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#rockbox log for 2020-04-21

00:04:29***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
00:19:33BilgusI think for now the general consensus is use apple disk mode to transfer files
00:20:07Bilgustheoneblackmage, I've not hear of the issues being on the playback side
00:21:07Bilgusnot IANA Ipod DEV so they might be able to say something else
00:22:31Bilgusalso AFAICT sometimes different cards work others don't ... sometimes its a fake card sometimes its real but rb doesn't like it
00:23:20Bilgusand I think the official status is 'It is a known issue but damned if we have enough info to fix it
00:23:46Bilgusor man power and units to test*
00:25:08speachyyes indeedy
00:25:38speachyI spent some time last night trying to compare asm dumps to figure out why the 4.9.4 toolchain yields bad code on the PP targets
00:26:14speachythat exceeded even my "there's something _really_ wrong with you" level of technical masochism
00:38:31speachyif I had access to one it woudl be another matter
00:43:30 Quit St3ak (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
00:43:33speachythough now that I'm thinking about it a bit more rationally, running 4.4.4 vs 4.9.4 through ghidra wouldn't be such a bad idea
00:47:59 Join St3ak [0] (
00:53:29theoneblackmageOK thanks guys
00:54:24 Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
00:55:19 Quit gevaerts (Remote host closed the connection)
00:55:38 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
01:10:41 Join prof_wolfff [0] (~prof_wolf@
01:14:32 Quit Rower (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
01:20:33 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
01:29:50__builtinspeachy: I've heard ghidra is surprisingly good for debugging your own code
01:29:59speachyghidra's awesome.
01:30:31 Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
01:30:55speachynever used it on my own code though. :D
01:37:34 Quit theoneblackmage (Quit: Leaving)
02:04:32***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
02:06:43speachybluebrother, do you remember if I gave you a non-optimized build for the mini2g after I fixed that NULL dereference in the early boot?
02:33:52 Quit MrZeus (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
03:41:07 Quit bluebrother (Disconnected by services)
03:41:12 Join bluebrother^ [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother)
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03:44:03 Quit fs-bluebot (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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04:12:19 Quit cockroach (Quit: leaving)
04:26:30 Quit krabador (Remote host closed the connection)
05:55:32 Quit TheSeven (Disconnected by services)
05:55:42 Join [7] [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
06:04:21 Quit asaba (Quit: Relay server offline)
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06:06:28 Join asaba [0] (~asaba@
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06:12:02 Quit ZincAlloy (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
06:15:13 Quit ac_laptop (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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09:14:30 Join edhelas_ [0] (
09:35:06 Join gevaerts [0] (~fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts)
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11:07:53 Quit mikroflops (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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11:33:32 Join prof_wolfff [0] (~prof_wolf@
11:58:07 Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
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12:50:06 Quit Acou_Bass (Quit: ZNC 1.7.4 -
12:55:12 Join Acou_Bass [0] (
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14:15:24 Join massiveH [0] (
14:20:00 Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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16:00:00 Join prof_wolfff [0] (~prof_wolf@
16:04:49 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
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16:06:49 Join TheLemonMan [0] (~lemonboy@irssi/staff/TheLemonMan)
16:18:33 Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
16:36:09 Join ZincAlloy [0] (
17:09:41 Part berber ("ERC (IRC client for Emacs 26.3)")
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18:27:26 Quit brasello (Quit: Lost terminal)
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18:50:05 Quit dys (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
18:53:09 Join sakax [0] (~r0b0t@unaffiliated/r0b0t)
19:08:50 Join prof_wolfff [0] (~prof_wolf@
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19:31:25 Join ubervison [0] (~ubervison@2a02:aa12:b106:1b80:4978:337a:24bd:4bbc)
19:47:50 Join MrZeus [0] (
20:02:17 Quit __builtin (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
20:03:06 Join __builtin [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/builtin)
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20:19:46 Join __builtin [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/builtin)
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20:34:17 Join __builtin [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/builtin)
20:42:49speachyOkay, I think I'm done with the forum purging, about 32.5K purged, 20.5K remaining.
20:43:36speachyI'd be willing to bet that a sizeable chunk of the remainig users are also spammy-type things, but my keyword searching has run dry.
20:52:43 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
20:53:11 Join ac_laptop [0] (~ac_laptop@
21:59:53 Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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22:16:59 Quit ac_laptop (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
22:21:49 Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: "It's now safe to turn off your computer.")
22:46:10 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)

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