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#rockbox log for 2014-08-27

00:15:59***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
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01:01:52 Quit brian1001 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
01:14:13franklinWhat's the preferred brace positioning?
01:14:43franklinWith the curly brace at the end of the line, or on the next line? (after a for loop, say)
01:21:15franklinMost of the codebase seems to have the curly brace on a line by itself, which I prefer... but some has it at the end of a line :O
01:39:20_jhMikeS_stay consistent within the file itself
01:40:28franklinBut would reindenting the whole file be okay? g#928
01:40:31fs-bluebotGerrit review #928 at : Superdom improvements: code cleanup by Franklin Wei
01:40:57franklin(and, BTW, that code was /loaded/ with srand() calls before EVERY call to rand())
01:41:34 Nick _jhMikeS_ is now known as jhMikeS (~jethead71@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS)
01:42:06*franklin liked _jhMikeS_ better
01:42:14jhMikeSfranklin: not unless you're pretty much rewriting the thing
01:42:22franklinjhMikeS: I am :)
01:42:27 Nick jhMikeS is now known as ________________ (~jethead71@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS)
01:42:30franklinthat code sucked
01:42:43franklin________________, loaded with gotos...
01:43:08*________________ likes this nick better
01:44:04franklin________________, or you could copy [Saint] and do [jhMikeS]
01:44:47 Nick ________________ is now known as SekiMhj (~jethead71@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS)
01:45:30franklinSekiMhj,;a=blob;f=docs/CONTRIBUTING;h=f31b1a87521204d1a2da0286421c217e98cb04ce;hb=HEAD states that braces should be on a new line
01:45:43 Nick franklin is now known as [Franklin] (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin)
01:46:11SekiMhj[Franklin]: There must be a contradictory guideline somewhere
01:46:21[Franklin]not that I know of
01:47:01SekiMhjI do recall something about consistency more than just a particular style being enforced and adopting the style of the file when making changes
01:47:33[Franklin]But I pretty much rewrote half the plugin already...
01:48:50[Franklin]BTW, SekiMhj, could you do me a favor and review G#927
01:48:52fs-bluebotGerrit review #927 at : Superdom improvements: by Franklin Wei
01:49:46[Franklin](because I threw in some unrelated stuff, too ;))
01:50:55 Nick SekiMhj is now known as jhMikeS (~jethead71@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS)
01:51:13jhMikeSOnly I can do that!
01:51:15 Nick [Franklin] is now known as franklin (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin)
01:51:19franklinback to sanity...
01:52:03franklinah... jhMikeS, can you review G#927, please? :)
01:52:05fs-bluebotGerrit review #927 at : Superdom improvements: by Franklin Wei
01:52:43 Quit Cinos (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
01:54:01franklinjhMikeS, I'm not sure if diagonally adjacent tiles should count for a tile's score
01:54:52 Quit [Saint] (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
01:55:06 Nick franklin is now known as [Satin] (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin)
01:55:09 Nick [Satin] is now known as franklin (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin)
01:56:08jhMikeSfranklin: I'd suggest dumping the whitespace-only changes
01:56:14franklinjhMikeS, why?
01:56:31franklinah... what gevaerts said about my mega-patch :)
01:56:44franklinBut the commit message should be detailed enough to explain, right?
01:57:20franklinok... like what does it need?
01:57:28jhMikeSwhat do you mean?
01:57:38franklinthe commit message
01:57:57franklinOr I could just rebase all 3 commits into one mega-patch
01:58:08jhMikeSmost of the patch changes change white space lines
01:58:08franklin"Major superdom improvements/cleanup"
01:58:23franklinand so?
01:58:34franklin(no, I didn't do it by hand!)
01:58:55jhMikeS1) cleanup commit 2) relates changes #1 3) related changes #2
01:59:19franklinhow do I split a commit?
01:59:27jhMikeSyou can commit several changes in gerrit and just push the head and get several change I'd that go in in dependent patches
01:59:58franklin"I'd that go"?
02:00:13jhMikeSha! "changes that go"
02:00:48 Join [Saint] [0] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint)
02:00:50jhMikeSmake a patch with whitespace changes only, commit that.
02:01:15franklinso, undo the 3 commits, and commit each whitespace line to a commit?
02:01:33jhMikeSthen make a patch with other changes commit that in the same branch (with just -a, not -a −−amend)
02:01:43jhMikeSthen you'll have two (or more) changes in the log
02:02:15jhMikeSno, all whitespace changes can be done in one commit, the later changes can go in another in the same branch
02:03:18jhMikeSyou should just then push the HEAD of your branch to gerrit which should push every private commit there
02:03:47 Join ygrek [0] (~user@
02:04:14jhMikeSI've done that when whitespace was a total wreck in a file and then push it all in one go
02:04:34franklinYeah, working on it now
02:05:23jhMikeSI suppose if you're just going rewrite 75% of it or something, consider it all new then :)
02:06:50 Quit kuldeepdhaka (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
02:07:35franklinjhMikeS, would intenting it count?
02:08:11jhMikeSI do think so
02:08:28jhMikeSA code police commit should just likely be that
02:09:25jhMikeStip: you can reuse the change id you've already got there and not having create a completely new gerrit change
02:09:38franklinah dang... just did :)
02:09:43jhMikeSuse a new id on the code policing though
02:11:18 Nick SuperBrainAK is now known as DormantBrain (~andy@
02:11:28jhMikeSso, basically its 1) changing some drawing stuff 2) changing to action system
02:11:32franklinjhMikeS, so for the "improvements" patch, could I include pla-fying, the new braces style, and code cleanup (removing useless srand)?
02:13:07*jhMikeS is pissed about the prng having such a massive context that rand_r is a hugely wasteful thing to implement naiively
02:13:33franklinbefore /every/ call to rand(), there was a srand()
02:13:46franklinok, g#930 g#931
02:13:50fs-bluebotGerrit review #930 at : Superdom: whitespace cleanup by Franklin Wei
02:13:50fs-bluebotGerrit review #931 at : Superdom: code cleanup by Franklin Wei
02:13:55 Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
02:14:42*[Saint] sincerely dislikes cleaning up misinformation on the forums from people who should know better
02:16:02***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
02:16:13jhMikeS[Saint]: like?
02:17:04jhMikeSfranklin: yeah, like that...and base the code changes from there
02:17:14franklindid that too
02:18:05franklin[Saint], I remember that when you first install emCORE, there is no rockbox install
02:18:34[Saint]That's patently untrue.
02:18:37franklinyou need to boot the recover image first, and then install rockbox
02:18:50franklinnoo!!! that's after a format... :(
02:19:15[Saint]And even then, you don't need to specifically boot into anything.
02:19:39jhMikeSis there every any way to release for targets that will likely never be entirely simple to install or should "release" take on a different shade of meaning in these cases
02:20:09franklinjhMikeS, probably need to ask TheSeven
02:20:28[Saint]Its entirely possible to automate the emCORE/Rockbox install.
02:20:36franklinI hear he's working on integrating rbutil with ipod6g
02:20:38[Saint]The only thing the user would need to do is enter DFU mode.
02:20:40franklin[Saint]: except DFU mode
02:20:42[Saint]We can't do that for them.
02:20:44franklinhaha too slow
02:20:47jhMikeSWell, GigabeatS is under "Unstable Ports" but I think that is deceptive. It really is very complete and stable.
02:21:03franklinjhMikeS, apparently it self-formats sometimes
02:21:07franklinmaybe that's why?
02:21:25jhMikeSfranklin: It won't if you don't dual boot
02:21:38franklinjhMikeS, then it's not stable :)
02:21:39jhMikeSit may be downgraded to not be finicky about that
02:22:00jhMikeSfranklin: it can't be stable because the retailOS is the reason that happens
02:22:12jhMikeSbut that's stupid
02:22:13franklinso it'll never be stable
02:22:30jhMikeSit needs another category
02:22:33[Saint]What we *really* need is build classifications that don't impart an expectation of functionality.
02:22:37jhMikeSwe can't fix retailos
02:22:43[Saint]stable/unstable/unusable are fucking braindead.
02:22:48jhMikeS[Saint]: or lesser functionality
02:22:48franklin"Single boot" category?
02:22:49[Saint]considering what they actually imply.
02:23:01franklin - the stability of rockbox
02:23:08jhMikeSThe beast is definitely not lacking essential functionality
02:23:11franklinNot the functionality of the port
02:23:22franklin"the beast"
02:23:25jhMikeSbut it can be tricky at times to get stabilized
02:24:13franklinso.. exactly, under the current system, Gigabeat S will never be stable
02:24:33jhMikeSI've not once had a spontaneous format unless trashing the partitions once I stopped needing to use the windows crap on it
02:24:53franklin"the windows crap"?
02:25:02franklinLike the OS, or the software for the OS?
02:25:14franklin(win explorer is part of the OS)
02:25:33jhMikeSfranklin: maybe it need not connote "stable", but just something better than "unstable", which connotes problems with the port itself
02:25:48jhMikeSfranklin: it runs some windows ce junk or something
02:25:59 Join Cinos [0] (
02:26:02franklinwindows!? on an mp3 player?
02:26:06jhMikeSit is windows based out of the box
02:26:15[Saint]Someone forgot about the Zune.
02:26:31franklin... but all of them are stripped-down versions, right?
02:26:34[Saint](the Beast was rather obviously a trial run for the Zune, IMO)
02:26:50[Saint]franklin: not particularly.
02:26:53jhMikeSon the plus side, that did help tracking down particular bits of OF code to get HW setup and such
02:27:09franklin[Saint], so it has a start menu... and a cursor... and a web browser?
02:27:14jhMikeSfranklin: no
02:27:22franklinhaha i thought so...
02:27:32franklin(just making sure ;))
02:27:34jhMikeSshitty things is that it's all ARMv4 code lol
02:28:06franklinwow... firmware... not encrypted?!
02:28:11franklinwho ever heard of that? :)
02:28:56jhMikeSx5, m3, m5, h100, h300, the various AMS sansas (iirc) ...
02:29:20franklinis it a coincedence that no apple devices are on there?
02:29:33jhMikeSon what?
02:29:46[Saint]Is it relevant, is the real question.
02:30:26franklinok... so any ideas for the new word to replace "Stable"?
02:30:39jhMikeSI'm not sure but I don't think early iPod was either
02:31:43jhMikeSI think GoGear SA9200 could move to a higher category
02:32:22franklinso who controls this?
02:32:31jhMikeScontrols what?
02:32:41franklinthe classification
02:32:47jhMikeSwe do?
02:33:07franklinwe... who?
02:33:26jhMikeSI'm sure noone should just single-handedly reclassify everything with new classifications
02:33:51jhMikeSwe, us, the great elders :p
02:33:52franklinso who has access to the server?
02:34:01[Saint]Not you.
02:34:19jhMikeSI can push changes to rockbox-www but The Swedes have to actually integrate it there
02:35:54franklinunless I hack it... haha
02:36:20 Join shamus [0] (
02:39:03jhMikeS"Robert'); DROP
02:39:03jhMikeSRobert'); DROP TABLE students;−−
02:39:23 Quit franklin (Remote host closed the connection)
02:39:47jhMikeShey it worked
02:55:19 Quit mc2739 (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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03:59:52plocoJdGordon: Sorry didn't know how to extend commit from 913, so recommited as 932,933.
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08:40:14[Saint]fuck me that was quick support.
08:40:24[Saint]two replies before the user even left the forum.
08:40:31[Saint]good job us.
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13:17:57[Saint]What the shit?
13:18:19copperYes, Apple will release a MaxiPad.
13:18:37[Saint]How can moving between the wps and the main menu not cause a full redraw of the backdrop buffer?
13:18:43 Join the-kyle [0] (
13:18:49[Saint]It certainly /looks/ like it should...
13:20:04[Saint]Backdrops are quite sick.
13:22:23 Quit ygrek (Remote host closed the connection)
13:22:27*[Saint] isn't sure if all the crazy issues he's hitting are worth saving the few MBs in resources not using a full screen backdrop image.
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23:46:20fs-bluebotuser890104: ouch!
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