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#rockbox log for 2017-12-31

00:00:32Bilgusno you have to compile a logf build
00:02:27CH23i believe i did
00:02:48CH23but as i am clueless i might as well not have
00:03:33Bilgusso for example.. mkdir mylogfbuild ; cd mylogfbuild ; ../tools/configure
00:03:47CH23in apps/playback.c i removed '#if 0' and '#endif'
00:03:52Bilgusthen select your target and hit A for advanced
00:03:58Bilgusand press L
00:04:27BilgusIDR if you can just select L directly at the prompt
00:06:07__builtinyou have to press A first, I think
00:26:32CH23does 'audio_on_codec_complete(-1)' seem like something that shouldn't be?
00:29:07 Quit ender` (Quit: My ventilation ducts will be too small to crawl through. — Evil Overlord List #2)
00:38:59Bilgusidk I can't tell what the status signifies try adding #define PLAYBACK_LOGQUEUES
00:55:15CH23rebuilding. thanks for your help
01:05:50CH23in the time i logged, i had 2 tracks skip, and for both that line is there
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01:14:05Bilgusnarrow it down to just a track that skips and one that doesn't also check the size of the album art and the sample rate on those skipping files
01:18:26 Quit michaelni (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
01:22:55Bilgusjhmikes or saratoga could probably tell you..
01:31:01 Join michaelni [0] (~michael@
01:40:02CH23i have an album that skips but only from 2nd track on, the sample rate is redbook (44.1kHz, 16bit), album art is not embedded, album art in directory is 610x500px, 98.6kB
01:41:15CH23all are separate tracks
01:44:40CH23i'll see if i can repeat this behaviour, and if i can i'll copy the files to the internal memory
02:08:31CH23on build 3.14 and on latest build it seems to work normally so now i wonder if i somehow made this happen with a setting
02:12:33jhMikeS CH23: which revision were you running? I did fix a couple of goofups after changing some major things which could explain why it's fine now but not before, depending.
02:15:07CH23between 9th of november and 15th of december
02:15:44jhMikeSdon't have the specific number from Rockbox Info?
02:17:08CH23Version: 63eae43M-171109 , Version: 63eae43M-171110 , Version: c8564f1M-171215
02:19:53jhMikeSthe latter one had the goof
02:20:59jhMikeSit had all of them in fact and sounds like something someone else reported in the forums which made me give the code another going over
02:21:58CH23i thought my micro SD card was dying heh
02:23:56CH23just build again using latest dev release, and it seems to work
02:25:38CH23jhMikeS, could you link to the forum post?
02:31:44jhMikeS,52105.0.html (OP claims it's solved BTW)
02:33:36CH23i think OP is right
02:34:34 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
02:35:02CH23thank you, jhMikeS, you bring joy back to music :)
02:41:17CtcpIgnored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood
02:41:17*jhMikeS bows :p
02:47:11CH23also another issue i had recently was that it wouldn't automatically shut down when idle
02:55:51 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
02:55:51jhMikeSthat's unrelated and I can't think of anything changed in that area recently
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18:14:41CH23Happy new year all!
18:24:17 Join alexweissman [0] (
19:04:29 Quit CH23 (Quit: Leaving)
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19:28:38 Quit deevious (Quit: deevious)
19:33:27__builtingod, the duke3d engine code is horrendous
19:34:00__builtinany comments are completely misleading
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