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#rockbox log for 2014-02-24

00:01:25kugel[Saint]: you better not make uninformed statements like this
00:03:35[Saint]I'm referring to personal experience. I had the same issue lebellium describes on my R0.
00:04:11[Saint]I'm also hoping that your wording was just poor English and that wasn't supposed to sound like a threat.
00:04:26kugelwe do handle symlink loops at database scan
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00:06:14 Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel)
00:06:48[Saint]I had to use the "Select directories to scan" thing also, else it would keep incrementing the database count indefinitely.
00:09:14kugelit's a bug if it does that, and it doesnt for me
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00:10:05[Saint]I don't recall stating it wasn't a bug.
00:10:22kugelI will try again to be sure
00:10:42kugelit was never reported to me
00:11:45 Quit kugel (Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -
00:14:47 Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel)
00:16:42kugel[Saint]: anyway the directories lebellium mentioned to not make rockbox get stuck because I tested it precisely for this commits
00:17:10 Quit ender` (Quit: Washing your car to make it rain doesn't work.)
00:17:26*[Saint] picks some key words out and gets the gist of what that mess was supposed to be
00:18:11kugeldo not make*
00:18:29kugelclearer now?
00:19:41 Quit Banquo_Not_Dead (Quit: Ex-Chat)
00:20:42kugelso saying these directories make the db scan go indefinitely without actually testing is an uninformed statement
00:21:37 Quit kugel (Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -
00:21:58 Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 28.0/20140218122424])
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10:19:11gevaertsZagor, AlexP_, bertrik: did you see this (misdirected) rsb email?
10:20:04Zagorright, that was probably because I was slow to respond. I got the this last week.
10:21:00gevaertsAh, so that was what your mysterious questions were about? :)
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19:28:10copper → This MicroSD Card Packs Massive Capacity Into A Minute Form Factor | Gizmodo Australia
19:28:27copperI can't help but wonder how reliable that thing is
19:28:47copperpamaury: my Fuze+ is still benched because of the sd card bug :(
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20:09:48AlexP_gevaerts: I haven't see any rsb emails
20:09:56pamaurycopper: ah yeah sorry, I was ill these days, had pretty bad days
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20:10:38pamaurycopper: can I send you a file in like one hour for you to try ?
20:10:58gevaertsAlexP_: weird...
20:11:23AlexP_gevaerts: I'm not sure what email address I'm on it as, if indeed I am at all
20:11:36AlexP_As in I might not have been added after being elected
20:11:59gevaertsLet's ask Zagor to check :)
20:12:56AlexP_gevaerts: So is there something to forward me in the meantime?
20:13:04gevaertsI can do that, yes
20:13:27gevaertsAny email address you prefer?
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20:54:25copperpamaury: thanks, better hit me tomorrow though
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22:04:59lebelliumJdGordon ping
22:08:50pixelma_I guess the addresses for the secret list weren't updated for quite a while, since I got the mail but probably shouldn't...
22:09:03 Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma)
22:09:19lebelliumpixelma: we neeeeed your for the SVG pics :(
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22:25:48kugelgevaerts: what's up in the RSB?
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22:38:56gevaertskugel: someone sent an email there about rockbox support for their (newly designed) hardware. I don't know how confidential the details are supposed to be or how serious they are, so I'm letting Zagor handle this
22:39:15 Join [1]Ebert [0] (
22:40:36[1]EbertHey, I think im about to do the iriver h120 compact flash mod. Should i still use the 7pre4 bootloader?
22:41:00gevaerts[1]Ebert: probably
22:42:28[1]Ebertso that database is still messed up and CF booting isnt integrated into the bootloaders for H120
22:42:45[1]Ebertother than 7pre4
22:53:32lebelliumkugel: what can we do to get work, i.e. have a working and similar
22:53:40lebelliumor similar*
22:54:14kugeldidn't I put a working to git?
22:55:41lebelliumnot that I know, you discussed with Lorenzo about how bad it is to have an external file I think but I don't remember exactly what was the conclusion
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23:01:41[1]Ebertdoes anyone have a definitve answer for this/
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23:30:33JdGordonlebellium: ?
23:37:42lebelliumJdGordon: when you have some time, could you have a look at FS #12953 please?
23:37:43fs-bluebot FMS display issue with my "lebellium Samsung-like" theme (bugs, unconfirmed)
23:38:21 Quit ender (Quit: The three most dangerous things in the world are a programmer with a soldering iron, a hardware type with a program patch and a user with an idea.)
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23:43:36JdGordonlebellium: can you put together a shot of good+bad next to eachother to make it easier to see the problem?
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23:50:28lebelliumthe progress bar background
23:50:53lebelliumthe glitch is different almost everytime your enter the FM mode
23:51:03lebelliumbut it's always the progress bar background
23:51:44JdGordonkeep reminding me
23:51:51JdGordonI'll eventually have time to look into it
23:52:01lebelliumI took much time to bisect it
23:52:04lebelliumso I hope it'll help :)
23:52:54lebelliumI just hope we don't have to choose between fixing the Archos Ondio FM bug and this FMS bug
23:53:15JdGordonwell ondios are being dropped pretty soon
23:53:53lebelliumI'll fight to get a v3.14 with working FM radio on Ondio before dropping the target :)

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