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#rockbox log for 2019-03-07

00:44:50 Join Soap_ [0] (~Soap@rockbox/staff/soap)
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01:31:05 Quit foolsh_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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03:54:25 Quit aphirst (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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05:08:47 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
05:09:20 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
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05:57:19 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
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05:57:19Mode"#rockbox +o ChanServ " by
06:46:31 Join CH23 [0] (
06:47:49CH23i'm having an interesting issue where voicefiles are louder than they should be until i go to the volume menu, and cancel out of there
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06:54:21 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
06:56:31BilgusCH23 after you do that does the volume stay where you want it for the remainder of the session?
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06:59:12Bilgusalso are beeps louder as well?
07:32:41CH23if i cancel out of the menu, the volume stays as it was shown before, but the voice files aren't as loud
07:38:43CH23it's an ipod classic, if you mean the 'ticks', those are at same level all the time
07:40:49CH23the voicefiles will also play at normal volume after starting a track
07:41:52CH23i have to go now, will read logs.
07:41:54 Quit CH23 (Quit: Leaving)
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14:18:04BilgusCH23 my guess is that the initial state is higher (say 0) then you play a track and the volume gets initialized properly
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15:27:19 Join CH23 [0] (5362e593@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:27:51CH23Bilgus: yeah that's what I was thinking as well, but shouldn't it check after startup?
15:28:34BilgusLooking at it I don't see it happening till playback is initialized
15:28:49Bilguscan you compile patches?
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15:50:44BilgusCH23 see if this does something for you
15:51:34BilgusI doubt this is the best place to change volume for talk but it should let us know if the suspicion is correct
15:51:53CH23Bilgus: I can't compile where I am right now, won't be able until the weekend either
15:52:13Bilguswhat target
15:52:36CH23ipod classic
15:53:04Bilgusoh duh you said that above ok It'll be a bit but I'll compile it
15:53:15CH23thanks :)
16:00:11 Quit dandels (Quit: WeeChat 2.4)
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16:28:06BilgusCH23 it'll be a few minutes before it is uploaded
16:28:40CH23i'll check in 5?
16:29:01Bilgusits already up
16:31:10CH23was this build against 3.14 or against head?
16:44:29CH23okay good, i believe there was some issue i had with earlier builds with playback
16:45:18BilgusIts a PITA to go backwards its an ever forward progression here :p
16:46:46CH23still loud as hell on boot
16:48:05Bilgushmm ok I'll have to look into it more hopefully it presents on other targets as well but I've other things I need to get done first
16:48:58Bilgusboth on Rockbox and RL but i'll add it to my list unless someone else takes it
16:49:42CH23normally i'd check myself but work is taking up a lot of my spare time atm
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