00:00:12 | copper | good night |
00:00:15 | [Saint] | ANd it is possible to remove the Apple firmware, and it will actually increase the boot time by a fairly considerable amount doing so. |
00:00:23 | [Saint] | I'll get you the link. One second. |
00:00:36 | GLC- | ok so the rockbox system/os then finds music files and arranges them to some kind of library? |
00:01:26 | [Saint] | Rockbox has a file borwser, and a database that uses track metadata. |
00:01:48 | [Saint] | http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodPatcher#Advanced_Rockbox_install_methods_with_ipodpatcher <−− here is the link you would need to completely remove the Apple firmware, should you want to. |
00:01:49 | wodz | [Saint]: you mean decrease boot time, right? |
00:02:02 | [Saint] | wodz: errr, yes. I do. Whoops. |
00:02:41 | * | gevaerts recommends going with the standard installation method at first |
00:02:42 | GLC- | but wouldn't it be good to get rid of apple? i didn't bought ipod back in the day because it was Apple or ipod, it was slim sleek nice design 30GB MP3 player affordable price. so this Rockbox thing really sounds good, because i wanna sync with WMP12 |
00:02:42 | [Saint] | From that link, I use option: 4) OSOS contains only Rockbox |
00:03:15 | GLC- | standard? but it installs radio too? there is no radio.. in that model |
00:03:30 | GLC- | thanks for the link Saint |
00:03:37 | [Saint] | There is no real reason to remove the Apple firmware, ROckbox will boot by default anyway and you still have the option of booting the Apple firmware should you chose to. |
00:04:08 | [Saint] | But if you know you will never use the Apple firmware, there's no real point in keeping it there either I guess. |
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00:05:05 | gevaerts | GLC-: there is a radio in some accessories |
00:05:05 | GLC- | yeah I dunno, can I fuck up the drive? Couldn't I just reload the original firmware with iTunes? |
00:05:33 | GLC- | gevaerts, ah ok, good to know, those must be going cheap these days |
00:06:11 | gevaerts | And yes, you can always easily restore with itunes |
00:06:15 | [Saint] | Yes, you can always restore the device with iTunes should you want to. |
00:06:17 | GLC- | hmhmh maybe I'll leave the apple stuff there and decide later |
00:06:41 | GLC- | thanks both of you |
00:06:42 | [Saint] | That is a wise choice. |
00:06:44 | | Quit kugel (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
00:06:56 | gevaerts | That generation of ipods is really hard to break in a way that's hard to recover, unless you use the hammerâ„¢ method |
00:07:12 | GLC- | so with rockbox i can also use ipod sort of as giant usb stick then? |
00:07:30 | [Saint] | It pays to note that if you do use any accessories it would be wise to keep the original firmware and use an Application that is capable of syncing to the iTunes Database. |
00:07:39 | GLC- | yeah, it's the iPod video (5G) model |
00:08:17 | GLC- | yeah ok but there's no accessories in sight |
00:08:47 | GLC- | if i would of known all this Rockbox stuff 7 years ago.. :) |
00:09:48 | wodz | pamaury: Updated gerrit. I wonder if the same fix in rb driver will make usb failures fixed... |
00:09:51 | GLC- | does Rockbox increase battery life? compared to icrap? |
00:10:47 | pamaury | wodz: that's a good question indeed |
00:10:55 | GLC- | i mean does rockbox consume less energy than ipodsoft? |
00:11:02 | [Saint] | It can. But it can also allow you to set a terrible configuration that would hit the battery heavily. |
00:11:30 | [Saint] | It depends on the usage really. |
00:11:51 | gevaerts | It's likely going to be more or less the same |
00:11:51 | GLC- | ah ok, thanks, yeah I'm only going to listen music despite all the video etc, so yeah I should keep install minimum |
00:12:06 | GLC- | ok |
00:12:12 | gevaerts | apple does a fairly good job at battery usage in their firmware usually |
00:12:31 | GLC- | hmm, ok |
00:12:51 | [Saint] | They are definitely a lot better at video on this device than Rockbox is. |
00:13:03 | gevaerts | Don't compare to what you remember from seven years ago though, the battery isn't going to be as good any more :) |
00:13:06 | GLC- | but yey! now I can sync with WMP12 how fantastic is this?!!!1 thank you guys |
00:13:15 | | Quit krnlyng (Remote host closed the connection) |
00:13:55 | GLC- | true, but it's not half life yet either |
00:14:17 | [Saint] | Album art should "Just Work" if you sync with WMP as well, which is a bonus I guess. |
00:14:43 | GLC- | yeah, only music and perhaps an occasional ebook if I go away for awhile, like vacation etc |
00:15:00 | GLC- | great! yeah album art is a must have |
00:15:05 | [Saint] | I do recommend reading through our fine manual: http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox-build.html |
00:15:44 | GLC- | thanks, I'll read the links before plugging the pod |
00:15:52 | GLC- | thanks for the link |
00:16:14 | pamaury | damn, the freescale nand code is uber-complicated |
00:16:34 | pamaury | i'm trying to reverse the FTL but I'm still far from done with the pure nand layer yet |
00:17:12 | GLC- | yeah, I have plenty to do before i get to conf my ipod, in a few days, I'll report here how it goes, my first imressions etc (not that I think anynone's interested but i like to think loud) |
00:17:41 | [Saint] | Installation is really a very straightforward process. |
00:18:05 | [Saint] | ANd it is pretty much impossible to hurt the iPod in an irrecoverable way. |
00:18:45 | GLC- | yes I saw some screenshots of the installer, looked easy, I'm not novice on PC |
00:18:45 | wodz | pamaury: In case of bulk ep this should be the same, if so how it was ever even half-working. I suspect lots of multi 512b transfers are used. |
00:18:49 | [Saint] | Installation literally involves clicking a few buttons and waiting about a minute, depending on your internet connection. |
00:19:06 | GLC- | ok |
00:19:27 | GLC- | and hey it's goof to know that the pod cannot brake down, yey! :) |
00:19:59 | GLC- | *good |
00:20:21 | [Saint] | It certainly is possible to do some damage with our tools, but you would need to be trying *really* hard to do so - it would need to be a deliberate effort. |
00:20:55 | pamaury | wodz: indeed, luck maybe ^^ |
00:21:10 | [Saint] | Using things as intended is pretty much bullet proof though. |
00:21:11 | pamaury | rockbox doesn't use many blocking transfers |
00:22:30 | GLC- | ok, yeah, just click few buttons on the installer, shouldn't be that difficult |
00:23:04 | GLC- | oh hey it has a lot of music in it so I guess I'll have to format it before rockboxing? |
00:23:30 | GLC- | it's probably in the manual :) |
00:25:00 | [Saint] | If you have the music backed up elsewhere, it is probably best to do a restore with iTunes just before you install Rockbox. |
00:25:18 | [Saint] | You can format it manually, but iTunes is absolutely guaranteed to get it right. |
00:26:22 | [Saint] | The other option is mounting the device in disk mode, enabling "show hidden files", and just deleting everything on the disk. |
00:26:37 | [Saint] | Formatting the disk is a bit harsh. |
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06:21:41 | DuperMan | ipod mini witf cf == sux in rockbox, great in of |
06:21:49 | DuperMan | just got a sansa clip+ |
06:22:03 | DuperMan | sweet little beast but suchhhh tiny screen^_^ |
06:24:17 | | Quit cmhobbs (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
06:38:50 | JdGordon | DuperMan: you've been told before, use full english words only |
06:48:24 | * | DuperMan checks if his build for the clip+ works |
06:48:49 | DuperMan | I do, JdGordon. some people could parse better, but that's no fault of mine. |
06:49:51 | JdGordon | No room for discussion, this channel is logged and viewed by non-English speakers. It's up to you if you want to play by the rules and stay |
06:50:44 | lonoxmont | listen to them man, its pretty strict here |
06:50:57 | lonoxmont | and with good reason |
06:51:00 | DuperMan | I am playing by the rules. you're both o/t, btw. :) |
06:51:05 | lonoxmont | hard to autotranslate gibberish |
06:51:25 | lonoxmont | what? |
06:52:07 | DuperMan | off topic. back on topic, my build for the scp is working well, unsurprisingly since I merely compiled from the main branch |
06:53:24 | DuperMan | ohhh... 'witf' meant with, sorry for the typo if that's what confused you Jd |
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08:52:35 | copper | Battery benchmark of the iPod Classic, -24 dB, lossyFLAC, with a build from 2012-11-03: https://outpost.fr/tmp/2k6.txt |
08:52:59 | copper | 30h 37m, compared to 25h 38m with the latest build: http://vpn.outpost.fr/up/3cz.txt |
08:53:09 | copper | there is definitely a battery life regression here |
08:53:37 | copper | a rather big one |
08:54:14 | copper | TheSeven: ^^ |
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09:15:12 | copper | er |
09:15:24 | copper | https://outpost.fr/tmp/3cz.txt |
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09:37:52 | copper | hopefully you guys will be able to make an educated guess as to what commit may have caused it, because I haven't the faintest clue |
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09:39:05 | copper | also, why doesn't git log display commits ordered by date? |
09:39:49 | copper | like, I see commits from Nov 18, then Nov 9, and Nov 15, in that order |
09:39:54 | copper | it's super confusing |
09:42:37 | | Join petur [0] (5bb7304d@rockbox/developer/petur) |
09:43:12 | DuperMan | it displays ordered by latest comment iirc |
09:43:15 | amiconn | The commits are ordered the way they were pushed. The commit dates reflect when the author committed them locally |
09:43:18 | DuperMan | and not really |
09:43:31 | DuperMan | (not confusing) |
09:49:11 | wodz | [Saint]: Maybe you could make battery_bench on n2g to check if we have regression there as well? According to [7] n2g can measure current draw using internal adc so this would allow to fast(er) pinpoint offending commit |
09:51:07 | copper | amiconn: I see, thanks |
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09:56:46 | copper | On July 28 (2013), I was asked to run some codec benchmarks (test_codec). I don't know if anyone later committed stuff related to that, and whether it could have caused the regression. |
09:58:35 | copper | I also remember related talk about "boosting" |
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10:04:36 | GodEater | copper: are you aware of "git bisect" ? |
10:04:42 | copper | yes |
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10:04:59 | copper | but I'm not going to bisect a year's worth of commits |
10:05:14 | GodEater | so you want someone else to? |
10:05:33 | copper | it's not that |
10:05:48 | copper | I figure you guys are a lot more likely to be able to make educated guesses |
10:06:26 | GodEater | you'd be amazed at the number of regressions which defy educated guesses |
10:09:03 | GodEater | it's not the bisecting that'll take the time though in this case, it's having to run a battery bench with each build |
10:09:14 | copper | that too |
10:09:29 | GodEater | which, since you're the one with the issue - you're going to have to do anyway |
10:09:38 | GodEater | so you might as well make a start on the bisecting :) |
10:09:40 | copper | what? |
10:09:44 | copper | "I'm the one"? |
10:10:33 | copper | I highly doubt this is a freak occurence that only affects me |
10:10:40 | GodEater | unless I've missed the hordes of other people reporting it? |
10:11:28 | copper | a difference between 30 hours and 25 hours might not be obvious when using the iPod normally, for listening to music |
10:11:56 | copper | and the difference could easily be attributed to an aging battery |
10:12:26 | copper | and, few people ever take the time to report bugs and run battery benchmarks |
10:13:05 | wodz | copper: Do you have battery_bench of old build made currently to exclude battery aging & co ? |
10:13:25 | copper | I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean |
10:13:54 | copper | I ran both battery benchmarks in the last couple of days |
10:14:29 | copper | with a build from this month, and then a build of a year old commit |
10:15:03 | wodz | copper: that what I mean |
10:15:11 | copper | the build dates in the logs I posted reflect that |
10:19:35 | DuperMan | logs should have more vaudeville |
10:19:41 | DuperMan | for mass appeal |
10:19:59 | gevaerts | DuperMan: stop it *now* |
10:20:14 | copper | ? |
10:20:26 | maraz | offtopic/social chat -> #rockbox-community |
10:20:46 | DuperMan | done. by the by, I finally set up a working build env so I might become productive yet :) DuperMan out |
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11:05:49 | copper | the Fuze+ may be affected too, unless it's just a battery calibration thing: it's currently at 55% battery, after over 16 hours of playback, versus 12 hours 30 minutes with the recent build |
11:06:09 | copper | but that's what I saw with the Classic too |
11:07:39 | copper | (pamaury asked me to benchmark an old revision from last July) |
11:08:29 | copper | interestingly, I've been benchmarking different codecs on the Classic and the Fuze+: FLAC on the Classic, MP3 on the Fuze+ |
11:08:37 | copper | (lossyFLAC and LAME V0) |
11:10:40 | copper | it should complete late this night, I'll have the result tomorrow morning |
11:33:43 | | Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) |
11:34:09 | pamaury | copper: on my fuze+ with an old revision, I am currently at 19:13 with battery at 3762 |
11:34:39 | pamaury | which is very comparable to HEAD |
11:35:20 | pamaury | the reason to choose those commits is that I think HEAD and january13 are at the same level but may13 was a few hours better |
11:35:28 | copper | c4f2a46e0dfee336ce7016cd62608097f15367b8 ? |
11:37:29 | pamaury | yeah, well it's more july13 actually ^^ |
11:38:16 | copper | so, no relation to the Classic battery life differences? |
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11:39:00 | pamaury | I don't expect so, the problem I'm chasing is imx233/fuze+ specific |
11:39:03 | copper | (nov 2012: 30 hours, head: 25 hours) |
11:39:13 | copper | Meh. |
11:39:16 | pamaury | but many something is affecting both |
11:39:18 | pamaury | *maybe |
11:39:22 | pamaury | who knows ^^ |
11:40:03 | pamaury | that's the point of benchmarking, trying to find out |
11:40:51 | pamaury | wodz: did you try the ZLP fix with rockbox usb driver ? |
11:41:58 | wodz | pamaury: yes, but I was very tired and changed init sequence a bit which resulted in not enumerating at all |
11:43:10 | wodz | maybe tonight I'll find time to check changes one-by-one |
11:50:10 | pamaury | ok |
11:54:15 | pamaury | TheSeven: ping |
11:55:19 | DuperMan | pamaury: finally set a build env. I am having trouble figuring out how to 'mess' with the plugins but will figure it out eventually:) |
11:56:05 | pamaury | DuperMan: you have two ways: |
11:56:05 | pamaury | 1) compile with an additional define: "make ENABLEDPLUGINS=yes" |
11:56:31 | pamaury | 2) enable plugins in configure: in tools/configure, find the "creativezen)" section and change plugins="" to plugins="yes" |
11:58:19 | DuperMan | tried, failed. it built like 2 or 3 plugins. can't go deeply into it but thanks, I'll be back in the evening (I hope) |
12:00 |
12:00:05 | pamaury | I suggest 2) so you don't have to remember the magic define all the time |
12:00:07 | pamaury | you will get many compile errors, that's normal |
12:00:08 | pamaury | you need to go through each plugin which fails and add a keymap |
12:02:06 | DuperMan | ahhh... guess I'd love to do so if I'll have the time tomorrow. might need some handholding but hey - I'm doing the menial labor here ;) DuperMan out/bbl |
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15:25:16 | copper | yay, my 2 band parametric EQ sounds exactly like I want |
15:25:35 | copper | gevaerts: I feel less stupid now |
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15:37:57 | copper | and unsurprisingly, it sounds just like my desktop / USB DAC |
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15:40:03 | * | copper wonders if anyone uses a Rockbox simulator as a desktop player |
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16:11:52 | W0rmDr1nk | hi |
16:12:02 | W0rmDr1nk | has anybody ever fiddled with transcend MP870 ? |
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17:27:22 | saratoga | is there any way we could set the front page to list the main rockbox git commit time, rather than the date the patch was posted to gerrit? |
17:27:40 | saratoga | it'd be more useful to know when a build began than when somethign went on gerrit |
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18:04:20 | lorenzo92 | pamaury: I'm super interested in your work for NAND...if you need some help, we could split some disassembling work ^^ |
18:04:45 | lorenzo92 | because if we end up writing a good FTL we might use it also on Z5 |
18:07:53 | lorenzo92 | I forgot to say that, in case, we have the sources for samsung FTL ^^ |
18:09:59 | lorenzo92 | has anyone saw this project? https://code.google.com/p/opennfm/ |
18:13:16 | lorenzo92 | * seen :D |
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18:26:32 | copper | [Saint]: instead of blindly implementing iTunes EQ presets, it might be worthwhile to figure out what kind of presets are of general interest |
18:27:01 | copper | isn't a V shaped EQ pretty much what most people using presets want? |
18:27:28 | copper | it would be nice to have some stats |
18:27:42 | | Join lorenzo92 [0] (~chatzilla@host109-108-dynamic.24-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
18:27:43 | copper | https://outpost.fr/iPod_Classic_EQ/Pop.png |
18:27:54 | | Join bertrik [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/bertrik) |
18:27:54 | copper | that one, for instance, looks silly |
18:28:11 | copper | no bass, no treble, all mids, for "pop" music?? |
18:28:56 | copper | (though that one couldn't be easier to implement with the Rockbox parametric EQ) |
18:29:40 | copper | surely that's the reason even Rockbox has fool-proof "bass" and "treble" settings |
18:32:01 | copper | brb |
18:32:14 | lorenzo92 | regarding the NAND open source ftl, I would like to give a try to it, but if anyone already has some (bad) experiences with it let me know :) |
18:32:25 | | Join markun [0] (~markun@rockbox/developer/markun) |
18:32:51 | saratoga | i think that preset would be just one band, centered at 1khz, with a Q of about .2 or .3 |
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18:47:07 | saratoga | this is a single band with Q=0.2 @ 1KHz: http://web.mit.edu/mgg6/www/fr.png |
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18:48:19 | pamaury | copper: how is the fuze+ doing ? |
18:53:00 | copper | saratoga: yup, that's what I was intimating |
18:53:25 | copper | pamaury: about 24 hours in, 43% battery o_O |
18:53:34 | copper | I think it was at 46% *hours* ago |
18:53:34 | pamaury | oO |
18:53:51 | pamaury | maybe the calibration is weird, what is the battery voltage ? |
18:54:10 | copper | is that in the debug menu somewhere? |
18:55:21 | copper | 3.790 V |
18:56:55 | pamaury | what kind of file are you playing ? with headphones ? which volume ? does the whole album fits into the audio buffer ? |
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18:57:29 | copper | exactly what we convened upon |
18:58:28 | pamaury | ok, let's wait until the end, it will be quite interesting if you actually reach 40h ! |
18:58:58 | copper | LAME V0, -20 dB, ear buds attached, the whole album is 303 MiB |
18:59:32 | copper | exact same conditions as the first battery benchmark on the Fuze+ |
19:00 |
19:00:09 | copper | (and no replaygain / EQ / DSP running) |
19:00:59 | copper | also, internal storage (I'm waiting for a replacement of my broken microsdxc card) |
19:01:27 | copper | 16 GB model, dunno if batteries differ |
19:01:43 | copper | also, refurb, so possibly not a brand new battery? |
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19:53:10 | copper | pamaury: my Fuze+ is going stronger than the bloody Energizer bunny o_O |
19:55:14 | pamaury | copper: :D |
19:58:33 | copper | pamaury: what is the supposed cause of extended battery life? That revision doesn't seem to feature touchpad disabling when locked |
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20:05:06 | pamaury | can you recall me the commit ? |
20:05:19 | pamaury | I think it has all the imx233 power management features on, nothing fancy |
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20:06:59 | copper | c4f2a46e0dfee336ce7016cd62608097f15367b8 |
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20:07:24 | copper | and what do you suspect is causing the battery life regression, for the Fuze+? What prompted you to run battery benchmarks? |
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20:08:21 | pamaury | I'm not sure |
20:08:49 | pamaury | The NWZ have very poor battery life, so I wanted to make sure if it was related to some power regression or it was nwz specific |
20:09:02 | copper | isn't it a bit much of a coincidence that both the Fuze+ and the Classic have regressed? |
20:09:19 | copper | someone should run a benchmark of another target |
20:09:22 | copper | hmmm |
20:09:48 | copper | I could run a battery benchmark for the Clip+, but I don't have a previous reference |
20:09:48 | pamaury | I don't know, on the fuze+ that's not that surprising given the number of changes in the past month |
20:10:01 | pamaury | I was excepting some regressions when adding support for the stmp3700 and stmp3600 |
20:10:33 | pamaury | *expecting |
20:10:34 | | Quit Strife89 (Quit: Heading out.) |
20:11:08 | copper | pamaury: assuming the regression spans different targets, what (older) commit do you think I should try for reference? |
20:11:14 | copper | can you make an educated guess? |
20:11:31 | pamaury | Not out of the blue, no |
20:11:44 | copper | Meh. ;) |
20:12:29 | Narod | Do they, though? Would love to battery bench my two NWZs. :) |
20:13:34 | pamaury | battery life on the nwz is very low at the moment: ~10hours |
20:13:35 | copper | to put it in other words: did anyone here commit something pertaining to CPU usage? |
20:13:52 | copper | or boosting or powersaving or whatever |
20:14:20 | Narod | Wow, okay. I never really used it for that long in one go. |
20:14:24 | copper | anything that could remotely have an effect on battery usage |
20:14:36 | pamaury | I don't know, I try to follow on the commits but I don't remember anything special |
20:14:43 | pamaury | and it might be something less obvious |
20:15:20 | copper | ok, this is what I'm going to do: I'm going to run battery benchmarks on the Clip+, with a year old revision, and the latest revision |
20:15:35 | copper | if I see a significant difference, then it's probably something target-agnostic |
20:16:10 | copper | I don't mind running battery benchmarks on the Clip+, because I never use it |
20:17:09 | pamaury | the only thing which could be remotely be related is some change in the eq I think, but I think it's not enabled by default so it should not changed anything |
20:18:52 | copper | well, if I don't see a significant difference with the Clip+, then at least I can rule out a target-agnostic commit |
20:19:08 | copper | I'll test the same revision as the iPod Classic |
20:19:30 | pamaury | on imx233 I see plenty of reasons why battery life could be worse than it used to be ^^ |
20:19:39 | copper | it should help narrow it down, I think |
20:20:01 | copper | because the regression is definitely real |
20:20:47 | copper | I'm hoping the Clip+ benchmark will show the difference, because in that case, I can run as many benchmarks as I need, on the Clip+ |
20:21:21 | pamaury | when my bench is done I will start two more benches on my two fuze+ for other revisisons |
20:21:32 | pamaury | currently the two revisions I chose were imx233 related |
20:22:34 | copper | I will use FLAC as the codec, in order to match my iPod Classic benchmarking conditions |
20:22:47 | copper | and because FLAC decoding is very fast |
20:23:20 | copper | I already expect a stupid bug to be the culprit |
20:23:30 | copper | unintended consequences |
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21:29:24 | * | pamaury summons TheSeven |
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22:18:22 | * | TheSeven feels summoned |
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22:24:14 | pamaury | TheSeven: you know quite a bit of NAND flash right ? |
22:27:37 | pamaury | I'm wondering why some many codes dealing with NAND I have seen use tables about NAND chips instead of relying on the information provided by the chips themselves |
22:28:18 | TheSeven | I'd say mostly because the chips typically don't tell them all the parameters they need |
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22:29:09 | pamaury | TheSeven: like what ? timing for example ? |
22:29:18 | TheSeven | the driver tables typically contain much more information (size, geometry, timing contraints, parallel access capabilities, reliability information) |
22:29:29 | wodz | pamaury: AFAIK this is preONFI legacy stuff |
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22:34:23 | pamaury | do all modern chip follow ONFI spec ? |
22:34:50 | wodz | all I've seen datasheet for |
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22:40:15 | wodz | pamaury: Introducing ZLP fix for blk transfers kills usb in rb. Now I am testing only fix for ctr. |
22:42:50 | pamaury | wodz: I hope I don't say something stupid here but ZLP doesn't apply the same to bulk |
22:43:06 | pamaury | for bulk transfers you send a ZLP only to prematuraly terminate a transfer |
22:43:30 | pamaury | if you are requested for 512 bytes, you must send 512 and no ZLP because that's the exact amount requested |
22:43:36 | wodz | pamaury: Hmm, it seems to work. I copied ~140MB file and spammed ep0 during copy with lsusb -vv in loop. The transfer survived and files are the same according to md5sum |
22:44:02 | wodz | I spammed ep0 during md5summing also |
22:46:09 | pamaury | what I don't understand is why it was failing |
22:47:16 | pamaury | because this zlp fix only apply to control transfers and most if not all transfers you send when spamming are not multiple of 64 in length, so no ZLP applies |
22:47:22 | pamaury | anyway, if it works, that's great :) |
22:50:11 | | Nick benedikt93_ is now known as benedikt93 (~benedikt9@frbg-5f7304a4.pool.mediaWays.net) |
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22:53:24 | wodz | oh, I was able to kill the transfer with massive lsusb :-/ |
22:57:28 | pamaury | :( |
22:59:03 | wodz | BUT it was much harder then before. I must check OF because I didn't try that hard to interrupt transfer before. |
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23:24:37 | wodz | pamaury: lsusb spam kills usb transfer in OF. I have a feeling that even easier then in rb |
23:25:23 | wodz | the difference is that in rb we get usb reset while in OF we get usb disconnect |
23:26:11 | pamaury | wodz: this is getting interesting |
23:28:06 | pamaury | I wonder if it could be somehow related to back-to-back setup packets |
23:28:43 | wodz | yeah, rb driver with ZLP fix survives a few rounds of spamming while OF gets nuked by the first few spamming lsusbs |
23:29:13 | [Saint] | Hmmmm - clearing backdrops is definitely rather fucked up in ROckbox. |
23:29:25 | [Saint] | Not even changing themes works consistently. |
23:29:36 | [Saint] | Reboot after the fact does, though. |
23:30:48 | wodz | pamaury: spamming with lsusb while there is no transfer does not harm btw. |
23:33:53 | pamaury | I'm beginning to wonder if this is really a software bug... |
23:34:53 | wodz | me too |
23:36:24 | wodz | I'll post zlp thing to gerrit and ask mortalis to see if it helps |
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