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#rockbox log for 2020-07-24

00:01:12__Bilgus_I kinda wish there was an easy way to chain voice IDs
00:01:57__Bilgus_but it seems like a lot of added complexity for not a lot of code savings after the code is added
00:02:22 Join livvy [0] (~livvy@gateway/tor-sasl/livvy)
00:04:38__Bilgus_I mean Lang IDs its not the voice IDs
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10:11:09Strife89We should upload an copy of all 3.15 builds to
10:12:10Strife89Maybe with bootloader installers so that visitors will have everything they need to install on any given DAP
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10:31:06 Quit Galois (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
10:32:27speachyI mean, if all of goes away then that would be useful, but I don't see the point at this time.
10:34:58speachy__Bilgus_, I agree.. it would be a lot of complexity and overhead and probably wouldn't actually get used in many places.
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14:16:04Strife89I'm going to have to update the wiki page for AndroidPort if I ever figure out what to install with sdkmanager
14:19:49speachysweet, the batteries from aliexpress have arrived
14:21:41***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
14:25:16fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 17f7cc9, 295 builds, 10 clients.
14:36:23Strife89I can hear ranpuraa's fan from across the house :D
14:38:43speachyI can hear it too
14:39:47fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 871 seconds.
14:39:49fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 17f7cc9 result: All green
14:40:15speachynew battery physically fits okay, but how to transfer hte terminal connectors..
14:52:54Strife89What's the battery for?
14:58:17 Join MarcAndersen [0] (~no_znepna@
14:58:50Strife89The sdk setup really insists on making the emulator .zip it's first download :/
15:00:45MarcAndersenHi. The midi player in my sansa clip zip stopped working after playing one song and the next song I selected crashes the midi player. I tried restarting and reinstalling everything but it doesn't work. What could cause this?
15:02:34speachyMarcAndersen, does the disk check out okay (fsck/chkdsk/whatever)
15:03:33speachyStrife89, to replace the (very) shot battery on my xDuoo X3. it would hold for about 3ish hours, and get quite hot during charge and discharge cycles
15:07:23 Quit MarcAndersen (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
15:08:16Strife89Ahh, that sucks. Good luck.
15:10:39speachyhave a nice blister forming from a soldering iron burn but it's all reassembled and charging now.
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15:16:25 Join MarcAndersen [0] (~no_znepna@
15:16:45MarcAndersenNo errors on the disk
15:21:07speachydoes the original song still work, or does that crash too?
15:23:06 Quit MarcAndersen (Quit: I was using NightOwl 0.2.)
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15:23:52MarcAndersenit also crashes.
15:24:11MarcAndersenMy internet connection is a bit unstable right now
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16:12:15speachyHow common is it to us use a Lithium ion battery as a heat sink?
16:13:08mendelmunkisum that strikes me as a problem waiting to happen
16:13:11 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
16:15:08speachythe X3 had the battery adhered to the case and the SoC
16:15:52speachyneed to get some thermal pads.
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16:55:54ulmutulspeachy: I've tested several targets with the new toolchain ( g#2305). Untill now all are working. Tested Samsung YH925 (PP5020), Philips HDD6330 and HDD1420 (both PP5022 I think); Non-PP: Creative Zen, iPod 6G.
16:55:57fs-bluebotGerrit review #2305 at : Build: Bump all toolchains to GCC 4.9.4 + Binutils 2.26.1 by Solomon Peachy
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17:03:18ulmutuliPod Mini 1G (PP 5020): working.
17:06:32speachyafter the archos stuff lands (within the hour) I'll pick back up on the toolchain bumps
17:20:15fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 658026e, 280 builds, 11 clients.
17:20:38speachy....and so it comes to pass.
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17:35:22ulmutulPackard Bell Vibe 500 (PP 5020): working.
17:36:54Strife89speachy: Do you have test results for c200v1 or the Clip+?
17:39:15speachyclip+ worked fine
17:41:46ulmutulSansa Fuze+ is also working.
17:42:30fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 1335 seconds.
17:42:36fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 658026e result: 199 errors 0 warnings
17:42:36fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 503bb79, 280 builds, 11 clients.
17:43:22speachyhuh, fallout wasn't as bad as I'd expected.
17:44:15 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
17:45:40speachymost of the red is a simulator issue
17:59:56Strife89I'll build for my c250 after this round
18:01:47Strife89Assuming I can have all needed gccs and binutils installed simultaneously ("old" set for build client and Gerrit 2305 for a separate checkout on the same PC)
18:03:07fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 1232 seconds.
18:03:09fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 503bb79 result: 196 errors 0 warnings
18:03:10fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 5dbb757, 280 builds, 11 clients.
18:10:53Strife89s/round/string of rounds/
18:11:15speachythe rest of the red is due to my making the backlight api functions depend on HAVE_BACKLIGHT
18:11:27speachybroke a bunch of simulator builds
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18:19:44speachy19 left in this round
18:20:28speachymendelmunkis, it looks like you have two builders trying to connect with the same id (uzziyah-munkis)
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18:21:52fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 1123 seconds.
18:21:54fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 5dbb757 result: 42 errors 37 warnings
18:21:55fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision a3398a2, 280 builds, 11 clients.
18:31:17speachy49 left.. should fix the last of the red, and the next one should solve the last of the yellow.
18:36:09fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 855 seconds.
18:36:10fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision a3398a2 result: 17 errors 37 warnings
18:36:11fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 2127906, 280 builds, 11 clients.
18:36:36 Quit ulmutul (Quit: Leaving)
18:49:57fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 827 seconds.
18:49:58fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 2127906 result: 18 errors 0 warnings
18:50:08 Quit krabador (Quit: Leaving)
18:50:22 Nick mendelmunkis is now known as mendel_munkis (
18:51:20mendel_munkisspeachy: I only have one uzziyah. my internet is sometimes dodgy however it's probably trying to reconnect without having fully disconnected first.
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19:22:46fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 9be5bc4, 280 builds, 10 clients.
19:26:54speachy ulmutul, just to be clear, you tested it with #2305 applied? so all targets were built with the '-Os' that changeset enables?
19:29:14speachyStrife89, it appears that your ipodcolor is the lone one out that fails with these newer builds. If you have time over coming days I'd like to throw various builds your way to try and get to the bottom of why.
19:38:28fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 943 seconds.
19:38:30fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 9be5bc4 result: 7 errors 0 warnings
19:41:44 Join __Bilgus_ [0] (41ba23be@
19:43:12fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision e49c1af, 280 builds, 10 clients.
19:47:29speachytag pushed too.
19:48:50 Quit ac_laptop (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
19:54:19Strife89speachy: Sure, I'll be happy to help
19:58:13fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 901 seconds.
19:58:15fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision e49c1af result: All green
20:01:35speachyfinally, green.
20:03:21speachyincluding the followup patches, the final tally is a net 55,072 lines deleted.
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20:09:29__Bilgus_thats a lot of code..
20:13:01speachyand now the all sorts of wonderful contributions will start flowing in
20:14:05fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 7824b1d, 280 builds, 10 clients.
20:17:10__Bilgus_so the plugin lib uses a lot of room in all those function pointers and prototypes I take it?
20:19:19speachyyes −− but most of the larger deletions were from the removal of the backlight plugin functions when HAVE_BACKLIGHT wasn't defined.
20:19:48speachyand the big MIPS change was from enabling -Os (accidentally)
20:20:25__Bilgus_oh so its not that bad then 6 took ~64bytes?
20:21:29speachy-64? most seem to be in the -24 ..-32 range
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20:22:18__Bilgus_same diff I don't think it'd be worth the effort to rewrite the api with single interfaces to each group then
20:22:33 Quit MrZeus_ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
20:23:00speachynative MIIPS was much lager ~200B for some reason
20:23:42__Bilgus_ike rb->playlist(enum FN, int i, int *p)...
20:24:30__Bilgus_I resorted to that in lua because mapping the rb api into lua was very expensive
20:24:38speachyit will mean a "simpler" API on paper, but all that marshalling/unmarshalling is nearly guaranteed to result in more overall code
20:24:46speachymux/demux I mean
20:27:58__Bilgus_I wonder how hard it'd be to implement a pagefile across all these devices
20:28:26__Bilgus_probably harder than its worth too :p
20:28:38speachyyeah, especially given most of our targets lack MMUs
20:29:00__Bilgus_yeah sorely missed at times
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20:39:10fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 1504 seconds.
20:39:14fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 7824b1d result: All green
20:40:40 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
20:43:41fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 4793510, 280 builds, 10 clients.
21:00:45fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 1025 seconds.
21:00:47fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 4793510 result: 0 errors 78 warnings
21:06:28 Quit ac_laptop (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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21:09:39speachylooks like the translate site hiccupped with what it generated.
21:20:28fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 02b970f, 280 builds, 9 clients.
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21:38:15fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 1068 seconds.
21:38:18fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 02b970f result: 0 errors 79 warnings
21:38:19fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 677848c, 280 builds, 8 clients.
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21:55:39fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 1042 seconds.
21:55:40fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 677848c result: All green
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22:40:30speachystarting baseline of current git master but built with gcc494.
22:41:13speachythe mpegplayer plugin spews a ton of warnings about strict-aliasing rules being violated, but otherwise it's warning/etc free.
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22:57:39fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 469866b, 280 builds, 9 clients.
23:11:45fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 845 seconds.
23:11:47fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 469866b result: All green
23:26:29fs-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision a841761, 280 builds, 9 clients.
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23:37:21Strife89Been testing for five minutes, and it hasn't crashed/frozen yet. :)
23:40:51fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 861 seconds.
23:40:53fs-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision a841761 result: All green
23:56:01 Quit Oksana (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)

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