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#rockbox log for 2014-08-26

00:00:51 Join GhostRiderV3 [0] (~RiD@
00:01:25 Join bzed_ [0] (
00:02:04 Quit user890104 (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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00:02:26 Join user890104 [0] (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104)
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00:02:35gevaerts(or any other number you prefer)
00:02:58 Quit Provel (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
00:02:58 Quit RiDD (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
00:02:58 Quit bzed (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
00:03:02 Nick bzed_ is now known as bzed (
00:03:13 Join Provel [0] (
00:03:51[Saint]gevaerts: given as a param in, I posit?
00:04:04gevaertsSee also ./ −−help :)
00:04:18 Join ikeboy [0] (
00:06:16 Quit Guest81512 (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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00:08:45 Quit ender` (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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00:14:31 Quit the-kyle (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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00:15:13 Quit Xerion (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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00:15:14 Quit babylonlurker (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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00:17:17 Join TBCOOL [0] (
00:18:24 Part ZincAlloy
00:21:01 Join rodney77 [0] (~morgan@
00:21:16rodney77Hello, I have a Sansa Clip Sport. Will this work with Rockbox?
00:21:40rodney77It looks very similar to the Clip Zip, but it says it's a Clip Sport
00:22:54 Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
00:25:42gevaertsRockbox doesn't run on the sport, no, and it's fairly unlikely that it ever will
00:26:34 Quit ikeboy (Quit: Leaving)
00:28:11rodney77ok, thanks
00:29:38 Quit rodney77 (Quit: Leaving.)
00:41:41 Quit jhMikeS (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
00:41:43 Quit the-kyle (Remote host closed the connection)
00:44:31 Join the-kyle [0] (
00:47:31 Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
01:01:53 Join [Saint] [0] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint)
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01:02:42 Join [Saint] [0] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint)
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01:04:02 Join [Saint] [0] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint)
01:43:27 Join jhMikeS [0] (~jethead71@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS)
02:11:11 Join ygrek [0] (~user@
02:11:40 Quit akaWolf1 (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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02:19:32 Join akaWolf [0] (~akaWolf@unaffiliated/akawolf)
02:20:18 Join shamus [0] (
02:30:30 Quit krabador (Quit: Take the time.)
02:37:39 Join cmhobbs [0] (~cmhobbs@fsf/member/cmhobbs)
02:38:40 Quit ygrek (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
02:52:11 Quit GeekShadow (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
02:59:59 Quit AlexP (Remote host closed the connection)
03:13:22 Join GeekShadow [0] (~antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow)
03:31:30 Quit efyx_ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
03:33:36 Join efyx_ [0] (
03:46:56 Join AlexP [0] (~alex@rockbox/staff/AlexP)
03:50:53[Saint]JdGordon: is there any particular reason why I can't use translation (%Sx(foo))in a current screen (%cs) conditional statement?
03:51:01 Nick DormantBrain is now known as SuperBrainAK (~andy@
03:53:19[Saint]It doesn't appear that I can use %Sx in the .sbs _at all_.
03:58:29[Saint]Fuck it.
03:58:52[Saint]I'll just use %Lt and accept the fact that it won't display a list title for a few screens.
04:01:36[Saint]I...the fuck? What?
04:02:11 Quit jhMikeS (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
04:05:19[Saint]I think I know what's going on here.
04:10:46 Quit pixelma (Disconnected by services)
04:10:47 Join amiconn_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn)
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04:10:51 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn)
04:12:23 Quit Pessimist (Quit: Blet, lūžo bounceris)
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04:20:20 Join Pessimist [0] (Anon@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-kulwsuspdlgagigl)
04:52:59 Quit GhostRiderV3 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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05:49:28 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
05:50:38 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
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07:08:06 Join wodz [0] (
07:12:31wodzha! figured out rkw crc mystery. Probably due to the bug in packing tools crc is appended twice in OF. The first crc is calculated for firmware blob, the second for the whole RKW. There is also alignment enforced which may result in padding firmware binary with zeros.
07:13:16 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
07:13:49wodzpamaury: ^
07:14:02wodzpamaury: your crc framework works perfectly
07:14:23wodzpamaury: I am going to cleanup a bit what I have and commit this
07:21:21fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 69df565, 253 builds, 30 clients.
07:22:01 Nick SuperBrainAK is now known as DormantBrain (~andy@
07:25:32pamaurywodz: don't hesitate to also commit your lua file doing stuff with it, it gives more examples and tests files
07:27:31wodzpamaury: Sure, I will. For now it is just simple banch of instructions to inspect rkw and figure out why this bloody crc was incorrect :-)
07:28:02pamauryok, but it doesn't really matter, simple is fine
07:28:23pamauryalso useful for you in a few month when you will have forgotten everything about hwpatcher ;)
07:40:14fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 1134 seconds.
08:00:21 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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09:02:28 Join ygrek [0] (~user@
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09:31:30 Join Zagor [242] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor)
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10:36:50 Join stripwax [0] (~Miranda@rockbox/developer/stripwax)
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12:09:41 Nick suYin`OFF is now known as suYin (
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13:03:11 Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving)
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15:00:00 Join amayer [0] (
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15:51:10 Join RiD [0] (~RiD@
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16:23:41 Part ZincAlloy
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16:32:32 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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16:55:23 Part ZincAlloy
17:00:08 Quit Zagor (Quit: Clint excited)
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17:09:23 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
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18:06:41 Quit RiD (Quit: A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.)
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18:45:17 Join robertd [0] (ba593ff9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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19:16:47webguest133irc еще жив ,
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19:26:01 Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
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20:28:19 Nick scorche|1h is now known as scorche|sh (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche)
20:33:50 Quit Xerion (Quit: )
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20:35:38 Quit xorly (Quit: I quit, that is all)
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21:23:50 Join wodz [0] (
21:43:54 Quit Topy44 (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
21:56:24*pamaury got a zune hd :D
21:57:52gevaertsPoor pamaury!
21:59:20 Quit jhMikeS (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
21:59:40wodzpamaury: it is tegra1, right?
22:00:00pamauryAPX2600 more precisely
22:00:26wodzI thought you try to not expand into new SoCs. I was proved wrong :-)
22:02:14pamauryfor now I will mosty lurk at it ;)
22:02:52pamaurybut since it's very very close to the PP6110 of the Sansa View (I think), I thought it would be worthwhile to get one
22:03:05pamaurybut you're right, I want to finish things on the imx233 before
22:03:35lebelliumpamaury: cheaper than a M1?!
22:05:29pamauryyeah, I got it for 50€
22:05:42pamauryif you know a M1 at this price, I'm interested
22:06:07lebelliumbut I'm interested in a Zune HD for 50€
22:06:22pamauryI found it on ebay
22:06:25lebelliumWhen I still looked at it 1-2 years ago, it was more expensive
22:07:21pamauryyeah but the prices when down, you can easily find one for 80€ and if you look and wait a bit, there are good opportunities
22:07:38pamauryI mean if you don't care about storage size, I just took the first one I found
22:08:00lebelliumyeah I was looking for the 32/64GB version
22:08:12pamauryah yeah this one might be more expensive
22:08:18pamauryI have a 16GB
22:09:23lebelliumhum no M1
22:09:29lebelliumit was already rare
22:10:05lebelliumI knew I should have bought it earlier^^
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22:27:50 Join Topy44 [0] (
22:34:40 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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23:02:16fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 25f73d6, 253 builds, 31 clients.
23:16:59fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 883 seconds.
23:19:00 Quit amayer (Quit: Leaving)
23:25:22 Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving)
23:36:34 Join RiD [0] (~RiD@
23:39:05 Quit bertrik (Remote host closed the connection)
23:48:30 Nick suYin is now known as suYin`OFF (
23:52:16 Join franklin [0] (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin)
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23:55:09franklinIs there any way to make a menu item dynamic? As in I can change the text of from the plugin?
23:57:58 Quit uwe_ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)

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