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#rockbox log for 2015-02-12

00:00:10[Saint]In my specific case here I refer to their Android handsets.
00:00:18[Saint]But it seems they've been doing it for much longer.
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00:01:11 Join JdGordon_ [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon)
00:02:16b0hoon[Saint]: I really don't know, different models for different markets?
00:02:51 Quit JdGordon (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
00:03:00[Saint]That seems to be the case in some instances, but in others there's different models with the same model designation with some fairly wild internal differences.
00:03:14[Saint]Its hugely frustrating from a development point of view.
00:06:08b0hoonMaybe for them it's not so problematic, and a kind of experimentation what is better.
00:06:12 Quit RiD (Quit: A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.)
00:07:17 Part b0hoon
00:10:57 Join ulmutul [0] (
00:14:23[Saint]It seems to be almost random parts substitution based on availability.
00:15:11 Quit [Franklin] (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
00:18:45ulmutulb0hoon: When updating keymaps for the plugins, do think it would be better to define "Left" (or long left) as the default exit key for both devices? I would then use the Rec button (on Yh820) as meta-key for button combos.
00:19:27ulmutulMy previous idea was to use Rec as exit button, like the Vibe500.
00:20:46 Join [Franklin] [0] (
00:23:54[Saint]left is usually 'exit' from most screens.
00:24:02[Saint]plugins are a clusterfuck in this regard.
00:24:13[Saint]I have long wanted to sort that out
00:24:50[Saint]Its not consistent amongst individual plugins, nor amongst devices.
00:25:22ulmutulAh, sorry, I meant "Rew" or "Long Rew", regarding plugins or screens where you need all 4 direction keys for .. well, directions :)
00:28:17ulmutulThe Samsung YH-series is not yet stable, so it would be a good opportunity to make keymaps as consistent as possible. I have to chane keymaps anyway, because in the patch (on gerrit) I changed the behaviour of the YH-92x record switch.
00:34:29 Quit amayer (Quit: Leaving)
00:38:01 Quit TheLemonMan (Remote host closed the connection)
00:41:38 Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
00:44:47 Quit ulmutul (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 35.0.1/20150122214805])
01:26:49 Join JdGordon [0] (
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01:26:49 Join JdGordon [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon)
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01:53:25 Quit AlexP (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
02:01:47 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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02:31:21 Join CosmicWizard09 [0] (48dc5829@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:33:55CosmicWizard09hi I am looking to obtain a copy of the famous atapwd software. can anyone point me to a link that works? thank you.
02:35:04 Join renopt [0] (~renopt@unaffiliated/renopt)
02:43:53[Saint]CosmicWizard09: ummmm...are you aware what channel you're in?
02:45:40[Saint]And, if you are, do you have an Arch specifically?
02:45:56[Saint]If not, its not going to be any use to you.
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