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#rockbox log for 2018-05-29

00:01:32 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
00:03:08 Join Strife89 [0] (
00:19:11 Quit ender` (Quit: Live your Life in such a way that the Westboro Baptist Church will want to picket your funeral.)
00:54:50 Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
01:09:06 Join noobineer [0] (~noobineer@2601:401:8000:bc5f:2d86:d440:7d5:82ee)
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01:39:34 Join SovietShaman [0] (
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01:46:30 Nick SovietShaman is now known as CommunistWitchDr (
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01:50:44 Quit [Saint] (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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02:00:21 Quit CommunistWitchDr (Quit: Fuck this, I'm out)
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02:15:08 Join [Saint] [0] (~sinner@rockbox/staff/saint)
02:18:16 Quit prof_wolfff (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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02:41:29 Nick SovietShaman__ is now known as CommunistWitchDr (
02:45:31 Quit SovietShaman (Quit: Fuck this, I'm out)
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16:26:58 Join Exec_ [0] (c712f917@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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19:39:31mendelmunkisBilgus: Sure I'll make nightviewer consistent, but i don't see what's inconsistent about it.
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19:40:04Bilguslook at the other functions..
19:40:52Bilgusyou have your conditional define outside the function where as the others leave the void stub and place the conditional inside
19:42:47mendelmunkisAh. When I wrote it I was looking at tv_set_font which has the conditional outside. I just realized thats probably because the input data type doesn't exist otherwise
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19:46:23Bilgustv_set_font is also static..
19:47:40mendelmunkisI hadn't noticed
19:48:12Bilgusif you set up like this you can get rid of the other conditionals..
19:49:51mendelmunkisYes but I want to keep the conditionals in the menu
19:51:14Bilgusthats a given I'm saying in that same source file @224, 238
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19:57:21 Join [Saint] [0] (~sinner@rockbox/staff/saint)
20:01:57mendelmunkisHow do I add a patch set note?
20:04:28Bilgusclick reply
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20:11:11Bilgusnp @mendelmunkis did you test it on some 1-bit/greyscale targets at least in the sim?
20:15:27mendelmunkison the first patch set yes im testing the 3rd now aginst sim clip+
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21:46:29mendelmunkisBilgus: doesn't have an effect on greyscale, what is a 1 bit target?
21:46:43Bilgusclip+ is 1 bit
21:46:54mendelmunkisnot greyscale?
21:47:00Bilgusipod 4g is greyscale
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23:34:40 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
23:50:31 Quit ender` (Quit: Do not meddle in the internals of kernels, for they are subtle and quick to panic.)
23:50:54 Quit krabador (Remote host closed the connection)

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