00:01:38 | _Bilgus | which ever MBOOT bl you end up using you'll want to use these rather than the one from the other day since I tested them |
00:02:15 | _Bilgus | also if NO sd card is inserted on boot it displays ATA err -3 |
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07:10:57 | johnb2 | _Bilgus: Thanks. I will use the latest BL bin file for dd. However, I feel I was not precise in my ask: I am pretty sure it is the FW that shuts down on low voltage, not the BL. So the MBOOT FW /w Recovery & NoVoltShutdown was what I wanted, i.e. if I get it to boot I get right into the recovery to dd the BL. I can try to build that myself tonight. Thanks for testing the bin files. |
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13:14:58 | _Bilgus | johnb2 I assume you mean the recovery fw with no low batt its in the same folder |
13:35:09 | _Bilgus | also thinking about it you should be able to use regular firmware on that your sd card with that bootloader because I redirected all writes to internal back to the sdcard |
13:38:15 | _Bilgus | sorry let me rephrase with those nointernal bootloaders you should be able to start any FW from your sd card you'll still need to edit the fw to block internal drives in them but it won't need rockbox_main.clip+ nor to be a multiboot FW |
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14:02:09 | pamaury | does someone have the lsubs result of the ROM recovery? I'd like to see the difference between the two modes (30MB and the other) |
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14:15:30 | _Bilgus | maybe brb |
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14:22:17 | _Bilgus | nope can't find them |
14:27:46 | _Bilgus | I can get you one of the other mode ~960 mb |
14:36:23 | wodz | C amazes me at times! http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/duffs-device.html This is the most mind blowing C construct I stepped in a year or so |
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14:41:49 | pamaury | wodz: wow, I'm amazed this is valid C code |
14:48:50 | wodz | pamaury: I checked and compiler neatly unwinds this loop. |
14:49:22 | wodz | pamaury: Another use of such peculiar case placement is this https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/coroutines.html |
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15:06:47 | _Bilgus | hmm I thought for sure when the device was started by shorting out the chip enable it came up as 960 mb but it shows the full drive |
15:07:16 | _Bilgus | if I leave it shorted it doesn't show any drive but lsusb still returns the same info |
15:07:21 | _Bilgus | https://pastebin.com/31JFaVKp |
15:08:30 | _Bilgus | comes up as M200Plus[402] Bus 001 Device 036: ID 0781:6200 SanDisk Corp. |
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16:17:21 | CH23 | can it be that there's different recovery modes for the NAND and the SOC? |
16:24:10 | _Bilgus | I don't think we can touch the NAND directly and pretty sure it is interfaced by the SOC since i see no supporting chips |
16:25:11 | _Bilgus | M200Plus seems to be the recovery mode it is burnt into the chip |
16:26:31 | _Bilgus | the ams docs mention a usb prommer but this has been mentioned before and the spec document has never been found |
16:28:48 | pamaury | the recovery mode (M200Plus) is clearly the ROM |
16:33:35 | CH23 | you mentioned finding different recovery modes in the firmware iirc |
16:36:23 | pamaury | yeah, I guess they correspond to the 900MB mode and the 30MB mode |
16:36:48 | pamaury | but I can't tell at this point |
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16:42:10 | _Bilgus | I was thinking when I forced my device in to recovery mode it came back as 900 MB but it just exposes the whole drive |
16:42:40 | _Bilgus | Are you trying to look for the device identifiers of the 900 and 30 mb modes? |
16:43:35 | pamaury | I just wanted to know if there is a difference in the interface, that would slightly help reverse engineering of the ROM. Otherwise I'll make do without |
16:55:16 | _Bilgus | on the fuze+ hbus being 200 decreased runtime by 2.3% |
16:55:25 | _Bilgus | over normal |
16:56:02 | _Bilgus | next i'm running hbus 200 with autoslow disabled at cpu max |
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17:41:05 | CH23 | i just tried to get into recovery mode, normally working sansa clip+, by connecting the 2 empty points next to the menu button |
17:42:01 | CH23 | the way to do this is to short those 2 points, then connect to USB, or was it to power it on while shorting? |
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17:57:15 | _Bilgus | iirc its not the menu button I think its near the down button |
17:58:07 | _Bilgus | yeah just to the left of the down button |
17:58:50 | _Bilgus | unit is off to start you hold a flathead across the two points and finally plug in usb screen doesn't turn on but usb is active on PC |
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18:00:56 | _Bilgus | if you just want to access the full drive though you can just use the 'recovery' firmware I put on the forum |
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19:53:47 | CH23 | _Bilgus: the icon on the down key looks like a 'menu' icon, that's what i meant :) do you still want a 8gb sansa clip+ image? it's not a clean image though, multibootloader is installed |
19:54:57 | _Bilgus | need a clipzip 8GB image made on a windows machine, won't matter for a linux user as I discovered we can just copy the bootloader.img directly |
19:55:43 | _Bilgus | I have a 4gb clip+ and 8 gb clip+ but just a bunch of 4gb clipzips |
19:56:17 | _Bilgus | also I put the multibootloader in all of the images anyways because why not |
19:58:22 | CH23 | sorry i only have clip+'s |
19:58:42 | CH23 | also is the image different when made on windows? |
19:59:15 | _Bilgus | on windows the only way to do it is to pull the whole drive image |
19:59:43 | _Bilgus | just a limitation because of the only free software I found that can actulally image a raw drive |
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20:13:23 | CH23 | what's the difference between dd-ing /dev/sdX, or the windows equivalent? they should both be the full raw disk image, right? |
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20:28:18 | _Bilgus | dd has the ability to set a count of how much you want to pull |
20:28:44 | _Bilgus | if you set dd without a count then yes itd be the full disk image |
20:29:38 | _Bilgus | but we don't rally need to worry about anything past the bootloader since that can be formatted after if need be |
20:29:42 | _Bilgus | really* |
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20:37:41 | CH23 | knowing this could have saved me about 2 hours of my life |
20:37:53 | CH23 | better late than never :P |
20:39:04 | CH23 | is it possible to use a 4gb image on an 8gb nand? |
20:41:13 | _Bilgus | I doubt it |
20:42:25 | _Bilgus | but see we are only seeing the emulated part of the Nand everything you do is filtered through a controller that has bad blocks mapped out of the memory space and a bunch of who know s what going on |
20:43:06 | _Bilgus | thats why its doubtful even putting the same chip back will help |
20:44:17 | _Bilgus | and without information on how to access that controller there is no way to do anything with the actual NAND |
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20:51:04 | CH23 | so when we write an image to the NAND in recovery, it's not really directly written to the NAND? |
20:54:34 | _Bilgus | well sure it is its just interpreted by the controller and really its recovery in as much as you have access to the full drive to do with as you wish |
20:55:36 | _Bilgus | your flash data sheet mentions how the bad blocks are handled by the controller on page 38 NOTE the controller is external to the NAND |
20:58:13 | _Bilgus | 'The bad column address information is stored in the controller which maps each bad column address to a spare column address. There are a total of 1,024 extra bytes available per 9,192 bytes per plane. There can be up to 48 bytes of bad columns per plane at time of shipment. The remaining extra bytes can be used as EEC columns or as spare columns' |
20:59:20 | _Bilgus | oops thats 8192 sorry |
20:59:31 | pamaury | NAND flash never do bad block handling, that's always the responsability of the the layer above |
20:59:58 | pamaury | either you put a flash aware file system or a FTL to get a block interface (like SD <-> flash) |
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21:08:27 | _Bilgus | and in our case AFAICT that Flash Translation Layer is in the main chip itsself mapped at a reserved memory location 0xC607-0000 |
21:09:02 | _Bilgus | so a complete black box |
21:10:44 | pamaury | yes |
21:11:43 | pamaury | I mean not sure about that address but it looks like it's a black box on the SoC |
21:12:25 | pamaury | this address is the SD interface |
21:12:48 | pamaury | it's more likely that the SD to flash block is a separate entity that is connected to this SD interface |
21:14:00 | _Bilgus | either way we only see the tail end of the whole shebang |
21:14:49 | _Bilgus | and I'm guessing the sd address was found by reverse engineering because the thing is never mentioned in any data sheet I can find |
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21:16:26 | pamaury | yeah this is specific to the amsv2 for which we don't have the datasheet |
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21:32:20 | johnb2 | jhMikeS: Is there anything particular one should test right now with G#1702 ? |
21:32:22 | fs-bluebot_ | Gerrit review #1702 at http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/1702 : Globally convert PCM to use frame counts instead of size by Michael Sevakis |
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21:35:31 | _Bilgus | johnb2 how did your ATA fail clip+ do? |
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21:37:45 | CH23 | i thought that rockbox was on a very good standing with Austria Micro Systems? |
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21:39:26 | pamaury | afaik, they wanted to help and suddenly went radio silent |
21:39:42 | CH23 | ah that's sad |
21:39:47 | johnb3 | I compiled MBOOT FW + your EXPOSE gerrit patch + NoVOltageShutdown. Twice the clip got stuck on your init screen. Once I got it connected to USB, fdkisk showed the drive, but dd aborted after 6MB writing. However at this point, the screen showed the USB logo which I had not seen before, so I am not sure whether it was really in recovery mode. |
21:40:30 | pamaury | CH23: I might be wrong though, at least I think they ave us the datasheets of AS35{14,25,31,34} |
21:40:53 | johnb3 | Does your gerrit task include "disabling of internal init"? |
21:41:05 | pamaury | oh it's on the wiki: https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/AustriaMicrosystems |
21:41:37 | johnb3 | _Bilgus : what would I have to change to disable the internal init? |
21:42:15 | CH23 | yeah i read that, that's why i'm half surprised we don't really know anything about the clip+ apart from what you reverse engineered |
21:43:09 | _Bilgus | johnb just use the fw in the media fire folder it doesn't need to be multiboot fw to expose the drive |
21:44:00 | _Bilgus | I disabled low voltage shutdown in one of them |
21:44:14 | johnb3 | The problem is I don't get the player to boot if I don't use a MBOOT fw. And then I am not sure if I can ROLO your files. |
21:44:17 | pamaury | CH23: actually I didn't do the initial reverse engineering of the OF, just the ROM |
21:44:39 | _Bilgus | why can't you rolo the files? |
21:44:41 | pamaury | maybe because the amsv2 doesn't even have a datasheet? it seems like a monster chip made from the AS3525, remove this, add that |
21:45:27 | _Bilgus | as far as disabling the internal drive I'll push that to gerrit for you |
21:45:54 | johnb3 | 1. boot from internal doesn't work. 2. If I use the regular MBooot fw, I get the voltage shut down and can never browse to your binaries. |
21:46:30 | johnb3 | So only if I had your BL already installed I could move on. |
21:46:36 | johnb3 | Thanks that would help. |
21:47:25 | CH23 | pamaury: while we're at it, i have my clip+ in recovery, is there any more info you want from it that i could provide? |
21:48:07 | pamaury | CH23: not really, at that point I don't know what special commands it may have or how to interact with it |
21:49:48 | johnb3 | _Bilgus : right now it is again in a state where there is no sign of life at all (warm and battery charged to a certain level, because I had it connected to usb). So I need it to run empty and do the fridge trick again ;-) which will only by tomorrow. But then I will try your gerrit update. |
21:50:07 | CH23 | has anyone ever tried using a resistive value across those 2 pads used to get it into recovery? |
21:50:37 | _Bilgus | i'll just make a diff for you instead |
21:50:52 | johnb3 | fine. |
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21:53:30 | jhMikeS | johnb3: first, make sure it compiles. next run playback and recording and check it. I've got AMS 1&2, imx31, s3c2440, Coldfire, pp502x, pp5002 (and SDL app/sim) on hand so can verify those myself. |
21:59:42 | pamaury | jhMikeS: I'll check imx233, but the code looks okay |
21:59:53 | johnb3 | Checking your list, I only have additional players that run RB as an app: Samsung YP-R0, and 3 Sony Linux players. |
22:00 |
22:00:12 | johnb3 | Would that help? |
22:01:14 | johnb3 | Ah, on the sonys we don't have recording yet, do we? |
22:01:19 | _Bilgus | JOHNB https://pastebin.com/8M2K1zvr |
22:01:57 | johnb3 | That is against the lates on gerrit? |
22:02:03 | johnb3 | *latest |
22:02:37 | _Bilgus | I never pushed the NOINTERNAL stuff |
22:03:03 | _Bilgus | but yes its the same way I disabled the internal drive in the Bootloader I posted |
22:03:25 | johnb3 | I meant the pastebin is a diff against the latest gerrit? |
22:04:08 | _Bilgus | might be a bit behind but nothing has changed there |
22:04:24 | johnb3 | ok, thanks. |
22:04:47 | _Bilgus | np |
22:06:53 | jhMikeS | pamaury: I think I tweaked that one the most of any |
22:07:50 | pamaury | jhMikeS: yeah, you added some irq guards around get_peak_buf and others |
22:08:31 | jhMikeS | pamaury: also, post-increment the buffers (as it's supposed to be) |
22:10:03 | jhMikeS | There were extra calls to pcm_play/rec_lock/unlock that didn't appear required since the callback locked-out from above in pcm.c |
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22:11:00 | jhMikeS | pamaury: does PHYSICAL_ADDR give an uncached address as well? |
22:11:06 | pamaury | jhMikeS: speaking of post-increment, I don't really see the differece |
22:11:10 | pamaury | yes |
22:11:50 | pamaury | is it a problem to return an uncached address? it can be converted to cache if necessary, I don't know if the other drivers convert |
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22:12:51 | jhMikeS | no, it should do that because scanning the record buffer while DMA is writing RAM can cause invalid data to be cached |
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22:13:42 | pamaury | right that's a good point, and what about this post-increment thing? |
22:14:07 | jhMikeS | post-increment is for accuracy in reporting samples still available from the source. though, perhaps I could use pre-increment and subtract the remaining size. |
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22:15:26 | pamaury | jhMikeS: my original code did not use dac_size for reporting |
22:15:46 | pamaury | but now looking at the code, it appears pcm_get_bytes_waiting might have reported the wrong value |
22:15:55 | jhMikeS | I know, but it reported on the current tranfer, not on the state relative to the entire buffer |
22:16:33 | pamaury | ah that's true, I forgot to change this when I modified my code to split the input buffer into smaller chunks |
22:17:12 | pamaury | basically my driver was crap :-/ |
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22:25:07 | jhMikeS | pamaury: heh. anyway, imx233_dma_get_info() reads bar before ahb_bytes, which shouldn't change. it's better to underreport the count a little than to overshoot if the core registers change during readout. |
22:32:13 | CH23 | pamaury: you need the AS3525v2 datasheet, correct? |
22:33:28 | jhMikeS | CH23: aren't we using the AS3543 one for that? |
22:34:19 | pamaury | CH23: no one has it, we only have AS3525 datasheet afaik |
22:34:23 | CH23 | i'm not sure. i don't know much about NAND, or SOC, but i'm usually good at finding stuff |
22:34:27 | jhMikeS | I've got it |
22:35:03 | pamaury | jhMikeS: the datasheet of AS3525v2 ? |
22:36:15 | jhMikeS | the as3543, which was the reference. there's even a new one (v1.11): https://ams.com/kor/content/download/125308/723179/file/AS3543_Datasheet_EN_v2.pdf |
22:37:27 | pamaury | but it's just the codec part right? AS3543 is a codec not a soc |
22:37:59 | jhMikeS | yeah, that was the audio reference. |
22:39:43 | CH23 | i did find an 'AS3525-A/-B C22O22' datasheet |
22:40:38 | CH23 | is that the one you already have? |
22:41:19 | jhMikeS | I have a slew of as3525 ones |
22:41:47 | jhMikeS | also, iirc there was one other funman brought up |
22:46:25 | jhMikeS | bah, so much datasheet. was it 3527? |
22:47:09 | _Bilgus | as3527 is very similar to the 3525 |
22:48:40 | jhMikeS | one thing I never got an answer on was where info about the i2c came from (reversed or something else) |
22:49:41 | pamaury | jhMikeS: it looks like reversed |
22:50:41 | jhMikeS | I have some vague recollection of actually seeing a linux patch reference and then failing to save it :\ |
22:51:31 | pamaury | jhMikeS: actually you are right, there is a linux patch, I may still have it somewhere, I don't remember how complete it was though |
22:53:35 | jhMikeS | It no longer hits on Google. we're the only hit for anything concrete for that |
22:54:43 | pamaury | I have it |
22:55:27 | funman | there used to be a linux as3525 patch |
22:55:50 | funman | is that what you're after? |
22:57:45 | _Bilgus | linux patch https://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2006-December/018300.html |
22:58:10 | funman | u-boot https://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2006-December/018299.html |
22:58:30 | funman | ah next to each other :) |
22:58:59 | _Bilgus | I had found it last week |
23:00 |
23:05:27 | pamaury | there is something i never really thought about, is the nand flash wired to the nand block of the AS353x? In other words, could we use the nand interface to talk directly to the flash, bypassing the sd<->flash black box? |
23:06:22 | _Bilgus | I tried it |
23:06:43 | pamaury | and? |
23:07:36 | _Bilgus | I didn't get anywhere with it |
23:07:37 | _Bilgus | lol |
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23:09:19 | pamaury | there would be some magic involved though, assuming it's even possible (which it should), the nand pins must be multiplexed between the nand interface and the sd to flash block, so some register controls that |
23:10:33 | pamaury | do we even have the pinout of the AS3525v2? is it the same as the v1? |
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