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#rockbox log for 2013-09-10

00:01:24 Quit Rower (Quit: Hmmm...)
00:02:04 Join wowaname [0] (~wow@
00:11:20 Quit n1s (Quit: Ex-Chat)
00:35:07 Quit dv_ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
00:36:44 Join ender` [0] (
00:41:58 Quit ender` (Quit: Puritanism - the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy. -- Henry Mencken)
00:53:06 Join ender` [0] (
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01:09:07 Join dcheartly [0] (~madcat199@
01:09:58 Quit madcat1990 (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:14:06 Quit Haplo_ (Quit: Leaving)
01:23:28 Join dv_ [0] (
01:27:32 Quit Scall (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
01:28:50 Quit jn__ (Quit: leaving)
01:31:19 Join Scall [0] (~chat@unaffiliated/scall)
01:36:32 Quit Scall (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
01:38:50 Join Scall- [0] (
01:52:55 Quit ender` (Quit: Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night.")
01:53:01 Quit scorche|sh (Changing host)
01:53:01 Join scorche|sh [0] (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche)
02:58:39 Quit shamus (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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03:06:48 Part wowaname
03:08:36 Quit liar (Remote host closed the connection)
03:09:00 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
03:14:26 Quit dcheartly (Quit: Leaving)
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04:09:06 Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma)
04:09:08 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn)
04:12:33 Join [Saint] [0] (65629e67@rockbox/user/saint)
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10:03:49 Nick SuperBrainAK is now known as DormantBrain (~andy@
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10:28:41lebelliumZagor: could you please pull the changes to the homepage?
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11:22:37Mode"#rockbox +o ChanServ " by
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11:23:58Zagorlebellium: done
11:24:58lebelliumthank you :)
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11:34:15lebelliumhum I checked, with any build/release (even with the old Rockbox v3.2 UI sim), the Ondio FM gets blue backlighted screenshots instead or normal green screenshots (sim and on device). As it's like that since the very beginning, I'm wondering if it's expected or not.
11:38:25wodzI'd say it is a bug
11:39:41lebelliumI think so since backlight is only a h/w mod on this target. Originally the Ondio FM comes without backlight
11:44:45lebelliumIf someone knows how to change that...
12:08:28*[Saint] wishes raaa targets had daap support
12:08:48[Saint]pity I'm nowhere near smart enough to add it. :)
12:09:39[Saint]a lightweight network stack and smb/daap client support would be *awesome*.
12:20:12 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
12:34:15wodzwhat is daap ?
12:35:18wodz[Saint]: Can't you mount smb share on android and then access music files with file browser?
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12:58:51funmanwodz: i think daap is airplay protocol
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14:04:42lebelliumcould someone close FS #12868 ?
14:04:43fs-bluebot keylock doesn't work in fm receiver mode (bugs, unconfirmed)
14:07:15lebelliumthanks :)
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15:15:40redhot_Howdy guys!
15:16:11redhot_Any predictions on when the next RockBox version will be released? :)
15:17:25draftyou can get the daily dev snapshots if you like :)
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15:17:36draftthey've been really stable for me atleats
15:17:44draftif you're looking for bleeding edge
15:18:19redhot_yep, probably I will do that
15:18:24redhot_thanks :)
15:18:50draftrockboxutility supports you changing it to dev snapshots
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15:21:26redhot_yup, I know
15:29:17 Quit japc (Quit: Ex-Chat)
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15:35:27redhot_Guys, you could also accept BitCoin donations
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15:58:36lebelliumhum not sure it's worth it to have an album art on a greyscale screen
15:58:45lebelliumI guess I'll remove it :D
15:58:59draftis here anyone who is capable of changing my iPod Classic 160GB's HD and battery while at it?
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17:55:30megal0maniacQuick question, has anyone looked into the Samsung SmartTV platform as a potential Rockbox target?
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21:28:12lorenzo92pamaury: ping
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22:01:46pamaurylorenzo92: pong but afk for the next 30 min again
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22:08:54lorenzo92pamaury: no problem, i just wanted to ask you about touchscreen patch. I just have to define touch_enable and then it is also disabled while backlight is off, right?
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22:31:05lorenzo92wops I amended by mistake some changes to a wrong commit! what can I do now?
22:34:11lorenzo92I think patch against last but one commit should do the trick (damn xD)
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22:39:06pamaurylorenzo92: you need to implement touchpad_enable_device is you HAVE_TOUCHPAD
22:39:18pamaurylike for the fuze+, see the commit
22:39:39lorenzo92pamury: indeed, I don't have a touchpad but a touchscreen...hum I got confused
22:39:59lorenzo92is this patch also for touch screens?
22:41:42pamaurywhich target are you talking about ?
22:41:56pamauryah sorry, if you have a touchscreen then it's touchscreen_enable_device
22:42:07pamaurysee zen-xfi2 commit then ^^
22:42:41lorenzo92pamaury: correct, yep i'm lazy in this sense ^^ i just wanted to ask about backlight behaviour: does it turn off?
22:44:03pamaurywhen the backlight timer runs out, nothing special here
22:44:27pamauryit won't magically turn off the moment you keylock
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22:53:48lorenzo92i've just updated g#395 for who has a YP-R1 around and wants to compile a build ;)
22:53:51fs-bluebotGerrit review #395 at : Samsung YP-R1 target port by Lorenzo Miori (changes/95/395/4)
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22:57:23pamaurygevaerts: ping
22:57:34*gevaerts jumps
22:58:19lorenzo92touchscreen: less keymap nightmare after all ^^ :)
22:58:22pamauryis there any policy on the modification of apps/features.txt ?
22:58:39pamauryI would like to add a shortcut for imx233 codec for the 3D lang string
22:59:03pamauryinstead of specifying myriads of players in the lang file
22:59:05lorenzo92pamaury: I approve it!
22:59:19lorenzo92I had just to do the same for R1 btw
22:59:44gevaertspamaury: sounds like exactly what it is for. Well, that and the manual :)
23:00:01pamaurywhat is best ? 3d setting or imx233 codec ?
23:00:10lorenzo923d setting
23:00:18gevaertsI'd say 3d setting
23:00:46lorenzo92well a simple but enough reason is that also a wm8xxx codec has this feature, so...
23:01:43pamaury3d is also used by gigabeats and mpio*
23:01:46gevaertsYes, exactly. It doesn't sound inherently imx233 specific
23:01:56lorenzo92by the way, is anyone here around with a YP-R1?
23:02:11lorenzo92apart lebellium ^^
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23:02:40pamaurylorenzo92: yes but I don't have the toolchain and no time right now ^^
23:03:17pamauryapparently 3d comes from imx233 codec and wm8751/8978
23:03:53lorenzo92pamaury: okay ;) just to help the review phase, the port is quite working very well by the way. for the toolchain kugel has a link for it (64bit), same as R0
23:04:29lorenzo92pamaury: yes it comes with these indeed a generic feature
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23:05:19pamauryhum wait, actually it's 8750 but not 8751, confusing ^^
23:07:57lorenzo92pamaury: also WM1808, which is compatible with HAVE_WM8978
23:11:05pamaurylorenzo92: we don't have any WM1808 specific driver, do we ? Nor any specific define, so it's jus treated as WM8978 I guess ?
23:11:32lorenzo92pamaury: yes
23:11:46lorenzo92it's a compatible one
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23:19:48fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 743a6d0, 217 builds, 21 clients.
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