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#rockbox log for 2018-05-11

00:14:04 Quit petur (Remote host closed the connection)
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00:54:23 Quit ender` (Quit: Information travels more surely to those with a lesser need to know.)
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05:20:42snapfractalpopAnyone running rockbox on a nano2g?
05:22:37snapfractalpopif mine is off for more than a few minutes, it always boots to a blank white screen (and requires a hard reset, i.e. holding menu+select). I suspect may have more to do with the emCore then rockbox, but I'm not sure, and was wondering if this is a known problem, or if there is a fix
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05:44:13 Join JdGordon_ [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon)
05:55:41 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
06:04:14 Quit [Saint] (Quit: No Ping reply in 120 seconds.)
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06:20:43 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
06:21:13snapfractalpopHey TheSeven!
06:25:24 Quit [Saint] (Quit: No Ping reply in 120 seconds.)
06:26:10 Join [Saint] [0] (~sinner@rockbox/staff/saint)
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07:35:48user890104snapfractalpop: please uninstall emcore and use the rockbox bootloader instead
07:36:55snapfractalpopuser890104: hm.. I tried running the ipodpatcher program without arguments. Is there something extra that needs to be done to use the rockbox bootloader?
07:37:22user890104snapfractalpop: you can use Rockbox Utility to perform an installation
07:37:45user890104if you use ipodpatcher, you need to check what is the correct argument
07:37:56user890104before switching bootloaders, make sure emcore is completely installed
07:38:13user890104or bad things(tm) will happen
07:38:18snapfractalpopcompletely installed? or completely uninstalled?
07:38:27user890104uninstalled, sorry
07:39:31snapfractalpopuser890104: I don't know for sure that I can go back to the original ipod factory state (if I remember correctly, it may be botched)
07:39:54snapfractalpopis the idea to use the menu within emCore to uninstall?
07:40:08snapfractalpopor is there also a way to do it through ipodpatcher?
07:44:06snapfractalpopuser890104: I see some commands here:
07:44:33snapfractalpopand I have an option within emCore to uninstall (on the ipod itself)
07:45:05snapfractalpopbut I do not know where the "rockbox bootloader" is (is there an image somewhere I need to download)?
07:45:43snapfractalpopI already have a zip file that contains the ".rockbox" folder
07:53:32snapfractalpopImage 1:
07:53:34snapfractalpop RSRC - 16779264 bytes
07:53:36snapfractalpopImage 2:
07:53:38snapfractalpop OSBK - 6252544 bytes
07:53:40snapfractalpopImage 3:
07:53:42snapfractalpop AUPD - 1105920 bytes
07:53:44snapfractalpopImage 4:
07:53:46snapfractalpop Main firmware - 52288 bytes
07:53:54snapfractalpopthat's the result of ipodpatcher −−list
07:54:07user890104OSBK is the apple firmware, main firmware is the Rockbox bootloader
07:54:31user890104in order to uninstall, ipodpatcher deletes Main firmware and renames OSBK to Main firmware a.k.a. OSOS
07:55:11user890104if that doesn't work, you may need to restore with itunes (make sure you have a copy of the music/files on the ipod somewhere else)
07:57:26snapfractalpopuser890104: I don't have itunes (I'm on linux) but I also don't mind if I can't go back to the original ipod firmare
07:57:50snapfractalpopI found some bootloaders here:
07:58:10snapfractalpopbut the one listed for the nano2g looks really old (older than emCore)
07:58:21snapfractalpopand even older than the iLoader one I used to have
08:00:13user890104snapfractalpop: since emcore is not developed anymore, your best bet is to switch to the rockbox bootloader, and use either the last stable nano 2g build, or use the development one
08:00:46snapfractalpopuser890104: that sounds good. Is the link I just posted the right place to get it?
08:00:48user890104while you can use the commandline to install the bootloader, i'd recommend using the Qt GUI a.k.a. Rockbox Utility
08:05:20 Quit deevious (Quit: deevious)
08:05:52snapfractalpopuser890104: oddly, when I uninstalled emCore, now it boots with the apple logo, then boots to rockbox
08:06:04snapfractalpopno more emcore, but rockbox still boots
08:08:13user890104well, you may have the rockbox bootloader installed before emcore
08:08:40user890104and uninstalling emcore actually brings back the rockbox bootloader in place of apple's
08:09:05snapfractalpopyeah, that sounds right
08:09:41snapfractalpopthe only thing I have left to figure out is how to get out USB disk mode without unplugging..
08:09:45snapfractalpopunless there is no way to do taht
08:10:04user890104you want to use the ipod while charging?
08:10:07snapfractalpopI know if you hold down a key while plugging in, you can
08:10:20snapfractalpopbut not sure if there is a way to get out of it once already in that mode
08:10:33snapfractalpop(aside from unplugging and holding a replugging in)
08:10:39user890104that's the way to do it, i think there's no option to exit disk mode without unplugging
08:10:58snapfractalpoplikewise, I'm not sure if there is a way to enter disk mode from rockbox, without unplugging and replugging in
08:11:38user890104uhm well, there is none afaik
08:12:02snapfractalpopuser890104: thanks for your help!
08:12:15user890104snapfractalpop: you're welcome
08:12:42snapfractalpopperhaps this can be a project for me.. create a USB switch that "interupts" the power on the line for this purpose
08:13:21snapfractalpopif I splice a push-button into a spare usb cable, I can make this easier (I use this in the car, so it would be annoying to have to always unplug and replug in)
08:25:37 Join ender` [0] (
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12:04:53user890104hello, i get the following error when compiling rockbox for ipod6g:
12:05:29user890104crt0.o is there:
12:05:33user890104vagrant@rockbox-dev:/rockbox/build-ipod6g$ ls -lha ../firmware/target/arm/s5l8702/crt0.o
12:05:33user890104-rwxrwxrwx 1 vagrant vagrant 2.2K May 11 09:19 ../firmware/target/arm/s5l8702/crt0.o
12:05:45user890104does someone have an idea what's wrong?
12:07:40user890104i have patched tools/functions.make so it fixes a wrong use of full_path_subst
12:07:48user890104- c2obj = $(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(full_path_subst $(ROOTDIR),$(BUILDDIR),$(1))))
12:07:55user890104+ c2obj = $(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(call full_path_subst,$(ROOTDIR),$(BUILDDIR),$(1))))
12:10:57user890104also, the build-xxx/uisimulator directory is not created when cross-compiling a simulator, it needs to be mkdir at hand
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19:11:10a_duckthe captcha on the theme download pages doesn't work "reCAPTCHA V1 IS SHUTDOWN" apparently
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22:20:20__builtinuser890104: does it work when patched?
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