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#rockbox log for 2016-01-09

00:01:31[Saint]ulmutul: AFAIK gerrit has no support for batch commits.
00:01:58[Saint]The only thing you could do, to my knowledge, is squash it as a single commit - and that wouldn;t be ideal, in fact, it would be pretty annoying.
00:02:47gevaertsIt does
00:02:54gevaertsI don't know how to use them though :)
00:03:07[Saint]Oh, interesting.
00:03:23CtcpIgnored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood
00:03:23*gevaerts definitely remembers seeing such a series!
00:03:26[Saint]I thought the best you could do was like an interactive squash session.
00:05:05ulmutulSo push each commit separately and leave a note about dependencies in the commit message?
00:06:27gevaertsulmutul: I'd try what you first thought, but first to the sandbox repository to make sure
00:06:47[Saint]it should be able to pick up the dependenc{ies|y} itself without prompting from recollection.
00:09:51ulmutulSounds good, than I can just push and gerrit does the rest for me :)
00:18:09 Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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00:38:15ulmutulPublic opinion poll, concerning 2048 on the clip zip (see discussion on g#1233):
00:38:54ulmutulDo you prefer: (a) big tiles, with a playfield covering the whole screen, but the scores are not visible,
00:39:09ulmutulor (b) the way it is now: a small playfield to the right, with score and highscore to the left?
00:39:21ulmutulJust leave your opinion here on IRC, I always read the logs.
00:39:40ulmutulNote: before you complain that you can't see _anything_ on variant (b), try out g#1231 ;)
00:42:43[Saint]the score needs to be visible.
00:42:53[Saint]without the score the purpose of the game is largely defeated.
00:50:57 Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 44.0/20160107144911])
01:04:12 Quit ender` (Quit: Eagles may soar, but weasels are seldom sucked into jet engines.)
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01:41:27__builtinulmutul (logs): I feel it would be sufficient to keep the score internally and just show it to the player after they lose or as a menu option
01:41:54__builtin[Saint]: not really, you can tell how far you've gotten by the value of the biggest tile
01:42:52 Join krnlyng [0] (
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02:26:31 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
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06:11:48dreamlayersre. 2048 the smallest tiles are so small they're unreadable, though I could tell them apart enough to play. I'm always focused on playing the game and don't pay attention to the score, so I'd prefer bigger tiles and no visible score.
06:28:41 Quit Aldem (Quit: Later)
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09:06:25rechargedmy sansa clip+ won't boot up anymore, is there any way to save it?
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18:45:51__builtin2048: given how difficult it is to read the tile values in that picture, I'd say that, at least on the zip, the score is useless
18:47:47__builtinI /suppose/ it could be possible to rearrange the screen layout to have the tiles below the text, so the tiles could be bigger, and the score would still be visible
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20:00:21b0hoonulmutul: Committed. I'v left the 2048 plugin.
20:13:13 Part b0hoon ("GTG... Bye.")
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