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#rockbox log for 2015-01-16

00:00:14DEBUGEOF from server (Connection timed out) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 545)
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00:37:23dfktis there a 'best' fat32 cluster size for rockbox/audio files?
00:38:00dfktmost people obsessing about that are in camera forums, not sure that's the same purpose
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00:54:34[Saint]dfkt: realitically, for our purposes, I don't believe it matters at all.
00:55:38[Saint]I mean, that's my personal belief, and it may not be shared by everyone (such is the nature of such personal beliefs), but I believe this to be true.
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02:18:56[Franklin]does anyone want to do a code review on xrick?
02:19:12[Franklin]it's been sitting there for a while and the original author seems to have diappeared
02:22:10Ivoah[Franklin]: What is it?
02:22:29Ivoahbut what is the program?
02:22:41[Franklin]oh, it's a platformer game
02:22:50 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
02:22:57Ivoahis it a clone of another game?
02:23:13[Franklin]a port, actually
02:23:20Ivoahof what?
02:23:22[Franklin]a port of a clone, actually :D
02:23:27[Franklin]Rick Dangerous
02:23:34IvoahNever heard of it
02:23:42[Franklin]it's got some good links
02:24:08 Nick Mir__ is now known as Mir (
02:24:46IvoahI'm downloading the original now
02:27:38[Franklin]BTW, it seems to support graylib
02:27:45[Franklin]and grayscale
02:30:28IvoahWell, the controls are perfectly suited to rockbox
02:30:54IvoahI still don't understand why rockboy doesn't support greyscale
02:31:17[Franklin]I suppose everything could support grayscale :P
02:31:30[Franklin]if it's a good idea is another question
02:32:03IvoahI don't see why an emulator for a greyscale console wouldn't support a greyscale ipod
02:32:53[Franklin]probably it could
02:33:29[Franklin]but the original authors were either too lazy or didn't feel it was warranted (maybe the GBC?)
02:33:57 Join AlexP [0] (~alex@rockbox/staff/AlexP)
02:36:11Ivoah[Franklin]: I came across this while looking at rockboy:
02:37:22[Franklin]oh... please
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03:39:23[Franklin]wodz (logs): it turns out that the random road generator is a bit biased and tends to generate downhill slopes more than uphills
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03:46:46 Join saratoga [0] (32c89b32@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:47:25saratogasobukus_: for the last few years i've been working on an ARMv5 version of the mp3 synthesis filterbank if you're interested
03:47:43saratogaits probably 80% of the way done at this point (works great in c, mostly converted to assembly)
03:47:46saratogashould probably finish it
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05:42:41lunarl0nanyone know a good linux command line tool to extract album art from FLAC?
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07:21:38pixelmaIvoah: Rockboy works on most grayscale displays, just not the ones in the grayscale Ipods. IIRC those have a different internal format none of the devs was interested to prepare the plugin for so far
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08:24:33lorenzo92pamaury: what do you think about using the NAND + FTL driver that is included in the bootloader? (Thinking of YP-Z5...) i.e. cal the functions here and do the magic...should be possible right? we have the kernel driver of another player, and interfaces should be if not the same almost the same and compatible...
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13:42:34Ivoahpixelma: How hard would it be to make it work with the iPods?
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22:42:49[Franklin]Ivoah: I would think that's because they have a horizontal stride unlike most grayscales
22:43:03IvoahWhat's that mean?
22:44:03[Franklin]it means that the pixels are stored row-by-row in memory
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22:44:16[Franklin]other grayscale ones have them stored column by column
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22:46:06[Franklin]I don't think it'd be that much work to make it work with horizontal strides
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