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#rockbox log for 2020-05-13

00:15:02***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
00:20:49 Quit PimpiN8 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
00:28:29 Join ulmutul [0] (
00:32:30 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
00:41:05 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
00:44:35ulmutul__builtin: I didn't work on the NES emulator yet, apart from adding a buttonmap or two. (It's on my TODO list once I finish the Atari 2600 Emulator :))
00:48:08ulmutulregarding Atari 2600: I have implemented sound now! However the code needs much cleanup and optimization.
00:50:34 Quit krabador (Remote host closed the connection)
00:50:52speachyat least the typical RB target has sufficient buttons to emulate a 2600
00:51:04speachyfor one player, granted
00:51:23 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
00:53:46ulmutulHm... there are also "Reset" and "Select", the Color/SW switch and the Player difficulty switches.
00:55:44ulmutulThe switches can easily be handled in the menu. Curently I'm working out a solution for a good button system for games.
01:00:28ulmutulIt should allow button combos on both sides: a button combo on rockbox side to emulate rarer console buttons (like selct and reset) or other game functions, and it should allow for a single rockbox button to emulate two simultaneous presses on the console. (to enable diagonal movement with e.g. Fuze+'s touchpad)
01:11:11 Join PimpiN8 [0] (~PimpiN8@
01:14:16 Quit atsampson (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
01:18:39 Quit ulmutul (Quit: Leaving)
01:25:47 Join atsampson [0] (
01:31:33 Join skolem [0] (~skolem@
01:45:12 Quit signop1 (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
01:54:03speachyhmm, looks like someone upgraded their sim builder to something a lot stricter.
02:09:02 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
02:13:17 Join signop1 [0] (~signop@
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02:27:07 Quit PimpiN8 (Quit: Textual IRC Client:
02:35:47 Quit krabador (Remote host closed the connection)
03:02:49 Quit sakax (Quit: Leaving)
03:32:42 Quit MrZeus__ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
04:04:32__builtinulmutul (logs): ok, I see. I'll probably take a stab at it myself. Do you mind if I push over the task?
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04:22:23 Quit cockroach (Quit: leaving)
04:29:45 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
04:58:33 Quit ac_laptop (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
05:03:22 Quit krabador (Remote host closed the connection)
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06:49:24 Join advcomp2019 [0] (
06:49:24 Quit advcomp2019 (Changing host)
06:49:24 Join advcomp2019 [0] (~advcomp20@unaffiliated/advcomp2019)
07:43:45 Quit dys (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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08:19:24 Join dys [0] (~dys@2003:5b:203b:100:a64c:c8ff:fef4:13a6)
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08:50:32 Quit Acou_Bass (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
08:59:22 Join Acou_Bass [0] (
09:49:24 Join ZincAlloy [0] (
09:53:47 Quit ZincAlloy (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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10:15:33 Quit CommunistWitchDr (Quit: Fuck this, I'm out)
10:18:35 Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur)
10:25:08 Join ZincAlloy [0] (
10:45:51 Join SovietShaman [0] (
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10:54:23 Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
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11:21:45 Join DaKnig [0] (~pi@
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12:00:14 Quit CommunistWitchDr (Quit: Fuck this, I'm out)
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12:38:10 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
12:47:36 Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
13:12:29 Part DaKnig ("WeeChat 2.3")
13:28:41 Quit Natch (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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13:46:33 Quit Natch (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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14:20:56 Join massiveH [0] (
14:23:05 Join cockroach [0] (~blattodea@pdpc/supporter/active/cockroach)
14:34:26 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
14:46:59*speachy pings the haxx folks again about arranging a date for the www migration.
14:57:32 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
14:58:06 Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury)
15:06:28 Quit MrZeus__ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
15:09:42 Quit livvy (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
15:10:47 Join livvy [0] (~livvy@gateway/tor-sasl/livvy)
15:21:39 Join MrZeus [0] (
15:42:06 Join Rower [0] (
16:06:21 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
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17:45:10 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
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18:55:05 Quit krabador (Quit: Leaving)
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19:02:16 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
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19:28:41 Join lebellium [0] (
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21:13:17 Quit ZincAlloy (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
21:30:37 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
21:55:06 Join ZincAlloy [0] (~Adium@2a02:8108:943f:d824:e9f7:1bd7:9526:2c9b)
21:57:03 Quit Moarc (Quit: i znowu NADMUCHAƁ BALONA)
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21:59:43 Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur)
22:11:02 Quit Rower (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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23:35:24 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
23:52:19 Join akaWolf [0] (~akaWolf@unaffiliated/akawolf)

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