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00:19:00 | [Saint] | I really wish that .gitconfig and/or .gitmessage could contain variables. |
00:19:16 | [Saint] | But it just plain isn't parsed as such. .gitmessage isn't parsed at all. |
00:19:19 | [Saint] | it sucks. |
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13:19:59 | wodz | pamaury: What is the problem with sound output on sony? |
13:20:24 | pamaury | wodz: I don't know, on the E460 sound is garbage and on the E580 I have no sound at all |
13:20:42 | pamaury | yesterday I updatded the gerrit task and it's now much easier to install rockbox |
13:20:58 | pamaury | I'll send you the instructions tonight, or I'll create a wiki page |
13:22:27 | wodz | pamaury: Maybe I'll have a bit of free time this week to play with my e47x |
13:22:48 | pamaury | ok :) |
13:23:07 | pamaury | I need to investigate this a bit more. Tonight I plan to try playing sound using aplay |
13:23:10 | pamaury | which is on the device |
13:23:18 | pamaury | maybe it's a problem with the rockbox alsa driver |
13:24:37 | wodz | You'd need to test aplay from device and aplay linked against rockbox's alsa |
13:25:00 | pamaury | I'm using the alsa shared library from rockbox |
13:25:09 | pamaury | *from Sony |
13:25:34 | pamaury | I recompile alsa only to get the symbol file basically |
13:25:47 | pamaury | so I don't think it's a problem with the library but I can double check this |
13:26:00 | wodz | I don't understand your statement |
13:27:01 | pamaury | I compile alsa as a shared library but I don't use the obtained .so, I only use the .a for the symbols |
13:27:13 | pamaury | thus rockbox is using the system libalsa.so |
13:28:22 | wodz | You link rockbox dynamically against libalsa or staticaly (thats for .a is, no?) |
13:29:12 | wodz | its libasound.so AFAIK |
13:29:25 | pamaury | yeah, dynamically |
13:29:46 | wodz | so you should need only .h files |
13:30:39 | pamaury | you still need something to link against, otherwise the linker complains about undefined symbols |
13:31:10 | pamaury | in theory I could take the .so from the device and link against that |
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13:32:39 | wodz | pamaury: What for is the content of rootfs/devel/lib/omf ? The names suggest some decoding libraries |
13:32:59 | pamaury | no idea, I haven't looked into this much |
13:33:09 | pamaury | but yeah it looks like some decoding lib |
13:33:12 | pamaury | maybe using the dsp ? |
13:33:57 | wodz | heh, there is ncurses present :-) |
13:34:12 | pamaury | yeah, I really wonder why ^^ |
13:34:35 | pamaury | or maybe for some magic terminal-over-something |
13:39:07 | wodz | pamaury: Did you see rootfs/devel/usr/local/test dir? beep_test for example |
13:39:58 | | Quit jhMikeS (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
13:40:17 | pamaury | yes there are several test utilities |
13:40:57 | pamaury | but there is some magic involved because for example mptapp (the service menu that has tests) has a bash script to start/stop/play audio and it toogles the CODEC power switch with amixer |
13:41:41 | pamaury | I've tried on the E460, without it you cannot even open the pcm device, but with it the audio is completely distorted |
13:43:54 | pamaury | but so far I haven't play with audio too much anyway |
13:48:49 | pamaury | I was distracted by the destination tool for NWZ that was quite a success |
13:49:08 | wodz | yeah, I saw. Compliments! |
13:49:25 | pamaury | But now let's do better and have rockbox ;) |
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13:56:37 | wodz | pamaury: Your tool still may be useful with rockbox. v4l2 radio driver reads some nvp nodes to set something. I guess it sets freq limits based on region |
13:57:16 | pamaury | a lot of things read nvp nodes :( Apparently the destination setting is used in a lot of places |
13:57:29 | pamaury | can you tell which node it reads ? |
13:57:43 | pamaury | it should call icx_nvp_read(node, buf, size) |
13:58:13 | wodz | I don't have disasm here. I'll try to check tonight |
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13:59:30 | pamaury | ok |
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14:07:19 | wodz | whoa, thumb2 introduces movt+movw sequence which are exact equivalents of mips lui+ori which where widely criticized by arm people :-) |
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14:22:19 | pamaury | wodz: people critisize when they are jealous ;) Or just good ideas in general |
14:23:02 | gevaerts | lui+ori? That's just crazy! |
14:23:12 | * | gevaerts goes to look what those are :) |
14:23:40 | wodz | load upper immediate (top half of 32bit reg) + or immediate (lower half) |
14:23:57 | wodz | so effectively you load 32bit value in two instructions |
14:24:02 | pamaury | can movt and movw rotate stuff around as well or not ? |
14:24:53 | pamaury | can't thumb2 do pc-related load ? That only requires one instruction + 4 bytes |
14:25:10 | wodz | pamaury: Don't know. I spotted it in objdump used purely for loading 32bit immediates. I don't know thumb2 much. |
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14:26:25 | wodz | pamaury: You trade 2 instructions with 16bit immediates vs 1 instruction with pc relative load + 4byte constant. Its the same except for maybe easier work for cache and mem prefetch in case of two consecutive instructions |
14:26:36 | pamaury | true |
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17:00:55 | Yogurt | hoy hoy |
17:01:09 | Yogurt | question on the new sony ports |
17:01:33 | Yogurt | has anyone done a blog post on them explaining the differences? Are there any preferences between them? |
17:01:49 | Yogurt | I see the E360 70 and 80 are now stable |
17:05:21 | __builtin | you should probably wait around for pamaury or lebellium, but neither of them are here at this moment |
17:06:44 | Yogurt | ah ok |
17:06:53 | Yogurt | is there a better time to come back? |
17:08:25 | __builtin | you could just stick around for a while |
17:10:14 | Yogurt | ya, but I could also head home and get food on the way :) |
17:10:18 | Yogurt | and then come back |
17:11:58 | __builtin | your best bet then would be Europe's evening then |
17:12:27 | comradekingu | which is coming right up |
17:12:32 | Yogurt | which is now |
17:12:35 | * | Yogurt is in europe |
17:12:57 | Yogurt | anyway, I'll be back |
17:12:59 | Yogurt | thanks |
17:13:25 | comradekingu | time is: nigh |
17:17:18 | | Quit Yogurt (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
17:29:55 | __builtin | is there an easy way to get anti-aliased lines on rockbox? |
17:32:17 | gevaerts | Yes, code an anti-aliased line function :) |
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17:34:19 | __builtin | time to reinvent the wheel |
17:34:58 | gevaerts | Can you make it green? |
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18:02:14 | Yogurt | anyone home? |
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18:23:56 | Yogurt | hey pamaury |
18:23:59 | Yogurt | you here? |
18:24:21 | pamaury | here but busy, give me 10/15 min |
18:25:04 | Yogurt | sure thing |
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18:47:00 | pamaury | Yogurt: yes ? |
18:47:05 | Yogurt | hey |
18:47:17 | Yogurt | so have there been any write ups on the new sony ports yet? |
18:47:31 | Yogurt | I found what I think is a compatibility page |
18:47:40 | Yogurt | https://git.rockbox.org/?p=rockbox.git;a=blob;f=utils/nwztools/database/series.txt |
18:47:52 | Yogurt | but are there any real differences between the different devices? |
18:48:16 | Yogurt | real as in end user noticeable |
18:49:51 | pamaury | not yet. This file (series.txt) is a list of all Sony players that use linux, but some of them won't be supported. |
18:49:51 | pamaury | I plan to update https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SonyNW with the complete list and it should better reflect what is/will be supported and what won't. |
18:49:51 | pamaury | Not all players are the same, some have touch screen, some better audio hardware (at least in theory), different screen also. |
18:50:14 | Yogurt | ok |
18:50:21 | Yogurt | so.. cpu wise no real differences? |
18:50:30 | Yogurt | at least among the supported players |
18:50:44 | Yogurt | I'm looking at the e585 and a15 |
18:51:05 | Yogurt | the A15 being one of the fancy high res players |
18:51:49 | pamaury | the list will give the cpu of each player but basically there are only three kinds of supported cpus: imx233 (for E360, E370, E380), mp200 (E460 for example) and emxx (E580, A15). Honestly the cpu doesn't make a difference, the mp200 is already a beast and the emxx even more. If you are afraid about not being able to decode some format, that's not going to be a problem |
18:52:17 | pamaury | Ideally I'd like to gather more info on each player like the audio DAC because Sony's marketing is very fancy |
18:52:27 | Yogurt | ok that's good to hear |
18:52:41 | pamaury | Also some have bluetooth I think, some don't |
18:52:53 | pamaury | (bluetooth is supported by rockbox in any case for now) |
18:52:56 | pamaury | *is NOT |
18:53:02 | Yogurt | the e585 and a15 really grab me because of the case actually |
18:53:09 | Yogurt | they're clean and flat |
18:53:16 | Yogurt | where the others all seem a bit lumpy |
18:53:29 | pamaury | E580 is quick slick |
18:53:45 | pamaury | When lebellium comes, you can ask him, he owns a lot of NWZ players, including the A15 |
18:54:25 | Yogurt | cool |
18:54:48 | Yogurt | ya the difference between that and the a15 is 10€ hence the quention |
18:55:22 | pamaury | To be honest, if you have the money, I would say buy the A15, Sony's players and operating system are quite good. You can install rockbox if/when it is supported |
18:55:47 | pamaury | but ask lebellium before see wat he thinks about it |
18:56:44 | Yogurt | right on |
18:56:46 | Yogurt | many thanks |
18:56:55 | Yogurt | i'll hang and idle for a bit |
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19:10:20 | | Join lebellium [0] (~chatzilla@89-93-179-5.hfc.dyn.abo.bbox.fr) |
19:13:52 | Yogurt | hey lelellium |
19:13:58 | Yogurt | mind fielding a question? |
19:14:58 | lebellium | I read the logs :) |
19:15:07 | Yogurt | ah ok |
19:15:13 | Yogurt | so... e585 vs a15 |
19:15:15 | Yogurt | thoughts? |
19:15:56 | lebellium | I think the E580 form factor is perfect, the A10 is already a bit too big for me. But the A10 has an SD slot which makes it future-proof |
19:16:11 | Yogurt | mmmmm |
19:16:36 | Yogurt | both are expected to support rockbox at some point? |
19:17:03 | lebellium | I hope among the first ones :) |
19:17:22 | Yogurt | awesome |
19:17:38 | Yogurt | so it comes down to sd card vs thin-ness |
19:18:30 | lebellium | I would say that. Regarding the SQ you'd probably ask on some audiophile forums. |
19:18:42 | Yogurt | you haven't found any pcb pics of either have you? |
19:18:53 | Yogurt | I use a clip+ right now |
19:19:07 | Yogurt | sounds quality can't be worse than that and I'm pretty ok with the clip+ |
19:19:16 | lebellium | by default the E580 is a bit more bassy because Sony put Bass Gain +1,5dB but if you put 0,0dB in the test mode, I think it sounds more or less like the A10 |
19:21:08 | lebellium | Yogurt: if you have some bluetooth devices, note that the A10 support aptX and even LDAC (not in Rockbox thouth) |
19:21:12 | lebellium | though* |
19:21:18 | Yogurt | nah |
19:21:21 | Yogurt | just headphones |
19:21:33 | Yogurt | the e585 claims more battery life |
19:21:42 | Yogurt | that's probably by not having bluetooth though |
19:23:15 | lebellium | both have a very good battery life |
19:23:21 | lebellium | coming from a clip+ that will be a change |
19:23:28 | Yogurt | yep |
19:23:35 | Yogurt | hard choices >_< |
19:23:46 | lebellium | the E580 has Noise Cancelling |
19:23:59 | lebellium | but the shipped NC earphones are not so good |
19:24:31 | Yogurt | does the noise cancelling work on any headphones? |
19:24:40 | lebellium | and I assume NC wouldn't/can't be supported in Rockbox anyway (pamaury ?) |
19:25:06 | lebellium | no, you need special earphones with a microphone on it |
19:25:11 | Yogurt | ah, well I'd prefer to have rockbox on the thing |
19:25:18 | Yogurt | so perhaps that's a non-feature |
19:25:28 | pamaury | lebellium: I don't know, I have no idea how it is handled |
19:25:36 | pamaury | that will need some investigation |
19:25:41 | pamaury | also I don't have the NC headphones |
19:26:21 | lebellium | indeed |
19:26:33 | Yogurt | that might be a nice feature on a plane or something |
19:26:34 | lebellium | but you bought your E580 so cheap, you can't have everything :P |
19:26:48 | Yogurt | but then... sd card |
19:27:24 | lebellium | regarding bluetooth, there is some preliminary work here, I don't know if that helps pamaury #g1121 |
19:27:25 | fs-bluebot | Gerrit review #1121 at http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/1121 : WIP: early stage bluetooth support by Lorenzo Miori |
19:28:53 | pamaury | yeah but that's very very far from done |
19:28:57 | Yogurt | how would you rate the build quality of each? |
19:29:15 | Yogurt | comparable? |
19:29:38 | pamaury | also bluetooth is vague, some devices will be easy to support, some will require a lot of work. Find the right framework to handle all cases is tricky |
19:29:42 | lebellium | yes quite comparable. Only the "back" and "option" buttons feel a bit cheap on the A10 |
19:30:02 | Yogurt | are they metal or just plastic? |
19:30:09 | Yogurt | can't really tell from the pics |
19:33:20 | lebellium | I guess front case in metal, back in plastic |
19:33:56 | lebellium | maybe all metal for the E580. |
19:35:06 | lebellium | well, actually the build quality of the E580 is a bit better now that I look closely |
19:36:16 | Yogurt | seems like e585 is the way to go |
19:37:12 | lebellium | if you're enough with 16GB, that would be my choice. But I always want more storage :D |
19:37:17 | Yogurt | thanks for letting me think out loud |
19:37:20 | Yogurt | nah 16 is fine |
19:37:25 | Yogurt | keeps me from being messy :) |
19:38:21 | lebellium | otherwise you can take a E460. Somehow pamaury likes it better than the E580, I don't know why :D |
19:39:22 | Yogurt | ya.... it's ugly |
19:39:23 | pamaury | I like the form factor better |
19:39:31 | pamaury | le E580 is too slick for me |
19:39:52 | lebellium | pamaury definitely needs a WM1 |
19:40:05 | lebellium | a good old brick in modern style |
19:40:06 | Yogurt | well... that's like your opinion man |
19:42:04 | Yogurt | also many thanks to you guys for keeping rockbox going |
19:42:31 | Yogurt | been using it for years and I'm glad there's finally some new devices to use |
19:43:01 | lebellium | I think we're all glad that pamaury moved from Creative to Sony :D |
19:43:16 | Yogurt | oh, is that what happened? |
19:43:26 | pamaury | Well creative stopped doing players :-p |
19:43:31 | lebellium | He got bored porting to shitty devices |
19:43:35 | lebellium | so he started to look at Sony |
19:43:37 | lebellium | :D |
19:43:49 | Yogurt | creative players were always crap anyway |
19:43:56 | pamaury | also this is not how it happened :-p |
19:44:15 | pamaury | I started working on the fuze+ and then on all devices that used the same processor, that included most of the Creative |
19:45:09 | Yogurt | well thank you for the work :) |
19:45:30 | | Join rela [0] (~x@pdpc/supporter/active/rela) |
19:51:57 | lebellium | pamaury: do you have download stats on dropbox? |
19:57:03 | pamaury | no, I don't think |
19:57:09 | pamaury | let me see |
19:57:52 | pamaury | nope |
20:00 |
20:05:22 | pamaury | lebellium: interested in trying rockbox on your players tonight ? |
20:06:01 | pamaury | Sound is not working but at least you can check if it's running ;) |
20:06:12 | lebellium | sure. Can only be better than the TV guide |
20:06:38 | | Quit mutnai (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
20:07:19 | pamaury | did you install the arm-rockbox-linux-gnueabi toolchain ? |
20:07:37 | lebellium | how can I check it? |
20:07:56 | pamaury | open a terminal and type |
20:07:56 | pamaury | arm-rockbox-linux-gnueabi -gcc |
20:08:17 | pamaury | (assuming it's in your path) |
20:09:34 | | Join Senji_ [0] (~Senji@ |
20:09:40 | pamaury | i kind of remember forcing you to install it but I'm unsure :-p |
20:10:56 | lebellium | I have a "arm-sony-linux-gnueabi" directory |
20:11:20 | lebellium | but typing "arm-sony-linux-gnueabi -gcc" is not found |
20:12:17 | | Quit Senji (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
20:13:05 | pamaury | where is this directory ? |
20:13:24 | lebellium | /home/ubuntu |
20:14:10 | pamaury | what is the result of |
20:14:10 | pamaury | echo $PATH |
20:14:55 | lebellium | /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/home/ubuntu/mingw32-sdl/bin/ |
20:15:02 | lebellium | looks strange |
20:15:22 | Yogurt | that is a funky path |
20:15:36 | pamaury | ok so open the file |
20:15:36 | pamaury | /home/ubuntu/.bashrc |
20:15:41 | Yogurt | mingw on linux? |
20:16:04 | pamaury | Yogurt: sure, you can cross compile |
20:16:17 | Yogurt | isn't it just gcc anyway though? |
20:16:55 | pamaury | not exactly, mingw is gcc with different default/target + windows crt + windows headers + windows tools |
20:17:04 | pamaury | just the compiler is not enough |
20:17:12 | Yogurt | huh ok |
20:17:16 | Yogurt | good to know |
20:17:28 | pamaury | lebellium: once you opened that file (which should exists), add this at the end: |
20:17:28 | pamaury | export PATH="/home/ubuntu/arm-rockbox-linux-gnueabi/bin:$PATH" |
20:17:35 | pamaury | then close your terminal and open a new one |
20:17:44 | pamaury | now arm-rockbox-linux-gnueabi-gcc should work |
20:18:40 | lebellium | bashrc: line 107: syntax error: unexpected end of file |
20:18:51 | lebellium | That's the end of the file |
20:18:56 | lebellium | PATH=$PATH:$HOME/mingw32-sdl/bin/ |
20:18:57 | lebellium | export PATH="/home/ubuntu/arm-rockbox-linux-gnueabi/bin:$PATH |
20:19:15 | lebellium | or, " is missing |
20:19:19 | lebellium | oh* |
20:19:24 | pamaury | a yeah I missed a " |
20:19:32 | pamaury | or not |
20:19:38 | lebellium | I , not you |
20:19:38 | pamaury | yes |
20:19:41 | pamaury | ok :) |
20:20:37 | lebellium | hum command still not found |
20:21:26 | | Quit Yogurt (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [Firefox 50.1.0/20161208153507]) |
20:22:21 | lebellium | I'm a bit confused with linux/sony/rockbox in the command |
20:26:03 | pamaury | lebellium: echo $PATH in the new terminal |
20:26:19 | pamaury | ah ok I understand |
20:26:23 | pamaury | you have the old toolchain |
20:26:35 | lebellium | the "sony" one |
20:26:37 | pamaury | yeah |
20:26:49 | pamaury | you'll need to build a new one if you want to compile yourself |
20:27:04 | | Join girafe [0] (~girafe@LFbn-1-11729-221.w2-7.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
20:27:05 | lebellium | arf. It tooks hours last time ;D |
20:27:52 | pamaury | ah, really ? :-/ |
20:28:09 | pamaury | well I can try to zip mine and upload it |
20:28:15 | pamaury | I think recent toolchain can be moved |
20:28:51 | pamaury | is the VM 64-bit ? |
20:29:05 | lebellium | 32 |
20:29:15 | pamaury | arf |
20:29:24 | lebellium | it's the rockbox image from the wiki |
20:29:27 | lebellium | quite old |
20:29:56 | pamaury | ok, so for now I'll send you files |
20:30:09 | pamaury | but in time you'll need to build it |
20:30:32 | __builtin | gevaerts: got it working now :) |
20:30:44 | lebellium | I can start building it now so that it's done |
20:31:34 | __builtin | I'll probably add antialiased circles, and move it all into xlcd |
20:32:17 | pamaury | lebellium: ok |
20:32:39 | lebellium | pamaury: how do I remove the old toolchain. Simply delete the directory? |
20:32:44 | pamaury | yes |
20:33:06 | pamaury | then grab g#1481 |
20:33:08 | fs-bluebot | Gerrit review #1481 at http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/1481 : Initial commit for the Sony NWZ linux port and NWZ-E460 (WIP) by Amaury Pouly |
20:33:11 | pamaury | go to tools/ |
20:33:54 | pamaury | and run: |
20:33:54 | pamaury | RBDEV_PREFIX=/home/ubuntu/arm-rockbox-linux-gnueabi rockboxdev.sh |
20:34:05 | pamaury | and select r |
20:37:53 | lebellium | ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~/rockbox/tools$ RBDEV_PREFIX=/home/ubuntu/arm-rockbox-linux-gnueabi rockboxdev.sh |
20:37:55 | lebellium | rockboxdev.sh: command not found |
20:38:32 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:38:55 | pamaury | ./rockboxdev.sh |
20:39:02 | pamaury | in tools/ directory of rockbox |
20:39:09 | pamaury | I thought you'd now better now :-p |
20:40:44 | lebellium | I thought so but it looks like Linux is just not made for me ahah |
20:40:50 | lebellium | or process started |
20:41:06 | lebellium | ok* |
20:41:24 | lebellium | I should write the instructions somewhere |
20:41:29 | lebellium | so that I don't ask you every time |
20:43:22 | pamaury | well it's simple, on linux if you type a command without path: |
20:43:22 | pamaury | bla |
20:43:22 | pamaury | then it will look in all directories of the path to see if bla is in there. But if you type an qualified path, then it just looks there: |
20:43:22 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK pamaury |
20:43:22 | pamaury | /path/to/bla |
20:43:22 | pamaury | ./bla |
20:43:24 | pamaury | Here . means "the current directory" |
20:43:39 | funman | I can write the instructions for you: "1. ask pamaury" |
20:44:36 | lebellium | lol |
20:44:59 | lebellium | I would prefer he progress on the port instead of losing time with explaining some basic things |
20:46:49 | __builtin | hey, does someone have a PP5022 device around to test something? |
20:47:07 | __builtin | (with a color display) |
20:48:00 | lebellium | I have a C200 is you consider its shitty display as a color display |
20:48:01 | lebellium | :D |
20:48:03 | lebellium | if* |
20:48:48 | __builtin | which version? |
20:49:29 | lebellium | v1 |
20:49:45 | __builtin | should be slow enough ;) |
20:50:04 | lebellium | I didn't know a C200 could be fast, whatever the version |
20:50:06 | lebellium | :P |
20:50:20 | __builtin | v2 has a 248MHz core, v1 75 |
20:51:03 | __builtin | give me a couple minutes to build |
20:51:14 | __builtin | I'm trying to see how slow my antialiasing is |
20:51:36 | lebellium | I try to find the USB cable meanwhile |
20:52:25 | __builtin | take your time, this will take likely a very long time :P |
20:52:55 | lebellium | I surprisingly already found it! Among the 100 cables of all my players |
20:55:56 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
20:55:56 | * | lebellium guess he has all time to eat while the toolchain is building |
20:56:22 | __builtin | almost done here |
20:59:34 | __builtin | scp is acting weirdly |
21:00 |
21:00:10 | __builtin | ok, should be at https://www.fwei.tk/rockbox-sansac200.zip |
21:00:12 | __builtin | ~6MB |
21:00:39 | __builtin | when you install it try playing sgt-cube |
21:01:09 | __builtin | tell me if the movement seems excessively choppy |
21:01:14 | chrisjj | pamaury, any ETA on ZEN be68b6a7b? |
21:10:03 | pamaury | chrisjj: did you finish test with mem dfs ? |
21:10:53 | chrisjj | Not yet. Each run so far has failed within 2hrs max. |
21:11:00 | pamaury | failed? |
21:11:09 | chrisjj | I'm interested to see if be68b6a7b does better. |
21:11:19 | chrisjj | On all runs (four), ZEN be68b6a7b+memDFS went black-screen and non-responsive after between 30mins and 3hrs. Then power button press does a power-on suggesting this state is power-off rather than hang. Also, that power-on often fails - shows the RB logo but then enters the same state. |
21:13:44 | lebellium | __builtin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb2s__eaIYE |
21:15:00 | __builtin | ahh, I remember how crappy the c200's screen was now |
21:15:30 | pamaury | chrisjj: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xoum1e0s9z08i40/rockbox_zen_be68b6a7b.zip?dl=0 |
21:15:32 | __builtin | lebellium: try to enable debug mode (click "Quick Help" 5 times in a row) and turn the slowmo factor to 15 |
21:16:08 | lebellium | 1st time someone says I'm a developer! |
21:17:50 | lebellium | aha terrible |
21:18:12 | __builtin | what? |
21:18:20 | lebellium | it's so slow |
21:18:41 | __builtin | well, yeah, it's "slowmo" :P |
21:18:53 | lebellium | do you want another video? |
21:19:09 | __builtin | no, that's too much of a burden |
21:19:26 | __builtin | try turning it to around 5 and tell me if the cube appears to "jump" in its rotation |
21:20:59 | lebellium | I don't think so but I'm not sure what you mean either |
21:21:36 | __builtin | if it did it'd be really obvious, so it should be fine then |
21:22:16 | __builtin | oh, also see if sgt-untangle is playable |
21:22:34 | __builtin | I'm curious as to how bad it is on such a tiny screen |
21:23:22 | lebellium | I first have to understand how to play it :P |
21:23:50 | lebellium | oh okay |
21:23:56 | chrisjj | pamaury, thanks - running it now. |
21:24:05 | lebellium | only half left screen is used |
21:24:19 | chrisjj | Any idea how this 'crash to power-off' is even possible? |
21:24:26 | __builtin | yeah, it has to be square |
21:24:58 | lebellium | well it looks playable but I don't think I'm good at it :D |
21:25:15 | __builtin | try turning it to 6 points then |
21:31:26 | * | lebellium hates that game |
21:32:58 | __builtin | it's not my fault! |
21:33:02 | * | __builtin didn't write any of them :P |
21:33:46 | __builtin | but it's likely that on your tiny screen that the circles take up a lot of room, no? |
21:35:45 | | Join cpu_ [0] (bc92a3c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
21:35:49 | cpu_ | hello |
21:36:03 | __builtin | hello cpu_ |
21:36:14 | cpu_ | I just found sony sound pressure tool |
21:36:24 | cpu_ | trying to get this working on my NWZ-ZX100 |
21:36:44 | * | __builtin looks at lebellium and pamaury |
21:36:55 | cpu_ | but output gives me: |
21:37:00 | cpu_ | C:\Users\Łukasz\Downloads\walkman>scsitool-nwz-v4.exe D: dest_tool set E2 off Model: NW-ZX100 Series: NW-ZX100 Series This device doesn't have node 'shp' |
21:37:05 | lebellium | __builtin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7z2DypmySvnNGMtS2JsbmloT1k/view?usp=sharing and I give up :P |
21:38:17 | cpu_ | anyone can help or calrify if there's any chance to uncapp this player as it's biggest downside is output power |
21:39:34 | pamaury | cpu_: let me have a look |
21:39:47 | cpu_ | OK |
21:41:15 | pamaury | ah apparently that because of a typo of mine |
21:41:32 | pamaury | can you try this, just to make sure: |
21:41:47 | pamaury | scsitool-nwz-v4.exe D: get_dnk_nvp 12 |
21:43:20 | cpu_ | Model: NW-ZX100 Series: NW-ZX100 Series Note: node size unknown, trying to read 4096 bytes 12 (node 12): 03 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ................ ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ................ |
21:43:45 | pamaury | yeah that a typo, I will upload a new version of the tool, stay tuned |
21:44:05 | cpu_ | wow waiting now |
21:44:10 | cpu_ | :-) |
21:46:03 | lebellium | I'm surprised he's the 1st ZX100 user to try the tool |
21:46:52 | cpu_ | just found info about that in head fi thread |
21:47:12 | lebellium | I know |
21:47:16 | lebellium | that's why I say that |
21:47:22 | lebellium | there are so many users on head-fi |
21:47:32 | cpu_ | I've got my ZX100 1 m from me so why not to try - I was thinking about buying Fiio X5III because of vol cap |
21:48:26 | cpu_ | but this can change my mind as fiio also got some minuses |
21:48:54 | cpu_ | big advantage was android so spotify can work but hopefully mighty offline spotify player will arrive soon |
21:49:30 | lebellium | ZX100 doesn't use Android, does it? |
21:50:27 | cpu_ | nope - that's why it last around 45 hrs on one charge playing flac files and some DSD |
21:50:45 | pamaury | cpu_: try with this tool: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uk3gr4gzjand02a/scsitool-nwz-v5.exe?dl=0 |
21:52:02 | cpu_ | C:\Users\Łukasz\Downloads\walkman>scsitool-nwz-v5.exe D: dest_tool get Model: NW-ZX100 Series: NW-ZX100 Series Destination: CEW2 (103) Sound pressure: 1 (on) |
21:52:03 | [Saint] | what is the implication there? working with the projects I do that's borderline offsensive. |
21:52:24 | cpu_ | superb :-) lets try this now |
21:52:58 | [Saint] | the idea that that runtime comes solely from a lack of an Android operating system is...well. |
21:53:08 | [Saint] | there's words for it but I won't say them. |
21:53:44 | lebellium | I don't think it was meant to hurt you |
21:53:57 | [Saint] | Nor do I. |
21:54:06 | [Saint] | Doesn't make it a valid statement though. |
21:54:08 | cpu_ | haha well just admit that android will eat couple more % of batt |
21:54:15 | cpu_ | anyway this is what I've got now: |
21:54:27 | cpu_ | C:\Users\Łukasz\Downloads\walkman>scsitool-nwz-v4.exe D: dest_tool set CEW2 off Model: NW-ZX100 Series: NW-ZX100 Series This device doesn't have node 'shp' |
21:54:41 | cpu_ | once sec typo |
21:54:43 | lebellium | cpu_: typoe. v5 |
21:54:48 | lebellium | :) |
21:54:59 | fs-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 90284b6, 255 builds, 18 clients. |
21:55:07 | cpu_ | C:\Users\Łukasz\Downloads\walkman>scsitool-nwz-v5.exe D: dest_tool get Model: NW-ZX100 Series: NW-ZX100 Series Destination: CEW2 (103) Sound pressure: 0 (off) |
21:55:12 | cpu_ | to excited |
21:55:19 | cpu_ | wow lets try to listen now |
21:55:29 | lebellium | I suggest you try another destination code |
21:55:33 | lebellium | as explained on the wiki |
21:56:01 | [Saint] | and reset settings. I've been seeing a lot of users bounce off that. |
21:56:09 | [Saint] | *seen |
21:56:29 | lebellium | ahaha. [Saint] knows the instructions by heart too now |
21:57:11 | [Saint] | I've just been reading the forums and seeing that it is about 50/50 distribution of those who bother reading the instructions correctly. |
21:57:34 | [Saint] | people get excited and stop reading as soon as they execute from the commandline. |
21:57:45 | [Saint] | then complain it doesn't work. |
21:58:14 | pamaury | [Saint]: lebellium: maybe we should add the "please reset settings" also BEFORE ? |
21:58:31 | [Saint] | pamaury: it wouldn't hurt. |
21:58:45 | [Saint] | actually, that order of operations make a lot more sense. |
21:58:46 | cpu_ | OK so turned off, turned on played file - had to decrease vol as was too loud now, connected to PC again just to double check with tool and it's uncapped |
21:59:36 | cpu_ | awesome work guys, didn't except that I'll be suprised that much by rockbox again since I was running it on my iRiver H320 |
22:00 |
22:00:04 | lebellium | [Saint]: I don't think reseting the settings before makes more sense. |
22:00:08 | pamaury | https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SonyNWDestTool |
22:00:14 | pamaury | [Saint]: done, what do you think ? |
22:00:38 | [Saint] | lebellium: I think it does, because at the first half of the instructions users are paying attention. |
22:00:39 | pamaury | lebellium: it's not resetting before, it's saying beforehand that one needs to reset them after the change |
22:00:56 | [Saint] | They lose focus as soon as they execute something on the commandline. |
22:01:01 | lebellium | So we just accept that people can't read :( |
22:01:18 | [Saint] | so mentioning it beforehand, IMO, is more likely to make an impact on users. |
22:01:35 | pamaury | lebellium: trust me, people can't read |
22:02:02 | * | [Saint] sees this with Freemyipod |
22:02:03 | __builtin | it'd be nice to have a giant flashing gif of it, too |
22:02:32 | [Saint] | we have a big "DO NOT STOP NOW, YOU ARE NOT FINISHED" |
22:02:32 | [Saint] | But people see Rockbox running, so..of course they're finished, right? |
22:02:33 | pamaury | people get too excited and jump to quickly to the "execute this" part |
22:02:40 | [Saint] | precisely. |
22:03:44 | lebellium | pamaury: isn't it possible to add that line in the "set" result? |
22:03:46 | fs-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 528 seconds. |
22:03:47 | fs-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision 90284b6 result: All green |
22:04:10 | | Quit michaelni (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
22:04:38 | pamaury | lebellium: I don't see what you mean. You mean right after the set command ? |
22:04:40 | [Saint] | The other option, I think, is removing this from users entirely and just getting them to run a batch or shell script that forcibly resets settings. |
22:04:49 | [Saint] | though it greatly complicates things. |
22:05:09 | [Saint] | In my experience you just can't trust people to not be stupid. |
22:05:15 | [Saint] | So you remove the variables. |
22:05:30 | lebellium | pamaury: when you make "set", you actually don't get a clear result. You only got the series and device name. Maybe add a line saying the set applied and add the thing about reseting the settings |
22:06:18 | [Saint] | I mean, if we can set the location via this mechanism - surely one can reset the other fields to their known defaults? |
22:07:00 | pamaury | lebellium: ah that's a good suggestion |
22:07:06 | [Saint] | happy to write a nice .sh/dialog based scriplet if I can get a list of values that need to be set. |
22:07:11 | __builtin | holy crap, head-fi has shit ton of users |
22:07:23 | [Saint] | I tend to not trust end users at all. |
22:07:42 | [Saint] | So I like to remove things like this from their control entirely and just assume they won't read. |
22:07:53 | __builtin | 4000 users online *at a time* |
22:07:59 | pamaury | [Saint]: problem is, there is no way to reset the settings remotely |
22:08:12 | pamaury | so a script won't solve the problem I think |
22:08:33 | pamaury | but maybe as lebellium suggests, having a tool write some text saying to reset the setting is useful |
22:08:47 | [Saint] | pamaury: IIUC, there's no way to do a single 'reset all to default', but the values could be set using this same mechanism could they not? |
22:09:00 | [Saint] | knowing the defaults for every given player would be difficult though. |
22:09:54 | pamaury | no it's not that, Sony keeps internal state in some files I think |
22:09:58 | [Saint] | at the end of the day these settings are just bits sitting somewhere, and you've got direct access. |
22:10:08 | cpu_ | just FYI as I've got CEW2 version of ZX100 it gave my check volume warning at vol 14 but then went fine above this value |
22:11:03 | lebellium | cpu_: so just with SPS off you get a huge volume difference? |
22:11:12 | pamaury | the NVP is not used to store settings, it's there to store manufacturing-time parameters |
22:11:31 | [Saint] | When exactly was this legislation passed exactly? |
22:11:39 | [Saint] | regarding shitty enforced EU volume capping. |
22:11:55 | | Join wodz [0] (~wodz@89-74-169-198.dynamic.chello.pl) |
22:12:16 | lebellium | [Saint]: very long ago I guess. What's funny is that on Samsung players it was only capped in FR region code and not in EU region code. |
22:12:20 | [Saint] | And, /why/ was it passed? |
22:12:47 | cpu_ | labellium: I listened to same track just before doing modification and after |
22:12:59 | cpu_ | and I had to lower volume after SPS off |
22:13:15 | lebellium | well the goal is understandable. Just that people who voted it don't know anything about impedance and sensitivity |
22:13:36 | [Saint] | cpu_: pro-tip, in every sane IRC client doing <first_letter_of_nick>+[Tab] will auto-complete nicks. |
22:13:43 | lebellium | pamaury: ROCKBOXDEV: Done! |
22:13:45 | * | [Saint] just noticed you've been typing these manually |
22:14:10 | [Saint] | None of us are actually typing nicks out by hand. screw that. |
22:14:12 | lebellium | typing [Saint] is the most difficult to do |
22:14:27 | lebellium | because of those brakets |
22:14:31 | cpu_ | sorry I forgot how to use irc properly since last time I was using it 5 yrs+ |
22:14:44 | __builtin | [Stain] |
22:15:44 | cpu_ | cheers for help with this I'm going to use ZX100 now as I have hard nut to crack if there's any reason to buy this fiio x5iii now... |
22:16:09 | wodz | pamaury: http://pastie.org/10988887 |
22:16:37 | fs-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 1d7f604, 255 builds, 18 clients. |
22:17:31 | | Join michaelni [0] (~michael@213-47-41-20.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) |
22:17:55 | lebellium | cpu_: great :) |
22:20:22 | | Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
22:20:49 | | Quit cpu_ (Quit: Page closed) |
22:22:45 | pamaury | wodz: indeed, 0xc is shp on e470, which contains destination, then modelid, I don't know why, sysinfo contains info on the hardware, I'll have a look. Node 0x5 if 'fmp' |
22:22:53 | pamaury | so now we know that fmp is fm tuning info |
22:23:37 | pamaury | wodz: can you read the fmp node on your E470 ? |
22:23:45 | pamaury | scsitool /dev/sdX get_dnk_nvp fmp |
22:24:54 | fs-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 497 seconds. |
22:24:55 | fs-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision 1d7f604 result: All green |
22:25:49 | lebellium | pamaury: ready for your build instructions |
22:26:38 | wodz | pamaury: not now, but I'll try when I get a chance |
22:28:20 | pamaury | lebellium: ah good, so let's start with the E580 because I haven't add te A15 yet. so grab g#1481 |
22:28:22 | fs-bluebot | Gerrit review #1481 at http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/1481 : Initial commit for the Sony NWZ linux port and NWZ-E460 (WIP) by Amaury Pouly |
22:29:21 | pamaury | lebellium: then go to the root of the repository, run: |
22:29:21 | pamaury | mkdir build_nwze580_bl |
22:29:21 | pamaury | cd build_nwze580_bl |
22:29:21 | pamaury | ../tools/configure |
22:29:21 | pamaury | => select E580, type B(bootloader) |
22:29:22 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
22:29:22 | pamaury | make |
22:29:24 | pamaury | then poke me |
22:29:43 | | Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving) |
22:30:37 | lebellium | pamaury: cannot merge |
22:30:56 | lebellium | I guess you need to rebase ot |
22:30:59 | lebellium | it* |
22:31:03 | pamaury | lebellium: ah damn yes, wait 5 min |
22:34:39 | pamaury | lebellium: should be fixed |
22:37:25 | lebellium | pamaury: Okay |
22:37:32 | lebellium | I selected B |
22:38:35 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:39:23 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
22:41:35 | pamaury | tell me when make is done |
22:42:30 | lebellium | In file included from <command-line>:0:0: |
22:42:32 | lebellium | /home/ubuntu/rockbox/firmware/export/config.h:590:32: fatal error: config/sonynwze580.h: No such file or directory |
22:42:33 | lebellium | #include "config/sonynwze580.h" |
22:42:38 | lebellium | what did I wrong again |
22:42:55 | pamaury | ah, I most probably forgot to add a file |
22:42:58 | pamaury | wait a minute |
22:44:18 | pamaury | lebellium: I updated g#1481 |
22:44:19 | fs-bluebot | Gerrit review #1481 at http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/1481 : Initial commit for the Sony NWZ linux port and NWZ-E460 (WIP) by Amaury Pouly |
22:44:23 | pamaury | update and re-run make |
22:46:08 | pamaury | yeah, my third build client is back \o/ |
22:47:42 | lebellium | make done |
22:50:59 | pamaury | lebellium: good, now run: (still from within build_nwze580_bl) |
22:50:59 | pamaury | make -C ../rbutil/mknwzboot/ |
22:50:59 | pamaury | ../rbutil/mknwzboot/mknwzboot -b bootloader-nwze580.sony -o NW_WM_FW.UPG |
22:51:55 | lebellium | If I didn't listen you and made E580/build_nwze580_bl I assume I should type ../../ at the beginning of each command? |
22:52:03 | lebellium | listen to* |
22:52:09 | pamaury | yes |
22:53:29 | lebellium | make: Entering directory `/home/ubuntu/rockbox/rbutil/mknwzboot' |
22:53:31 | lebellium | make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. |
22:53:56 | pamaury | damn it, I forgot yet another file :-/ |
22:54:39 | pamaury | lebellium: I just updated the gerrit again |
22:54:45 | pamaury | update and re-run the last command |
22:54:52 | pamaury | sorry for that |
22:58:14 | lebellium | http://pastebin.com/Uy5FD4Ky |
22:59:02 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (~jethead71@d192-24-173-177.try.wideopenwest.com) |
23:00 |
23:01:06 | pamaury | hum, this is weird, looks like you don't have crypto++ I think. Did you build scsitool in this VM already or not ? |
23:01:32 | lebellium | well I used it before you released the windows version of the tool |
23:01:49 | lebellium | but I didn't update it |
23:02:46 | pamaury | lebellium: can you run: |
23:02:46 | pamaury | make -C ../rbutil/mknwzboot/ clean |
23:02:46 | pamaury | make -C ../rbutil/mknwzboot/ V=1 |
23:02:46 | pamaury | and pastebin the entire result |
23:04:47 | lebellium | http://pastebin.com/VZ59BUwd |
23:05:14 | pamaury | lebellium: can you run |
23:05:15 | pamaury | pkg-config −−libs libcrypto++ |
23:06:06 | lebellium | within the same directory? Just gave that |
23:06:14 | lebellium | ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~/rockbox/E580/build_nwze580_bl$ pkg-config −−libs libcrypto++ |
23:06:16 | lebellium | -lcrypto++ |
23:06:40 | pamaury | ah damn, that sounds like a stupid ordering problem of the old gcc |
23:08:29 | pamaury | lebellium: just updated gerrit |
23:08:31 | pamaury | try again |
23:17:16 | lebellium | I don't have /home/ubuntu/rockbox/firmware/target/hosted/sonynwz/ anymore |
23:20:08 | pamaury | I must have done something very wrong then |
23:21:44 | pamaury | lebellium: updated, try again |
23:21:49 | | Quit paulk-collins (Remote host closed the connection) |
23:21:50 | pamaury | We'll get there, eventually |
23:23:45 | pamaury | that must be a consequence of the screw up when I created a new task instead of updating the old one |
23:25:22 | lebellium | In file included from /home/ubuntu/rockbox/bootloader/common.c:23:0: |
23:25:23 | lebellium | /home/ubuntu/rockbox/firmware/export/font.h:36:21: fatal error: sysfont.h: No such file or directory |
23:25:25 | lebellium | #include "sysfont.h" |
23:25:54 | __builtin | that happens to me a lot |
23:26:01 | __builtin | try a non-parallel build |
23:26:43 | pamaury | __builtin: really ? that never happens to me |
23:26:53 | pamaury | if it does, it means the makefile needs some fixing |
23:30:07 | pamaury | lebellium: does it work if you do a non-parallel build as __builtin suggests ? |
23:30:43 | lebellium | I'm afraid you'll have to make it clearer to me |
23:32:02 | pamaury | make clean |
23:32:03 | pamaury | make |
23:32:19 | pamaury | you are in build_nwze580_bl ? |
23:32:37 | lebellium | yep |
23:32:48 | pamaury | then: |
23:32:48 | pamaury | make clean |
23:32:48 | pamaury | make |
23:33:22 | __builtin | pamaury: only on a clean build, and even then it's not 100% |
23:35:00 | lebellium | damn, it's building a build instead of the bootloader |
23:35:32 | * | pamaury is confused about what lebellium did |
23:35:39 | pamaury | okay let's start again |
23:36:05 | pamaury | in build_nwze580_bl, run: |
23:36:05 | pamaury | ../tools/configure |
23:36:05 | pamaury | select E580 then B |
23:36:05 | pamaury | make clean |
23:36:05 | pamaury | make |
23:36:17 | lebellium | I did (A)vanced. Just press enter to quit it and then "make clean" and "make" |
23:36:43 | pamaury | You want (B)ootloader for the bootloader |
23:36:58 | lebellium | I know |
23:37:07 | lebellium | but I was looking for what is a non-parallel build! |
23:37:44 | pamaury | parallel builds are controller by the -j flag to make |
23:37:44 | pamaury | make -j3 => build 3 in paralle |
23:37:44 | pamaury | make => not parallel |
23:38:08 | lebellium | ah! I usually type "make - j" to compile but this time used "make" as you suggested |
23:38:59 | lebellium | make done |
23:39:17 | * | __builtin should probably figure that problem out |
23:40:07 | lebellium | [INFO] Bootloader file for Sony NWZ-E580 Series |
23:40:08 | lebellium | Result: 0 |
23:40:23 | lebellium | I got the UPG! |
23:40:27 | pamaury | lebellium: make -j is not great because it causes make to spawns as make instances as it wants, sometimes it's counter-productive |
23:40:32 | pamaury | lebellium: good |
23:40:43 | pamaury | now, copy the UPG to the root of your device |
23:41:12 | __builtin | usually you should do make -j "number of CPU cores" + 1 |
23:41:20 | pamaury | and using scsitool to do a firmware upgrade: |
23:41:20 | pamaury | scsitool F: do_fw_upgrade (windows) |
23:41:20 | pamaury | scsitool /dev/sdX do_fw_upgrade (linux) |
23:41:56 | | Quit Bilgus (Quit: Leaving) |
23:41:59 | lebellium | no one here ever told me I shouldn't use "make -j" :( |
23:42:18 | | Join Bilgus [0] (~WW@cpe-174-102-17-217.cinci.res.rr.com) |
23:42:22 | __builtin | now you know ;) |
23:45:52 | lebellium | I trusted the wiki |
23:46:02 | lebellium | If you have a multicore processor, you might want to use it to its full potential to build faster : |
23:46:03 | lebellium | $ make -j |
23:47:07 | __builtin | hmm, someone should fix that |
23:47:24 | lebellium | https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/HowToCompile |
23:47:43 | lebellium | pamaury: awesome! I just need to compile a RB build now :) |
23:47:46 | | Quit ender` (Quit: Engineers think that equations approximate the real world. Scientists think that the real world approximates equations. Mathematicians are unable to make the connection.) |
23:47:47 | pamaury | lebellium: |
23:47:49 | pamaury | yes |
23:48:25 | pamaury | so same process: |
23:48:25 | pamaury | mkdir build_nwze580 |
23:48:25 | pamaury | cd build_nwze580 |
23:48:25 | pamaury | ../tools/configure |
23:48:25 | pamaury | select E580, (N)ormal |
23:48:27 | pamaury | make fullzip |
23:48:29 | pamaury | and then unzip it on your device |
23:49:03 | lebellium | yep |
23:49:05 | lebellium | that I know |
23:49:08 | lebellium | at least :P |
23:51:24 | lebellium | pamaury: I'm surprised the boot screen comes after the "checking the library". I though this was part of the OF only |
23:52:22 | pamaury | lebellium: no, library is handled by the system manager, there is no way around it |
23:52:36 | lebellium | this one is strange |
23:52:37 | pamaury | lebellium: do you confirm the keys work in the bootloader (ie you can select OF/RB/debug) |
23:52:40 | lebellium | CC lib/rbcodec/codecs/vorbis.c |
23:52:41 | lebellium | /home/ubuntu/rockbox/lib/rbcodec/codecs/vorbis.c: In function ‘codec_run’: |
23:52:43 | lebellium | /home/ubuntu/rockbox/lib/rbcodec/codecs/vorbis.c:125:9: warning: variable ‘error’ might be clobbered by ‘longjmp’ or ‘vfork’ [-Wclobbered] |
23:52:44 | lebellium | int error = CODEC_ERROR; |
23:52:46 | lebellium | ^ |
23:52:51 | pamaury | yeah ignore that |
23:52:54 | lebellium | pamaury: yes I can confirm that |
23:53:10 | lebellium | already tried the 3 options |
23:54:00 | pamaury | hum, for some reason the bootloader works on my E460 and E580 but on the E450 there is something wrong |
23:54:01 | pamaury | sigh |
23:57:12 | lebellium | hum it freezes when I select Rockbox |
23:58:21 | | Quit petur (Quit: Leaving) |