set BACK=Cancel" |
18:46:45 | jlbiasini | arf no the line to replace is mpiohd300: "ENTER=Set MENU=Cancel" |
18:47:20 | jlbiasini | why is that not working: sed -i 's/^\(\s{4}mpiohd300:\s\"ENTER=.+MENU=\.\"\)$/\1\n\\s{4}fuzeplus:\s\"SELECT=Set\sBACK=Cancel\"/g' filename |
18:49:46 | jlbiasini | ok so first I have an extra \ at \\s{4}fuzeplus, once remove it still doesn't work... |
18:50:02 | pamaury | urg, pretty unreadable |
18:50:26 | jlbiasini | jep this is regex! :D |
18:51:47 | | Quit melmothX (Quit: @) |
18:52:06 | jlbiasini | ok MENU=\.\ is also wrong it's MENU=.+\ |
18:56:33 | | Join einhirn [0] (Miranda@bsod.vpn.tu-clausthal.de) |
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19:10:41 | | Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) |
19:19:11 | jlbiasini | for the record and the fun the correct answer was: |
19:19:33 | jlbiasini | sed -i 's/\(\s\{4\}mpiohd300:\s\"ENTER=.\+MENU=.\+\"\)/\1\n\ fuzeplus: "SELECT=Set BACK=Cancel"/g' file |
19:22:29 | * | pamaury likes datasheet inconsistencies |
19:24:25 | | Quit Belzebub (Changing host) |
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19:34:14 | | Nick DormantBrain is now known as SuperBrainAK (~andy@shared02.balt01.cd.2g2u.net) |
19:57:47 | copper | http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?themeid=1875&target=sansafuzeplus |
19:57:52 | copper | 12 votes now? Seriously? |
19:58:36 | copper | 4th position in number of votes, in less than a day |
19:58:37 | copper | nice |
19:59:15 | pamaury | copper: looks like, I should try it |
20:00 |
20:10:22 | ZincAlloy | copper: rockbox is not linux, it only looks like it? :D |
20:24:08 | copper | ? |
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21:40:41 | jlbiasini | how can I drop modification made to only one file? |
21:40:49 | jlbiasini | I mean with git? |
21:44:06 | jlbiasini | well for a start I will not add it to the modification... |
21:51:17 | | Join ZincAlloy [0] (~d9ee9b50@www.haxx.se) |
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22:09:17 | jlbiasini | pamaury: g#508 is also ready for pushing |
22:09:20 | fs-bluebot | Gerrit review #508 at http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/508 : [Fuze+][Keymaps] keymaps and keymaps hint update by Jean-Louis Biasini (changes/08/508/3) |
22:09:56 | jlbiasini | it correct all the keymaps hints and a fews keymaps on radio and record |
22:10:45 | jlbiasini | I finally found a regex expression to reuse the already translated string by substitution |
22:10:57 | jlbiasini | long life to sed |
22:11:01 | jlbiasini | :D |
22:11:52 | jlbiasini | this also fix the radio not reacting to specific key |
22:15:02 | jlbiasini | except the record radio that I'm going to report as a bug |
22:15:43 | bertrik | pamaury: oh hi |
22:20:57 | jlbiasini | pamaury: done! FS #12881 |
22:20:58 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12881 ACTION_FM_RECORD not firing on the Fuze+ (bugs, new) |
22:31:50 | jlbiasini | ah and for the record, I love my rockboxed fuze+, so we are actually 2! :D |
22:32:27 | lebellium | lol |
22:32:35 | lebellium | 3 |
22:32:41 | lebellium | copper, pamaury and you :) |
22:32:47 | jlbiasini | great! |
22:37:37 | jlbiasini | lebellium: actually your theme is not the only one to display a 500ed level for volume on the fuze+ |
22:38:11 | lebellium | jlbiasini: there is no black magic, I just use the standard tag to display volume in dB so I hope they are more themes than mine to use the same tag :) |
22:38:11 | jlbiasini | only cabbyv2 doesn't but it's a version that is a few mounth old already |
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22:40:30 | | Quit y4n (Quit: Assumption is the mother of all fuckups) |
22:41:33 | lebellium | jlbiasini: cabbiev2 probably uses the same tag too. It's just not shown as dB but as a graphic indicator like the volume bar in my theme. I don't know why you think it's related to themes :) |
22:41:44 | ZincAlloy | cabbiev2 uses the classic status bar. options for displaying volume in dB are included, but they must be commented in. |
22:43:22 | jlbiasini | when i change volume on cabbie it dysplays a 2 digit number |
22:43:42 | ZincAlloy | right. but not permanently |
22:43:42 | jlbiasini | ahhh it's a troncated number |
22:44:00 | jlbiasini | it goes to 58 max |
22:44:20 | jlbiasini | whereas the usual minimal is -580 |
22:44:38 | jlbiasini | so it's -58 for -580 it explains |
22:46:12 | lebellium | so, nothing to do with themes: ) |
22:47:27 | * | jlbiasini loves how lebellium jumps everytime someone suggest that his themes is broken :D |
22:47:41 | lebellium | :D |
22:48:09 | lebellium | I can't dev. I can only defend my theme :D |
22:48:18 | jlbiasini | pamaury: ping |
22:48:21 | jlbiasini | :D |
22:48:37 | jlbiasini | one of the cleanest indeed |
22:56:13 | | Quit Scall (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
23:00 |
23:02:17 | | Join Scall [0] (~chat@unaffiliated/scall) |
23:18:03 | | Quit rasher (Read error: Operation timed out) |
23:18:17 | | Join rasher [0] (~rasher@rockbox/developer/rasher) |
23:22:10 | | Quit jlbiasini (Quit: jlbiasini) |
23:29:21 | | Quit jhMikeS (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
23:55:25 | | Quit maffe (Quit: IRC ist obsolet!) |