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#rockbox log for 2018-01-09

00:01:57__builtinulmutul: ^
00:03:27ulmutulhm, I haven't got any mail :/
00:04:02ulmutulAh, sorry, got it!
00:04:26ulmutul(I think it's already too late for me today :) )
00:07:08ulmutulNow it hangs at "Mix_OpenAudio 1"
00:07:22ulmutul__builtin: ^
00:07:47__builtinok, let me narrow down the problem some more
00:12:43 Quit ender` (Quit: Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. — Philip K. Dick)
00:12:51ulmutul__builtin: "Mix_OpenAudio 1" again.
00:20:52ulmutul__builtin: still the same: "Mix_OpenAudio 1"
00:23:25__builtinargh, I forgot to do make zip
00:23:35__builtinthe last couple were the stale zip file :(
00:27:59ulmutulyea, seems to work!
00:29:02__builtinit runs the game?
00:29:20ulmutulAt least the menu.
00:29:52ulmutulI'm waiting for something to happen after "select skill"...
00:30:13__builtinit freezes there?
00:30:21__builtintry disabling sound
00:30:40__builtindoes sound on the menu work?
00:31:00ulmutulYes, that's what I thought.
00:31:33__builtinis there sound on the menu?
00:31:35ulmutulHm, now it hangs after "SDL_OpenAudio 14". I'll reset and try again.
00:32:29__builtinwhen does this freeze happen?
00:36:19ulmutulGame is playable with sound disabled! :)
00:36:54__builtinI ran into a similar bug before sound was implemented
00:37:13__builtintry enabling sound once in the game
00:37:53ulmutulImmediately trying to restart duke leads to a data abort
00:38:21ulmutulpc 013905f8, sp 01c42250
00:40:27ulmutulHm, I can reproduce the hang at "SDL_OpenAudio 14" if I start the game with headphones connected
00:40:55*ulmutul was never aware that this target has a headphone detection
00:43:31 Quit dys (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
00:46:38ulmutulWhen I enable sound in-game, nothing happens. No sound, game continues like before.
00:51:41ulmutulI have a "SDL_OpenAudio 14" hang now without the phones plugged in, so maybe it's some kind of sporadic error :/
00:54:04ulmutulHowever, gtg now. I'll read the logs and try test builds if you have new ones.
00:54:13ulmutul__builtin: ^
00:57:23 Quit ulmutul (Quit: Leaving)
01:00:06__builtinok, thanks
01:01:23 Quit this_is_a_nick (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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02:36:14__builtinulmutul (logs): I have a suspicion the bugs are a side-effect of running the audio thread on the portalplayer's coprocessor
02:47:13__builtinemailed you the link (which you should be able to predict from the last few!)
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06:03:29 Quit Jack87 (Quit: Jack has left the building.)
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07:45:45CH23_Bilgus, did you manage to look into the disk activity preventing sleep issue yet, or is there something more i can do to help?
07:49:53_BilgusI haven't yet Its on my list though
07:50:39CH23that's alright, i understand there's always plenty of stuff that needs to be done, and personal life is a thing too :P
07:53:27 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
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12:12:05 Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: "It's now safe to turn off your computer.")
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20:01:59lebelliumpamaury: just got a like-new NW-A35 for €80 :D
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21:01:18 Join ulmutul [0] (~ulmutul@rockbox/developer/ulmutul)
21:02:41ulmutul__builtin: congrats, Duke3d is running on yh925 (with sound)!
21:14:00 Quit MrZeus (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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21:24:32pamaurylebellium: wow :-o
21:25:01__builtinulmutul: Thanks!
21:25:09pamaurynow we "just" need to break the encryption
21:27:01lebelliumpamaury: I could lend it to you for some time if that helps but being like new, I don't really feel like letting you disassemble it :D
21:27:42pamauryhaha, to be honest I don't feel like disassembling the whole thing, we have to come up with a pure software solution. I should restart my investigation on the dock
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21:31:58lebelliumonce you broke the encryption, I'll buy the €1000 WM1 \o/
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21:41:11pamaurylebellium: I might just do it to see you buy that ;)
21:42:10pamaurywho has access to some lab, has very very steady hands and can solder ultra small wires?
21:56:03 Quit JannF (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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23:53:00 Quit ulmutul (Quit: Leaving)

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