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#rockbox log for 2014-04-13

00:10:54 Quit kugel (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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00:45:40 Quit ender1 (Quit: Marriage is not a word, it's a sentence. A life sentence...)
00:57:56 Join kuldeepdhaka [0] (~kuldeepdh@unaffiliated/kuldeepdhaka)
01:30:19 Quit rudi_s (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
01:31:43 Quit Misanthropos (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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01:32:40 Quit Rower (Quit: Hmmm...)
01:37:52 Quit bertrik (Remote host closed the connection)
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08:07:14tsoanetyhi guys
08:08:33tsoanetyi read the rockbox manual for my rock box on sansa clip plus version 3.1.3 , an i ve seen volume limiter in sound option like said here ->
08:09:04tsoanetymy problem is that i search on my sansa, and i cant see this option actually
08:11:16 Quit ygrek (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
08:12:21tsoanetyi solved my problem myself
08:12:33 Quit x56 (Quit: Peace)
08:12:38tsoanetythe feature is on dev Version , not on a stable version
08:13:12tsoanetyanyways thanks for rockbox, it rocks!
08:13:24 Join x56 [0] (
08:14:23tsoanetyhey guys, im urious, is omeone of you work as software programmer?
08:15:26Mirseems most are asleep or at work
08:15:29Mirreminds me
08:15:48Miri need to be asleep but the drama from the netsplit is more fun than cable
08:15:56tsoanetyOr asleep at work ;-)
08:15:56Mirstick around
08:17:35tsoanetywhat does you mean by "he drama from the netsplit is more fun "
08:19:22Mirso much drama from the recent netsplit
08:26:21 Join [Saint] [0] (~saint@
08:31:28tsoanetywhat if a company paropose to rockbox teeam to work on an official player, made just for rockbox?
08:31:56tsoanetywhat if a company propose to rockbox team to work on an official player, made especially for rockbox?
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13:07:57pixelmaJdGordon: could you make an educated guess how hard it would be to make the set line selector colours somehow "accessible" to use for %Vf and %Vb? Currently you can get the value with the settings tag but there's no sane way to reuse in the foreground/background colour definitions ("%Vf(%St(blahblah))" seems not allowed, I guess something about having valid colour values or so)
13:13:18JdGordonpixelma: pretty trivial
13:16:31pixelmais it just a matter of allowing other tags in %Vf/%Vb or is there more to it?
13:20:35JdGordonit would be a bit of plumbin work but not much
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13:32:48 Quit Rower (Quit: Hmmm...)
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13:56:42 Nick bertrik_ is now known as bertrik (~quassel@rockbox/developer/bertrik)
13:59:54copperInteresting new asian DAP: → Hidizs | Professional audio manufactureis
14:04:06coppersimilar dimensions as the iPod Classic, near 0Ω output impedance
14:04:11coppertactile buttons
14:07:51coppershitty firmware apparently, as usual
14:08:11copper"Also, the external casing is made up of very thin metal, which doesn't feel very solid in my hand. And the buttons are made of flimsy plastic which makes a loud "clak-clak" sound when pressed (think Nokia 3310)... not a very pleasant user experience."
14:08:58pamaurycopper: what about the price ?
14:09:38copperabout $333
14:09:58copperquite expensive for something with little to no internal storage
14:10:34copperpamaury: have you been able to look into my Fuze+ sd card bug lately?
14:11:05pamaurynot really, I had very few time at all and was not able to understand what is causing the issue yet
14:11:35copperI have a renewed love for my iPod Classic anyway
14:12:06copperI wish I had the money and the skill to replace its HDD with an SSD
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14:45:40[Saint]Skill isn't a factor.
14:46:02[Saint]Or, shouldn't be.
14:46:08 Quit GodEater (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
14:47:14copper[Saint]: it is when trying to open up an iPod Classic without damaging the case and ripping off the ribbon cable(s)
14:47:34copperand without stabbing myself
14:47:42copperWhich I have done many times.
14:47:50[Saint]Not an issue with the right tools.
14:48:28[Saint]Damaging the case shouldn't ever be an issue.
14:48:46[Saint]That's the reason you always use something softer than it is.
14:49:03copperplastic prying tool?
14:49:04[Saint]It makes damaging it ridiculously difficult.
14:49:25[Saint]"Spudger", yes.
14:50:17copperI think you're overestimating my skills doing delicate stuff with my hands
14:50:51copperor perhaps I'm overestimating the task
14:51:05copperthe task's difficulty*
14:51:56copperwow, some head-fier made a "TeraPod"
14:52:05copper"Samsung 1T 840EVA mSata and that ugly ill-fitting green mSATA-to-Zip adapter from China"
14:52:06[Saint]I think the latter. I only have one hand that functions well, and its not my dominant hand, a constant tremor, and I can do it.
14:52:26[Saint]Practice, I guess.
14:52:38[Saint]Been taking these apart since the first iPod
14:54:10[Saint]But, in hindsight, some people fail pretty hard with manual dexterity...I dunno.
14:55:28[Saint]Knowing how they go together is fairly essential in knowing how they come apart. Thankfully there's pictures of this all over the info tubes these days.
15:01:17copperouch, €200 for a 120 GB SSD
15:02:47copperhmm, €140 on
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15:19:31coppersaratoga: this?
15:19:46dfkti use a guitar pick
15:21:16copperaren't those too thick?
15:21:41dfktthere's very thin ones, they come in lots of strengths
15:22:38dfkt"Can be used for prying, sliding, separating, and air guitaring."
15:22:59copper"Difficulty: Very difficult"
15:25:12copperso scary :(
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15:42:33[Saint]I guess me definition of difficult differs.
15:43:06[Saint]*my, even.
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23:17:12soapnah, I rather like the thought of you speaking like me by saying "me", [Saint]
23:35:02kugel_saratoga: ping
23:35:28kugel_saratoga: any news regarding the mp3 problem?
23:35:44saratogai haven't had time to do much of anything, but i can take a quick look now
23:38:24saratogahuh virtualbox won't let me have the 32 and 64 bit VMs open at once
23:38:28saratogashouldn't that be possible
23:38:39kugel_you should just build 32bit warble
23:38:48kugel_on the 64bit vm
23:39:01saratogahow do i do that?
23:39:26kugel_create a separate build folder, run tools/configure like normal and edit the makefile
23:40:34kugel_add -m32 to the GCCOPTS line, and -m32 -L/usr/lib32 to the LDOPTS line
23:40:55kugel_put it before the existing contents of the lines
23:41:17kugel_then run make
23:41:31kugel_(order sometimes matters, esp. for the linker)
23:41:35saratogashould i also delete "-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"?
23:42:18kugel_(not sure why it's even there)
23:42:42kugel_if /usr/lib32 doesnt exist, try if /usr/lib/i386-linx-gnu does
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23:42:55saratogai get 100000x copies of "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h:30:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory"
23:43:36saratogai don't have either of those folders
23:43:39saratogalet me google this
23:44:27 Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 29.0/20140410150427])
23:45:42kugel_saratoga: oh have you added multiarch support like I told you a while back?
23:46:02saratogalet me check the logs
23:46:06kugel_if not, run sudo dpkg −−add-architecture i386
23:46:09kugel_then apt-get update
23:47:01kugel_and then apt-get install gcc-multilib libc6:i386 libc6-dev:i386 libsdl1.2:i386
23:47:16kugel_(I hope the packages are right, I'm not on ubuntu/debian here)
23:47:36kugel_gevaerts: can you help? ^
23:49:18kugel_saratoga: try sudo aptitude install gcc-multilib
23:49:46kugel_seems you've put some packages on hold that need to be installed/upgraded for this (by accident?)
23:49:59saratogathis is basically a fresh VM
23:50:03saratogai haven't done anything to it
23:50:22saratogawell aside from install like 3GB of latex documents
23:51:13kugel_something is holding back your gcc version
23:51:17saratogaaptitude is updating my gcc version now
23:51:20saratogamaybe this will fix it
23:51:59kugel_yea, aptitude can often handle such situations better, that's why I suggested it
23:52:42kugel_which ubuntu is this?

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