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#rockbox log for 2017-05-08

00:26:41DEBUGLost contact with server (snapshot: dancer.c line 124)
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03:32:59pamauryarg, the recording menu thing is a huge hack seriously
03:33:26pamaurythe manual says you can access the settings menu by holding, for example Long ButtonBack
03:34:04__builtinwe've never exactly prided ourselves on quality UX, have we? ;)
03:34:09pamaurybut in fact this only works because 1) the settings menu only appears when recording is paused 2) short ButtonBack pauses audio.
03:34:09pamauryThus a long ButtonBack first pauses audio, and then shows the settings menu.
03:35:29*pamaury documents this in the manual
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03:53:42*[Saint] sighs
03:54:14[Saint]I really wish the theme engine was more than a skinning engine and actually allowed for UI overlays.
03:55:15[Saint]There's some aspects of the menu I can govern with the theme engine, others are just plain off limits.
03:55:31[Saint]Mostly due to not being able to tell when they have fired.
03:55:46[Saint]Context menus put a spanner in the works.
03:55:59[Saint]And plugin onplay menus.
03:56:49[Saint]Basically, what I'm saying is, I'm sorry - but all I can do is dress mutton up like ham.
03:57:16[Saint]Something something, putting lipstick on a pig.
04:26:19 Quit krabador (Quit: Leaving)
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05:23:25prof_wolfffbluebrother: mks5lboot is updated on gerrit g#1606, see the commit message for detailed changes, g#1267 and g#1268 are also updated, mks5lboot and rbutil w/IOKit are tested on OS X 10.11, also MXE builds are tested on Windows
05:23:31fs-bluebotGerrit review #1606 at : mks5lboot: updates by Cástor Muñoz
05:23:31fs-bluebotGerrit review #1267 at : rbutil: add function to suspend/resume processes by Cástor Muñoz
05:23:32fs-bluebotGerrit review #1268 at : rbutil: add support for iPod Classic 6G bootloader. by Cástor Muñoz
05:24:35[Saint]One thing I'd like to do for 4.0 is unify the iPod bootloaders a bit.
05:25:03[Saint]I want them to have somewhat of a parity with prof_wolfff's 6g bootloader.
05:25:24[Saint]At least in so far as bootloader USB and deep discharge protection.
05:26:09[Saint]Definitely the latter. Bootloader USB is arguably kinda superfluous on an iPod.
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10:09:18gevaertssaratoga: you need a lot more than just PID/VID. People who want itunes sync really have to reboot anyway
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11:51:11user890104does anyone have an idea why a thread created with rb->create_thread does not run at all? i set the flags to 0 (so it's not frozen), and get the thread id as a result
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11:58:31pamauryuser890104: does your plugin yield() sometimes?
11:58:42pamaurymaybe show the code if it's not too complicated
11:59:04user890104pamaury: it's a x86 emulator, so it's a bit complicated :)
11:59:16user890104ok, i think i spotted what's wrong
11:59:45*pamaury is not sure he approves an x86 emulator on rockbox but won't judge
12:00:23gevaertsI want an emulator in rockbox for a platform that's powerful enough to run rockbox
12:00:44user890104ipod classic should be powerful enough
12:01:09gevaertsSomeone write an AJB emulator!
12:01:46pixelmaemulating the MAS?
12:02:00pamaurygevaerts: port qemu ;)
12:02:45*user890104 is porting fake86
12:02:48gevaertspamaury: I did say "someone"!
12:02:56gevaertspixelma: it would save HWCODEC!
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12:05:11user890104pamaury: please keep in mind that it's still very ugly: user890104/rockbox/commits/fake86_v1">
12:05:28user890104the thread-related bits are in main.c
12:06:00user890104and it has a Windows-style hardcoded path
12:07:09pamauryuser890104: did you fix your thread problem?
12:07:23user890104no, it still doesn't work
12:08:05user890104at line 277 i create the thread, then there's the while loop that calls yield()
12:08:16pamauryhow many threads do you create?
12:08:20user890104but the thread still doesn't start (it has a printf() at the beginning)
12:08:28user890104one here, and one in video.c
12:08:33pamauryrockbox has a fixed number of thread. I'm not sure what happens if you create too many
12:08:51*pamaury disappears for dinner
12:09:14pamaurymaybe try adding #define EXTRA_THREAD in target define (grep is your friend)
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12:44:04jhMikeSthat's "TARGET_EXTRA_THREADS"
12:49:59user890104i set it to 10, but it doesn't look like this is the problem
12:54:45user890104ah, found it!
12:54:54user890104the videothread doesn't yield() at all
12:55:09jhMikeSwho here can delete a gerrit account? there's this old account I made while messing around with a yahoo id and it's now interfering with using it since I can't link the email to my normal identity (it's in use by the other I don't care about)
13:03:20pamauryjhMikeS: not sure, also the gerrit users are messed up
13:04:40jhMikeSgerrit got really picky all of a sudden about identity. I can't even link the identity to my usual one.
13:05:18jhMikeSI can't push or edit anything now because of it
13:05:37 Quit robertd1 (Quit: Leaving.)
13:08:23pamauryjhMikeS: no one can push, it seems like gerrit duplicated ever user and can't link them
13:17:24jhMikeSpamaury: you mean push from it, not push to it, right? the latter works, not the former
13:17:57pamauryyes push from it
13:18:25pamauryyou can always push from to it or directly to mainline with git
13:21:12jhMikeSI think I did a couple direct without issue
13:23:10jhMikeSI guess anything since Mar 22!
13:25:24*jhMikeS has the ubuntu VM now, let's see what happens...
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15:19:47cc___hello people
15:19:57cc___what's wrong with my install ?
15:30:29gevaertsIs this a device that already had rockbox installed?
15:30:47gevaertsIt fails when unpacking the doom files, I'm not sure why
15:31:29gevaertsBut I imagine it *could* be caused by the files already being there and due to some mount options (possibly involving utf-8) case-sensitivity behaving weirdly
15:32:30gevaertsWhat does "ls -l '/media/SANSA FUZE/.rockbox/doom/'" show?
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16:08:33cc___gevaerts: hum on an other computer it worked without issues
16:08:44cc___maybe a diskspace problem somewhere
16:08:53cc___where are the .zip files put ?
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16:12:13gevaerts/tmp/rbutil-cache I think
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17:13:35user890104 - it's alive!
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20:25:16gevaertsDoes it run doom?
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20:46:36user890104gevaerts: let me see
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21:08:51 Join mendelmunkis [0] (18e4fcdc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:15:01mendelmunkisRunning make in mkimxboot returns an error from libtools.make. Do I need an older version of make?
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21:20:35mendelmunkisSorry for bothering you, The issue was a space in the path to the source
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22:31:32__builtinuser890104: nice!
22:32:14__builtinI'm expecting to see wolfenstein running soon
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22:37:15user890104__builtin: i may need some help, at the moment it crashes the simulator on plugin exit
22:37:23user890104so i'm doing something wrong
22:37:38__builtinwhere is the printf() function defined?
22:38:28__builtinor are you relying on the system printf?
22:38:39user890104looks like i'm using the system one
22:38:56user890104which prints the debug info to stdout
22:39:10__builtinhow is text rendered to the screen?
22:39:18__builtinI want to figure out what's making it squish together
22:39:19user890104let me push the latest changes
22:39:45user890104it's very hacky and built to the minimum in order to work at all
22:40:05user890104i'm going to split it to several commits if i'm going to submit it
22:40:45user890104and remove the networking/serial port/disney sound source emulation
22:40:45__builtinit makes more sense to bundle a plugin as a single commit IMO
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22:42:31user890104my github fork is for experiments, i'll need to learn how to use gerrit and submit patches there
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22:45:12 Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: "It's now safe to turn off your computer.")
22:49:09user890104__builtin: see render.c, line 291
22:49:32user890104the text is rendered by the bios
22:50:23__builtinah, so it's because of the scaling?
22:51:23user890104probably, i'm using the fastest algorithm
22:51:49user890104there are 3 functions: stretchblit, doubleblit and roughblit
22:52:23__builtinthe plugin library has a very good scaling function available, see apps/plugins/lib/pluginlib_bmp.h
22:52:52user890104ok, i could use that
22:53:19__builtinthe pixel formats have to be in the player's native format for that function to work, though
22:53:45__builtinit depends on the target
22:54:06__builtinideally you'd write the code so it's generic enough to work for any format
22:56:07user890104i'm not sure how usable it would be on targets with slow cpu
22:57:09__builtinyou're trying to run DOS on a device with 5 buttons, so usability shouldn't be your concern right now :P
22:58:59user8901045 buttons, scroll wheel and a hold switch
22:59:26user890104locking then unlocking of the hold switch will trigger a menu, like Doom
22:59:40user890104but a rockbox one, not inside the emulator
22:59:56__builtinyou could probably have a menu to type text using the native RB keyboard
22:59:56user890104where you can open the keyboard to enter text, send special keys and so on
23:00:06*__builtin nods
23:00:48user890104the final goal is to play alley cat on the ipod and have the pc speaker audio outputted through the piezo
23:01:16user890104that's what i'll need the buttons for :)
23:01:27user890104maybe the center one can open the menu then
23:01:35user890104ah no, it will be mapped to Alt
23:09:21user890104is there an API to access the piezo?
23:09:54__builtinno, there isn't
23:10:25__builtinnot accessible to a plugin, at least
23:10:57__builtinI made a patch to expose it to plugins a while ago, but it was very primitive
23:11:04__builtinall it could do was beep, I think
23:13:14user890104 void (*beep_play)(unsigned int frequency, unsigned int duration,
23:13:14user890104 unsigned int amplitude);
23:13:40__builtinit never made it to mainline
23:13:52user890104maybe it's the time to review and merge it
23:13:53__builtinthat function plays it through the headphones
23:14:04user890104yes, i figured that out
23:14:47*user890104 goes to sleep
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