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#rockbox log for 2015-09-04

00:00:32 Quit amayer (Quit: Leaving)
00:07:56Bray90820Is there any way to remap the controls in Rockbox
00:10:48 Quit krabador (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
00:18:01 Join [Franklin] [0] (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin)
00:18:33 Quit ender` (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
00:28:43 Quit [Franklin] (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
00:29:44 Join [Franklin] [0] (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin)
00:55:48 Quit przemhb (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
01:07:21 Quit bertrik (Remote host closed the connection)
01:09:55 Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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02:16:27 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
02:35:03[Saint]Bray90820: I'm going to assume you mean from userspace?
02:35:15[Saint]If so, no. There is not.
02:35:45Bray90820[Saint]: what do you mean y userspace
02:36:38[Saint]As in "from within Rockbox", is that what you mean? Map them with a setting, or a config file setting?
02:36:54Bray90820Ether one really
02:37:29Bray90820As long as the keys get mapped differently I don't really care how it's donw
02:37:39[Saint]Well, it's still going to be a no. I was just making sure we were on the same page.
02:38:09Bray90820What about this
02:38:25[Saint]Generally speaking when people ask this question they aren't prepared to set up a development environment and checkout our sources, build the armeabi toolshain, and compile ROckbox.
02:39:00Bray90820If I can do it all from the terminal then I am willing
02:40:33[Saint]Our keymaps are in /rockbox/apps/keymapskeymap-$target-device.c
02:41:21Bray90820I am assuming it would be the same for unix/osx
02:42:22[Saint]in theory though I can't vouch for it.
02:42:29Bray90820 Alright
02:42:40Bray90820Are keymaps theme specific
02:43:12[Saint]No. Hardware keys cannot be mapped by a theme.
02:43:42Bray90820That's what I thought
02:45:43[Saint]Now, I don't want to scare you off, but I do want to show you the typical structure of one of our keymaps so you can get an understanding of this.
02:46:14[Saint]It really is literally as simple as 'if key; do blah'.
02:46:45Bray90820However what?
02:47:24[Saint]As you might be able to see at a glance, because our keymaps are _soooooooo_ crowded, one change makes a cascade effect on needing to change almost every other declaration to accommodate it.
02:47:38[Saint]Otherwise you end up with collisions or loss of functionality.
02:49:54[Saint]I always meant to make an ncurses wrapper for a script to shuffle Rockbox keymaps around, and I believe I even have some if it sitting around on a disk somewhere. But I sincerely doubt I'll ever finish it.
02:50:01[Saint]*of it
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03:34:32 Quit krnlyng (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
03:35:57[Franklin][Saint]: has anyone been working towards a release?
03:37:03 Join krnlyng [0] (~liar@
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03:58:04 Quit [Franklin] (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
05:18:06 Quit TheSeven (Disconnected by services)
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08:23:42 Quit gbl08ma (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
08:24:30 Join wodz [0] (
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08:26:20wodzSilly question, anyone tried to run rockbox on andorid emulator to narrow down what the problem with ART is?
08:44:09 Quit SuperBrainAK (Quit: I eat penis)
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10:02:27n1ckyoh, C++
10:08:34wodzkugel: So whats holding this?
10:09:07kugeldon't remember
10:09:24kugeli dont think I've ever tested it too but iirc the fixes are good regardless
10:09:47kugelI'm out of the loop by now :(
10:15:17wodzehh, gerrit is useless now. I can't login, I can't browse anonymously :/
10:20:22 Quit przemhb (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
10:23:55[Saint]I think [Franklin] might have mentioned the other day that he found some backwards way of logging in to gerrit.
10:29:11wodz[Saint]: yes by making new account linked to some other openid provider
10:37:08kugelgrr why can't provide a openid service
10:38:59wodzkugel: This doesn't help to get back old accounts
10:44:20 Quit Cust0sLim3n (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
10:54:37 Join Cust0sLim3n [0] (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
11:02:55wodzI am able to reproduce rockbox crash in kitkat emulator with ART runtime. That is something.
11:14:17[Saint]good luck getting any useful information about the crash state though. :-/
11:17:22wodzE/art ( 1054): Recursive stack overflow.
11:17:22wodzE/art ( 1054): Need to increase kStackOverflowReservedBytes (currently 16384)?
11:17:38wodzthis seems to be the cause
11:17:53wodz[Saint]: ^
11:18:18[Saint]Ah. Hmmm.
11:19:17[Saint]It might pay to look at any fixes for this against the ART runtime from Android 5.*
11:19:37[Saint]KitKat ART and the finalized ART runtime are two very different creatures.
11:20:01[Saint]The latter is backward compatible, the former isn't necessarily forwards compatible.
11:20:36wodz[Saint]: Good to know. What about 6.0?
11:20:58[Saint]It is a fairly static target since 5.*
11:22:07wodzanyway kitkat is nice in that you can switch dalvik<->art easily
11:25:29[Saint]I had to fix something on my sister-in-law's phone the other day, KitKat felt foreign to me. It was weird. I have become very accustomed to the 6.0 Preview 3 images and Android 5.1.1
11:26:37[Saint]I didn't really realize how drastically different it was until going from 6.0 on my Nexus 6 to 4.4.4 on the sister-in-law's Galaxy S4.
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11:33:06snuffiAnyone know what's inside this device:
12:01:38 Join dfkt [0] (~dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt)
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13:31:41wodz[Saint]: lollipop emulator also throws StackOverflowError
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14:21:05 Quit orly_owl (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
14:21:18wodzkugel: ping
14:21:47 Join orly_owl [0] (~david@unaffiliated/orly-owl/x-3167833)
14:29:20kugelwodz: pong
14:30:49wodzkugel: I try to compile android rb and I have bunch of strange errors from plugin.make
14:30:57wodzkugel: any clue?
14:31:53kugelnot without seeing the errors. I haven't build raaaoa in ages
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15:02:10 Join amayer [0] (
15:02:17 Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving)
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15:30:29foolshHmm, those are strange errors
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18:36:44kugelwodz: looks like the some plugin names clash with predefined cpp symbols
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