00:00:42 | lebellium | looks stable for now. I need to try a bit more I think to be really sure. I'll tell you the next days |
00:05:07 | lebellium | https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7z2DypmySvnaERrYWlLQnJCUnM/view?usp=sharing |
00:05:11 | lebellium | thank you and good night! |
00:05:49 | | Quit cohokiller673 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
00:06:06 | pamaury | great :) the A15 it looks nice |
00:06:16 | pamaury | we just need to fix sound really |
00:06:40 | lebellium | well, it's not that important on a DAP |
00:06:41 | | Quit ender` (Quit: Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced. — Gehm's Corollary to Clarke's Third Law) |
00:06:43 | lebellium | we don't buy them for sound |
00:06:45 | lebellium | \o/ |
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00:13:30 | __builtin | yeah, who needs sound? ;) |
00:13:48 | __builtin | the only thing sound does is annoy me when it doesn't work in a plugin... grr |
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01:07:21 | chrisjj | Bilgus, re ZEN lua fail, no I wasn't using an old release. I was using the recent dev build simulator from Rasher. |
01:08:52 | Bilgus | I assumed you had been since we had that discussion a few days earlier, So IDK pamaury says it is exported and it works in my sim SOO..???? |
01:10:45 | chrisjj | I saw pamaury say 'Bilgus: maybe you could export the rb table to a file to see if it is indeed exported' |
01:11:24 | Bilgus | There'd be no point in me doing it |
01:11:51 | chrisjj | What's your ZEN sim version? |
01:12:25 | | Quit petur (Quit: Leaving) |
01:12:52 | Bilgus | https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/PluginLua -> API |
01:12:52 | Bilgus | The plugin API and some Rockbox C functions are directly exposed in the rb table. Have a look at the source code for more info (like plugin.h and others). |
01:12:53 | Bilgus | To generate a /rb.txt file containing the keys of the rb object, you can run this code: |
01:13:06 | Bilgus | my sim iswhatever head is at |
01:14:09 | chrisjj | My sim is ZEN 2016-12-18 04:08 CET Build 3ee7972 at http://rasher.dk/rockbox/simulator/ |
01:14:34 | chrisjj | Why code shall I run? |
01:15:56 | chrisjj | Soory. What code shall I run? |
01:16:57 | Bilgus | its at that page under the header API |
01:21:28 | chrisjj | OK, BTW, on a real ZEN, that .lua http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php/topic,24605.msg238642.html#msg238642 when run makes the device non-responsive for about 6s, with no screen activity. |
01:21:40 | chrisjj | But at least no error msg! :-) |
01:23:46 | chrisjj | Here's the code output: http://pastebin.com/tkMTcS5m |
01:25:01 | Bilgus | well it sure isn't there could you also run it on the actual device too? |
01:25:30 | chrisjj | OK... |
01:27:00 | chrisjj | From real device: http://pastebin.com/H6hdMbud |
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01:28:50 | Bilgus | Huh it is in the list on the actual device I'm gonna say its a wonky sim.. you can download an ubuntu VM on rb.org to allow you to compile your own everything |
01:31:42 | chrisjj | Wonky sim?? I wonder how that's possible. |
01:31:57 | chrisjj | Is your sim Windows? |
01:32:42 | __builtin | chrisjj: the best bet would be to compile your own |
01:32:58 | chrisjj | Not if I want the same binary as others :-) |
01:34:17 | chrisjj | Your sim is different from rashers, and I don't want to add a third variant! |
01:34:28 | chrisjj | Is your sim Windows? |
01:34:53 | chrisjj | s/Your sim/Bilgus' sim/ |
01:35:05 | chrisjj | x2 |
01:36:45 | __builtin | chrisjj: as long as two sims are built from the same source functionality ought to be identical |
01:38:31 | chrisjj | Indeed, so there's no advantage in me rebuilding rashers. |
01:38:35 | __builtin | and plus, you can apply patches without bugging devs for them ;) |
01:38:48 | | Quit chrisb (Remote host closed the connection) |
01:39:06 | chrisjj | When have you ever known me to bug a dev for a patch? :-) |
01:39:53 | __builtin | rather frequently, actually... |
01:42:45 | chrisjj | Oh, you mean a non-existent patch? |
01:43:40 | __builtin | no, I mean builds or build assistance |
01:44:49 | chrisjj | Not me, chum. The only builds I've asked for is those pamaury wants me to test. I've never asked for build assistance. I don't build. I have enough builds to run without adding my own! :-) |
01:45:17 | __builtin | [19:18:16] <chrisjj> __builtin: Can you help me find this past ZEN cd8b33327c9 build on rockbox.org? |
01:48:04 | chrisjj | That's asking where to find an existing build. How can I compile my own while I don't have that source? |
01:49:00 | __builtin | it's trivial to search for a commit by hash, if you knew how to build and use git |
01:50:09 | chrisjj | No doubt. |
01:50:45 | chrisjj | And how is someone who doesn't build find this existing build? |
01:51:59 | __builtin | my whole point here is that you /should/ build your own builds instead of relying on someone else to provide them to you because it alleviates the burden on said person |
01:56:20 | chrisjj | What alleviates the burden on said person pamaury is me testing his ZEN builds. Me testing my builds doesn't help at all, esp since these ZEN commits aren't yet in the master. |
01:59:21 | chrisjj | cd8b33327c9 is a special case in that (until I find it) I don't actually know whether it reached the master. |
02:00 |
02:10:28 | Bilgus | there are patches as well which are pretty trivial to apply and pretty cool |
02:24:18 | chrisjj | The patches I'd like are ones to fix bugs and out-of-date documentation. I don't see many of those outside the master :-) |
02:25:14 | chrisjj | What would you say is coolest patch? |
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05:51:58 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
05:51:58 | * | man_in_shack waves |
05:52:27 | man_in_shack | looking for a player with bluetooth and microsd. any suggestions? :) |
05:55:00 | man_in_shack | so far the creative zen x-fi3 looks like an option, but rockbox site doesn't mention anything about bluetooth |
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06:30:43 | comradekingu | man_in_shack: dragonbox pyra |
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06:50:56 | Bilgus | I'm pretty sure RB doesn't do bluetooth Yet |
06:54:16 | Bilgus | That archos player is a weird little bugger I guess that is what you get with a 17 year old device, Are there any still surviving?? |
06:54:40 | Bilgus | Better yet is there anyone still using these? |
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08:25:59 | pixelma | Bilgus: I use my Ondio from time to time: it's small has a good sound quality and since I can exchange the batteries it doesn't have the problem that my c200 with an aged lithium battery has |
08:28:37 | pixelma | I haven't updated the Rockbox version on it for quite some time though... :\ |
08:29:27 | pixelma | actually... that is true for my other two targets as well |
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11:27:13 | pamaury | man_in_shack: bluetooth is not supported at the moment, so if you really want bluetooth to work right now, xfi3 might not be your best option (unless you use the original firmware) |
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11:52:53 | * | man_in_shack flails |
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12:26:40 | wodz | pamaury: I did quick look at SpiderApp yesterday and I don't see private v4l2 ioctls to be used. I might miss something however |
12:28:36 | pamaury | probably the OF is using the v4l2 standard interface then |
12:30:29 | wodz | That would be good. |
12:30:56 | wodz | I am not sure how rds is handled by standard v4l2 |
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12:45:26 | pamaury | wodz: https://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Radio_Data_System_(RDS) |
12:45:57 | pamaury | According to V4L2 specifications, raw data from RDS decoders is read from the radio device. Data consists of blocks where each block is 3 bytes long. All decoding has to be done in user space. |
12:49:43 | wodz | hmm, need to check what sony's drivers do on read() |
12:52:36 | dongs | pamaury: 4/8gb flash shipping to me tomorrow, will have it sometime next week. |
12:53:06 | pamaury | dongs: ok :) |
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12:59:07 | chrisjj | man_in_shack: On ZEN X-Fi 3, I really suggest try before you buy. For me the UI is unendurably bad. Compared to ZEN classic, the left-right and shortcut buttons are gone, those that remains are manky touch type rather than clicky, and the screen is diminished. |
13:00 |
13:00:03 | chrisjj | Accurately negative review here: http://www.trustedreviews.com/creative-zen-x-fi-3-review |
13:03:07 | pamaury | yeah the buttons of that thing are really confusing |
13:29:21 | chrisjj | So sad that Creative totally dropped the ball after the X-Fi #1. At least one good result of them pulling out of DAPs is that they'll be shipping no more rubbish to tarnish the memory of the awesomely good ZEN classic! :-) |
13:38:11 | man_in_shack | guess we need to design our own rockbox player hardware |
13:38:15 | man_in_shack | with blackjack, and hookers |
13:41:27 | | Join ZincAlloy [0] (~Adium@2a02:8108:8b80:1700:85d3:6780:a19d:dde7) |
13:43:14 | ungali | And a 2 week battery life |
13:49:31 | chrisjj | pamaury: I'm interested to know the reason for your 'right after power down' (before 'start battery_bench again') https://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20161216#22:14:30 . |
13:50:01 | chrisjj | I thought the powered-down ZEN (and I guess other models) is totally inert, so I can't see what influence a delay could have. |
13:52:34 | pamaury | chrisjj: that was an obvious mistake, I meant after power up |
13:54:55 | wodz | man_in_shack: You are welcome to do so |
14:00 |
14:00:25 | wodz | do we actually use tuner_dbg_info() somewhere (by tuner I mean si4700, tea, etc.) |
14:00:52 | pamaury | wodz: in debug menu ? |
14:01:23 | wodz | ah, yest in debug_menu.c |
14:01:37 | pamaury | chrisjj: I think Creative went the wrong way, they focused on the touch (X-Fi2, touch 2, X-Fi3) and that was not a good idea |
14:06:05 | chrisjj | Re battery_bench, thanks - I updated https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/CreativeZENPort?rev=24#Battery_Calibration |
14:06:28 | chrisjj | Re Creative, agreed 100%. |
14:11:40 | chrisjj | Re battery_bench https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/CreativeZENPort?rev=24#Battery_Calibration '[right after power [up]] start battery_bench again' ... |
14:13:02 | chrisjj | ... I'm unsure what power-up you are expecting. Charging an empty ZEN shows the /OF/ charging image. |
14:13:32 | chrisjj | RB doesn't launch. |
14:14:27 | chrisjj | Some time must pass in the OF before a power key press will launch RB, and the user can't tell except by trying. |
14:14:50 | pamaury | as you as you can run RB basically |
14:15:05 | pamaury | *as soon as |
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14:18:54 | chrisjj | OK, got you. Shame there's no direct way of discovering when this is. Plus that battery_bench.txt doesn't record it. |
14:23:49 | chrisjj | It is normal for a RB port to use the OF for from-empty charging? |
14:35:45 | pamaury | we don't control it |
14:36:18 | pamaury | some creative codes executes before out bootloader, if it decides to stop and charge, rockbox is not even ran |
14:37:01 | * | pamaury is mis-spelling everything today |
14:37:07 | pamaury | hopefully you got the idea |
14:38:25 | pamaury | it's actually a common reference of the sigmatel/freescale SDK: very early at boot the code stop to charge when battery is super low. Some just stack with a dark screen, so display a nice screen |
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14:47:56 | chrisjj | OK, thanks. I hadn't realised the RB bootloader is unable to get in first. |
15:00 |
15:04:31 | chrisjj | pamaury: know anything about the suggestion that ZEN model may have one of two different LCDs? |
15:05:47 | chrisjj | I have a unit that is fine on OF but on RB crashes or overlays a scatter of coloured dots, and wonder if you might find it useful for debugging. |
15:07:54 | pamaury | afaik, the ZEN only has one LCD model, at least the code only knows about one model only |
15:08:34 | pamaury | so either it's another problem, or Creative introduced a second LCD with a different firmware and I REd the firmware that didn't have support for both |
15:10:40 | chrisjj | You read the firmware that didn't have support for both... when reverse engineering LCD drive?? |
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15:12:35 | pamaury | chrisjj: in the firmware that I reverse engineered, there was code for only one LCD. |
15:12:49 | chrisjj | OK, got it. Know which version? |
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15:16:03 | pamaury | hum, actually the init is done in the creative bootloader. I can't find the file for the ZEN, I have the IDA file for the ZEN X-Fi firmware ZENXFI_PCFW_L22_1_04_08e.exe |
15:17:33 | pamaury | chrisjj: what is the latest ZEN firmware ? |
15:17:47 | chrisjj | Ah, not easy to say for sure, but... |
15:18:00 | pamaury | On my computer I have ZEN_PCFW_L22_1_21_03e_rk.mk |
15:18:27 | pamaury | (just want to know cause if I'm going to have a peek at the ZEN bootloader again, better do it on the latest version) |
15:19:05 | chrisjj | ... probably ZEN_PCFW_L22_1_21_03.exe (US) or the European variant ZEN_PCFW_L22_1_21_03e.exe . |
15:21:16 | chrisjj | These are the latest I have seen, and the current on the Creative site. There's only a small chance that the report I saw of a higher version number is just an error in the number. |
15:21:56 | pamaury | ok let me see |
15:23:10 | chrisjj | US is preferred, since it output 6dB more than the European one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zen_(portable_media_player)#Territory_variants |
15:23:48 | chrisjj | Oops, correction: There's only a small chance that the report I saw of a higher version number is NOT just an error in the number. |
15:32:24 | pamaury | chrisjj: on first sign, the code is exactly the same, only one LCD supported |
15:32:38 | pamaury | I'll double check if the init sequence is really the same |
15:32:40 | pamaury | but later |
15:32:46 | chrisjj | Which version? |
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15:34:31 | pamaury | ZEN_PCFW_L22_1_21_03e.exe |
15:34:33 | dongs | hm creative zen eh |
15:34:39 | dongs | i got a bunch of those too |
15:34:40 | dongs | are tehy any good? |
15:34:59 | dongs | they were kinda big for my purposes |
15:37:58 | chrisjj | OK, I suggest instead use ZEN_PCFW_L22_1_21_03.exe , the US version. AFAIK this is identical except for the higher output level, but given the 03e's level is lower that many would like and people can and do reflash to 03, then 03 will be bar far the better choice if your embed it in the RB .nk. |
15:39:34 | pamaury | does your mysterious ZEN with funny lcd works with the 03e version ? |
15:40:05 | chrisjj | I never tried. I can do. |
15:42:39 | chrisjj | Here's that preferred ZEN firmware for you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m0trqsfbael10if/ZEN_PCFW_L22_1_21_03.exe?dl=0 |
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15:47:06 | chrisjj | Before I revert the mysterious ZEN (Unit N) to the OF, is the data abort info any use in your debugger? This 100% reproducible on 45697a0bf-161212 (the first otherwise successful LCD fix) and who knows could perhaps pinpoint an edge case for you. |
15:47:46 | pamaury | probably not, unless you have a procedure to reproduce it that works on my ZEN X-Fi |
15:47:58 | pamaury | ok does it only happen on this unit ? |
15:50:28 | | Quit ungali (Quit: ungali) |
15:51:54 | chrisjj | I have a procedure to send the unit to you in the post ;) |
15:53:23 | chrisjj | Yes, this unit is the only ZEN<any> of the many I have tested to show this or similar data abort (and the only one to show the dotty overlay). |
15:54:23 | chrisjj | But I doubt it is faulty since it runs all tested functions of the OF fine i.e. identically with test units that don't abort/dottify on RB. |
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16:02:55 | chrisjj | Here's a sample of the aborts: http://pastebin.com/8QByrMDh |
16:05:52 | chrisjj | BTW, even the data abort screen shots the colours dots. |
16:06:03 | * | chrisjj leaves for work |
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22:51:41 | __builtin | hmm... this is a very weird "bug" |
22:52:13 | __builtin | is there any reason why playback would stop upon entering a plugin apart from it asking for the audio buffer? |
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22:57:15 | pamaury | __builtin: I'm not sure, I don't remember if entering a plugin always stops playback or not |
22:57:30 | __builtin | it shouldn't, by default at least |
22:58:00 | | Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) |
23:00 |
23:02:52 | [Saint] | No, it shouldn't, you're right. |
23:03:43 | __builtin | hmm... |
23:04:55 | __builtin | the weirdest part is that it doesn't stop in the simulator |
23:06:39 | [Saint] | well, I tend to think that the simulator is absolutely useless in many regard for debugging playback and buffer related things. |
23:07:35 | gevaerts | If you can get it working, running the sim in valgrind might be helpful |
23:07:39 | [Saint] | SDL hosted builds with a buffer and resolution set to match the target you're comparing against would likely be more useful in this regard. |
23:08:22 | __builtin | gevaerts: if only :/ |
23:08:23 | [Saint] | IIUC playback and buffering have some pretty fundamental differences in the simulator. |
23:09:03 | gevaerts | Also check for a stray rb->audio_stop() inside #ifndef SIMULATOR |
23:09:15 | | Join fs-bluebot [0] (~fs-bluebo@xd9baf6fc.dyn.telefonica.de) |
23:10:14 | __builtin | the only thing that /might/ stop playback is a call to plugin_get_audio_buffer() in the malloc OOM handler |
23:10:39 | __builtin | but that has splash()es all around it and it's definitely not that |
23:12:28 | __builtin | alright, looks like something is putting Q_AUDIO_STOP in the playback queue |
23:14:31 | __builtin | good thing is there's only 3 places in the code that do that |
23:14:47 | [Saint] | time for some LOGF sprinkling. |
23:15:21 | gevaerts | I might go for panic sprinkling, hoping to be on a target that has stack dump on panic code |
23:15:37 | __builtin | ARM doesn't, right? |