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#rockbox log for 2014-08-30

00:10:08 Join soap [0] (~soap@rockbox/staff/soap)
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00:38:04chrisbam I hearing things, or does flac sound better than ogg on my sansa fuze?
00:40:07preglowwell, if it's vorbis you mean, flac should never sound worse than it on any player
00:41:13preglowassuming you're talking about the very same source material, of course
00:43:06chrisbpreglow: same source, but my ogg/vorbis had some compression...
00:43:26chrisbpreglow: certainly, the .ogg files are smaller than the .flac files
00:44:43preglowflac is lossless, it should always sound better
00:44:59preglowif the vorbis file is compressed properly, it shouldn't be audible, but the flac is lossless, so...
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00:50:10chrisbpreglow: i was surprised that it seemed to sound better on a digital audio player and earbuds
00:50:58chrisbpreglow: do you think the size penalty of .flac would be worth it?
00:56:00preglowon a portable? naw
00:56:03preglowdon't use it myself
00:56:15preglowkeep to well-encoded mp3s at the moment
00:56:22preglowused vorbis in the past, no issues with it
00:56:30***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
00:56:37preglowall my music is flac on the computer, tho, but space is less of an issue there
00:59:34preglowif the vorbis is encoded properly i'd chalk it down to placebo and do a test with two tracks played random to see if i was fooling myself :>
01:00:06preglowi'm very sceptical of such things these days, having seen quite a few people speak loudly on differences they hear, then be unable to hear it if they don't know what they hear
01:04:22 Nick uwe__ is now known as uwe_ (
01:05:22chrisbpreglow: right
01:09:19 Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 32.0/20140825202822])
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01:11:57chrisbpreglow: do you run rockbox in an emulator on your computer?
01:12:21preglownot for a long time
01:12:24preglowandroid user these days
01:14:06chrisbpreglow: which hardware?
01:14:10preglowz1 compact
01:20:57 Nick lbobrife is now known as Ecaz (
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02:04:58[Franklin]woohoo AI can buy nukes in hard mode now... :)
02:07:33[Franklin]OK, I need some feedback. If you attack a territory with a nuke on it, should the nuke remain?
02:21:20 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
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03:41:37jhMikeSachoo, net shampoo
03:42:19jhMikeSIf it's so quiet, I guess it's a good time for mega-patching
03:48:04foolshlmao, I haven't been around much but I still get it at least chrisjj isn't flooding the channel with nonsense any longer
03:48:25fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 7d1a47c, 253 builds, 31 clients.
03:50:22 Join markun [0] (~markun@rockbox/developer/markun)
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03:52:37 Nick rudi_s_ is now known as rudi_s (
03:55:08 Join kuldeepdhaka [0] (~kuldeepdh@unaffiliated/kuldeepdhaka)
03:58:28fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 604 seconds.
04:01:36foolshIndeed, usually about 200 seconds isn't it?
04:03:04jhMikeSI meant the errors but yeah the build has been going slowly lately. I think gerrit didn't push the "depends on" patches.
04:04:54foolshUhg, never seen that much red before
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04:06:28jhMikeSI've had worse
04:08:52fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 17a007b, 253 builds, 31 clients.
04:12:46franklinjhMikeS, wow...a ll red :)
04:12:54 Nick franklin is now known as [Franklin] (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin)
04:13:52jhMikeSgerrit didn't push the patches it needed as well (now I know it doesn't)
04:14:08[Franklin]is roolku offline?
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04:14:35[Franklin]nope... he's not
04:14:39jhMikeSno, I think some clients are producing errors
04:15:03[Franklin]ah... that slows it down? by a factor of two?!
04:15:03jhMikeSZagor hasn't done his end of it yet
04:15:24jhMikeSit's disabling clients iiuc
04:15:52[Franklin]only 61% efficient
04:16:01jhMikeSsaratoga keeps getting "no logfile found. you are temporarily disabled." or something to that effect
04:16:26[Franklin]jhMikeS, that patch was huge, though... 131 files changed
04:16:48jhMikeSthat was after breaking it up into 4 or 5 commits :D
04:16:56[Franklin]wow... :O
04:17:01jhMikeSwouldn't been almost 200 lol
04:17:20[Franklin]can you review g#940?
04:17:23fs-bluebotGerrit review #940 at : [WIP] Superdom: game improvements by Franklin Wei
04:17:39jhMikeSit's easy to do that if you just change a few hundred lines every day for a few months
04:17:58[Franklin]jhMikeS: so that's what you did?!
04:17:59jhMikeSsure, once this shit's under control
04:18:23jhMikeSa journey of a 1000 miles and all that ...
04:18:39[Franklin]ok... approx. 3 mins
04:18:49[Franklin]but more like 5 because of the slowdown
04:19:02*jhMikeS goes and makes some coffee
04:19:06[Franklin](if there is any slowdown... this is a /huge/ patch...)
04:19:13*[Franklin] goes and plays some urt
04:19:48fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 655 seconds.
04:20:28foolsh[Franklin]: I've never been able to really understand superdom as a game, what have you improved about it? I'm NOT being snarky I'm genuinely curious
04:21:07[Franklin]ehem... everything about the code was terrible...
04:21:17[Franklin]hardcoded sizes... everything
04:21:31[Franklin]gotos... inf loops...
04:21:38foolshI've never found it playable
04:21:43[Franklin]foolsh, on what device?
04:22:18foolshany device really, not a control issue just not sure what's going on
04:22:36[Franklin]well... I can't really fix that. :)
04:22:51[Franklin]but here's how it works: you run a... country, maybe?
04:23:01[Franklin]you need to build an army to defeat the computer
04:23:20[Franklin](which was really easy)
04:23:35[Franklin]until now... because the AI can almost start to figure out how to use nukes :)
04:23:56jhMikeSman, those size deltas really don't tell the story...and checkwps, built that a million times already without a problem yet it's yellowey on the build table
04:24:00[Franklin](as in, it can buy them and defend/capture them if needed, but not use them... YET)
04:24:15[Franklin]jhMikeS, does make stop on a warning?
04:25:35[Franklin]it should... just to make everyone fix the warnings BEFORE they push :D
04:26:18 Join kiwicam [0] (
04:27:21jhMikeSwhatever, too many targets to do one by one...the build table is there to tell the story. it's not just the targets, it's the variants of them and all
04:27:33jhMikeSlots and lots of ways to make this thing
04:29:38jhMikeSmmm...some IRAM crap too
04:29:50[Franklin]have fun :)
04:33:11[Saint]I compiled this for a fleet of targets over the course of the last 48 hours or so, and the only things that complained were the SDL apps.
04:33:34[Saint]Didn't specifically do checkwps though.
04:34:18[Saint]The SDL apps compiled. And they're functional. But they bitched about it. A lot. A whole lot.
04:35:40jhMikeSreally, I can build "SDL application" and sims. which in particular
04:36:02jhMikeSI don't get warnings there
04:36:18[Franklin]I think he means "SDL application" instead of sim
04:36:52jhMikeSso do I
04:36:58jhMikeSand sim
04:37:19[Saint]I logged it last night here.
04:37:35[Saint]A fucktonne of unchecked values of 'read'.
04:37:44jhMikeSI must be getting a whack-a-mole thing going with these
04:38:23jhMikeSI don't think I added reads anywhere that weren't checked
04:39:04[Franklin][Saint]: new idea for piezo uses:,24875.0.html
04:39:10[Saint]I'll ditch my rebase of your work and run off head and re-check.
04:39:31[Saint]Just gotta take ms. saint to work.
04:39:36jhMikeSnow I do get warnings on things that built cleanly before
04:39:46jhMikeSmempcpy stuff
04:40:52[Franklin]jhMikeS, do you think an "annoy-a-tron" plugin would have /any/ chance of getting merged?
04:42:02[Saint]How would you fit yourself inside the player?
04:42:41[Franklin]... grow the player?
04:43:22jhMikeS"annoy-a-tron" ??
04:43:35[Franklin]perfect use for the piezo
04:44:01foolsh[Franklin]: I though you meant those little toy guns that go "beep beep beep, lu lu lu lu bssssshhhh, wa wa wa wa wa, wo wo wo wo, de de de do do do boom" Definitely annoying
04:44:36foolshWell now you have two ideas
04:45:01[Franklin]what was #1?
04:46:31foolshthis silly,24875.0.html
04:47:18[Saint]How did that go again foolsh? ;)
04:47:33[Saint]You should do impressions.
04:48:23foolsh[Saint]: Badda Bing I'll be here all night!
04:49:03[Franklin]so... I'll write it tomorrow :)
04:49:12[Franklin]and just push it to gerrit to piss you off
04:49:33[Franklin]shouldn't be hard at all
04:51:23 Quit [Franklin] (Quit: Leaving)
04:51:41 Quit krabador (Quit: Take the time.)
04:54:36foolsh[Saint]: Annoying maybe, but he's not as bad as chrisjj... yet
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05:14:51 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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05:37:22fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision f3d60ae, 253 builds, 31 clients.
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05:52:39fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 916 seconds.
05:53:31 Part foolsh
06:23:49jhMikeS[Saint]: no large changes were made to bookmark.c, just a few line
06:24:06[Saint]it is what it is.
06:24:24[Saint]warn_unused is having a field day.
06:24:56jhMikeSwell, probably you have different headers specifying that attribute
06:28:14jhMikeSit's rather revealing that so many calls exist like that
06:28:58jhMikeSrather a separate thing to deal with I'd say
06:31:06jhMikeSbuilding that now for myself doesn't throw those
06:31:44[Saint]it bitches on amd64 and arm hosts here.
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07:30:25fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision da4938d, 253 builds, 31 clients.
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07:38:24fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 478 seconds.
07:40:35jhMikeSone time sdl-app doesn't warn, now it does when built on a different client
07:51:03fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 5d31d3c, 253 builds, 31 clients.
07:59:54fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 532 seconds.
08:00:59jhMikeSonce again nano-2g has some freakishly large negative delta
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08:49:10megal0maniacWhat an efficient target ;)
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