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#rockbox log for 2019-09-03

00:08:30DEBUGEOF from server (Connection reset by peer) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 545)
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03:13:00flashpointwhere are the instructions for installing rockbox on the ibasso dx90
03:13:04flashpointI found the daily build
03:13:20flashpointcan't find the instructions
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09:58:49user890104someone was talking about 6502 emulation in rockbox
09:59:10user890104so here's oricutron on ipod classic, running at .25x speed for some reason
10:00:08user890104their code is pretty extensible, so the rockbox-specific changes could be merged upstream, also it's GPL2
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21:35:47ulmutuluser890104: interresting. TBH I never heard of the Oric computers. However I think that 0.25x speed is a bit on the slow side for a machine like the iPod classic, though I don't know how complex the graphic and sound system of Oric systems is.
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