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#rockbox log for 2019-12-17

00:06:04 Quit Natch (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
00:09:23 Join Natch [0] (
00:22:49 Quit SherbetS (Quit: SherbetS)
00:23:10 Join SherbetS [0] (~Thunderbi@
00:47:44 Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: "It's now safe to turn off your computer.")
00:58:29***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
01:43:46 Quit asaba (Quit: Relay server offline)
01:43:57 Join asaba [0] (~asaba@
01:55:19 Join MrZeus [0] (
02:33:26 Quit MrZeus (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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03:25:53 Quit JanC (Remote host closed the connection)
03:26:13 Join JanC [0] (~janc@lugwv/member/JanC)
03:58:29 Quit cockroach (Quit: leaving)
04:10:49AzurusGood evening.
04:14:11__builtinhi Azurus
04:14:41AzurusI am guessing that the battery question fell into the unknown catagory?
04:58:33***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
05:07:18 Join Timelapser [0] (
05:07:57TimelapserHello I've connected my ipod to the computer but it wont show up anywhere.
05:09:21TimelapserVia it uses rockbox
05:11:02TimelapserI have restarted it using Menu + Center button but it still won't show even though it says its connected
05:51:59 Quit amdj (Quit: quit (v.): to give up or resign, let go, relinquish)
05:52:03 Join amdj [0] (~aaron@freenode/staff/atheme.amdj)
05:54:10 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
05:54:26 Join [7] [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
05:55:20 Quit Ruhan (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
05:59:39 Quit Timelapser (Remote host closed the connection)
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07:21:39 Join ZincAlloy [0] (
07:26:02 Quit ZincAlloy (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
08:06:16 Quit APLU (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
08:54:54 Join petur [0] (~petur@
08:54:54 Quit petur (Changing host)
08:54:54 Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur)
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09:19:54 Quit deevious (Quit: deevious)
09:34:12 Join deevious [0] (~Thunderbi@
09:34:54 Join TheSphinX_ [0] (
09:36:02 Quit TheSphinX^ (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
09:36:02 Nick TheSphinX_ is now known as TheSphinX^ (
09:59:44 Join pamaury [0] (
09:59:44 Quit pamaury (Changing host)
09:59:44 Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
10:01:33 Join scorche [0] (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche)
10:02:05 Join tchan1 [0] (
10:02:36 Join SherbetS_ [0] (~Thunderbi@
10:02:49 Join amdj` [0] (~aaron@freenode/staff/atheme.amdj)
10:02:50 Quit amdj (Killed ( (Nickname regained by services)))
10:02:50 Nick amdj` is now known as amdj (~aaron@freenode/staff/atheme.amdj)
10:03:18 Join rogeliodh4 [0] (
10:03:26 Join Strife89_ [0] (sid399903@gateway/web/
10:03:37 Join Ckatt [0] (~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g)
10:04:51 Join vup2 [0] (~~~~@
10:06:24 Quit bluebrother (Disconnected by services)
10:06:29 Join bluebrother^ [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother)
10:06:37 Join aevin_ [0] (
10:08:07 Join Natch_g [0] (
10:08:30 Join Timelapser [0] (
10:09:05 Join bremner` [0] (
10:09:18 Join shapeless [0] (shapeless@2001:41d0:401:3100::8a33)
10:09:35 Quit bremner` (Changing host)
10:09:35 Join bremner` [0] (~bremner@debian/developer/bremner)
10:09:38 Join emacsoma1 [0] (
10:09:41TimelapserHello I am having difficulties mounting my ipod onto my computer. The computer won't recognize the Ipod, but when it does it is recognized as a removable disk aka the disk is empty. Is there any way of fixing this?
10:09:51 Join ParkerR_ [0] (
10:10:44 Quit SherbetS (*.net *.split)
10:10:44 Quit Natch (*.net *.split)
10:10:44 Quit rogeliodh (*.net *.split)
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10:10:47 Quit scorche` (*.net *.split)
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10:10:48 Quit Strife89 (*.net *.split)
10:10:49 Quit vup (*.net *.split)
10:10:49 Nick Ckatt is now known as Ckat (~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g)
10:10:49 Nick rogeliodh4 is now known as rogeliodh (
10:10:49 Nick Natch_g is now known as Natch (
10:10:51 Nick SherbetS_ is now known as SherbetS (~Thunderbi@
10:11:23 Nick shapeless is now known as sh4 (shapeless@2001:41d0:401:3100::8a33)
10:11:54 Nick sh4 is now known as Guest39887 (shapeless@2001:41d0:401:3100::8a33)
10:28:11 Part Timelapser
10:36:58 Quit petur (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10:39:43 Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur)
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11:23:49 Join Ruhan [0] (uid76353@gateway/web/
12:58:42***No seen item changed, no save performed.
13:02:18 Quit SherbetS (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
14:00:40 Join cockroach [0] (~blattodea@pdpc/supporter/active/cockroach)
14:02:39 Join SherbetS [0] (~Thunderbi@
14:33:34 Quit Ruhan (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
14:41:15 Quit tchan1 (Quit: WeeChat 2.6)
14:44:13 Join massiveH [0] (
14:44:58 Join Rower [0] (~husvagn@
14:47:44 Join tchan [0] (
14:47:44 Quit tchan (Changing host)
14:47:44 Join tchan [0] (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
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15:16:22 Nick emacsoma1 is now known as emacsomancer (
16:12:41 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
16:38:54 Quit GeekShadow (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
16:40:30 Join GeekShadow [0] (
16:40:30 Quit GeekShadow (Changing host)
16:40:30 Join GeekShadow [0] (~antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow)
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17:01:36 Join vmx [0] (
17:03:30 Quit koniu (Remote host closed the connection)
17:04:28 Join koniu [0] (~koniu@gateway/tor-sasl/koniu)
17:08:25 Quit deevious (Quit: deevious)
17:09:41 Join p3tur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur)
17:09:44 Quit p3tur (Remote host closed the connection)
17:13:12 Quit petur (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
17:15:36 Join Ruhan [0] (uid76353@gateway/web/
17:17:46 Quit koniu (Remote host closed the connection)
17:18:42 Join koniu [0] (~koniu@gateway/tor-sasl/koniu)
17:19:53 Join deevious [0] (~Thunderbi@
18:06:50 Join ZincAlloy [0] (
18:09:20 Quit ZincAlloy (Read error: No route to host)
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18:15:39 Join APLU [0] (
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19:18:53 Join lebellium [0] (
19:25:19 Quit Ruhan (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
20:27:59 Join Timelapser [0] (926f9c33@
20:32:42TimelapserHello I have been experiencing slow load times on Rockbox and a excessive loss of power. Even after leaving the device charging overnight. It takes a long time to boot up. I installed a new battery 3000mah that should work better. Except its happening to the same battery like before. 730mah. For some reason when I mount the device to a computer it
20:32:43Timelapserdoes not get recognized or when it does it is only recognized as a removable device, Insert a disk, No disk found.
20:41:35 Join MrZeus [0] (
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21:16:51 Join Ruhan [0] (uid76353@gateway/web/
21:27:31 Part Timelapser
22:10:02 Quit Natch (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
22:13:31 Join Natch [0] (
22:16:57 Quit Rower (Quit: Hmmm...)
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23:07:55 Quit vmx (Quit: Leaving)
23:11:15 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
23:44:42 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
23:45:33 Quit krabador (Max SendQ exceeded)
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23:47:28 Join timetraveler [0] (
23:48:48timetravelerHello I have been experiencing slow load times on Rockbox and a excessive loss of power. Even after leaving the device charging overnight. It takes a long time to boot up. I installed a new battery 3000mah that should work better. Except its happening to the same battery like before. 730mah. For some reason when I mount the device to a computer it
23:48:49timetravelerdoes not get recognized or when it does it is only recognized as a removable device, Insert a disk, No disk found.
23:51:21 Join ungali [0] (~ungali@unaffiliated/ungali)
23:56:17 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)

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