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#rockbox log for 2015-01-17

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02:39:13[Franklin]is there any way on the ipods to disable long PLAY shutdown?
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10:55:18cccaHi people. I have problem with my Sansa Clip Plus. It started about a month ago. It was refusing to power on randomly. Sometimes player worked and sometimes didn't, so I decided to reinstall rockbox, but it didn't help. Nowadays it refuses to turn on almost all the time, but yesterday I was able to. I saw rockbox logo and then an error ATA error -2. When I connect it to the computer it shows 31mb RAW disk. What should I do? Should I tr
10:55:21ccca(sorry for my english, I'm still learning :))
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12:33:28lebelliumClip Zip is discontinued :S
12:38:03alexbobp:( really?
12:40:19lebelliumYeah, I checked on Only marketplace sellers have it and price are getting crazy
12:41:39gevaertsjust buy an ipod classic then :)
12:42:27alexbobpthose are expensive too
12:42:40alexbobpand unwieldy
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13:42:00lorenzo92pamaury: ypz5 doesn't compile
13:42:34lorenzo92and fixing errors, I came to undefined reference button-lradc-imx233.c:(.text+0x1e8): undefined reference to `imx233_lradc_setup_channel'
13:46:50lorenzo92I don't even find the definition, WTF?
13:53:18cccaI try once again :) Hi people. I have problem with my Sansa Clip Plus. It started about a month ago. It was refusing to power on randomly. Player was behaving unpredictably, so I decided to reinstall rockbox, but it didn't help. Nowadays it refuses to turn on almost all the time, but yesterday I was able to. I saw rockbox logo and then an error ATA error -2. When I connect it to the computer it shows 31mb RAW disk. What should I do? Sh
13:53:55lorenzo92ccca: it is possibly a memory (nand) failure, but wait for owners of that player to confirm
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14:01:37lorenzo92for sure, ATA errors are related to the storage...
14:02:03lorenzo92pamaury: fixed! a double entry in SOURCES was masking the real problem. Fixed. I will upload a patch later
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14:43:11sobukus_ccca: one failure mode I had with a clip+ was a simple failure of the power switch
14:43:33sobukus_ccca: I remembering re-soldering it one time ...
14:43:59sobukus_But it didn't last, I think.
14:44:14*sobukus_ having trouble keeping track, was it the one lost in the train ... ?
14:44:31sobukus_Anyhow, I got two clip+ atm and am happy with them.
14:44:35 Nick sobukus_ is now known as sobukus (
14:45:59cccado you thing failure on power switch can cause the computer connecting problem?
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14:50:19sobukusYeah, I'm not sure of that.
14:50:31cccasobukus: should I try AMSUnbick? inside the player everything looks alright..
14:50:48sobukussimply disconnected power button I cannot imagine, but if you got some other power supply problem, anything might happen.
14:51:25sobukusIt looks all so weird.
14:51:33sobukusccca: can you boot the original firmware?
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14:53:34sobukusccca: holding home button while powering on, just in case you've forgotten.
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15:24:10cccasobukus: I can't turn it on at all
15:25:14lorenzo92ccca: if it is a solder joint, heat it up a bit
15:25:23lorenzo92and see if it randomly workds
15:28:25sobukusccca: the part with touble switching it on really can be because of the power button being loose.
15:28:43sobukus(it was soldered directly to the board and that joint can break, afair)
15:29:02sobukusccca: you can still hold "home" and connect usb to power on and see if the original firmware works normally
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15:45:22cccasobukus: so it looks like the power button works, because when I hold it for 20sec and connect usb it shows the 31mb RAW drive, when I connect it again after some time computer tells me it wasn't recognized, so I need to unplug it and hold power button for 20sec to have the 31mb drive again, home button makes no diffence
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19:24:04cccasobukus: do you have an idea what should Ido?
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22:25:01hurdmanhello everybody
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22:26:14hurdmani have got an old nano 2G , 4Gb, with an iLoader inside, but when i boot it , i get "Please press Play and extract an iLoader theme to your Nano"
22:26:47hurdmanbut the iLoader website is closed :/ can anyone here give the famous config file to me ?
22:27:42hurdmani have tried to re-install using the linux 64 bit version of rockbox installer gui, with bootloader, but it says "all is green and ok" , but my nano ever stay on iLoader after reboot ...
22:30:46gevaertshurdman: I suspect the freemyipod channels might be better for this
22:31:41hurdmangevaerts: ok, i didn't know this channel, thx
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