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#rockbox log for 2015-04-17

00:00:52 Quit [Saint] (Quit: Quit.)
00:01:10 Join [Saint] [0] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint)
00:12:23 Quit nialv7 (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
00:12:54 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
00:15:25 Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 38.0/20150413143743])
00:25:03 Quit AlexP (Remote host closed the connection)
00:27:44 Quit the-kyle (Remote host closed the connection)
00:30:06 Quit krabador (Quit: Take The Time)
00:30:43 Quit edhelas (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
00:32:17 Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
00:38:06 Quit ender` (Quit: "...Which reminds me, there's a vampire hand in your freezer's ice maker." Seeing my aghast expression, she added, "Don’t worry. I double-bagged it." -- Jim C. Hines: Libriomancer)
00:40:12 Quit [Franklin] (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
00:40:25 Join [Franklin] [0] (
00:40:39 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
00:57:11 Join nialv7 [0] (
01:02:14 Quit akaWolf (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
01:16:34 Quit zoktar (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
01:25:34 Join zoktar [0] (~zoktar@unaffiliated/zoktar)
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01:47:58 Quit krabador (Quit: Take The Time)
01:48:42 Quit RiD (Quit: A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.)
01:51:27 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
02:06:06 Join the-kyle [0] (
02:06:49 Quit dys (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
02:17:02 Join williamtdr [0] (uid27909@gateway/web/
02:40:04 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
03:28:01 Join franklin [0] (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/franklin)
03:29:11 Part franklin
03:31:26 Quit krabador (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
03:32:03 Join akaWolf [0] (~akaWolf@unaffiliated/akawolf)
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03:38:13 Quit nialv7 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
03:42:58 Quit petur (Quit: Leaving)
04:01:52 Quit [Franklin] (Quit: leaving)
04:03:05 Quit byteframe (Quit: Deuces.)
04:11:50 Join byteframe [0] (~byteframe@unaffiliated/byteframe)
05:17:57 Nick n17ikh_ is now known as n17ikh (~n17ikh@unaffiliated/n17ikh)
05:25:37 Quit Tipographica (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
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06:01:17 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
06:02:24 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
07:24:25 Join pablo_mobile [0] (~pablo@
07:24:56pablo_mobileAwesome! My two new Sansa Fuze arrived, it's time to rockbox them.
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07:54:55 Join dys [0] (
07:58:42alexbobppablo_mobile: nice :D best mp3 player ever
07:58:54alexbobphow much did you pay?
08:26:34 Join mortalis [0] (~kvirc@
08:49:42 Join bertrik [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/bertrik)
08:57:13 Quit bertrik (Remote host closed the connection)
08:58:00 Quit mc2739 (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
08:59:52 Join mc2739 [0] (~mc2739@rockbox/developer/mc2739)
09:07:28 Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur)
09:10:36 Join edhelas [0] (~edhelas@
09:10:44 Join wodz [0] (
09:18:44 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
09:20:59 Join ender` [0] (
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10:11:27 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
10:40:15 Join LinusN [0] (
10:41:59 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
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12:13:01 Join JdGordon_ [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon)
12:13:55 Quit JdGordon (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
12:27:02 Join TheLemonMan [0] (~lemonboy@unaffiliated/thelemonman)
12:51:17 Quit petur (Quit: *plop*)
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13:57:10 Join AlexP [0] (~alex@rockbox/staff/AlexP)
14:30:29 Join amayer [0] (
14:32:36pablo_mobilealexbobp: $38 USD for a 4GB and 45 for a 8GB model
15:25:34 Quit bluebrother (Disconnected by services)
15:25:39 Join bluebrother^ [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother)
15:26:29 Quit fs-bluebot_ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
15:27:19 Join fs-bluebot [0] (
15:30:58 Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving)
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15:45:23 Quit AlexP (Remote host closed the connection)
16:14:21 Quit williamtdr (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
16:50:48 Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection)
17:05:07 Quit fotisto (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
17:09:23 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
17:25:30 Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur)
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17:36:01 Quit edhelas (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
17:39:11 Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: "It's now safe to turn off your computer.")
17:41:57 Join AlexP [0] (~alex@rockbox/staff/AlexP)
17:52:01 Quit amayer (Quit: Leaving)
18:00:14 Join amayer [0] (
18:11:43 Quit mortalis (Remote host closed the connection)
18:14:37 Join ZincAlloy [0] (
18:20:07 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
18:59:57 Join JdGordon [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon)
19:00:30 Quit JdGordon_ (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
19:06:30 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
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19:38:16 Join Rower [0] (
19:39:23 Join lebellium [0] (
20:04:28 Part LinusN
20:05:50 Join bertrik [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/bertrik)
20:36:34 Join rela [0] (~x@pdpc/supporter/active/rela)
20:41:29 Join edhelas [0] (
20:59:23 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
20:59:40 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
20:59:56 Quit edhelas (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
21:30:16 Join xorly [0] (
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21:40:00 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
21:46:05 Part fishbulb
21:46:15 Join fishbulb [0] (7c960de5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:46:29fishbulbhi, I have a couple of H340 irivers
21:46:53fishbulbI've put the biggest drive rockbox will support in them, I've routinely put the biggest batteries in them
21:48:16fishbulbthey're nearly the perfect device with rockbox, I am looking to put an MSATA drive in there, but it seems like a complicated process
21:50:20fishbulbinvolving an adapter, it seems like the msata drive can't draw more current than the hard drive that's in there, and I think there are issues with the bootloader, can anyone else say what might be involved?
21:50:38fishbulbwhat should be considered and researched
21:50:48fishbulbthe limitations of rockbox as it is now...
21:55:40 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
21:59:37 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
22:02:02 Join fotisto [0] (
22:17:54 Join fotisto2 [0] (
22:22:01 Quit fotisto (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
22:27:15 Join RiD [0] (
22:30:15 Quit petur (Quit: Leaving)
22:36:49 Join edhelas [0] (
22:49:02 Quit byteframe (Quit: Deuces.)
22:50:09 Quit amayer (Quit: Leaving)
22:58:51 Join Scall- [0] (~chat@unaffiliated/scall)
22:59:21 Quit dys (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
22:59:21 Quit Scall (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
22:59:21 Nick Scall- is now known as Scall (~chat@unaffiliated/scall)
23:00:17 Quit Smarticles101 (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
23:00:35 Join Smarticles101 [0] (
23:04:27 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
23:05:36 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
23:07:56 Join [Franklin] [0] (
23:07:56 Quit [Franklin] (Changing host)
23:07:56 Join [Franklin] [0] (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin)
23:14:15 Join dys [0] (
23:16:36 Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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23:31:57 Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel)
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23:41:00 Join byteframe [0] (~byteframe@unaffiliated/byteframe)
23:47:26 Join ChristW [0] (~ChristW@
23:51:00 Quit the-kyle (Remote host closed the connection)
23:57:01 Quit rela (Quit: Leaving)

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