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#rockbox log for 2016-10-07

00:05:42 Quit edhelas (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
00:08:09 Join pinPoint [0] (~pinPoint@about/windows/regular/pinpoint)
00:11:17pinPointi'm curious. Which versions of ipod classic seem to be the best to mod and add more storage/battery/etc?
00:11:23pinPoint[Saint]: whats up
00:20:56 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
00:21:07 Quit petur (Quit: Leaving)
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01:07:21 Quit girafe (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:35:01 Part robertd1
01:45:27 Quit ender` (Quit: Revised log levels proposal: "fyi," "wtf," and "omg.")
02:16:51 Quit hoshi (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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04:56:10 Nick JanC_ is now known as JanC (~janc@lugwv/member/JanC)
05:16:31duo8there's been some players with the "X1000" CPU instead of the usual jz
05:16:52duo8they look capable, anyone looked into them yet?
05:18:54duo8wow it might be another ingenic soc
06:02:44 Join Strife1989 [0] (
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06:19:11pinPointwhat players?
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06:42:36 Quit nlogex (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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09:08:25 Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
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16:54:25pamauryduo8: which player uses X1000? I know it's an ingenic cpu, the fact sheet is available but not the reference manual as far as I knpw
16:54:52duo8shanling m1 and hidizs ap60
16:54:57pamaurywhen the JZ4760B port is done, we might be able to reuse some code
16:54:59duo8both very similar
16:55:33pamauryproblem is getting the programming manual, otherwise it will be a HUGE amount of work
16:56:21duo8there isn't one?
16:56:39pamaurythere is a brief sheet and a datasheet, none documents the registers
16:59:04CtcpIgnored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood
16:59:04*pamaury should finally have time to hack on the Fiio X1 and JZ4760B port in the next 2/3 weeks
17:00:22pamauryduo8: do you have any of those two players?
17:01:08pamaurythe shanling m1 looks cool
17:01:47duo8they've just released and only some have bought them
17:03:01duo8they both probably run the ingenic linux
17:04:42duo8btw, have you looked into newer sony daps?
17:04:55duo8like the a25 or a30
17:05:23pamauryno, they are quite expensive, if I were to buy one, that would be the a15 I think
17:06:05pamauryI am first trying to make the port at least run on the older ones, to understand better how it works
17:06:16pamauryand I hope the newer one will work more or less the same
17:07:14duo8don't they use different socs?
17:07:30duo8i've read that one of the recent A series uses a NEC soc
17:09:53pamaurythey use an evolution of the soc
17:11:01pamaurythe old one use the NEC MP200, that was rebranded under the name of Emma 1 (or em1 in short). Then they released a new version called Emma Mobile EV/EV2 (emv). The newer one use the EV I think (that the one core version) or maybe the EV2 (two core) for the higher ones
17:11:17pamaurybut it does not matter for the port, it runs linux and we do a port as an application
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20:51:17bluebrother^hmm. Seems current development version is kinda broken :(
20:51:37bluebrother^installed on mini2g, playback has artifacts. No issue with 3.13
20:52:07bluebrother^also, after first installation the whole folder sorting was messed up. Didn't get that again after reinstalling.
20:52:44bluebrother^unfortunately I don't have time right now to look into this further or bisect things
20:53:01bluebrother^but in case someone else experienced something like that ... would be interesting to know.
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