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#rockbox log for 2016-10-11

00:03:24ParkerRHere's the full log (9.3MB)
00:06:14pamauryrobertd1: apl_conn is only used for recovery I think
00:11:26pamauryParkerR: apply this patch to fix the toolchain compile: g#1297
00:11:27fs-bluebot_Gerrit review #1297 at : rockboxdev: fix compilation of ARM target with newer GCC by Amaury Pouly
00:14:23ParkerRpamaury, <3
00:15:01pamauryParkerR: I'm sorry, I should really commit this instead of sending people the patch when it fails
00:15:18ParkerRIs it still backwards compatible with older gcc?
00:16:51pamauryParkerR: you mean this fix ? I think but it's just not "the proper fix" / kind of hack, there is better fix but it would break another toolchain (or require to upgrade)
00:17:07ParkerRAhh figured
00:17:37ParkerRMaybe a check to see what the system gcc version is and only use that line if its newer?
00:17:56robertd1pamaury i have no clue
00:18:33pamauryrobertd1: why do you say it's the jenkins workspace ? what is this / is the source available ?
00:18:49pamauryParkerR: that would be another option yes
00:19:17pamaurythough it would need to pinpoint which version broke exactly. I think it's GCC 5
00:21:16robertd1pamaury I am searching for that info all over
00:21:24ParkerRpamaury, Sweet it compiled and installed
00:21:44pamauryI have no idea what the jenkins workspace is/would be. I kind of doubt the source of this thing is available
00:22:06pamauryat googling some file names that appear in asserts don't show any hit
00:27:56ParkerRpamaury, !! FWIW mouse works on the Zip
00:28:18ParkerRVolume scroll and everything
00:29:30ParkerR:D I like the on the fly mode switching via power. never realized that was an option
00:30:27 Quit edhelas (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
00:31:22pamaurygood to know, I guess we could enable it then, I'll discuss with the other devs
00:32:09pamauryrobertd1: I will disassemble the various binaries involved to understand more, right now I'm on appproxy because it's the simplest one
00:32:25pamauryI guess it is used to run an application and provide some kind of handshake
00:33:44 Nick alexweis_ is now known as alexweissman (
00:39:52robertd1pamaury like you said, those apps are not common
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21:49:29seblwhi guys, where can I find any guide how to get started in the project?
21:52:12pamauryseblw: depends on what you want to do
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21:52:39pamaury might be helpful
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21:57:53seblwcontribute in general. maybe some low hanging fruits. I work mostly in embedded linux but found this project interesting
22:14:36 Join saratoga [0] (123e1b57@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:14:55saratogaseblw: setup the dev tools, build for a target you have, and then find something you're interested in working on
22:16:37pamauryif you have an interest in usb for example, usb audio is an often requested feature, and there is already some experimental code for it. Some devices use linux, you might be interested in porting rockbox to a device using linux. Just some random idea
22:18:50seblwpamaury, thanks, nice idea. I'm going to spend some time reading forum and code and look for something interesting.
22:19:30seblwsaratoga, already have sdk up and running for my old fuze+ but it seems to be old and stable already :)
22:23:29seblwanyway thanks for hints from both of you, laters guys
22:27:16 Quit edhelas (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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