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#rockbox log for 2015-05-05

00:00:06pamauryrockbox addresses the disk in sectors so than it's mostly a limit of the underlying file system.
00:00:06 Quit AlexP (Remote host closed the connection)
00:00:24pamauryI think FAT32 is officially limited for 32GB
00:01:59pamaurybut I admit I don't know much about this
00:02:09felixculpaok, it looks like i am stuck at 32gb for now then. Unless i can use something other than Fat 32.
00:03:12 Quit chrisb (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
00:03:15pamauryyou also have the option of creating a non-standard FAT32 with large cluster size (32k) which allows you to create greater FS
00:04:37gevaertsFAT32 goes a lot higher than 32gb
00:04:38pamauryyeah in theory you can go up to 2TB
00:04:49felixculpathere is one forum post that says 64gb cards work for the sansa clip+ but I can't find anything else on it
00:05:15felixculpathe post is number 12
00:05:33gevaertsShould work, yes
00:05:35pamauryso yeah 64 and 128GB should work
00:06:13felixculpathat would be awesome. Alright, i'll be trying that then. Thank you
00:06:38 Part felixculpa ("WeeChat 1.1.1")
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00:58:23 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
01:38:43 Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 38.0/20150429135941])
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02:31:14 Join webspinner [0] (6cdc7a8b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:32:54webspinnerHey guys...I have sort of an odd dilemma and I was hoping somebody could help me out. I am attempting to install emCore and Rockbox on my newly modded iPod 6G. It works just fine on the Apple stock firmware...however, my play/pause button is broken. So, I can't accept the terms and conditions to emCore to even install it. Are there any workarounds to this?
03:10:11 Join [Franklin] [0] (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin)
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03:50:00[Franklin]webspinner: perhaps try pressing it harder? ;)
03:50:06[Franklin]I had a similar problem
03:50:22 Quit [Franklin] (Quit: Lost terminal)
03:57:52webspinnerHaha! I've tried, unfortunately. I even disassembled it again and pressed the button directly on the logicboard to no avail.
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07:50:56drafti have a Apple iPod 5th Gen (Video) and i really can't seem to get it working with Rockbox... it's refurbished machine. i revived it with iTunes. i can boot to Disk Mode and everything, but it says that the partition table is invalid, probably not an iPod or then the ipodpatcher doesn't recognize it if i try it.
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20:43:11estimated_valueHi there. I have trawled through the manual but I couldn't find a way to change the "default action" Is that possible?
20:44:59pamauryestimated_value: I don't think so but I wouldn't bet
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20:57:12estimated_valueokay. I wanted "insert next" to be easier to do when I am playing dynamic playlist. Is there something else that can do this easier?
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22:07:18lorenzo_anyone using Make version 4.0 to build rockbox?
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22:21:59lorenzo92nevermind, it worked ;)
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23:19:49 Join [Franklin] [0] (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin)
23:23:08[Franklin]has anyone ever tried using clang to build rockbox?
23:38:00pamaury_but the build doesn't work, at least on ARM
23:38:16pamaury_at least last time we tried, it was wodz who tried it
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