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#rockbox log for 2016-11-30

00:02:59 Quit petur (Quit: Leaving)
00:09:13__builtindang it
00:09:27__builtinundefined reference to `midend_serialize'
00:09:33__builtinthe correct version is midend_serialiSe
00:20:49 Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: "It's now safe to turn off your computer.")
00:28:02 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
00:30:34 Quit cohokiller673 (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
00:54:02 Quit ender` (Quit: It's not worth doing something unless someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren't doing it. — Terry Pratchett)
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01:12:31 Quit PurlingNayuki (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
01:12:38 Join PurlingNayuki1 [0] (~Thunderbi@
01:15:00 Nick PurlingNayuki1 is now known as PurlingNayuki (~Thunderbi@
01:55:42 Quit alexweissman (Remote host closed the connection)
01:57:38 Quit PurlingNayuki (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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02:11:50 Join cohokiller673 [0] (
02:23:06 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
02:23:49 Join ruhans [0] (uid76353@gateway/web/
02:24:51 Quit krnlyng (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
02:30:35 Join PurlingNayuki1 [0] (~Thunderbi@2001:da8:215:6115:e1e8:4512:1dd6:cea2)
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02:39:18 Quit duo8 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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10:48:32axx_[Saint]: thanks for the answers, I think sometimes you just need to hear them coming from someone else than yourself ;)
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11:01:39 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
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11:08:27TorCBilgus: Finally got the 11/29 build installed on my player. One quick bug I noted: You have selective softlock called "No Backlight on Selected Actions" in the settings menu.
11:10:56 Join PurlingNayuki1 [0] (~Thunderbi@2001:da8:215:4ff:b82d:187d:b91e:737a)
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13:42:37BilgusTorC: already fixed with last commit I just didn't bother making new image since it wasn't a functionaloty issue
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13:58:17 Quit Bilgus (Quit: Page closed)
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19:37:04Steve__Ahoy! I came on yesterday to ask about upgrading iRiver iHP120 from ver6 boot loader, finally worked it out: First remove the v6 Rockbox boot loader, get a fresh copy of the official iRiver firmware from their downloads section and replace the Rockboxed ihp_120.hex file with the official one and delete the .rockbox folder. Reboot the device, go to general and upgrade firmware. Wait... v6 boot loader should not be present next time
19:37:42Steve__Then you can install the latest boot loader and rock box as normal using the GUI installer - hope this helps someone, took me a good few hours to work it out.
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20:37:41TorCBilgus: Thought you might have. I certainly can work around it for testing.
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21:37:39pamauryhum, rockbox on my nwz-e460 seems to crash in pcm_init(), making progress...
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21:48:25MilesAnyone know where in the source tree global CPU freq scaling stuff is?
21:49:38pamauryMiles: depends on the target and which part of cpu frequency your are talking about (ie policy or implementation)
21:50:52MilesTarget is Clip+. Bilgus gave me a modified firmware before where the CPU busy boost lasted ten seconds instead of the default one.
21:51:00MilesI'd like to mess with that a bit more.
21:51:26MilesSo... policy?
21:53:07pamaurywell that depends boosting on what... policy is not global
21:53:33MilesI think it was the kind of boost that's triggered when PCM buffer is low.
21:53:34pamauryeach part of the system can say whether it wants to boost or not, the system boosts if at least one place wants to
21:54:06pamauryI don't know much about it though, did Bilgus posted the code somewhere ?
21:54:20MilesNo I only have the zip.
21:54:33MilesLooking at the source tree now trying to understand what he did.
21:56:20pamaurymy guess would be in apps/audio_thread.c but that's just a guess, I know very little about apps/
22:01:06MilesWas anyone present for the Opus problem discussion regarding it momentarily going silent sometimes (or killing button responsiveness) sometimes on my Clip+?
22:02:04 Quit scorche|sh (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
22:14:22pamauryMiles: I was around but didn't follow the discussion
22:14:37pamauryI would expect the audio thread to boost by itself on low watermark
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23:09:06BilgusMiles: LINE# 160
23:09:24Bilgus#define GUI_BOOST_TIMEOUT (HZ)
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23:09:59Bilgusin the one i gave you it is simply #define GUI_BOOST_TIMEOUT (HZ*10)
23:16:24lebelliumpamaury: did you make any progress on toolchain?
23:17:32pamaurylebellium: yes I have a working toolchain
23:17:51pamauryNow I'm debugging why rockbox crashing/exists when starting
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23:18:49lebelliumif you want me to test something (I guess you wanted to check if the yp-r0 toolchain is still working after your modifications?) I'm here tomorrow night
23:19:03pamauryok :)
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23:26:38pamaurydamn, crashes in font loading for some reason
23:30:15pamaurycrashes in font_load_ex, this is looking bad
23:30:15lebelliumsomething related with available RAM?
23:30:28pamaurythere more than enough RAM
23:30:57lebelliumyes physically but I mean available (declared) for Rockbox ?
23:32:14pamaury16MB, that's very safe, there way more available
23:33:28pamauryon a side node, GCC 4.9.4 compiles MUCH faster than the older GCCs
23:38:05 Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: "It's now safe to turn off your computer.")
23:42:45 Quit petur (Quit: Leaving)
23:43:29 Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [Firefox 50.0/20161104212021])
23:44:21*pamaury is bisecting font.c using exit(0)...
23:46:01 Quit girafe2 (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:46:13pamaurycrash in glyph_cache_load(), this is not fun
23:52:18 Join robertd1 [0] (~root@
23:55:14pamaurywth, crashes in strcat
23:55:18*pamaury suspects an ABI problem

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