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Click in the nick column to highlight everything a person has said.
00:02:32 | pamaury | |
00:05:44 | Quit TBCOOL (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
00:23:23 | Quit benedikt93 (Quit: Bye ;)) | |
00:23:34 | Quit kugel (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
00:29:14 | Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | |
00:37:51 | Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | |
00:40:46 | Join futurisk [0] ( | |
00:45:06 | Quit bertrik (Remote host closed the connection) | |
01:00 | ||
01:34:03 | Join treaki__ [0] ( | |
01:37:16 | Quit treaki_ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | |
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01:47:57 | Quit nosa-j (Excess Flood) | |
01:48:27 | Join nosa-j [0] (~m00k@ | |
01:52:19 | Quit bluebrother (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
01:52:38 | Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) | |
01:56:23 | Join krabador [0] (~krabador_@unaffiliated/krabador) | |
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02:03:24 | Quit chrisjj (Quit: Page closed) | |
02:20:40 | Quit ruskie (Excess Flood) | |
02:25:41 | Quit JdGord|w (Changing host) | |
02:25:41 | Join JdGord|w [0] (cb1380e2@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) | |
02:29:47 | Join ruskie [0] (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie) | |
02:29:57 | Quit ruskie (Excess Flood) | |
02:44:20 | Join ruskie [0] (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie) | |
02:44:20 | Quit ruskie (Excess Flood) | |
02:53:30 | Quit krabador (Quit: Sto andando via) | |
02:58:22 | Join ikeboy [0] ( | |
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03:02:59 | Join TBCOOL [0] ( | |
03:10:02 | Join ruskie [0] (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie) | |
03:18:57 | Quit ikeboy (Quit: ikeboy) | |
03:31:40 | Join Strife89 [0] ( | |
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04:51:36 | Quit nosa-j (Excess Flood) | |
04:51:48 | Join nosa-j [0] (~m00k@ | |
04:52:03 | Quit [Saint] (Remote host closed the connection) | |
04:54:10 | Join [Saint] [0] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) | |
04:58:03 | Join amiconn_ [0] (amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
04:58:03 | Quit amiconn (Disconnected by services) | |
04:58:03 | Quit pixelma (Disconnected by services) | |
04:58:04 | Join pixelma_ [0] (pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
04:58:06 | Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
04:58:06 | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
05:00 | ||
05:01:28 | Quit [7] (Disconnected by services) | |
05:01:41 | Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
05:40:38 | Join foolsh [0] ( | |
05:41:09 | Join mindparasite [0] ( | |
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05:55:11 | Nick SuperBrainAK is now known as DormantBrain (~andy@2001:470:8:a61::5f92:59a1) | |
05:59:47 | Quit TheSeven (Disconnected by services) | |
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06:00:01 | Join [7] [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
06:08:49 | Join solrize [0] (~solrize@unaffiliated/solrize) | |
06:09:55 | Cultist | |
06:24:09 | Quit JdGordon| (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
06:25:10 | Join JdGordon| [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) | |
06:45:01 | solrize | |
06:46:42 | solrize | |
06:47:56 | Cultist | |
06:48:09 | Cultist | |
06:48:20 | Cultist | |
06:48:39 | Cultist | |
06:48:42 | Cultist | |
06:52:27 | Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
06:54:20 | Quit [Saint] (Remote host closed the connection) | |
06:56:23 | Join [Saint] [0] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) | |
06:58:19 | solrize | |
06:58:38 | solrize | |
06:58:47 | solrize | |
06:58:55 | Quit mindparasite (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
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07:03:06 | Quit dfkt (Remote host closed the connection) | |
07:03:18 | Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) | |
07:17:27 | Join mindparasite [0] ( | |
07:17:49 | solrize | |
07:38:48 | Quit mindparasite (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
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07:43:26 | Join kevku [0] (~kevku@2001:470:27:773:0:feed:c0f:fee) | |
07:53:30 | Join mortalis [0] (~kvirc@ | |
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08:15:14 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
08:20:09 | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
08:28:57 | Join Zagor [242] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) | |
08:35:10 | Quit Marex (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
08:38:30 | Join amiconn_ [0] (amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
08:38:30 | Quit amiconn (Disconnected by services) | |
08:38:33 | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
08:40:49 | Join Marex [0] (~Marex@ | |
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09:11:54 | Join petur [0] (5bb7304d@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
09:23:23 | Join wodz [0] ( | |
09:41:10 | Maxdamantus | |
09:41:19 | Maxdamantus | |
09:41:25 | Maxdamantus | |
09:41:46 | Maxdamantus | |
09:42:02 | Maxdamantus | |
09:42:10 | Maxdamantus | |
09:42:14 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:43:47 | Maxdamantus | |
09:43:56 | wodz | |
09:45:39 | Maxdamantus | |
09:51:17 | kugel | |
09:51:54 | kugel | |
09:51:57 | Maxdamantus | |
09:52:41 | Maxdamantus | |
09:52:45 | kugel | |
09:52:56 | wodz | |
09:53:36 | kugel | |
09:53:38 | Quit mortalis (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | |
09:53:48 | wodz | |
09:54:31 | kugel | |
09:55:34 | kugel | |
09:55:57 | wodz | |
09:56:06 | Join mortalis [0] (~kvirc@ | |
09:56:22 | Maxdamantus | |
09:56:55 | kugel | |
09:57:40 | Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving) | |
09:58:41 | Join lebellium [0] (~chatzilla@ | |
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10:00:21 | Maxdamantus | |
10:00:43 | Maxdamantus | |
10:03:29 | Maxdamantus | |
10:05:30 | Maxdamantus | |
10:09:23 | kugel | |
10:10:40 | kugel | |
10:11:14 | kugel | |
10:11:29 | Maxdamantus | |
10:13:38 | Maxdamantus | |
10:14:49 | gevaerts | |
10:15:29 | Maxdamantus | |
10:16:36 | Maxdamantus | |
10:33:39 | DEBUG | EOF from server (Connection timed out) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 545) |
10:33:39 | *** | Cleanup |
10:33:39 | *** | Cleanup |
10:33:39 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:33:39 | *** | Exit |
10:33:42 | *** | Started Dancer V4.16 |
10:33:42 | *** | Connected to on port 6667 |
10:33:42 | *** | Logfile for #rockbox started |
10:33:43 | Mode | "logbot :+i" by logbot |
10:33:49 | *** | Server message 501: 'logbot :Unknown MODE flag' |
10:33:49 | Join logbot [0] ( | |
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10:33:49 | Join mortalis [0] (~kvirc@ | |
10:33:49 | Join petur [0] (5bb7304d@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
10:33:49 | Join Marex [0] (~Marex@ | |
10:33:49 | Join Zagor [242] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) | |
10:33:49 | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
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10:33:49 | Join JdGord|w [0] (cb1380e2@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) | |
10:33:49 | Join rudi_s [0] ( | |
10:33:49 | Join Elfish [0] (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) | |
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10:33:49 | Join akaWolf [0] (~akaWolf@unaffiliated/akawolf) | |
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10:33:49 | Join DormantBrain [0] (~andy@2001:470:8:a61::5f92:59a1) | |
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11:05:34 | Join efyx [0] (~efyx@ | |
11:11:29 | Join mortalis|2 [0] (~kvirc@ | |
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11:11:38 | Nick mortalis|2 is now known as mortalis (~kvirc@ | |
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13:36:31 | Join ikeboy [0] ( | |
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14:06:34 | Join lebellium [0] (~chatzilla@ | |
14:27:05 | Quit ikeboy (Quit: ikeboy) | |
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14:42:39 | Join Strife89 [0] ( | |
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15:02:00 | Join ikeboy [0] ( | |
15:10:37 | Quit ikeboy (Quit: ikeboy) | |
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15:39:56 | Quit mortalis (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.1 Aria | |
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16:01:04 | Join chrisjj [0] (561bb732@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
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16:26:09 | Quit Zagor (Quit: Clint excited) | |
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16:37:35 | Nick DormantBrain is now known as SuperBrainAK (~andy@2001:470:8:a61::5f92:59a1) | |
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17:02:58 | Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 26.0/20131125215016]) | |
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18:18:17 | SuperBrainAK | |
18:21:43 | Part desrt | |
18:23:06 | Join Narod [0] ( | |
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18:40:29 | SuperBrainAK | |
18:42:15 | Join foolsh [0] ( | |
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21:13:41 | Quit rela (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
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21:26:19 | chrisjj | |
21:35:27 | Join wodz [0] ( | |
21:38:10 | Nick SuperBrainAK is now known as DormantBrain (~andy@2001:470:8:a61::5f92:59a1) | |
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23:43:24 | Join krnlyng [0] (~liar@ | |
23:45:23 | Quit Narod () | |
23:50:34 | Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) |