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#rockbox log for 2015-07-24

00:07:20 Quit AlexP (Remote host closed the connection)
00:09:32 Quit GeekShadow (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
00:13:11 Join GeekShadow [0] (
00:13:11 Quit GeekShadow (Changing host)
00:13:11 Join GeekShadow [0] (~antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow)
00:17:46 Quit ParkerR (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
00:30:34 Join ParkerR [0] (~ParkerR@unaffiliated/parkerr)
00:34:10 Join Bray9082_ [0] (
00:34:38 Quit Bray90820 (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
00:43:09 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
00:48:44 Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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01:02:08 Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
01:32:06 Nick Bray9082_ is now known as bray90820 (
01:33:11 Quit kvieta (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
01:34:50 Join kvieta [0] (~kvieta@
01:38:30 Quit dfkt (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
02:09:32 Quit JanC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
02:22:43 Quit ZincAlloy1 (Quit: Leaving.)
02:24:05 Join JanC [0] (~janc@lugwv/member/JanC)
02:31:40 Join dfkt [0] (~dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt)
02:51:55 Join Parker_ [0] (~ParkerR@unaffiliated/parkerr)
02:52:34 Quit ParkerR (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
02:54:19 Nick Parker_ is now known as ParkerR (~ParkerR@unaffiliated/parkerr)
02:59:41***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
03:53:20[Saint]OK peeps and peepettes...
03:54:40[Saint]"Rockbox can sometimes be too complex and intimidating, if I could change one thing about Rockbox in particular to make it more appealing to and end user looking for a simplistic experience I would..."
03:54:48[Saint]OK - now...go!
04:57:17 Quit ParkerR (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
04:57:39 Join ParkerR [0] (~ParkerR@unaffiliated/parkerr)
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05:00:22 Join Strife89 [0] (
05:11:08 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
05:12:29 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
05:25:17 Quit Chiftin (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
05:26:48 Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
05:46:32foolsh[Saint] simplify the gui... make all pretty icons
05:47:14foolshWords are to complicated =]
05:56:00 Join Ivo [0] (uid49352@gateway/web/
05:56:20 Nick Ivo is now known as Guest33442 (uid49352@gateway/web/
05:57:14 Nick Guest33442 is now known as Ivopad (uid49352@gateway/web/
05:57:39 Nick Ivopad is now known as Ivoah2 (uid49352@gateway/web/
06:59:47***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
07:29:31 Quit ruhannn ()
07:29:43 Join ruhannn [0] (uid76353@gateway/web/
07:43:17 Quit Makinit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
07:45:30 Join Makinit [0] (
08:13:35 Quit bray90820 (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
08:15:04 Quit ParkerR (Quit: Leaving)
08:15:18 Join ParkerR [0] (~ParkerR@unaffiliated/parkerr)
08:17:13 Join bray90820 [0] (
08:24:34 Join ender` [0] (
08:24:47 Quit amiconn (Remote host closed the connection)
08:24:47 Quit pixelma (Remote host closed the connection)
08:26:50 Join pixelma [0] (~pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma)
08:26:51 Join amiconn [0] (~amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn)
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09:14:50 Quit Ivoah2 (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
09:15:48 Join bp0 [0] (~bp@unaffiliated/bp0)
09:22:03 Quit bp0 (Quit: Leaving)
09:23:04 Join stripwax [0] (~Miranda@rockbox/developer/stripwax)
09:30:01 Quit ParkerR (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
09:39:17 Join TheLemonMan [0] (~lemonboy@unaffiliated/thelemonman)
09:39:31 Quit ruhannn (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
09:44:46 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
09:56:45 Join einhirn [0] (
10:12:03 Part chrisb ("rcirc on GNU Emacs")
10:24:30 Quit bray90820 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
10:28:16 Join bray90820 [0] (
10:29:33 Quit stripwax (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
10:30:53 Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection)
10:33:57 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
10:47:29 Quit mc2739 (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
10:49:19 Join mc2739 [0] (~mc2739@rockbox/developer/mc2739)
10:52:07 Quit JanC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
10:57:47 Quit mc2739 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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11:00:01 Join mc2739 [0] (~mc2739@rockbox/developer/mc2739)
11:06:14 Join JanC [0] (~janc@lugwv/member/JanC)
11:12:27 Join AlexP [0] (~alex@rockbox/staff/AlexP)
11:40:11 Quit bzed (Remote host closed the connection)
11:41:28 Join bzed [0] (
11:56:22 Quit mc2739 (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
11:58:29 Join mc2739 [0] (~mc2739@rockbox/developer/mc2739)
12:03:24 Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection)
12:04:34 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
12:23:25 Join Chiftin [0] (
12:24:14 Quit Chiftin (Client Quit)
12:24:26 Join XavierGr [0] (~XavierGr@rockbox/staff/XavierGr)
12:38:23 Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection)
12:47:47 Quit Marex (Quit: leaving)
12:50:24 Join Marex [0] (~Marex@
12:50:37 Quit Marex (Client Quit)
12:52:54 Join Marex [0] (~Marex@
12:53:39 Join ParkerR [0] (~ParkerR@unaffiliated/parkerr)
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13:01:12 Quit Marex (Quit: leaving)
13:01:27 Join Marex [0] (~Marex@
13:03:50 Quit Marex (Client Quit)
13:04:07 Join Marex [0] (~Marex@
13:04:07 Quit Marex (Client Quit)
13:10:01 Quit AlexP (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
13:12:18 Join Marex [0] (~Marex@
13:17:21 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
13:28:11 Join AlexP [0] (~alex@rockbox/staff/AlexP)
13:28:11 Quit dfkt (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
13:48:11 Join ruhannn [0] (uid76353@gateway/web/
14:01:14 Join ZincAlloy [0] (
14:15:55 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
14:32:43 Quit WakiMiko (Max SendQ exceeded)
14:33:21 Join WakiMiko [0] (~WakiMiko@unaffiliated/wakimiko)
14:35:29 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
14:37:51 Join amayer [0] (
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15:20:50 Quit Cust0sLim3n (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
15:31:57 Join Strife89 [0] (
15:33:00 Join einhirn_ [0] (
15:33:29 Quit Marex (Quit: leaving)
15:34:28 Quit einhirn (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
15:34:59 Join CustosLimen [0] (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
15:35:45 Quit mc2739 (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
15:37:35 Join mc2739 [0] (~mc2739@rockbox/developer/mc2739)
15:49:10 Quit AlexP (Remote host closed the connection)
15:51:25 Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
15:51:27 Quit ender` (Quit: You can never be too careful with the truly righteous—their faith allows them to justify all kinds of underhanded behaviour. -- Simon R. Green: Just Another Judgement Day)
16:05:14 Join AlexP [0] (~alex@rockbox/staff/AlexP)
16:13:25 Quit JanC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
16:14:15 Quit dan- (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
16:21:37 Quit krabador (Quit: Take The Time)
16:22:49 Join dan- [0] (~d@
16:22:49 Quit dan- (Changing host)
16:22:49 Join dan- [0] (~d@unaffiliated/danneh-/x-7505085)
16:27:12 Join JanC [0] (~janc@lugwv/member/JanC)
16:27:28 Join Marex [0] (~Marex@
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17:41:11 Quit einhirn_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
17:43:03 Join einhirn [0] (
18:15:51 Quit JdGordon_ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
18:16:22 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
18:22:08 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
18:24:46 Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
18:35:21 Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection)
18:36:13 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
18:36:37 Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection)
18:42:22 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
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18:46:25 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
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19:20:40 Join bertrik [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/bertrik)
19:43:17 Quit bertrik (Remote host closed the connection)
20:12:56 Join Ivoah2 [0] (uid49352@gateway/web/
20:51:30 Join tpr [0] (32a517de@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:55:16tprHi, I was running the rockboxdev script from the rockbox github, and halfway through building what I believe to be the arm eabi gcc it threw the error "redefinition of floor_log2", does anyone know why this is, or a method to fix it?
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21:01:37 Quit krabador (Quit: Take The Time)
21:16:31 Quit tpr (Quit: Page closed)
21:19:25 Join tpr [0] (32a517de@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:22:01 Join dfkt [0] (~dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt)
21:36:01 Join einhirn [0] (
21:39:52 Quit bluebrother^ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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21:45:23 Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@rockbox/developer/bertrik)
21:46:58 Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother)
22:01:29 Quit dfkt (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
22:04:48 Join dfkt [0] (~dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt)
22:20:21 Quit einhirn (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
22:27:46 Quit amayer (Quit: Leaving)
22:34:49 Quit Ivoah2 (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
22:58:09 Quit tpr (Quit: Page closed)
22:59:16 Join Strife89 [0] (
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23:03:13 Join ZincAlloy1 [0] (
23:03:14 Quit ZincAlloy (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:15:38 Join lebellium [0] (
23:44:15 Join Markmast_ [0] (~Markmaste@
23:56:58 Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection)
23:57:07 Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 40.0/20150720220238])
23:57:59 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)

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