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#rockbox log for 2017-07-14

00:02:26tomflinticeCalt: I'm just popping in for a second. I took it to this one ipod repair place and it literally took the guy twenty minutes to fix.
00:03:27iceCaltThe hair fine solder pins?
00:04:08tomflintyeah! He wasn't sure at first, but he called me just now to tell me to pick it up.
00:04:21iceCaltAh. Did he tell you how much he wants for it?
00:04:59tomflintwell, he said about $70CAD −− which is a lot, but still cheaper than a new board
00:05:21iceCaltSounds like a reasonable price to pay
00:06:03tomflintyeah, not too bad. I didn't think he'd have it fixed so soon. I'm leaving to get it.
00:06:19iceCaltI had the µUSB slot of my phone fixed once. Not even a year after it was broken again. Paid 20 eur for the job. But I rather be better suited with a new phone than with the S3 I have. But I most likely won't get a new phone anyways
00:06:43tomflinta Galaxy S3?
00:06:58tomflintnice! I had that phone for a few years. Its great
00:07:03iceCaltI picked up an Anker battery for it today. The 4400mAh I have is blowing up again.
00:07:11iceCaltWell, it's slow. But it is doing its job somehow.
00:07:19iceCaltI have to charge the battery with a wall socket charger.
00:07:46tomflintyeah, thats the best thing about that phone. I have about a dozen batteries for it around here
00:08:00iceCaltThey don't sell the big ones on Amazon anymore. So I have to use the standard ones.
00:08:32iceCaltAll I wait for is for my data sim card to expire and use it for steam guard only.
00:08:39tomflintthose big ones were great. The cases weren't so good, but it was nice to have a beefy battery. Did you disable the animations and stuff?
00:09:01iceCaltI disabled some things. To be honest, I don't really care about the phone that much.
00:09:03 Join bray90820 [0] (
00:09:23iceCaltI once somehow cracked the big cover.
00:09:30tomflintafter the S3 I moved back to IOS for iMessage. Other than that, I never touch the thing.
00:09:45tomflintyeah, I cracked two of those cases
00:10:11tomflintok, I need to jet to catch this guy before he closes.
00:10:14iceCaltI can't remember how I put a crack in it. Then I decided to destroy it and throw it away.
00:10:22iceCaltTake care!
00:10:25tomflintyou too
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00:58:29 Nick iceCalt is now known as iceCalt000000 (~iceCalt@
00:58:54 Nick iceCalt000000 is now known as iceCalt (~iceCalt@
01:05:04 Quit jhMikeS (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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01:12:10 Quit ender` (Quit: Kids. You gotta love them. I adore children. A little salt, a squeeze of lemon--perfect. — Harry Dresden (Jim Butcher: Storm Front))
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01:21:43 Quit iceCalt (Quit: Leaving)
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