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#rockbox log for 2013-11-29

00:02:32pamauryyeah we kind of suck at documentation but not only because we don't have one, also because we still have a awful lot of code written a long time ago which we tweak and tortured to make it work until now
00:05:44 Quit TBCOOL (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
00:23:23 Quit benedikt93 (Quit: Bye ;))
00:23:34 Quit kugel (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
00:29:14 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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00:45:06 Quit bertrik (Remote host closed the connection)
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02:03:24 Quit chrisjj (Quit: Page closed)
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06:09:55Cultistever heard of a sansa clip zip not turning on but getting really, really hot?
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06:46:42solrizethere's several forum threads about unbricking zips but i don't see a mention of them heating up
06:47:56Cultistit was working fine earlier today
06:48:09CultistI tried to turn it on just a while ago and it wouldn't come on, but it started heating
06:48:20Cultistpulled out the sd card, thing was searing
06:48:39Cultistbattery must be shorting
06:48:42Cultistor something
06:52:27 Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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06:58:38solrizepost on rockbox hw repair forum?
06:58:47solrizei'd prob open it up and yank the battery
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09:41:10MaxdamantusInteresting email.
09:41:19Maxdamantus“* Portability is reduced, for example we use unsigned for thread ids but pthread uses unsigned long”
09:41:25Maxdamantus“ - No typedef for pointers. Hiding a pointer between some type remains silly.”
09:41:46Maxdamantuspthread_t used to necessarily be an integer type.
09:42:02Maxdamantusin POSIX.2008 or so, that requirement was dropped.
09:42:10Maxdamantusin OS X it's a pointer.
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09:43:47Maxdamantusthe point being you never interact with it as a pointer, so conforms to the Linux style's idea of opacity.
09:43:56wodzekhm, did I miss something?
09:45:39MaxdamantusDunno. Just saw an email about typedefs on the mailing list and I'm not familiar with mailing list ettiquitte so said stuff here.
09:51:17kugelMaxdamantus: okay, I didnt know that. but it's not used as a pointer, but as id, in the client code
09:51:54kugelit's a good point, I think pointers-as-identifier should be allowable for typedefs
09:51:57MaxdamantusYes, which means you don't care what it's actually typedefed as.
09:52:41Maxdamantusstructs should too, as long as you don't care that it's a struct.
09:52:45kugelwhat I was more aiming at was things like glibs gpointer type
09:52:56wodzsimple grep for typedef in our source base reveals we are not strict with 'no typedef rule'. Considering that I guess on per basis typedef can be considered if it is justified
09:53:36kugelwodz: if this is the practice then the guideline should reflect it
09:53:38 Quit mortalis (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
09:53:48wodzkugel: yes, thats my feeling
09:54:31kugelwe generally do not enforce rules (because there is little review) but I'd like our rules to be accurate even if it means to modify to rule to reflect the reality
09:55:34kugelMaxdamantus: this would fall under the "pointer-as-identifier" case doesnt it?
09:55:57wodzwell, we are a bit better in reviewing recently as there is rather little to review
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09:56:22MaxdamantusPretty much, but it doesn't have to be a pointer.
09:56:55kugelif you don't want to reveal it's a struct then you should expose only pointers to it anyway
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10:00:21MaxdamantusPossibly, because then you can typedef them as pointers to some incomplete struct.
10:00:43Maxdamantusbut that doesn't seem particularly important, given the countless other silly things you can try to do in C.
10:03:29MaxdamantusI suspect glibc's FILE is a typedefed struct.
10:05:30Maxdamantusit was probably a mistake to make the standard io functions deal in terms of `FILE *' rather than `FILE' anyway .. but it (and the weird casing) is probably just an old artefact.
10:09:23kugelI like FILE * more than just FILE
10:10:40kugelit is useful to know when something is a pointer and not a (fat) struct, if you're concerned about performance of passing such options in function calls
10:11:14kugelMaxdamantus: I refined my proposal, thanks for the hint
10:13:38MaxdamantusWhat's a better name for intptr_t btw?
10:14:49gevaertsIt has too many vowels in it
10:15:29Maxdamantus{u,}intptr_t are the only integral types (as far as the C standard is concerned) that can definitely represent object pointer values.
10:16:36MaxdamantusSo their names should be fairly distinctive.
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18:18:17SuperBrainAKhey guys, is it possible to mark a file so that it wont add itself to automatic tracks?
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18:40:29SuperBrainAKfor example i have a mix of songs that are all in one .mp4 file and i have the individual songs separate in the same directory i want to keep the full mix on the player i just dont want to have the mix included in the playlists for that folder
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21:26:19chrisjjMaybe this?
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