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#rockbox log for 2016-02-29

00:19:34 Join girafe [0] (
00:25:26 Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection)
00:26:16 Join xorly [0] (
00:26:50 Join PurlingNayuki [0] (~Thunderbi@
00:34:20 Quit girafe (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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00:45:53 Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
00:50:34 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
00:53:09 Quit ender (Quit: The other day Windows told me I might be a victim of software counterfeiting. Funny, I always thought I was a beneficiary.)
01:05:48 Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
01:12:30 Nick suYin is now known as suYin`OFF (
01:16:44 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
01:26:06 Join goom [0] (
01:27:27 Quit go2m (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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03:18:13 Nick shmibs_ is now known as shmibs (
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08:50:35 Nick suYin`OFF is now known as suYin (
08:57:24 Join einhirn [0] (
08:59:31wodzpamaury: (log) You forgot to add hwstub_server2 files
09:05:14 Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
09:14:06 Nick Guest63537 is now known as olspookishmagus (
09:21:59 Join pamaury [0] (amauly@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
09:29:24wodzpamaury: ping
09:39:32pamaurywodz: pong but I'm busy until 10:30
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09:51:49wodzpamaury: read backlog
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11:18:45 Quit PurlingNayuki (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11:19:46pamaurywodz: oops you are right, I don't have my computer at work so I'll push it tonight, I am very sorry
11:20:18wodzno problem
11:20:27 Join PurlingNayuki [0] (~Thunderbi@
11:20:37wodzpamaury: I am playing around with qeditor from gerrit
11:21:37pamaurycool, it should work without hwstub_server2, just using usb directly
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11:52:14 Join xorly [0] (
12:01:04pamaurywodz: note that if you have to play with it, I can write a 3-line hwstub server
12:01:40wodzI can wait
12:10:06wodzpamaury: seems working correctly
12:23:32wodzpamaury: You wrote some time ago 'ie if xfer_size < MIN(max_pkt_size, endpoint->length) then the host will not transfer more data'. What should I do then? NAK or ACK the last transfer.
12:26:18pamauryonce you receive this short packet, you need to NAK it (although most UDC NAK by default and only ACK if you tell them to receive some data)
12:26:56pamaurySo you probably need to do nothing (ie don't prepare the endpoint for another packet)
12:27:58wodzand usb_drv_recv() should return actual received length, right?
12:31:00pamauryNo, remember that usb_drv_recv is not blocking
12:31:26pamaury(at least in Rockbox)
12:32:43pamaurybut in hwstub I think I made usb_drv_recv blocking an yes it returns the length
12:34:02wodzits blocking in hwstub
12:34:55pamauryyeah it's simpler in hwstub
12:35:27wodzso what actually returns usb_drv_recv() in rockbox?
12:35:42pamaury0 on success
12:35:59wodzhow can it not succeed if it is nonblocking?
12:36:42pamauryendpoint is stalled I guess, or not configured. Programming error mostly. And no one checks the return value anyway
12:40:52pamaury(in Rockbox) You should read usb_drv_recv() as 'please prepare UDC to receive at most this amount of data and put it there'
12:47:06 Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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14:06:10 Quit krnlyng (Quit: huiiiiii)
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15:21:15wodzpamaury: in qeditor I am unable to create new instance of node. I can set set name, description and title but can't set instance part.
15:21:38pamauryah, let me check, give me a minute to checkout the code
15:24:58pamaurydamn it, it doesn't compile on my work computer... something with Qt4 vs Qt5 I guess.
15:25:12pamaurywodz: is the problem that you don't have the small + button at the top left corner ?
15:27:48pamaurywodz: ah yeah you are right, this is an annoying Qt bug which I thought I had worked around, apparently only works in Qt4. Let me give it a try right now
15:28:17 Quit JanC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
15:29:10pamauryyeah that's it: it's a bug: when there are no tabs, the + button disappears sometimes because of widget size miscalculation
15:39:03pamaurydamn it, for some reason the workaround in place doesn't seem to work anymore, they must have changed something
15:39:27wodzsorry to bring it to the surface :/
15:41:03pamaurywodz: haha I think I solved it, wait a minute, I'll upload it
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15:42:30pamaurywodz: updated
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15:47:22wodzpamaury: works BUT in my case the button is hidden by default. You need to hover mouse pointer over it to make it visible.
15:47:31pamaurywhat ??
15:47:45wodzlet me take screenshot
15:48:45pamauryI don't understand how it can happen
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15:50:21pamauryare you using Qt5 ?
15:51:20wodzpamaury: compare the two :-)
15:51:30wodzpamaury: yes, I compiled with Qt5
15:51:46pamauryoh wow this is weird
15:52:21dongswat part of rockbox uses QT5?
15:52:26wodzpamaury: the second screenshot is taken when mouse pointer is over the invisible button
15:52:42wodzdongs: none. We are talking about qeditor 'hacker' tool
15:52:45pamauryso you don't see the '+' icon in it ?
15:52:50wodzpamaury: nop
15:53:08pamauryand in other node, do you see it ?
15:53:15pamaury(the nonempty ones)
15:53:48wodzits always empty
15:53:54 Quit olspookishmagus (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
15:55:50pamauryhum, and if you click on the soc item (the root of the tree) and you see the list of author, do you see a '+' at the left of 'New author' ?
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15:56:22wodzpamaury: no, empty box
15:56:27 Nick olspookishmagus is now known as Guest9516 (
15:56:44pamauryok, so your theme doesn't have the 'list-add' icon, which is....unusual to say the least
15:58:38pamauryok so I'll try to add some standard qt icon as a fallback
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16:03:22pamaurydamn, Qt embedded icon set is really poor, what is your distribution/theme ?
16:05:38 Nick Xyem_ is now known as Xyem (
16:05:41pamauryyou must be missing other icons I guess...
16:05:57 Quit Guest9516 (Quit: All for nothing)
16:06:21wodzIts ubuntu LTS. I mostly don't use qt apps.
16:06:43pamauryah ubuntu, why I am not surprised...
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16:15:58wodzpamaury: running qeditor -style <something> doesn't solve missing +
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16:23:02pamauryhum, are you using Wayland by chance ?
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