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Click in the nick column to highlight everything a person has said.
00:21:43 | Quit edhelas (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | |
00:29:20 | Quit The_Prospector (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
00:32:05 | Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
00:35:08 | Join The_Prospector [0] (~The_Prosp@unaffiliated/cornman) | |
00:42:08 | Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.) | |
00:59:21 | Quit girafe2 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
01:00 | ||
01:16:58 | Join alexweissman [0] ( | |
01:20:22 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:29:30 | fs-bluebot_ | |
01:39:11 | fs-bluebot_ | |
01:39:12 | fs-bluebot_ | |
01:39:13 | fs-bluebot_ | |
01:39:31 | [Saint] | |
01:39:51 | [Saint] | |
01:40:25 | [Saint] | |
01:40:43 | pamaury | |
01:40:51 | pamaury | |
01:44:06 | pamaury | |
01:44:30 | pamaury | |
01:48:08 | [Saint] | |
01:48:30 | fs-bluebot_ | |
01:48:31 | fs-bluebot_ | |
01:48:32 | [Saint] | |
01:49:18 | [Saint] | |
01:49:40 | [Saint] | |
01:49:57 | [Saint] | |
01:50:22 | [Saint] | |
01:50:41 | [Saint] | |
01:50:50 | pamaury | |
01:50:57 | pamaury | |
01:51:10 | pamaury | |
01:51:13 | pamaury | |
01:51:57 | [Saint] | |
01:53:10 | pamaury | |
01:53:22 | pamaury | |
01:53:54 | [Saint] | |
01:54:55 | [Saint] | |
01:55:58 | [Saint] | |
01:56:44 | [Saint] | |
01:57:35 | [Saint] | |
01:58:41 | [Saint] | |
01:59:46 | [Saint] | |
02:00 | ||
02:00:20 | Quit alexweissman (Remote host closed the connection) | |
02:04:09 | pamaury | |
02:04:16 | pamaury | |
02:04:37 | [Saint] | |
02:05:15 | [Saint] | |
02:05:51 | [Saint] | |
02:06:27 | [Saint] | |
02:06:33 | pamaury | |
02:06:33 | pamaury | |
02:06:34 | Join alexweissman [0] ( | |
02:07:28 | pamaury | |
02:07:46 | pamaury | |
02:07:50 | [Saint] | |
02:07:52 | [Saint] | |
02:08:56 | Quit alexweissman (Remote host closed the connection) | |
02:17:38 | Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
02:20:54 | Quit __builtin (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) | |
02:22:43 | Join __builtin [0] (~xray@unaffiliated/franklin) | |
02:29:13 | Quit __builtin (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) | |
02:30:14 | Join __builtin [0] (~xray@unaffiliated/franklin) | |
02:46:46 | Quit duo8 (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
02:47:03 | Join duo8 [0] (~ZNC-SRV-H@ | |
02:52:43 | Quit robertd (Quit: Page closed) | |
03:00 | ||
03:09:56 | Quit duo8 (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | |
03:17:48 | Join duo8 [0] (~ZNC-SRV-H@ | |
03:19:15 | Join alexweissman [0] ( | |
03:20:23 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:37:13 | Join saratoga [0] (497221ff@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
03:38:46 | saratoga | |
03:48:22 | Quit saratoga (Quit: Page closed) | |
03:49:42 | Join shamus [0] (~shmaus@ | |
04:00 | ||
04:03:40 | Quit duo8 (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
04:07:49 | Join duo8 [0] (~ZNC-SRV-H@ | |
04:15:02 | Quit alexweissman (Remote host closed the connection) | |
04:19:57 | Join alexweissman [0] ( | |
04:27:13 | Nick Strife89|Quassel is now known as Strife89 ( | |
04:48:32 | Quit akaWolf (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
05:00 | ||
05:00:08 | Quit alexweissman (Remote host closed the connection) | |
05:01:32 | Join alexweissman [0] ( | |
05:13:51 | Quit smoke_fumus (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium | |
05:20:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
06:00 | ||
06:10:59 | Quit __builtin (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
06:42:38 | Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | |
06:43:08 | Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
06:50:30 | Quit idonob (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
06:55:45 | Join idonob [0] ( | |
07:00 | ||
07:10:20 | Join ZincAlloy [0] (~Adium@2a02:8108:8b80:1700:e58a:263c:68c3:cd4d) | |
07:20:27 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:28:54 | Quit Bray90820 () | |
07:55:20 | Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.) | |
07:55:24 | Join einhirn [0] ( | |
07:57:53 | Quit bluebrother (Disconnected by services) | |
07:57:58 | Join bluebrother^ [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) | |
07:59:04 | Join fs-bluebot [0] ( | |
08:00 | ||
08:01:10 | Quit fs-bluebot_ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | |
08:02:16 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
08:13:29 | Quit pixelma (Quit: .) | |
08:13:29 | Quit amiconn (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) | |
08:16:04 | Join pixelma [0] (~pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
08:16:05 | Join amiconn [0] (~amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
08:19:15 | Join edhelas [0] (~edhelas@ | |
08:28:22 | Quit edhelas (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | |
08:43:23 | Join xorly [0] ( | |
08:44:53 | Join edhelas [0] (~edhelas@ | |
08:48:16 | Join wodz [0] ( | |
09:00 | ||
09:05:44 | Quit edhelas (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | |
09:17:20 | Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
09:20:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:21:28 | Quit tchan (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
09:24:08 | Quit petur (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
09:24:34 | Join petur [0] ( | |
09:24:34 | Quit petur (Changing host) | |
09:24:34 | Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
09:27:46 | Join tchan [0] (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan) | |
09:37:22 | Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | |
09:43:32 | Join elensil [0] (~edhelas@2001:1c02:1903:d800:1cee:8aad:dc3e:84ce) | |
10:00 | ||
10:12:52 | Join MrZeus_ [0] (~MrZeus@ | |
10:27:28 | Quit hoshi (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
10:30:15 | Join goom [0] ( | |
10:30:25 | Join hoshi [0] ( | |
10:42:29 | Quit goom (Quit: Leaving) | |
11:00 | ||
11:06:04 | Join JdGordon_ [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) | |
11:08:24 | Quit JdGordon (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | |
11:20:31 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:20:41 | Quit olspookishmagus (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
11:20:48 | Join olspookishmagus [0] ( | |
12:00 | ||
12:13:42 | Join paulk-collins [0] ( | |
12:15:36 | Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury) | |
12:19:30 | Join robertd [0] (c9d3b7fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
12:25:17 | pamaury | |
12:33:38 | Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
12:34:14 | Join JdGordon [0] (~jonno@ | |
12:34:14 | Quit JdGordon (Changing host) | |
12:34:14 | Join JdGordon [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) | |
12:37:03 | Quit JdGordon_ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | |
12:43:06 | Join smoke_fumus [0] (~smoke_fum@ | |
12:50:37 | Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury) | |
13:00 | ||
13:01:31 | Quit shamus (Quit: chaos reigns within reflect repent and reboot order shall return) | |
13:03:26 | Join JdGordon_ [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) | |
13:06:02 | Quit JdGordon (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
13:20:35 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:33:20 | Quit paulk-collins (Remote host closed the connection) | |
13:48:59 | Join xorly [0] (~xorly@ | |
13:56:28 | Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
13:58:04 | Join xorly [0] (~xorly@ | |
14:00 | ||
14:10:38 | Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
14:10:50 | Join Strife89 [0] ( | |
14:16:18 | Quit petur (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
14:16:44 | Join petur [0] ( | |
14:16:45 | Quit petur (Changing host) | |
14:16:45 | Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
14:23:18 | Join ZincAlloy [0] (~Adium@2a02:8108:8b80:1700:d536:6cd5:f64:2e9f) | |
14:35:25 | Join akaWolf [0] (~akaWolf@unaffiliated/akawolf) | |
14:40:17 | Join p3tur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
14:42:42 | Quit petur (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
14:42:52 | Nick p3tur is now known as petur (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
15:00 | ||
15:16:11 | Quit duo8 (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | |
15:19:02 | Join duo8 [0] (~ZNC-SRV-H@ | |
15:19:43 | Nick MrZeus_ is now known as MrZeus (~MrZeus@ | |
15:20:37 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:25:42 | Join paulk-veyron-min [0] (~paulk@ | |
15:35:38 | Quit wodz (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
15:44:17 | Quit paulk-veyron-min (Quit: Leaving) | |
16:00 | ||
16:46:22 | Quit petur (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
17:00 | ||
17:05:28 | Quit nlogex (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
17:08:25 | Quit idonob (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
17:08:40 | Join idonob [0] ( | |
17:17:00 | Join saratoga [0] (123e11e0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
17:17:15 | saratoga | |
17:17:28 | saratoga | |
17:17:59 | pamaury | |
17:18:07 | pamaury | |
17:19:18 | pamaury | |
17:19:23 | pamaury | |
17:19:48 | saratoga | |
17:19:57 | saratoga | |
17:20:16 | pamaury | |
17:20:38 | saratoga | |
17:20:41 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:20:51 | saratoga | |
17:21:07 | pamaury | |
17:21:19 | saratoga | |
17:21:29 | saratoga | |
17:21:33 | pamaury | |
17:21:46 | pamaury | |
17:21:48 | pamaury | |
17:21:59 | saratoga | |
17:22:29 | saratoga | |
17:22:30 | pamaury | |
17:22:45 | saratoga | |
17:23:17 | gevaerts | |
17:23:28 | pamaury | |
17:23:54 | pamaury | |
17:24:05 | saratoga | |
17:24:14 | gevaerts | |
17:24:22 | pamaury | |
17:24:32 | saratoga | |
17:24:33 | pamaury | |
17:24:48 | saratoga | |
17:24:53 | pamaury | |
17:24:56 | saratoga | |
17:25:24 | pamaury | |
17:27:43 | pamaury | |
17:28:34 | saratoga | |
17:28:35 | saratoga | |
17:28:37 | saratoga | |
17:30:33 | pamaury | |
17:31:54 | saratoga | |
17:32:21 | saratoga | |
17:32:41 | saratoga | |
17:32:50 | Join nlogex [0] ( | |
17:33:05 | pamaury | |
17:34:42 | saratoga | |
17:35:27 | saratoga | |
17:35:31 | saratoga | |
17:36:15 | saratoga | |
17:36:33 | saratoga | |
17:37:02 | pamaury | |
17:39:18 | pamaury | |
17:40:13 | pamaury | |
17:58:17 | Quit elensil (Quit: Leaving.) | |
18:00 | ||
18:17:19 | Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. | |
18:24:09 | Join paulk-collins [0] ( | |
18:26:15 | Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | |
18:37:27 | Quit MrZeus (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | |
19:00 | ||
19:11:07 | Join lebellium [0] ( | |
19:14:08 | Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
19:15:06 | Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection) | |
19:20:45 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:34:00 | Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury) | |
19:51:39 | Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador) | |
20:00 | ||
20:03:12 | Quit michaelni (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
20:03:42 | Join michaelni [0] ( | |
20:18:18 | Quit Moarc (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | |
20:18:45 | Join Moarc [0] ( | |
20:21:25 | Join cereal_killer [0] (d5a244e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
20:26:55 | cereal_killer | |
20:27:07 | Join Bray90820 [0] ( | |
20:27:33 | cereal_killer | |
20:27:38 | Quit Bray90820 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
20:28:15 | Join Bray90820 [0] ( | |
20:28:20 | cereal_killer | |
20:28:33 | pamaury | |
20:29:11 | Quit Bray90820 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
20:34:29 | Quit krabador (Quit: Leaving) | |
20:59:16 | Join Bray90820 [0] ( | |
21:00 | ||
21:00:18 | cereal_killer | |
21:00:26 | cereal_killer | |
21:02:42 | Join krnlyng_ [0] ( | |
21:05:02 | Quit krnlyng (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
21:11:43 | cereal_killer | |
21:14:10 | cereal_killer | |
21:16:55 | Nick krnlyng_ is now known as krnlyng ( | |
21:20:46 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:21:53 | Join girafe [0] ( | |
21:22:25 | cereal_killer | |
21:22:59 | pamaury | |
21:23:23 | pamaury | |
21:24:26 | cereal_killer | |
21:26:14 | pamaury | |
21:26:36 | pamaury | |
21:26:40 | pamaury | |
21:29:06 | Quit robertd (Quit: Page closed) | |
21:35:33 | Quit Moarc (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
21:37:52 | Join Moarc [0] ( | |
21:39:07 | cereal_killer | |
21:40:11 | fs-bluebot | |
21:45:11 | Quit smoke_fumus (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium | |
21:45:40 | Quit cereal_killer (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
21:48:10 | Quit saratoga (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
21:51:47 | fs-bluebot | |
21:51:48 | fs-bluebot | |
22:00 | ||
22:07:40 | Join edhelas [0] (~edhelas@ | |
22:13:57 | Join saratoga [0] (123e11e0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
22:17:52 | saratoga | |
22:18:01 | pamaury | |
22:25:49 | pamaury | |
22:30:13 | Quit petur (Remote host closed the connection) | |
22:32:24 | saratoga | |
22:32:29 | saratoga | |
22:33:35 | lebellium | |
22:33:39 | pamaury | |
22:34:01 | Quit Kruppt (Quit: Leaving) | |
22:36:19 | saratoga | |
22:37:05 | saratoga | |
22:39:39 | pamaury | |
22:44:26 | lebellium | |
22:44:42 | Quit denniskombucha (Remote host closed the connection) | |
22:57:21 | pamaury | |
22:57:31 | Quit girafe (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
22:57:36 | pamaury | |
22:58:34 | pamaury | |
23:00 | ||
23:03:35 | Quit atsampson (Quit: new irssi time) | |
23:03:56 | Join atsampson [0] ( | |
23:10:48 | lebellium | |
23:11:01 | lebellium | |
23:11:17 | lebellium | |
23:14:28 | pamaury | |
23:14:39 | pamaury | |
23:15:39 | lebellium | |
23:16:03 | pamaury | |
23:16:16 | pamaury | |
23:19:06 | lebellium | |
23:19:18 | Quit ArneB (Read error: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number) | |
23:19:18 | Join advcomp2019 [0] (~advcomp20@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) | |
23:19:44 | pamaury | |
23:20:06 | pamaury | |
23:20:18 | lebellium | |
23:20:32 | Join ps-auxw [0] ( | |
23:20:50 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:21:04 | Quit Guinness (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
23:22:19 | pamaury | |
23:22:20 | Quit advcomp2019__ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
23:33:41 | Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 49.0/20160916101415]) | |
23:41:47 | Join shamus [0] ( | |
23:56:13 | Quit paulk-collins (Quit: Leaving) | |
23:56:14 | Quit alexweissman (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
23:56:45 | Join alexweissman [0] ( |