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#rockbox log for 2016-02-26

00:14:06 Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
00:51:13 Quit pamaury (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
00:51:56 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
00:57:23 Quit [Saint] (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
00:59:43 Quit girafe (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:00:13 Join [Saint] [0] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint)
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01:36:31 Join rela [0] (~x@pdpc/supporter/active/rela)
01:51:44 Nick suYin is now known as suYin`OFF (
01:52:51 Quit __builtin (Read error: No route to host)
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01:54:49 Join __builtin [0] (~me@unaffiliated/franklin)
01:57:11 Quit JanC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
01:57:40pamaurywodz (logs): I found out why the boot ROM was so unreliable: the manual is buggy ! It says that when you write data you should send VR_SET_ADDR then VR_SET_LEN and then bulk write. But in fact you must absolutely not do the VR_SET_LEN
01:57:43 Quit rela (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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02:11:30 Join JanC [0] (~janc@lugwv/member/JanC)
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02:19:12pamaurywodz (logs): I disassembled the ROM and realized that in fact VR_SET_LEN registers the length begins prefilling the fifo, thus if you do a SET_LENGTH and then write, it's quite likely the data is thrown away but because of bad programming/unexpected event, the ROM is happy with that and unload the data and write. In other words in write the same data it just read... And it will do so until finally you exhausted the length, at which point you
02:19:12pamaurycan finally write again
02:19:59pamauryA side effect of my research on this is that I know now that the ROM is smart when copying: if address is aligned, it will word read/write as much as possible, which is good for registers
02:24:28 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
02:45:58 Quit rela_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
03:02:27 Join ZincAlloy1 [0] (
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04:35:49 Join newguy [0] (74323ab4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:36:19newguyis the ipod classic 5th gen dev active ?
04:37:26[Saint]There is no such person.
04:38:08[Saint]Also, do you mean an iPod Classic (6th Gen), or an iPod Video (5th Gen)?
04:39:18newguy5th gen
04:40:19newguyaccording to the wiky still not stable?
04:41:16[Saint]I'm not sure where you are reading that.
04:41:24[Saint]But it is woefully incorrect regardless.
04:41:41[Saint]It is quite clearly marked as stable on our main page.
04:42:39[Saint]If you are worried about installation and/or damaging the device or the device firmware - don't.
04:42:48newguymy mistake.
04:42:57newguyIs written.
04:42:58[Saint]The process is entirely reversible, and will do no harm to your device.
04:43:08newguyVery stable. Is lacking support for the video decoder chip.
04:43:38newguywere you able to add the support for the video decoder chip
04:43:43[Saint]Yes. That is correct. But this hardware is basically irrelevant for our purposes.
04:44:10[Saint]And, no, we were not. It is entirely proprietary and because of the lack of any clear need to support this silicon, no one has done so.
04:44:52[Saint]Lack of support for this particular piece of silicon makes no functional difference to you as an end user.
04:45:06newguyis the 5th classic gen one of the most stable builds?
04:45:24[Saint]I wouldn't say we have any such thing.
04:46:31 Quit krnlyng (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
04:52:29[Saint]newguy: what is it you're wanting to know exactly?
04:53:24[Saint]If you are just wanting to try out Rockbox you should probably know that the installation process is entirely reversible, and we offer the ability to dual-boot both the original firmware and Rockbox with the default installation method.
04:54:08[Saint](though it is also possible to remove support for booting the original firmware entirely and installing Rockbox to the original firmware's location to fairly greatly speed up booting the device under Rockbox)
05:00:59 Join krnlyng [0] (
05:01:10newguyI am considering getting an ipod classic and I am looking at the different options as far as OS
05:01:54newguyI am tired of running out of battery on my phone
05:03:02[Saint]Oh. I see. So, you haven't actually yet purchased a compatible device?
05:03:22newguyI do not want to endup with something that wont work
05:03:39newguyor lack of core features
05:04:59jtdesigns01newguy: well, if you just want music, Rockbox has got you covered for certain.
05:05:56jtdesigns01if you want stuff like videos or pictures or games, the inherent qualities of mp3 players may pose a problem.
05:06:44[Saint]That would be the entire "Classic" - 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G (Color/Photo), 5G (Video), and 6G (Classic) - line of iPods, and the iPod Nano 1G, and iPod Nano 2G, but not any of the other Nano devices from 3G and upwards, and not any of the iPod Touch variants.
05:07:36newguy@jtdesigns01, @Staint: is the 5th classic the best option as far as stability and full features ?
05:08:38[Saint]The iPod Classic 6G is. But that presents some interesting meta-problems by way of not having any officially supported installation method at this stage.
05:10:01newguyhappy to get my hands dirty if the 6G is the way to go
05:10:06[Saint]I can supply you with a work-in-progress Rockbox Utility executable for either Windows or Linux hosts, and a dual-boot bootloader, for this device however.
05:10:28[Saint]I just finished compiling an updated version a few minutes ago actually.
05:11:09newguy@Saint: so dev still in progress? cool
05:11:19[Saint]The feature sets of the Classic and the Video are basically identical, but the Classic is a _LOT_ more powerful, and therefore as a direct result of being more powerful, more efficient.
05:11:36[Saint]newguy: development is still in progress for all the supported devices.
05:11:58[Saint]There is very little that is actually device specific once the initial port bringup is completed.
05:12:12 Quit krnlyng (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
05:12:59 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
05:13:37[Saint]The iPod Classic work that I speak of it fairly recent though and it is the result of combining the Rockbox mainline bootloaders and the work of the Freemyipod emCORE bootloader project.
05:14:19[Saint]prof_wolfff has taken the iPod Classic 6G under his wing, so to speak, and has been working on this dual-boot bootloader for a fairly considerable amount of time.
05:14:44 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
05:14:52[Saint]His work is very stable, simple to install both on Windows and Linux hosts, and very functional.
05:19:20newguyso 6th gen classic seams like the way to go
05:27:29newguy@Saint: BTW why the 6th gen is not in this list ?
05:28:43 Join krnlyng [0] (
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05:34:53[Saint]newguy: Pro tip - this isn't Twitter. @ does absolutely nothing in IRC.
05:35:06[Saint]And, because, the wiki is only as complete as anyone cares to make it.
05:36:15[Saint]The last edit on that page was in 2011 - does that answer your question?
05:36:32[Saint]The last edit predates the inception of the iPod 6G port by a fairly large margin.
05:37:55[Saint]It does mention iPod Classic port, but in a peculiar and erroneous (to match the widespread public misnaming of the device variants) fashion.
05:39:30[Saint]It is listing the iPod Classic variants as 3 distinct targets, when in reality there's only two variants worth noting differences between, and of those two variants it isn't relevant to distinguish between either of them since the 'ipod6g' port target covers all the Classic variants.
05:41:41[Saint]Sorry - I shouldn't say that it predates the inception of the port, as that simply isn't true.
05:42:10[Saint]But, pretty much every aspect of the port changed since then, and none of thew known issues or the port status summary is correct any more.
05:43:51[Saint]There is dual-boot support (WIP, but functional), there is a native bootloader (again, WIP, but functional), we do have recording support on this target, we do have basic support for iPod accessories, etc. etc.
05:44:49[Saint]This USB/charger detection snafu mentioned on the IpodClassicPort wiki page is also a thing of the past.
05:45:32[Saint]Really the only reason why this target is still classified as "unusable" is that installation and booting requires the use of code that is not yet a part of Rockbox mainline codebase.
05:46:05[Saint]And that is due to be resolved very shortly (in the grand scheme of things).
05:46:38[Saint]The author of the new bootloader is just finalizing some changes and gathering user feedback presently.
05:47:43newguySaint: Where can I keep track of the latest dev and download the latest packages. Like you said the website seams out of date and I am not able to find the right page with such info.
05:54:47[Saint]Builds for every target in the build system can be found at and builds for the iPod Classic 6G specifically at
05:54:58[Saint]You can track commits to the codebase at
05:55:13[Saint]Every commit to the codebase triggers a new build at the aforementioned links.
05:56:25[Saint]I have compiled and packaged a modified Rockbox Utility binary for both Windows and Linux hosts, as well as the new dualboot bootloader, and mk6gboot binaries (again for both Windows and Linux hosts) at
05:57:27[Saint]The changes to RockboxUtility to support the iPod Classic 6G make installation fairly trivial on both Windows and Linux hosts.
05:57:34newguySaint: Nice :-)
05:58:03[Saint]As long as you can click some buttons and a checkbox, plug a USB cable, and read and follow instructions, you can install Rockbox on the iPod Classic 6G.
06:04:34 Join PurlingNayuki1 [0] (~Thunderbi@
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06:19:23[Saint]newguy: If you promise to come and see me here after you have purchased your hardware, I can promise to supply you with updated Rockbox Utility and mk6gboot binaries, a ipod6g dual-boot bootloader, and an updated Rockbox build if required, and to walk you through the installation process start to finish.
06:21:02newguySaint: Deal!
06:21:24newguySaint: I will be your truly follower ;-)
06:29:45 Quit sparetire (Quit: sparetire)
06:43:04[Saint]newguy: Not really relevant at this stage, but, I fixed the previously supplied url with correct sharing permissions
06:47:59newguySaint: Cool.
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12:59:04pamaurywodz: did you see my message on the channel ?
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13:33:17wodzpamaury: yeah. Nice finding
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14:34:56MihailI have fix for last my problem with usb. New patches for review and testing: g#1274 g#1274 g#1276
14:34:59fs-bluebot_Gerrit review #1274 at : sd-as3525v2: Limit number of retry by Mihail Zenkov
14:34:59fs-bluebot_Gerrit review #1274 at : sd-as3525v2: Limit number of retry by Mihail Zenkov
14:35:00fs-bluebot_Gerrit review #1276 at : sd-as3525v2: prevent DTO error and DMA problems by Mihail Zenkov
14:35:25Mihail* g#1275
14:35:26fs-bluebot_Gerrit review #1275 at : sd-as3525v2: exit with error if transfer failure by Mihail Zenkov
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14:58:35wodzMihail: g#1276 is incorrect IMO. DMA should be ready to service data BEFORE sd block is commanded to sink/source it.
14:58:36fs-bluebot_Gerrit review #1276 at : sd-as3525v2: prevent DTO error and DMA problems by Mihail Zenkov
15:17:02 Nick suYin is now known as suYin`OFF (
15:18:45Mihailhm, but why in all other drivers (sd-as3525.c, sd-s3c2440.c, sdmmc-dm320.c) we enable dma channel after sd block command? It all wrong?
15:23:41wodzMihail: I'd say so. Maybe FIFO makes it work.
15:25:46pamauryMihail: there is no one rule for DMA, some DMA block are 'smart' meaning they actually trigger the whole command (ie the sd block waits for dma to kick off), some are 'dumb' and just do the transfer part
15:26:04pamauryI can't tell for the others but the one in imx233 is smart for example
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15:32:48MihailFor sd-as3525v2 it work in both ways so it is smart. But which way should be preferred?
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15:40:33pamauryi dont't know the AS3525 enough to say
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15:53:36Mihailok, I keep it as it was before
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16:32:06funmanthe sd block in as3525 is a standard arm controller iirc
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16:32:28funmanor dma? or both :)
16:33:41Mihaildma and as3525 - yes, but not sd-as3525v2
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